Why can't we just have a public link for the leaked tracks?

2025.01.18 11:00 Superloopertive Why can't we just have a public link for the leaked tracks?

Grimes herself has said she's fine with people listening to it.
submitted by Superloopertive to Grimes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 abjinternational Lauren Goodger rushes daughter Larose, 3, to hospital in middle of the night after she was 'struggling to breathe'

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Embarrassed-Age3290 my symptoms n my advice

i’ve been vaping since 2020 and i’m 18 and i’m only 7 days clean and i’ve been saying “im going to quit” for 2 years but last week i actually did it! My breaking point was the fact that i literally couldn’t breathe after i’d hit my vape like it was hard to breathe for like 5 to 10seconds after one hit (not even a “big” hit just a normal one), but anyways why does no one talk about the SORE throat!!!! my throat been sore for 5 days and the mucus i keep coughing up is nasty and hard???? my stomach kinda feels like it eating itself no matter what i eat and i randomly think I’m about to throw up all the time but besides that I’m doing great! I’ll be fine lol! but this shit sucks!
However for people that haven’t quit yet or just starting there journeys!
BUY MINTS!! Even if you didn’t smoke mint vapes it has that same icy kinda effect idk how else to explain it and if you liked favors try the “Icebreaker” brand or any favor mints. (Don’t have to many in one day it will FUCK UP ur your stomach and YOU WILL be on the toilet. learned that the hard way)
it just marks the hand to mouth motion in the sucking motion ur use to. if you can change the airflow to make it a little bit harder to suck the water out that helps.
Stay away from people that vape just for those first few days. trust.
gargle salt water! helps the throat feel better in the phlegm to come up easier
lastly, this is controversial but! Tell people that you quit/quitting because it kinda makes you feel like you gotta sick to it! or it they can help hold you accountable.!
submitted by Embarrassed-Age3290 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 The-unreliable-one Theoretical Guide to identify and resist a corporatocracy

Questions to ask yourself: To determine if your government operates as a corporatocracy—a system where corporations wield significant control over political and economic decisions—consider the following questions:

