It was my birthday yesterday…

2025.01.18 13:10 piledriver6933 It was my birthday yesterday…

Not a single family member reached out to wish me a happy birthday At the end of the day I have my wife and kids
Just kinda bummed…
submitted by piledriver6933 to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Kooky_Variation7880 Größer denken um langfristig zu sparen?

Mit der Ausgangssituation, dass die Dreizimmerwohnung für eine vierköpfige Familie mittel- bis langfristig zu klein ist, haben wir uns nach größeren Wohnungen umgesehen, die allerdings in halbwegs guter Lage in unsere Region schnell über 2000€ warm kosten würden. Für nicht viel mehr könnten wir auch eine Immobilie finanzieren. Bei Bestandsimmobilien ist die Lage in unserer Region aktuell nicht besonders gut und mit KfW-Kredit neu bauen würde das Buget noch ein bisschen erhöhen. Da nicht nur Häuser, sondern auch Grundstücke teuer sind, sind wir mittlerweile an dem Punk, vielleicht lieber gleich ein Doppelhaus (oder sogar Mehrfamilienhaus) zu bauen und was wir nicht bewohnen zu vermieten um so unterm Strich monatlich weniger als für das Einfamilienhaus zu bezahlen.
Würdet ihr diesen Ansatz empfehlen und hat vielleicht jemand Erfahrung damit?
submitted by Kooky_Variation7880 to Immobilieninvestments [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Honest_Picture_6960 Why didn’t Obama close Guantanamo Bay?

Why didn’t Obama close Guantanamo Bay? submitted by Honest_Picture_6960 to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 worldwideDL A hollow dark chocolate ball was packaged in my party mix bag of lollies

A hollow dark chocolate ball was packaged in my party mix bag of lollies submitted by worldwideDL to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 XCharlieMarlieX Lf upgrades

Lf upgrades Lf : R-F pots, neons, megas, legs, not htt pets
Likely to accept anything fair on elve/gg
Need all gone!!
submitted by XCharlieMarlieX to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Lonely_Instance9621 How can i stop overthinking if i don't hear from my gf in a day or two?[M27/F25]

So 2 days ago we've not spoken for the entire day, then she at night texts me some beautiful stuff, we talked a bit, then she told me she was tired and she's going to sleep. Now its been 2 days since she texted back and i'm filled with overthinking and i'd like to stop. We used to talk every single day, all day for like 2 weeks when we started. There's a logical part of my brain telling me ''oh its not the end of the world, you don't talk to anyone every day''and there's the other part which is filled with fear like what if she's trying to distance herself from me and just end it when he decides to text back. She's given no reason for me to think this way, its just my issue and i'd like to know how can i stop thinking this way? Normally i wouldn't think like this but i might love this girl, so i'm asking for advice.
submitted by Lonely_Instance9621 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Still-Criticism5828 Decoratives

Where/when do we aquire more of the decorative item recipes?
We're at the Mithril Forge in our play through and have a lot of decoratives, but not all. Things like the vase and tavern pieces etc.
Are we still to unlock them or have we missed something along the way?
submitted by Still-Criticism5828 to LotRReturnToMoria [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Affectionate_Put_934 My kitten passed away from FKS

As the title mentions my kitten passed away from fading kitten syndrome and she passed away in my lap which was super traumatic and I put her in her box and was going to bury her once my family got home but when they got home the kitten was gone and we don’t think the mum moved it as she didn’t know how to pick it up so we’re guessing our dog who was very jealous of it took it somewhere and we can’t find it anywhere, I’m super upset about and can’t look at my dog the same
I don’t want to jump to conclusions but it’s the only thing that makes sense.
submitted by Affectionate_Put_934 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Comprehensive_Let408 Restaurants/bars with extensive wine list

As the title says, I am looking for a place, preferably restaurant, that offers a good selection of (local) wines, if possible by the glass. Price is not an issue.
submitted by Comprehensive_Let408 to tirana [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Muted_Phone_9025 Help finding vintage skirt

Help finding vintage skirt I found this really beautiful vintage skirt on Depop, but unfortunately it isn't being sold in my size, so I was hoping if I could get some help in finding the original brand, or a dupe. Description says "late 70's , grey-brown, woven wool french made striped midi skirt"
Literally any help would be appreciated, I absolutely love the skirt and need to find it
submitted by Muted_Phone_9025 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 prismus- Como lidar, internamente e/ou externamente, com pessoas ruins, principalmente na internet? O que fazer com a raiva?

