STB de ne pas céder à une autre requête de ma colocataire ?

2025.01.18 12:11 Seurbale STB de ne pas céder à une autre requête de ma colocataire ?

Salut les trous de balle, j'espère que vous vous portez pour le mieux. J'ai l'impression de me trouver dans une situation ou je suis le problème et pourtant je n'arrive pas à mettre le doigt dessus, je vous explique. Je suis en voyage pour mes études (ERASMUS), et il se trouve que j'ai pris avec moi une amie avec qui je m'entendais plutôt bien. Avant ce voyage, et ce malgré quelques mauvaises ententes majeures, nous avions su recoller les morceau et rester de très bon amis. Cette amie que nous allons appeler Booba, se trouve être instable psychologiquement. Elle a son lot de problème, et toujours ai-je essayer de l'aider, d'une manière ou une autre (rassurer, encourager...). Ce détail aura de l'importance dans la suite. Vient ce voyage où nous vivons à deux dans le même logement, d'environ 25m2, un peu petit certes, mais cela ferait l'affaire pour 5 mois, et puis on avait pas d'autres choix de toute façon, autres logements étant bien plus cher, ou déjà pris par d'autres locataires. Le problème étant que Booba désire autant d'intimité que seule. Et c'est là que le problème se pose. A de nombreuses reprises ai-je dis à Booba que ce n'était pas possible, et qu'elle devait faire des concessions. Pour ma part, je n'ai aucun problème à la colocation et l'intimité, je n'ai tout de même pas envie de me retrouver nu devant elle, cela va de soit, mais partager mon lieu de vie n'est pas dérangeant. De ce fait, les semaines et mois passent. Et Booba se plaint continuellement d'être là, en permanence, et c'est pas une blague. C'est soit tous les jours ou toutes les semaines. Pas un mois passe sans des "je veux rentrer chez moi", "je veux rentrer à la maison", "j'en ai marre", et autres dénigrations du logement et de notre situation, qui n'est je trouve pas si mal. Malgré mes essais, et ceux d'autres camarades de lui trouver des raisons de relativiser et lui dire qu'on vit un super moment, avec un nouveau pays, nouvelle ville, nouvelles personnes à rencontrer (elle s'est trouvée un damoiseau), nul moyen de lui faire arrêter ce comportement qui à la longue devient pénible. De l'autre facette il y a moi, que nous appeler LaFouine. Comme Booba vît plutôt mal la situation, je me retrouve à me faire insulter, dénigrer, me faire mal parler avec une nonchalance légendaire, et ceux TOUS LES JOURS. Cette situation à durée 1 mois et demi, jusqu'à qu'elle trouve son copain. Aujourd'hui elle continue de ma parler mal de temps à autres, mais moins régulièrement. Plusieurs fois j'ai essayer de lui faire arrêter ce comportement, avec plusieurs discussions. Dans lesquelles j'ai encore plus pris pour mon grade avec des "Je ne respecte pas", "T'es juste un bouffon dans tout ce que tu fais, le pire c'est que tu le fais pas exprès c'est juste toi". Je rappelle que je ne l'insulte jamais, me comporte au mieux avec elle, en tout cas dans mes paroles. Nous eûmes une sérieuse discussion mi-décembre pour parler de tout ça, dans laquelle elle m'a reprochée de laisser la vaisselle lavée sur le comptoir, de ne pas mettre les verres la tête en bas, là où je les mettais sur le côté, ou simplement oubliais de les mettre dans une bonne position pour sécher. Et évidemment elle m'avait fait remarquer ça, et ce toujours d'un ton mauvais, méchant, sans aucune volonté de m'expliquer simplement comment faire. Elle reprochait de laisser l'appartement dans un état dégueulasse, passant l'aspirateur quand je pensais le moment nécessaire. De même pour le chiffon qu'elle trouvait sale, ce à quoi elle m'a dit "Pourquoi tu vas pas en acheter un autre ???!!". Aussi elle m'a reproché de moins sortir avec elle elle aux derniers temps où nous avions eu cette conversation, ce à quoi j'ai répondu que il me fallait économiser un peu, les dernières sorties étant un peu trop nombreuses, car il faut savoir que Booba aime sortir souvent, que ce soit acheter des babioles de tous genres, aller voir su sport, etc... Et ceux même si son compte ne lui permettant pas trop de soutenir ce rythme de sorties, étant dans la même situation financière que moi. Enfin j'ajouterais qu'elle m'a souvent décrit à ses amis comme un problème majeur, comme LE problème de sa vie. Et je peux vous dire que j'ai eu quelques échos de ses fameux dires, avec au passage deux crises de plomb de sa part devant nos amis avec des "Tout me casse les couilles tu me fait péter les plombs tous les jours". Le récit commence à être long, je m'en excuse, mais il faut poser le contexte, lui étant quelque peu vaste. Je m'excuse aussi de façon dont je raconte le récit ou de la façon je décris Booba qui pourrais indiquer qu'elle seule est l'unique problème et que je n'ai rien à me reprocher. Nous venons enfin à la dernière partie où nous changeons de logement, dans lequel se trouve un seul lit double. Booba se refuse catégoriquement de dormir dans le même plumard que moi. De ce fait, elle installe un matelas simple qui prends beaucoup de place, et nous gêne tous les deux. Ce qu'elle me demande donc, c'est qu'on échange de place tous les deux jours (exemple), comme ça on profite chacun du lit double. Cependant, je n'ai pas envie de m'abaisser encore une fois à ce que je trouve un caprice. Si elle ne veut pas dormir dans le même lit que moi, très bien, mais qu'elle ne me demande pas d'échanger pour qu'elle puisse aussi dormir dans le lit. Donc dois-je accepter sa requête pour calmer les tensions, ou dois-je être ferme et refuser catégoriquement (ce qui se passe présentement) ? Pour avoir répondu non, elle m'a traité d'égoïste, et m'a re-dit que je suis LE problème de notre collocation depuis le début. Suis-je donc le trou de balle dans cette histoire ? Que dois-je faire ? Quelles décisions prendre ? Je vous avoue que je suis un peu perdu et je vous demande de l'aide à vous parce que je ne sais vraiment plus quoi faire. Merci d'avoir lu mon "petit" paragraphe, et en espérant vous retrouver dans les commentaires.
submitted by Seurbale to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 abjinternational West Ham vs Crystal Palace Live Streaming : Premier League Showdown