Steps to Resist and Overthrow a Corporatocracy
  1. Disrupt the System of Control: Corporatocracy thrives on stability and predictability. To undermine it, focus on disrupting key systems it relies on:
- **Strike Movements**: Organize nationwide general strikes across industries to halt economic activity and demonstrate the power of the working class. For example, workers at Amazon warehouses, dockyards, or logistics hubs could bring major supply chains to a standstill. - **Blockades and Occupations**: Physically disrupt critical infrastructure, such as corporate offices, transportation networks, and government buildings. Occupy spaces that symbolize corporate power, as was done during Occupy Wall Street. 
  1. Form Underground Networks: Corporatocracies often infiltrate or suppress visible opposition. Form decentralized and secure underground networks:
- **Local Cells**: Organize in small, autonomous groups that can act independently but share a common mission. - **Secure Communication**: Use encrypted communication tools to prevent surveillance and infiltration. Historical resistance movements, like the French Resistance during World War II, offer lessons in building covert networks (see [The French Resisteance](https://books.google.co.jp/books/about/The_French_Resistance.html?id=zJC-CwAAQBAJ&redir_esc=y)). 
  1. Build Alternative Systems of Power: Undermine corporate control by creating and supporting alternative systems that serve the people:
- **Worker Cooperatives**: Encourage workers to leave exploitative corporations and establish cooperatives where profits are shared fairly. - **Community Resources**: Develop mutual aid networks to provide food, healthcare, and housing independent of corporate systems. - **Independent Currencies**: Explore local or digital currencies to bypass corporate-controlled banks and payment systems. 
  1. Propaganda and Psychological Warfare: Counter corporate narratives with a coordinated campaign to shift public opinion:
- **Expose Corruption**: Leak documents and evidence that reveal the ties between corporations and government officials. Examples like the Pentagon Papers and the Panama Papers have shown how such revelations can galvanize public outrage. - **Subvert Media**: Use guerrilla marketing, hacktivism, and viral campaigns to expose corporate influence and promote revolutionary ideas. 
  1. Target the Pillars of Power: Focus on the specific structures that support corporatocracy:
- **Corporate Banks**: Encourage mass withdrawals from major banks to destabilize their financial operations. Promote credit unions and decentralized financial systems. - **Government Legitimacy**: Encourage mass non-compliance with unjust laws and refusal to recognize illegitimate government authority. For instance, boycott elections where candidates are dominated by corporate interests. 
  1. Defend Against Countermeasures: Anticipate government and corporate responses and prepare to resist:
- **Surveillance and Censorship**: Use secure technology and decentralized platforms to communicate and share information. Be prepared for internet blackouts by creating offline networks. - **Legal Repression**: Develop legal defense funds and support networks to protect activists from arrests and lawsuits. - **Violent Crackdowns**: Train in nonviolent resistance methods to minimize casualties and maintain public support. Consider historical examples like the Civil Rights Movement, which effectively used nonviolent strategies against violent oppression (see [Civil Rights Movement Tactics](https://www.civilrightsteaching.org/resource/civil-rights-movement-tactics) ). 
  1. Create a Parallel Vision for Governance: To overthrow an illegitimate system, people need a clear alternative:
- **People’s Assemblies**: Establish local decision-making bodies to practice direct democracy and build trust in grassroots leadership. - **Constitutional Reforms**: Draft proposals for a post-corporatocracy governance model, emphasizing transparency, fairness, and public ownership of critical resources. 
Anticipated Government Countermeasures and Responses
  1. Surveillance and Intimidation: Governments will likely increase surveillance on activist groups, monitor communications, and deploy intimidation tactics such as arrests, harassment, or infiltration.
    Response: Form decentralized networks with secure, encrypted communication to limit exposure. Train members to recognize infiltration and avoid centralized leadership, as this makes movements harder to dismantle. Use community watch systems to monitor and document abuses, distributing evidence to sympathetic independent media and international watchdogs. Counter intimidation by demonstrating solidarity through rapid-response networks that support detained members.
  2. Legislative Restrictions: Laws aimed at criminalizing protests, restricting NGO activities, or granting corporations more protections will be enacted.
    Response: Prepare for non-compliance. Organize mass civil disobedience campaigns targeting unjust laws, forcing authorities to deal with widespread dissent. Simultaneously, create shadow legal systems where communities draft and recognize their own fair governance frameworks. Develop legal defense funds to protect activists and tie up repressive systems in their own bureaucracy.
  3. Propaganda Campaigns: Governments and corporations will use media to discredit activists, portraying them as dangerous, unpatriotic, or chaotic.
    Response: Create counter-propaganda using guerrilla media tactics, such as viral videos, street art, and hacktivism, to spread the movement’s message. Highlight stories of everyday people harmed by the corporatocracy to humanize the struggle. Use satire and humor to undermine corporate narratives while amplifying the movement’s legitimacy. Develop independent media networks to broadcast uncensored content.
  4. Economic Retaliation: Corporations may target activists by firing them, blacklisting them from employment, or cutting off access to essential services like banking.
    Response: Build worker cooperatives to offer alternative livelihoods. Support local economies that bypass corporate systems by using barter networks, local currencies, or decentralized digital currencies. Establish mutual aid funds to assist those who face economic hardship due to their activism.
  5. Militarized Crackdowns: In extreme cases, governments may deploy police or military forces to suppress dissent, using violence, curfews, or martial law.
    Response: Train for nonviolent resistance and rapid dispersal to avoid mass arrests. Establish safe houses and underground networks to protect key organizers. Use secure methods to document and distribute evidence of crackdowns to draw international attention. If martial law is declared, shift tactics to focus on undermining government control through sabotage of critical systems and disruption of supply chains.
Historical Precedents Always remember, you are not the first and you won't be the last to struggle, but we all will have to struggle at some point to have a future worth living for ourselves, our children and their children's children.
  1. The French Resistance (World War II): A decentralized network of cells that coordinated sabotage, intelligence gathering, and propaganda against the Nazi regime. They used covert communication, community support, and an underground network to sustain operations and resist occupation.
  2. The Civil Rights Movement (1950s-1960s): Activists used nonviolent resistance to dismantle systemic racism, enduring violent crackdowns while maintaining discipline. They leveraged widespread public sympathy through media exposure and strategic civil disobedience.
  3. Solidarity Movement (Poland, 1980s): A workers’ movement that opposed Soviet control and corporate exploitation, combining mass strikes with political organization. It ultimately pressured the regime into negotiations, leading to systemic change.
  4. Anti-Apartheid Movement (South Africa): A combination of domestic resistance, international pressure, and underground activism dismantled an entrenched regime. Grassroots organizing, coupled with global economic and cultural boycotts, played a key role in its success.
submitted by The-unreliable-one to americanoligarchy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 MinevXD 13 pro colors ?

