2025.01.18 12:52 painfuhlness Shamans raid buff?
I just read a statement put out by blizzard back in July of last year that they’re giving shamans the skyfury raid buff but can’t seem to find much about it at all online. Has this been implemented into the game yet and if so what’s the communities opinion of the buff?
submitted by painfuhlness to wow [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Kakotov Minami Rei (美波れい) Malcolm Mask Mclaren
submitted by Kakotov to Malcolm_Mask_McLaren [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 kdbleeep Doesn’t wanna be babied
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Zolks1 I have a roli lightpad Block M. How much would it be worth?
I purchased a roli lightpad Block M a few years ago and I was never able to get along with it. So I never used it much. The battery still holds charge and barely ever needs charging. When it was powered off, it always stayed 50% charged so the battery is still perfectly intact.
I have all the original packaging. How much could I sell it for? Thank you.
submitted by Zolks1 to ROLI [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 vesperlark Someone wants to credit me as co-author for their fic and I am not sure what to do
Some months ago, I played a little writing game on Tumblr with some of the fellow fic writers for one of my fandoms. It was basically sending each other au or trope plus characteshop and ask how we would write that one. We mostly wrote two or three sentences and then moved on, but one particular combo I got was so interesting that I, well, overdid it. A lot, actually. I wrote full outline for that idea in four parts with a lot of details. Obviously, got some well-meaning jokes like 'someone got a new obsession unlocked' and so on. Other people who participated assumed that I was already writing a fic based on that too.
The thing is - I wasn't (lack of time and too many planned fics already). So that I reblogged that outline with a note that everyone who is interested, can use it. I think some people were slightly disappointed, but no one accused or pressed me so it was fine.
I kinda forgot about that situation, but today I got a Tumblr ask from a user I don't recognize who said they want to write the fic based on that outline I posted. I told them that it's ok, it was free to use, but they say they still want to credit me as co-author. I find it slightly odd as I have no idea why they want it
submitted by vesperlark to FanFiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Bcw-2 Keeping Up With The Kardashians > Season Twenty
submitted by Bcw-2 to PurelyKardashian [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Adapt_or_diee Koi 22s2 meetup karega yaha?
Sath mai chudege submitted by Adapt_or_diee to JEENEETards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Informal_Scratch1951 … I win.
submitted by Informal_Scratch1951 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 scarlipop Town Hall flyer
We’re right there with Kat & Alice wondering if this has anything to do with Grandma Fern’s “65 still alive”
submitted by scarlipop to TheWayHomeHallmark [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 RevolutionaryJob5913 Fietsstraat Korreweg
Ik heb hier wel mijn bedenkingen bij. Ik snap dat er iets moet gebeuren aan de Korreweg, maar de fietsers mogen ook wel rekening houden met ander verkeer. Ik sta regelmatig klem tussen fietsers en wil oversteken maar met vele kamikaze akties zie je toch weer fietsers, bakfietsen voor de auto duiken. Groepjes fietsers van 2 a 4 breed, ik meen dat je idd 2 breed mag fietsen mits je geen ander verkeer hindert, hinderen doen ze wel, het recht wordt genomen. ik kom regelmatig in de straten aanliggend aan de korreweg, je moet nu al flink omrijden, extra uitstoot als gevolg, veel remmen en optrekken, ook met extra uitstoot. De korreweg heeft brede fietspaden, het moet toch anders kunnen
submitted by RevolutionaryJob5913 to Groningen [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 ganjakuttan UAPA case: Supreme Court denies bail to former PFI chairman Abubacker
submitted by ganjakuttan to Kerala [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 No-Squirrel-2048 #hirogarage
submitted by No-Squirrel-2048 to MiniZ [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 typical-alpha3897 Mass Communication 1st year help needed!!