West Ham vs Crystal Palace Live Streaming : Premier League Showdown submitted by abjinternational to footballlivewatch [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 CountHonorius Saffron ("Our Mrs. Reynolds") - Firefly

Saffron ( submitted by CountHonorius to ActionFigureGlory [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Honeybadger-0- Please check out our latest Podcast Episode: Do stupendously large black holes exist? on 360 On History

Please check out our latest Podcast Episode: Do stupendously large black holes exist? on 360 On History submitted by Honeybadger-0- to 360onHistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 IllustriousBarber137 Who is this band ?

I need help identifying a band from the mid 2010s , from the US and not widely popular, they had a female singer and a male screamer , like emo-rock with a metal edge. Two main songs released and they split up, she went on to do modelling.
submitted by IllustriousBarber137 to Music [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 AndreaNewsHub Live ceasefire in Gaza: the truce between Israel and Hamas will come into effect on Sunday, January 19 at 8:30 a.m. local time, according to Qatar (orig.: En...) #WORLDNEWS #ceasefire #Live #in #the #Gaza:

Live ceasefire in Gaza: the truce between Israel and Hamas will come into effect on Sunday, January 19 at 8:30 a.m. local time, according to Qatar (orig.: En...) #WORLDNEWS #ceasefire #Live #in #the #Gaza: submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 _tyche- Zee and NuNew complimenting each other 🥰

Zee and NuNew complimenting each other 🥰 💙: Handsome, handsome like me—who could possibly resist~"
🩷: His sparkling eyes, a charming nose and lip shape, a face as if gifted by the heavens, shiny black hair, and a deep, soft voice—10 out of 10, no deductions at all!
📫 📍: X
submitted by _tyche- to ZeeNuNew [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 JoshWW1111 I think I'm getting out of crypto

I've been looking at crypto for a long time, and decided to take the plunge in a few months ago. So I'm a new investor but a long time observer.
In the space of a few months, I've made a 20% profit but i don't have much money so it's not a life changing amount.
However, I think I happened to buy during a downturn, and now I'm selling at a high price. I think it'll come back down again soon so I may as well take all my profits now.
I'm at this weird level of investing where I can't invest enough to actually make decent money, but if I invested more, I'd miss it if I lost it. Even if my coins went up 20-30%, that's asking a lot, and it's only £20 per £100, obviously, and with some amounts, the rewards don't really outweigh the risks.
Even if they go up 100%, I've doubled my money but that would be like getting 1 extra paycheck. That's nice but not exactly life changing and the odds of it going up by 100% is low.
Even Bitcoin, it's over $100k now. For me to double my tiny amount of money, it has to go to $200k. I feel like I'd be waiting a long time just to earn a pretty small amount of money.
XRP is at ATH. I just can't see it doing a 2x or 3x from here
ETH just seems to be bouncing around the same sort of amount. I can't see it suddenly doubling or tripling.
Same for SOL. I've been looking at The Graph which a lot of people were talking up, and it's literally stayed within 10% of its value forever. HBAR goes up by a few pence. XYO feels like it's disappearing. AVAX goes up a bit but again, I just can't see it 2x or 3x.
And any other gains just aren't really worth it.
And lastly, I have a feeling things won't quite take off as big as people think. Bitcoin has been around forever and isn't mainstream. Everything I read about XRP/ETH/SOL/LINK etc is "in the future, in the future, in the future"
I'm not sure when they mean. People said "in the future" 7 or 8 years ago. When? I'm not sure their future is ever coming.
So a bunch of coins might just drop to 0. It's not really worth it for me.
submitted by JoshWW1111 to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 spicypedals Tried a film-free waterslide decal for a new enclosure design.