Stuck between the 13 pro and 14 pro, Which 13 pro color would look good ? Expect for the Sierra Blue Thanks
submitted by MinevXD to iphone [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 dpublicity Gestión de crisis​

Gestión de crisis​ submitted by dpublicity to noticias_al_momento [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Ottomatik0 Automate optimal settings

Hi everyone
I was wondering if there's any way to automate game settings so that it automatically adapts them to the game I'm launching?
I use both wired Oculus and wireless VD depending on which game I want to play. Some games will run great at 1.5x resolution 90Hz while others can't go over potato resolution at 72Hz. It's kind of a hassle to change settings every time, and also to remember which were the optimal settings for this specific game.
Is there anyway to automate this so I can just double click a game's desktop shortcut and it automatically changes VR settings to what I found works the best for this game?
submitted by Ottomatik0 to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 First_Jacket_1728 Deutsches God Pack

Wisst ihr ob in Deutschland schon jemand ein God Pack in Prismatische Entwicklungen gezogen hat?
submitted by First_Jacket_1728 to PokemonDe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Ill_Throat7042 I turn 8 months in a few days, could you spare some table scrap?

I turn 8 months in a few days, could you spare some table scrap? submitted by Ill_Throat7042 to AmericanBully [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 funox24 Feuerwehr Wildeshausen: Ein Rückblick auf die Jahreshauptversammlung 2024 - NordPlaza.de

Feuerwehr Wildeshausen: Ein Rückblick auf die Jahreshauptversammlung 2024 - NordPlaza.de submitted by funox24 to blaulichtnordwest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Clarry117 Wir haben Abschied genommen

Wir haben Abschied genommen Letzte Woche musste Tali mit nur 9 Jahren über die Regenbogenbrücke gehen. Erst sah alles danach aus, dass sie nur FORL hat, deshalb schlecht gefuttert hat und der OP Termin stand schon. Dann hat sich ihr Zustand innerhalb von 14 Tagen extrem verschlechtert. Am Ende hat sie jedes Futter verweigert und wurde mit einer Spritze gefüttert. Gegen Ende ist das Futter aber nicht mehr drin geblieben und der Ultraschall ergab, dass der Magen und die Gegend drumherum mit Krebs zu sitzt.
Ich bin froh, dass es mittlerweile Möglichkeiten gibt auch Haustieren die letzte Ehre zu erweisen. Jetzt ist sie wieder zuhause ❤️
Danke für 9 wunderbare Jahre.
submitted by Clarry117 to Katzengruppe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 PMRef Simplii Financial Referral Link Reddit: $50 for signing up! Plus the potential for a $300 direct deposit bonus! $450 in total potential earnings!

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submitted by PMRef to promocodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 flyingaxe Sisters in Lace

submitted by flyingaxe to midjourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 SearchDirect2085 gaylors are literally conspiracy theorists

They are making something out of literally nothing. Could taylor be gay/bi? Absolutely! that is none of our business and they should not be speculating. if she IS bi and wants to come out, let her. they are vile omfg
submitted by SearchDirect2085 to gaylorswiftsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Polish_Gamer_WT Experimental "Spider" camouflage cape developed by USSR in 1949

Experimental 1st slide to 4th T-34-85 with the cape IS-4 with the cape IS-4 inside a tank trench T-54 with the cape
submitted by Polish_Gamer_WT to TankPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Secure-Object-5809 No clue how this works

submitted by Secure-Object-5809 to karmaroullete [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 dpublicity Sheinbaum, alcaldes y la participación social de la población​

Sheinbaum, alcaldes y la participación social de la población​ submitted by dpublicity to noticias_al_momento [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 PuzzleheadedDot5133 ينفع ولا خطـ.ر؟