A cada dia que passa aumentam as hordas de goblins demoníacos ávidos pela humilhação e subjugação dos seres, na internet. Verdadeiros demônios encarnados que desprezam a vida, a paz e a felicidade. Todo post que se abre no Instagram, você encontrará seres maléficos que não hesitam em demonstrar sua falta de empatia e o seu prazer na tristeza e na opressão alheia, fazendo piadas horríveis e que demonstram insensibilidade tremenda quanto a tudo: Pessoas, corpos das pessoas, animais, natureza, grupos sociais oprimidos, etc, muitas das vezes até nas próprias páginas de suas vítimas, fazendo seus comentários chegarem diretamente a pessoa-alvo de suas humilhações, que lerão aquilo e se sentirão tristes.
Eu começo esse post com tas adjetivos a essas pessoas, como um desabafo, e como uma busca por SINCERIDADE para comigo mesmo, expressando o que me vai no peito de forma acumulada, livre de qualquer dogmatismo que impõe a supressão de nossos verdadeiros sentimentos em nome de sentimentos idealizados, fazendo com que acumulemos tudo que não foi transmutado, mas simplesmente reprimido por ser "errado" e não evoluído, no nosso subconsciente, e levando-nos a uma falsidade. Escapar da raiva e fechar os olhos para o que sentimos de verdade nao acabará com as sementes dela que estão dentro de nós, apenas nos fará não olharmos para a situação em que ela se revela e cresce, suas causas ainda estarão lá.
Por outro lado, tento pensar em como a ignorância é natural e faz parte do processo evolutivo/de expansão de todos nós, pensando que certamente um dia, em outras vidas, eu já fui alguém muito pior que essas pessoas e já cometi maldades ainda maiores do que elas. Mas mesmo com isso, o que eu sinto hoje, nessa vida, em relação ao momento em que vejo tais pessoas sendo ruins, não se anula. Isso é uma grande hipocrisia, o fato de eu entender racionalmente que a ignorancia é natural em parte de nossas jornadas e que até mesmo eu já fui sem empatia em outras vidas, e ainda assim eu sentir raiva ao ver pessoas sendo assim?
Eu gostaria de ouvir a opinião de vocês sobre isso, sobre a RAIVA das injustiças.
O que temos a aprender com a raiva? Ela é só negativa, ou pode também ser justa e benéfica? Acaso não foi a raiva que nos motivou a tantas evoluções no mundo? Não é pela raiva que nos defendemos de opressões, seja enquanto sociedade, coletivamente, seja em experiências individuais em que ela é nosso último recurso? O que motivou tantas minorias ou povos a conquistarem direitos, não foi uma mistura tanto de amor pela vida, quanto raiva aos seus opressores?
Até que ponto a inconsciência dos seres é algo natural e esperado, e quando é que é uma escolha consciente pela maldade? Por que se eu olhar só pelo ponto de vista de uma linearidade evolutiva, acabou tirando a autonomia dos seres por sobre suas vontades, sejam elas para o bem, sejam elas para o mal.
A raiva do mal é boa até algum ponto, ou será sempre ruim?
Galera, se eu faço esse post aqui é porque quero aprender sobre a raiva, e não simplesmente ignorar as situações que me fazem sentir raiva no meu cotidiano, porque isso é jogar a sujeira pra debaixo do tapete.
E quero também saber de vocês, o que sentem ao ver pessoas sendo ruins, o que sentem ao ver políticos e empresários oprimindo bilhões de seres de países explorados, o que sentem ao ver seres humilhando e destruindo culturas por meio de genocídios? O que deveríamos sentir? Como transmitam a raiva de maneira natural e sincera?
Dicas vindas de literaturas serão úteis, mas faço questão de saber também de vocês mesmos e suas próprias percepções e experiências com esse tema do post.
submitted by prismus- to Espiritismo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 EnvironmentalFix4569 Tits

