
2025.01.18 12:17 echospace anime_irl

submitted by echospace to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 MovieFluffy Look who's got lucky!

I think i never see something barely like this super wheelspin again.
submitted by MovieFluffy to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 BSSLVR Translator

I got my first translator who should i use it on? Im thinking stickbug
submitted by BSSLVR to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Edd_22 Atlantian Spears army WIP

Atlantian Spears army WIP This is my atlantean spears, blood angel successor army has taken a while to get to this stage. This is very much still of the work in progress.
I have three problems with this army so far;
1) I keep finding myself struggling with motivation to paint!
2) I want to add some death company but not sure how to work it into the colour schemes.
3) I love converting but I've been struggling for ideas since I added all the wings to Dante and the SG. So please what mad concepts could be added?
Nothing in here is built for any other reason than the rule of cool, I still have a lot to add to this as well. I've learnt so much taking on this concept and hopefully soon we'll have around 2,000 points to start playing properly!
Obviously I've only painted half the sanguinary guard, and I'm yet to do any details on Dante. I've also in doing these photos. Found lots of little bits that need correcting, so everything in this army is currently at some level of WIP!
submitted by Edd_22 to BloodAngels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Ok_Pizza9861 I’ve just fucking done 70 minutes non stop of thrill of the fight and I’m fucking dying

Also can you lose in thrill of the fight cus in my most recent match i felt like I lost but soemhow I won.
submitted by Ok_Pizza9861 to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 ManuMaker Blade and Sorcery square rectangle bug.

Hi all I have a problem with Blade & Sorcery after graphics card upgrade (I now have a RTX 2070 Super, I use a Quest 3 and in addition, I have the Meta Quest Link App with the viewer set to 90 Hz), the game before never gave me any problems even though I had a worse graphics card, the only thing I changed was inserting the quest link type C cable to the graphics card rather than the motherboard, which should increase the performance.
All other games run smoothly, only with B&S does this happen to me, regardless of how much I modify of the graphics:
It's hard to explain, basically the left eye when you move shows transparent L-shaped outline, with the rendering not matching the right eye, basically there is a line on the left side of the view, it only disappears if you stand still but if you move it reappears and alters the view to the left.
I don't think it's damaged the connection and I also tried deleting the game data but it didn't help.
What can I do?
Important Note: With SteamVR I don't have this problem but I use OpenComposite for performance and network reasons, to make it work I had to replace the “openvr_api” file (from the “steamapps\common\Blade & Sorcery\BladeAndSorcery_Data\Plugins\x86_64” folder) with OpenComposite's openvr_api, I hope this will help solve the problem.
submitted by ManuMaker to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Seirolac I can’t be the only one who thinks Ringo and Gilligan look similar

I can’t be the only one who thinks Ringo and Gilligan look similar Every time I watch Giligans island I am constantly thinking of Ringo every time I see giligan
submitted by Seirolac to beatles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Sea_Poet9170 New show
submitted by Sea_Poet9170 to loveafterlockup [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Lastminutedecisions Cold Morning Air

This morning I rose at a later time than usual, about four in the morning, firm concrete pressing against my cheek through the thin bedroll I have assembled. My dreams have always been extravagant, rare as they are, yet I try to live life with only the most basic of pleasures. My first thoughts on this chilled ice covered morning were of a nice cup of coffee and You.
I tend to think of you on the colder days. I find myself on occasion wondering how you would handle some of the lower temperatures here, you after all aren’t exactly accustomed to the negative twenty degree windchill we are expecting this coming week. I ask myself what you would consider a cold morning, personally as long as it isn’t below 30 I am nice and toasty warm wrapped in linen cloth to stave off the chill.
I wonder what it would feel like to experience your warmth, not the heat of the weather around you, rather the heat your soul emanates just due to your very existence. I know I need to stop writing you, I’ve done a lot of growth and development since we first met, I’ve become the man I wanted to be my entire life but, I’m still missing the bravery required to send you these messages directly in fears of straining our amazing friendship, though I doubt you would allow it to affect us whatsoever.
Still though, on days like today when thoughts of you flood my mind before I have the chance to pry my eyes from their rest, I wonder to myself if you feel even a portion of the electricity I feel between us, can you detect the sparks as well? Probably not, I romanticize reality, awaiting some magical film moment in which everything just clicks so, it’s entirely possible that this chemistry is simply of my imagination. I tend to overthink everything but I find myself unable to overthink my way out of these feelings I have.
I hope it’s a nice warm yet cool day, I hope you got plenty of restful sleep last night, hopefully your life and your mind have settled from where they have been recently. I hope every day is just filled with the same beautiful blessings you’ve provided me with in this short span of friendship. I apologize for so many writings about you, it is after all the only way I know how to express myself, English is a passion I adore getting to use. Anyway, as I feel this cold morning air blowing through the thick layers of clothing I donned this morning, I think of you, I just felt you should know.
(Yet another letter to the void, since my conscious self is too scared to send it to my person as my subconscious self has been telling me to so often recently)
submitted by Lastminutedecisions to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Chronicbias Joshua Zirkzee celebration vs Southampton

submitted by Chronicbias to Eredivisie [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Lopsided-Associate60 t nhắn tin hỏi page việt tân có phải do đảng cộng sản tạo ra không, nó blocvk t luôn

t nhắn tin hỏi page việt tân có phải do đảng cộng sản tạo ra không, nó blocvk t luôn éo hiểu :))
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pada suatu pagi yang cerah, seorang anak kecil bernama Arya bermain di taman dekat rumahnya. Dia sangat senang melihat burung-burung berkicau di atas pohon. Sambil membawa bola kesayangannya, Arya berlari-lari mengejar kupu-kupu yang terbang bebas di antara bunga-bunga. Tak terasa, waktu berjalan cepat dan matahari mulai meninggi. Ibunya memanggil dari kejauhan, meminta Arya untuk kembali ke rumah. Dengan senyuman di wajahnya, Arya berlari pulang,
submitted by Lopsided-Associate60 to VietNamNation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 deepak47 How a HPLC Test works