Tried a film-free waterslide decal for a new enclosure design. I've been using waterslide decals for a while, and when I saw this film-free version, I decided to try it. It has a few extra steps (you have to apply glue, use a heat gun, and bake after removing the film), but the results are superior to the regular waterslide because it transfers the ink (it only works with laser printers; it won't work with inkjet), and you can't accidentally scratch the film because there is no film. I'm not going back to regular waterslide decals.
submitted by spicypedals to diypedals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Ph221200 My genetic results on 23andme, I'm from the Northeast of Brazil with ancient origins from here. Unfortunately I wasn't assigned any specific genetic basic haplogroups are R1b and H1b.

submitted by Ph221200 to DNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Fresh_Mechanic931 [QC] -ESSENTIALS HOODIE

[QC] -ESSENTIALS HOODIE submitted by Fresh_Mechanic931 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 FrikFrik_ İTÜ’de yeni yıl zammı👇🏻 İşletmelerin rekabet edip fiyatı düşürmesi gerekirken neden itüde bir tane bile uygun fiyatlı yemek yok?

İTÜ’de yeni yıl zammı👇🏻 İşletmelerin rekabet edip fiyatı düşürmesi gerekirken neden itüde bir tane bile uygun fiyatlı yemek yok? submitted by FrikFrik_ to IstanbulTechnicalUniv [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 BabyExisting6698 Does anyone have summary sheet for mechanism (substituions eliminatio, addition)..and all their types

I have an exam next day. I don't have time to make a summary sheet for all the mechanisms.
submitted by BabyExisting6698 to OrganicChemistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Forward_Drink_8687 How does your strict mother liked your boyfriend?

submitted by Forward_Drink_8687 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 NorageFromFrance Who’s the best between Bek and Larwong?

I’m planing my hair transplant and will share the result since this sub help me. I first wanted to do it in Paris but you can have one of the best in the world for the same price.
So I have tryed Pekiner but he’s to busy anyway so that my 2 options right there. Bek is much closer so I book with him but to go in Bangkok is not a problem anyway. The most important is the result.
I have thin hair / very thin. Bek suggests less grafts but after we spok he agreed to do the same amount as Laorwong. Both are good from what I found.
Any tips are welcome, if you have key word for them to make natural haire I take it.
Bek have a zig zag that go away anyway, Laorwong don’t do the full surgery idk..
View Poll
submitted by NorageFromFrance to HairTransplants [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 ProdigyHeat Tips for a Level 29 Orc Warrior – Casual tanking journey to 60

Hi everyone!
I’ve been playing WoW for about 5 months now and am really enjoying the game. I’ve already leveled a warrior to 40 in Classic and a mage to 50 in Classic Fresh, but right now I’m focusing on my level 29 Orc Warrior. My goal is to hit 60 and casually raid, possibly as a tank.
Here’s where I’m at:

• I love dungeon tanking and have been learning a lot from the Fight Club Discord (shoutout to that amazing resource). • I want to focus on dungeon grinding from level 29 to 60 but could use advice on how to do it efficiently. • I’m still figuring out how to make decent gold as a warrior—any tips are appreciated! • For raiding, I’d love advice on how to get started as a casual tank at 60—gear, consumables, or anything else I should prepare for. 
Any guidance or tips on these topics would be super helpful:
1. Best dungeons to grind from 29-60 as a tank. 2. Efficient ways to make gold while leveling and preparing for raiding. 3. Advice for someone starting casual raiding as a tank—what should I know or prepare for? 
Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom. I’m looking forward to learning from the community!
submitted by ProdigyHeat to classicwow [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Mr-Macphisto FS—2024 Topps Luminaries #HKAR-DJ Derek Jeter Hit Kings Game-Used Relic Auto /10—$650 shipped

submitted by Mr-Macphisto to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 tattoojew 10 Must Visit Places in Tokyo, Japan! Tokyo Travel Guide

10 Must Visit Places in Tokyo, Japan! Tokyo Travel Guide submitted by tattoojew to japanvlogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 firewizard4404 Concert quality

Has anyone been to one of their concerts recently? Last I went to was in 2022 in LA, and it was amazing, but a big part of that was the chemistry, and I'm worried that's not there anymore with just Matt left in the band. Kinda want to see them again, but don't want to get let down...
submitted by firewizard4404 to Houndmouth [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 fafafuf Where in Cyprus can I find people interested in startups and doing business?