Tits submitted by EnvironmentalFix4569 to Randomfunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Potens99 Some doubts about ps+ on non YA players

If Im already playing a career mode and decided later to take a look at some players, lets say two season i wanted to buy Palmer but he is already past 90 overall, and without the ps+, if I buy him anyway will he get the ps plus when he arrived at my club on manager mode? Ea fc 25
submitted by Potens99 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 rashtheraccoon10 chat i have a theory

chat i have a theory submitted by rashtheraccoon10 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 LittleDragonfruit817 Me compro un tnt 300 o un fiat uno?

Buen dia.
Tengo 6500 dólares, quiero ir por un tnt ya que es un capricho mio que quiero hace años y hoy puedo. Pero ahora la realidad es que no tengo tantas ganas como antes en andar en moto, ahora, una conocida de mi viejo esta vendiendo su fiat uno con 92mil km. Lo fui a ver y esta nuevo. La verdad que me dejo dudando, un auto con pocos km y a un precio accesible me pareció mejor que ir por una moto (ya tengo una Suzuki 125 en). Ustedes que harian en este caso?
submitted by LittleDragonfruit817 to MotosArg [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 BotaZnohy How come most of the team in the WEU qualifiers are actually from EEU?

Can teams just register to any region? Is the WEU now considered weaker and teams just go there for an easier path to a tournament?
submitted by BotaZnohy to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Urazi_art Taking a break, art by me.

Taking a break, art by me. submitted by Urazi_art to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Sea_Garden_5509 What are your thoughts on this video and its comments.

I know this isn't Peterson related but I want to know people's thoughts.
submitted by Sea_Garden_5509 to enoughpetersonspam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Such-Funny2073 Hi, today I have given mains paper. Suggest me what can I get?

submitted by Such-Funny2073 to ssc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Affectionate-Net660 677375309073. adding 10

677375309073. adding 10 submitted by Affectionate-Net660 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 StayLarge5222 is there any mod to customize villager's trade?? (version: 1.21.1+)

i was wondering about this if i can customize everything with a simple mod in survival
submitted by StayLarge5222 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 ProdKittyWav How do i make my 17 week old puppy sleep?

She just doesn't sleep. If she does - only in the bed but as soon as i want to do something she wakes up again. She wont sleep in the crate, we've been training her for about a month and a half and she will still scream the WHOLE time shes in the crate even when its covered. She barely sleeps an hour during the day, but sleeps the whole night and has never bothered us at night. But because she is not sleeping enough during the day she becomes soooo evil, shes a german shepherd x belgian mal mix and she starts just sinking her teeth in our skin, breaking it and leaving bruises. Please someone give us some tips. We also cant let her always scream in the crate since we live in an apartment.
submitted by ProdKittyWav to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Big_Rush_6758 Am I wrong for making my niece go back to her mother?

My sister struggles with drug addiction. Whenever she relapses, my niece (11F) comes to stay with her until she gets sober. My sister is now better and got a new job/apartment and wants her daughter back. My niece told me that she doesn't want to go back this time because it means that she will have to move away and not being able to see her friends. I told her that she needs to be with her mother and that she can make new friends at her new school.
submitted by Big_Rush_6758 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 doggydoodledoo Rental Realtor?

Hey awesome humans. My spouse and I are moving in mid June - horrible timing I know but I start working at UCLA July 1st.
Wondering if anyone has used a rental realtor they liked or if that’s a thing in LA? We are hoping for Sawtell area, but are moving from out of state so would love to have someone who could help us find the perfect place to rent. Would love to know about any good experiences with rental realtors or specific property management companies.
Much appreciation!
submitted by doggydoodledoo to MovingToLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 13:10 Falser455 Paul rabin is the only character in the world with no NS.fw. art

Everyone hate Paul, try to search , nothing comes up
submitted by Falser455 to Spiderman [link] [comments]