The HPLC test refers to the process of analyzing a sample using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). This test utilizes a chromatographic technique to separate individual components of a mixture, allowing researchers to identify and quantify specific substances. In the test, a sample is passed through a column containing a stationary phase, and the components of the sample interact with this stationary phase to different extents. These interactions lead to the separation of compounds, which are then detected and analyzed.
How Does the HPLC Test Work? The HPLC test involves several key steps, each critical for achieving accurate and reliable results:
1. Sample Preparation

2. Injection of Sample 3. Separation Process 4. Detection 5. Analysis submitted by deepak47 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Important_Day4873 عاوز بوتوم سناب

submitted by Important_Day4873 to gays_Egypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Original_Sea_6854 For smart people

submitted by Original_Sea_6854 to Animemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Mataturk_m I am new

Hey I need some help. I played this game for about two days on first acc and (bc I made some mistakes first time playing) I made the second acc. On this new account I got Jimbei from choice pull and pulled Egghead Lucci. Now my question is are those right choices and what to do now? Is Lucci ex and should I max him now? What generaly to do in this game and what should my choices be from now on (I need some strats/advices bc all I see are from before 6th anniversary and are vague)? Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english.
submitted by Mataturk_m to OPBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 sandra22223 NY CDPAP Disinformation 2025

There has been rampant disinformation spreading regarding the new New York CDPAP program starting in April. I was told wrong information by my agency that my parents can no longer be caregivers to my grandparents, however this is false!
NYS has released a video stating that you can keep your caregivers. I have called PPL and have also confirmed this information. Please help me spread the word and stop the spread of harmful rumors!
Official NYS video clarifying the rumors:
submitted by sandra22223 to CaregiverSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 LordOfIronFan What is better Proxy for Sanguinius? Why Proxy? I am not paying 4K of my currency for 5.6mm model.

What is better Proxy for Sanguinius? Why Proxy? I am not paying 4K of my currency for 5.6mm model. submitted by LordOfIronFan to Warhammer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 hands---free BANANA | BANANA: Show the peeling of a banana. Note: You will see various handshapes for the dominant hand: "modified O," "F," or even an "X." Here is an example of me using the "modified O" handshape version: Sample sentence: Do you like banana's in your cereal?

BANANA | BANANA: Show the peeling of a banana. Note: You will see various handshapes for the dominant hand: submitted by hands---free to learnASL [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 essighai how to put brush radius hot keys on the expresskeys of my wacomtablet

I don't want to always have to press the F key and drag the pen
submitted by essighai to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Fantastic-Bell2874 i tried to change my swf to mp4 but it fails any idea how to change SWF to MP4!?

submitted by Fantastic-Bell2874 to flash [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Lower-Opposite-1209 Study uncovers mechanism behind Huntington’s disease onset

Study uncovers mechanism behind Huntington’s disease onset submitted by Lower-Opposite-1209 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 mkstewartesq Switching to Internet only no TV, no phone)

Over time, my TV watching has decreased to the point that, for the past several years, I have the most basic level of Xfinity TV service – really just local channels. I don’t even watch that now. I’d like to switch to Internet-only service, preferably with a promo.
However, it seems impossible to do this through my account on the website – there’s no way to modify my service that doesn’t include some level of TV and/or mobile as part of the service. Would appreciate a mod assisting me with changing my service to Internet only, letting me know of any available promos, etc.
submitted by mkstewartesq to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 zqn_2001 My friend sent me this, her pupper’s the most satisfied pupper ever

submitted by zqn_2001 to PuppyBellies [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerik Transfer "borrowed" ebooks

Ooooh, first post. Nervous. Lets say I have a friend, he have pirated alot of ebooks, alot. (But whenever he finds a good one he buys it. He got a bookshelf dreams are made of)
The question: pocketbook have a pretty nite way to transfer books, connect and transfer whatever. But does any other brands do the same? Or will they be a pain and ask about drm or what its called?
Borrow before buying.
submitted by eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerik to ebooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:17 Shiny-Tie-126 Giant egg in Yugoslavia 1971 mirrors the object described by new whistleblower Jake Barber

Giant egg in Yugoslavia 1971 mirrors the object described by new whistleblower Jake Barber Giant egg landing in Yugoslavia 1971/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%204%20no%204%20-%201977.pdf)
7-10 meters giant egg standing on three legs
"The sound was like that of a plane, but I knew that it was too nearby to be a plane. So I stopped and looked. I could see just a kind of radiation. I stepped off my bicycle I was riding towards the valley. Then I noticed that ''thing''. It had legs and it radiated all over. I can remember one thing particularly. In the middle of the object I saw a yellow edge. At the end of the landing legs I could see some round pads which were radiating too."
For more than two weeks there were some holes in the ground. Their diameter was about 15-20 cm. All of them were equally deep. The grass burned.
It took off in a spiral and made a continuous whistling sound.
submitted by Shiny-Tie-126 to UFOs [link] [comments]