Which subreddit is the best place to rant about the current state of the world?

2025.01.18 12:21 willis_michaels Which subreddit is the best place to rant about the current state of the world?

submitted by willis_michaels to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 democrats-kolonia Admissions for the Federation Games.

Hello! The Federation Games Committee are looking for people to be a part in the Federation Games. Once you fill out the form we will email you with instructions on how to send in the video of your turn.
submitted by democrats-kolonia to micronations [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Imaginary_Orchid_261 Reckless Oracle vs Ros Arago

Although two different archetypes I consider them to both be competing against each other. I don't have pattern unlocked for reckless Oracle but genuinely curious is there anything worth running on it when I have Ross Arago? For reference I have Rewind Rounds/Repulsor Brace Onslaught and even golden tricorn. I usually play hunter too.
submitted by Imaginary_Orchid_261 to sharditkeepit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 liveitupdeals Recursos para mejorar tu salud física y mental

¡Hola a todos, amigos de Maximizame! 🌟
¿Alguna vez se han sentido abrumados por la cantidad de información sobre cómo mejorar la salud física y mental? 🤯 A mí también me ha pasado... ¡Y qué estrés!
Hoy quiero compartir algunos recursos que realmente valen la pena explorar. Pero antes, una pequeña reflexión: ¿por qué siempre parece que necesitamos ser superhéroes para mantenernos en forma física y mental? La realidad es que, a veces, menos es más. Así que, aquí van algunos tips y recursos que he encontrado útiles:

  1. Movimiento consciente: No necesitas correr maratones (a menos que te guste). La clave es moverte de una forma que disfrutes:
    • Camina mientras escuchas un buen podcast: Intenta "Meditative Story"; mezcla historias personales con elementos de mindfulness.
    • Practica yoga con Adriene en YouTube: Sus videos son como un abrazo cálido y, lo mejor de todo, ¡gratuitos!
  2. Alimentación que alimenta realmente:
    • Descubre tu plato saludable preferido: Podría ser tan simple como una ensalada colorida o un bowl de avena lleno de fruta. ¿Quién dijo que comer sano es aburrido?
    • Prueba apps de recetas saludables: "Forks Over Knives" tiene opciones plant-based súper ricas. A veces, todo lo que necesitamos es un poquito de inspiración culinaria.
  3. Salud mental sin complicaciones:
    • Diarios de gratitud que no requieren mucho tiempo: Dedica 5 minutos por la mañana. Unos pocos renglones sobre aquello que agradeces pueden cambiar el tono de tu día.
    • Médita con Headspace o Insight Timer: Pruébalas cuando sientas que la mente va a mil por hora. Un respiro puede ser todo lo que necesitas.
  4. Establece límites digitales:
    • ¿Cuánto tiempo pasas en redes sociales? Las apps de monitoreo como "QualityTime" te ayudan a ser más consciente. Porque pasarse horas deslizando la pantalla no es lo más divertido del mundo.
    • Prioriza el sueño: Desconecta al menos una hora antes de dormir. Aprovechemos para leer un buen libro de esos que nos hacen olvidar el móvil por un rato.
¿Qué otros recursos les han ayudado? La idea es que todos nos nutramos de lo que nos funciona. Recordemos que el camino hacia una mejor salud no es una carrera de velocidad, sino de poco a poco, sentirnos mejor cada día.
Espero que estos tips les ayuden tanto como a mí. ¿Quién se apunta a empezar hoy mismo? 😉✨
submitted by liveitupdeals to Maximizame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Over-rated_Enigma 💥🎰RR4WIN

💥🎰RR4WIN https://rr4winaus.com/RF266A33562
submitted by Over-rated_Enigma to payidpokiesnew [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 tip_of_the_mlady What's the overall thoughts on Charlie's Farm and Charlie himself as a slasher?

submitted by tip_of_the_mlady to slasherfilms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 DreamPirates Neha Pendse Marathi Actress

Neha Pendse Marathi Actress submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Jumpy_Creme_7680 God's New Creation Of Humanity

 God's New Creation Of Humanity https://preview.redd.it/jrkmznk2wqde1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba8a5f892e2dec1a7590deb0eaefcc10a9474e82
|| || |God's New Creation Of Humanity|
submitted by Jumpy_Creme_7680 to unitedbyprayer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 LucyXxcc My drawings + the processes ✍️🎨🖼️🖌️💞