ينفع ولا خطـ.ر؟ عندي مشاكل وبتاع و من غير تفاصيل حياتي متدمرة و على محك. الأنت؟حار لكن في طريق تافه شويه انا لازم اتعالج ولازم اهلي ميعرفوش وانا داخل علي 18سنة وانا مدمن عادة سرية(مدمن حرفياً) تلت اربع مرات يوميا بحكي بعد مجربت بودكاستات و اوقف تدريجي و و و انا بقولكم الحل الاخير ال انا محتاجه مش للعاده بس اي هو بقي؟
اخرج برا محافظتي و ابعد عن اهلي بأي طريقة ممكنه وهما مش هيوافقوا الا لسبب اجيب مجموع هندسة وتكون فمحافظة تانيه كمان مش فمحافظتي وده هيجبرهم يوافقوا وبكده انا ممكن اشتغل وادرس الحاجه البحبها و الاهلي عاوزينها و لما اشتغل من ورا اهلي هعرف الم فلوس ثيرابيست و الدكاترة التانيه الخاصة بمشكلتي
ده. واقف علي مليار احتمال والعائق الاساسي العاده بقي عندي. حاجه اسمها Foggy brain مش بركز ابدااا مش Adhdلا مختلف انا. عادي طبيعي بس بجد. مخي كله ضباب ببقي قاعد ف اللجنه مثلا مخي عطلان وانا حالل السؤال ميت الف مره وكمان العاده بعدتني عن. ربنا بعد. مواظبة تلت سنين بقالي سنه ونص متقطع
شخص. ما. جابلي من الاخر بعد ماعرف تفاصيلي يا اعمل. عملية إخصـ..اء يا اخد ادوية تقليل شهوه الهما دول
انا خايف من الاختيار الاول يمكن لما اكبر شويه لكن التاني انا تمام هحوش واجيبهم بس هل هما ادمان؟ هل خطر. علي سني؟ لازم. روشتة؟ هل جدول؟ عاوز ارجع شاطر وارجع لربنا فاضلي ترم ف تانيه ثانوي قبل تالته ومرعوب انا لومجبتش مجموع فعلا خلاص ملهاش لازمة بقي اليفهم. يرد محدش. يكلمني برا الموضوع رجاء منكم
submitted by PuzzleheadedDot5133 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 MobileNewsBot Next-gen MacBook Air will get a MacBook Pro-like display

Next-gen MacBook Air will get a MacBook Pro-like display submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 _Qualia Temple entrance in Tokyo | Fuji GA645Zi, Kodak Gold

Temple entrance in Tokyo | Fuji GA645Zi, Kodak Gold submitted by _Qualia to mediumformat [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 _BingeScrolling_ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳನ್ನ ಎರವಲು ಪಡೆದು ವಾಪಸ್ಸು ಕೊಡದವರನ್ನ ಏನೆಂದು ಕರೆಯುವಿರಿ?

ನನ್ನ ಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳನ್ನ ನನ್ನ ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲೇ ಧೂಳು ಹಿಡಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಅವಕಾಶ ಮಾಡಿಕೊಟ್ಟು ಸಭ್ಯ ಕನ್ನಡಿಗರಾಗಿರಿ 🙏🏽😂
submitted by _BingeScrolling_ to kannada_pusthakagalu [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 Automatic_You_610 Company Owners and fellow recyclers

Hello folks, My name is Jennifer Jensen. I work for a recycling company in South Bend IN. calle Alternate Source Recycling. I am trying to create my profile for recyclers of all kinds that work with semi or container loads. Right now I have available PA66 -GF-Fr.Also to any business owner that accumulate any typeof recyclables, please join also.
submitted by Automatic_You_610 to recycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 UberObserver Survival Mode, zero deaths [Screenshot]

I think I've finally made the safest set-up for survival mode.
submitted by UberObserver to falloutshelter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 MonitorLSD An Old Replay + Losses 500k+

An Old Replay + Losses 500k+ submitted by MonitorLSD to stakeus [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:00 j0sh2003 Garfield, Week of 1983-09-18

Garfield, Week of 1983-09-18 submitted by j0sh2003 to garfieldweekly [link] [comments]