Are there any groups, meetings, or places here?
submitted by fafafuf to cyprus [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 PossibilityRough6424 Some thoughts about DAPs apps

Some thoughts about DAPs apps So guys , Saturday morning , I thought it was interesting to talk about some essential or not DAP software and maybe we can share something , here’s my favourite apps, not saying they are the best , just what I like to use and it’s not a review, I just want highlight some features that justifies my preference.
PowerAmp : it’s a well know player, apparently not bit perfect but I like the way it looks and it’s simple to use comparing to neutron player , the great benefit is to have AutoEq profiles pre loaded so you just need to choose your headphone / IEM in the list and enjoy
PowerAmp EQ : basically its the EQ part of the full app and runs with Spotify , YouTube music, Deezer and some other apps , tidal and cobuz are not included but we will get there in a moment.
Hidizs player : the best free player, the software looks good and have a big plus , you can connect your tidal and cobuz account and use it as a player , the benefit is you can use AutoEq downloading the “custom parametric eq” from the AutoEQ and load it in the Hiby parametric EQ . If you register in to the app , those EQ profiles will be saved and available on any device you use when you login.
RiMusic : it’s a YouTube music player you can find in F Droid archive that basically lets you listen the music for free, not certain about the legality but it’s NOT a craked app , it’s a completely different app build from scratch, very well organised and looks awesome, I dare to say it looks better than the original. The option to download offline music is there but doesn’t work so you can only listen . YouTube music is great to discover some unusual music but not my primary choice for a paying streaming service so this is a nice option.
Podcast Addict : after using a few podcast apps this is my favourite and it have radio stations as a bonus you can organize in categories, I listen a lot of internet radio when I’m working so 2 functions, 1 app , works for me.
Foldersync Pro : this is backup app and the reason why I love it it’s because after a while you lost trace of the files you download recently and you don’t know what you have to backup anymore, so I use it to mirror my sd card music library to my hard disk drive, super convenient but it also can backup to several cloud services.
Emby : this is the poor guy Roon , let’s say you have a old smartphone with a sd card option , you can put your music library on sd card , install Emby server , connect the smartphone to WiFi and leave ther, now you can access your complete music collection anywhere in the world via web browser , something useful if you have a no limit data plan or a free WiFi.
Local send : you have other native options for WiFi connectivity but this is simple and fast for trade files between devices , just install the app in both devices , click send and accept in the other device , you can share folders that’s very handy. Available in F-Droid.
Telegram : I don’t want to get in details but google it and you will amazed.
Honourable mention: USB Audio player pro: I have no doubt this is the best player in terms of sound achievement but personally I don’t like the software and wasn’t a pleasant experience for me and the fact you have to buy add ons after buying isn’t ideal.
Just a last tip, software related : Get a dedicated gmail for your DAP, even if you have bought some apps you only need to add the new e-mail account to your original account family and you can share the apps, no pinning, no codes, no distractions, no security issues.
Have a nice weekend.
submitted by PossibilityRough6424 to DigitalAudioPlayer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 NoPresence5863 Newjoiner in Manila

Hello please respect this post. So may SD na ako at mula ako sa province pero hindi naman sobrang layo sa Manila, As what you've read sa title, I am a newjoiner at hihinge lang ako tips paano po kayo kung wala pa exact site kung saan njx or madedeploy for the first week? hahaha hindi ko pa kasi alam saan ako maghahanap ng location to rent (airbnb/apartment/condo/etc.). Thank you!
submitted by NoPresence5863 to Accenture_PH [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 Upstairs-Tune-411 Pretty

Pretty submitted by Upstairs-Tune-411 to ChurchofRise [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 SignificantPrize4112 Any cute names ideas? I'm looking for something that is sort of a fantasy name that a human wouldn't use. One is very energetic, and the other is very calm and loves pats they both have a light brown coloured fur

Ones a male and the others a female
submitted by SignificantPrize4112 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:11 milo_murphy0217 ELYU Sunset

submitted by milo_murphy0217 to ITookAPicturePH [link] [comments]