My drawings + the processes ✍️🎨🖼️🖌️💞 submitted by LucyXxcc to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 117

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 joe-stars I wish I was never born

I hate this. I was forced out of the comfort of sweet, sweet nonexistence without my consent just because my parents decided so. And now I’m forced to be here. Trapped inside this decaying meat suit that does nothing but bring me pain and torment. I’m forced to deal with every headache, every insult, every period cramp, every loss, every tear, every prejudiced person, every action, every thought, I’m forced to deal with it. I can’t live any day without a headache, it feels like my body is actively trying to kill me. “Take some pain meds” they’ll say, but the pain meds don’t make it go away. Nothing will. I only find peace when I’m asleep, and even then, nightmares torment me. It’s so unfair.
I was born, and forcibly put through all of this suffering. Just for it to all be for absolutely nothing once I eventually drift back into sweet, sweet nonexistence again. For eternity.
submitted by joe-stars to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Similar-Set2517 PUNISHING MARVEL UNIVERSE (MARVEL RIVALS)

YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/zNalAGKkPTg?si=OSyLEe_BbxTgslLN
submitted by Similar-Set2517 to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 ima9inelosing 116196

116196 submitted by ima9inelosing to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 lss_web_1444 Link post title 508

Link post title 508 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 ExcellentGoal6214 How does this work?

How does this work? Why have i been given 185 for 10 hours holiday? Have i been paid for the 5 hours 'unpaid sick'?
I shouldve been paid for 16 hours holiday, so im confused why it says unpaid sick, but it looks like ive been paid for all 16. Am i right?
submitted by ExcellentGoal6214 to tesco [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Kataktisi Anemone my beloved

Anemone my beloved submitted by Kataktisi to DearAnemone [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Professional_Yam4766 ID request please

ID request please Location: ACT, Aus Habitat: Found mushrooms growing in a pot growing spinach, wood based potting mix, with some worm castings added
Mushroom features: - dark brown circle in centre of cap (see top down view) - cap width: range 6-10cm - yellow
From a little googling, I’m wondering if it could be the flowerpot parasol? Any insight would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
submitted by Professional_Yam4766 to mushroomID [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 pettygurll Lakbayaw Festival at kapilya ng INC

Lakbayaw Festival at kapilya ng INC As a context, ang Lakbayaw Festival ay ginaganap taon taon na kung saan may mga tribu/tribo na sumasayaw mula sa iba’t ibang lugar ng tondo habang naglalakbay. (Lakbay - sayaw)
Ito na nga, nang nadaan ang mga tao sa INC aba, biglang pinatahimik ng mga taga kapilya ang mga taga Tondo. Hindi raw pwedeng magingay. Karamihan tuloy natigil ang pagsasayaw.
(Photo credit to PhilStar)
submitted by pettygurll to Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Putrid-K Spicy🌶️ Korean Seafood Ramen - RECIPE BELOW

Spicy🌶️ Korean Seafood Ramen - RECIPE BELOW submitted by Putrid-K to asianeats [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Iamnarcissamalfoy trading these pets :3

trading these pets :3 submitted by Iamnarcissamalfoy to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 FickleMasterpiece404 Hire me!

Hire me.
Anyone looking for a reliable and dedicated chatter who can help you generate sales? Count me in! My experience is a plus since i've worked on pages from top 1% to 0.01%. Let's do a quick call for proofs.
submitted by FickleMasterpiece404 to VirtualAssistantPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 imsofckingcomputer hornet 2 bug?

guys ı was trying to beat hornet 2 and ı think she accidently hit my shield and stuck into snow💀 what should ı do
submitted by imsofckingcomputer to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 thercrunner facts of net worth

thanks everyone for not blaming the mods its these guys who own cvc
CVC Capital Partners is owned by a number of institutional investors, including pension funds, insurance companies, and wealthy individuals. The largest shareholder is Blue Owl Capital net worth, or market cap, was $35.696 billion., a publicly traded private equity firm. Institutional investors

Notable people
submitted by thercrunner to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 omfgkeanu Snapchat on macOS

I'm looking for a way to run Snapchat on macOS with the ability to use OBS as a virtual camera. I tried using Bluestacks, but the current version for macOS Silicon doesn't support the camera, and Snapchat also detects the emulator. Does anyone have a reliable solution for this?
submitted by omfgkeanu to BlueStacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:21 Double--Driver We’re running a real nation

submitted by Double--Driver to hamiltonmemes [link] [comments]