I wanted to know the name of the author or book name of mass communication which i have taken as a minor, i am an evening student i don't know if the shift changes the book.
submitted by typical-alpha3897 to Karachi_university [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Scared_Echo998 What's the most stupid stock pick you ever made but at the time thought was smart ?
submitted by Scared_Echo998 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 RobbinsBabbitt Do you guys listen to Maribou State?
They have a new album coming out shortly but I really love this single. Their album Kingdoms in Colour is also great. I originally found them because they are on Ninja Tune like ODESZA. submitted by RobbinsBabbitt to Odesza [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Illustrious-Rich-364 New to watches. Where can I buy this and what are the things I need to check to know I’m not getting scammed?
Wanted to buy the Sekio presage star bar as my first watch. What are the trusted places to buy it and what are some things to check that I don’t get scammed? submitted by Illustrious-Rich-364 to watchesindia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Extra-Summer7143 Homem que tem 30 anos e é virgem e BV deveria se orgulhar disso.
https://preview.redd.it/tgtfpaq31rde1.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7337d4638460c4c61e908ca9e44598268951b3a Um homem virgem de 30 anos é um homem refinado, é um gentleman. Racionalmente falando, nao faz o menor sentido ter filhos, vai apenas perpetuar o ciclo infinito de sofrimento. Além do mais, relações sexuais muitas vezes levam a desfechos ruins como assassinatos, feminicídios, triangulo amoroso, etc etc etc. Relações se resumem a fetiche e ódio, desumanização do próximo. Quem é virgem ainda, deveria se orgulhar de não participar dessa ceia impura. As pessoas deveriam descobrir o auto-prazer (sem usar linguagem vulgar, porque sou um gentleman), e aprender a ter prazer sozinho, sem depender do outro. A ciência diz que não existe diferença da imaginação pra realidade, é só imaginar, que tudo se torna real, e você terá a mesma experiencia do que se saíssem com a Lauren Cohan, por exemplo. OBs: Eu tenho 32 anos, sou virgem, BV, AV (abraço virgem), tenho propriedade no assunto. submitted by Extra-Summer7143 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 icommitwarcrimes_ You know the
submitted by icommitwarcrimes_ to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Thorbijntje I drew me and bivofz on a whiteboard thing
submitted by Thorbijntje to TierStars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 tomato_kingg new cpu and now pc wont show monitors
i have installed a amd ryzen 7 5700x3d into my computer and everything else was working before but now when i turn it on the fans activate but the monitors dont turn on and the keyboards and mouse rgbs dont turn on it took me like 2 hours to put this thing in how am i meant to know what i did wrong? please help my only hobby is playing games and i have a whole weekend of nothing ahead. theres also a hgihpitch electrical sound coming from somewhere idk if thats related or if i have only just noticed it? please help
submitted by tomato_kingg to pchelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 killblock623 What in the heck just happened lol
submitted by killblock623 to victoria3 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 chucktf1 What would your perfect ~A~ live 2 hr set list be?
Hearts Done Time
Toys In The Attic
Chip Away
Draw The Line
Hole In My Soul
Shut Up And Dance
Moving Out
Livin' On The Edge
Adams Apple
Hangman Jury/Seasons
Dream On
Lighting Strikes
Beyong Beautiful
Sweet Taste Of India
Walk It Takes
Walking The Dog
Stop Messin
I Don't Wanna Kiss your Thang
Make it
Let the Music Do The Talkin
Kings And Queens
Walk this Way
Sweet Emotion
Train Kept on Rollin
submitted by chucktf1 to Aerosmith [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Joyce_Fancy My favourite Christmas present was a box
submitted by Joyce_Fancy to mouf [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 12:52 Impressive-Life785 2016 Crosstrek for 16k at 81k miles or 2021 Crosstrek for 21k at 61k miles
Both cars have Eyesight. They are in similar condition. Both have has their recommended services by Subaru.
submitted by Impressive-Life785 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 12:52 Few-Turnover6503 did it really happen that way?
submitted by Few-Turnover6503 to kanyewest [link] [comments] |