2025.01.18 19:09 MimikyuAll Cats
My mother saw this book at Michaels a few days ago and got it for me. I immediately knew I should share it here. Medium: Crayola Colored Pencils (50) submitted by MimikyuAll to Coloring [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:09 Generallyspeaking504 I kinda like the feeling of my socks falling down inside my shoes
Is this a weird confession? But I don't actually mind when my socks slip down in my shoes. It's like an odd little reminder for me that I'm alive, and honestly it's not uncomfortable for me. Anyone else who doesn't let the whole "socks falling" thing bother them? Maybe I'm just built differently lol
submitted by Generallyspeaking504 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 Pop_Budget Maid by @sawararado
submitted by Pop_Budget to ImaginaryMaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:09 DippedPalmTrees Phish Trivia Question
So, I do a Trivia Night from time to time at a restaurant, and I always try and work some Phish into it. It's for non Phish people, so I try and keep it generic, but at this point, they know I'm into Phish. Tonight's theme is decades and I'm doing rounds on the 1960's (when they were all born), 1970's, 1990's, and 1930's.
Any ideas?
Other questions have been....
In 2017, which band played 13 straight nights at Madison Square Garden, during which they didn't repeat a single song?
What jam band has played 83 concerts at Madison Square Garden, second only to Billy Joel's 134?
What band, which started in 1983, is playing at, and may very likely break, the Sphere in Las Vegas in two weeks?
submitted by DippedPalmTrees to phish [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 Warenta Z offset changing
I'm having this consistent issue where my printer will work fine for a few prints, and then a print will fail with the reason pretty much always being that the z-offset is wrong and I need to relevel my printer.
Is this normal? That you need to re-level your printer every few prints? And if not, what could be the issue? I tried tightening my z-axis lead screws but that doesn't seem to work.
submitted by Warenta to ElegooNeptune4 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 PM_me_datSmile [Fischer] The Sacramento Kings are considered the frontrunner to acquire Cameron Johnson from the Brooklyn Nets.
submitted by PM_me_datSmile to kings [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 Far-Indication-8453 If anyone want linkdien navigator at best prices DM me
20% to 40% Discount
100% guarantee
DM me
submitted by Far-Indication-8453 to LeadGeneration [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 PMmeyourjacketpotats 2 years TTC, cycles becoming longer and periods shorter :(
I’ve been TTC for nearly two years. It’s been difficult - two colleagues in my office managed to get pregnant so easily and so have others in my life.
My cycles have been around 55 days with my periods being like two days. I am just so incredibly worried this is early perimenopause as the patterns of it all seem so familiar. It sucks because it just means our chances of conceiving are halved in a year.
My partners works an exhausting job and I also have a disability and we just don’t seem to be able to have sex during my fertile window.
I think maybe I am just destined not to have a baby but my whole life just feels like it’s on hold and I just want an answer so I c a move on.
My partner has been referred for fertility testing, and I have had one out of two blood tests. The doctor said there’s no reason for me to not get pregnant but I don’t have much faith in them. Still yet to do a blood test post ovulation and I’ve been referred to fertility treatment. It’s taking so much mental energy.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by PMmeyourjacketpotats to FirstTimeTTC [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 Teterboro4077 Chicago northside recommendations?
Any recommendations for female hair stylists in the north side of Chicago that cut men's hair at an affordable price.
submitted by Teterboro4077 to AskChicago [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 Miruukail Knife of Romance
Out of respect for the thoughts you've shared and time you've taken to try to connect with me,
I grew up learning it was better to just fade into the background than keep arguing with people who seemed determined to dislike me. You claim you miss me. You claim that my distance is cruel. I thought my bids for respect were cruel, too. It's not your fault I learned how to master apathy once I've learned the other person truly doesn't care about me. I will never return to you nor plead for you. I will never listen to your pleas for my return. I know what it felt like to be 'loved' by you. I realized after the umpteenth time of debating with you over my right to basic human emotions and civility/respect, there wasn't anything that would have convinced you to give me the level of love I required. You couldn't even handle treating me with humanity.
I think the fact you keep circling back like a ghost and lamenting your 'loss' is a little sickening. You had time to change. I'm not fickle. I don't hop from person to person seeking emotional validation. I am cautious. I take my time. It takes me a while to warm up to people. I assess, I dissect, I measure the cost. Then when I finally decide, I give you my fcking world. That's what you're chasing: what it felt like to be loved and lusted after by me. I know, it's amazing. I'm not shallow nor am I inconsiderate. I have that 'special interest' understanding of others because it always felt natural for me to learn. It helps me understand others, which helps me make people feel heard. I am generous. I am lovingly cruel within the boundaries of intimacy with permission. I am funny and fun. I keep you guessing while making you feel secure. If you need a touch of pain, I know how to do that too. I make you feel beautiful.
You decided I wasn't worth the effort when I tried for you. Now like most people who suffer with shallow attachments, you want what you can't have on demand. I'm like a supply that you feel like you need because I have cut off your source to me. How insulting to the time and love I put into you. How sickening to really learn that I was always a commodity for you.
I get what it's like to lose someone like me. You had your time with me. If you truly did 'love' me as you keep insisting that I'm suddenly missing out on, you'll show that by letting me go.
submitted by Miruukail to letters [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:09 marmarmanos Woah
submitted by marmarmanos to pokemongobrag [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:09 CalCutlass "Stance" prod. Cal Cutlass
submitted by CalCutlass to PromoteYourMusic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 Mason7z Looking for multiple Super Diamonds on lastgen Xbox, I already have these two
submitted by Mason7z to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 RotomCatalogue LF: Shiny Type Null, Shiny Regidrago, Shiny Regieleki ENG. - happy with clones. FT: pics
submitted by RotomCatalogue to PokemonHome [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 hammouda101010 Can somebody answer this please? I've been waiting for an answer.
submitted by hammouda101010 to BlueskySocial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 Ione_Star Best i can do is a slice of pizza
submitted by Ione_Star to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 Deshidia Yukime, the best girl
I already want him to appear in the main story again 😭 submitted by Deshidia to TheEminenceInShadow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 Lanky_Attention_4475 382642802763 and 415936453559 two locals. Need the help for shadow Regi
submitted by Lanky_Attention_4475 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 ngpl16 Dallas Area
Anyone having luck around Dallas right now? I’ve been fishing ponds around Dallas and it’s been brutal, skunked last few trips.
submitted by ngpl16 to bassfishing [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:08 Legitimate-Bug5543 how was the BMS train experience ? especially the return? was it crowded?
submitted by Legitimate-Bug5543 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:08 LeviathanOfWorlds Eccomi ancora, alla ricerca di conoscenze.
(So che su internet, e soprattutto su app sociali come questa, non è il massimo cercare nuove conoscenze giusto per. E sì, ho già degli amici nella vita di tutti i giorni.)
Ho ventun'anni, M, nato e residente a Milano, di etnia araba. Sono sempre stato introverso, da non confondere con la timidezza che ho ormai superato. Ho vissuto una vita con alti e bassi, periodi tranquilli e periodi molto stressanti. Come molte altre persone, direi. Adoro la psicologia, la natura, la bellezza negli altri e nelle piccole cose, fare un po' il coglione con le persone care per divertimento, parlare per ore (come si può notare dalla lunghezza del post).
Di recente, da qualche mese, sento una sorta di spinta a socializzare. Questo di persè non è sgradevole, anzi. Allo stesso tempo, paradossalmente, non mi viene spontaneo fare nuove amicizie o conoscenze. Non so se questa sensazione abbia un nome specifico, ma non è questo il punto. Avevo già fatto un post simile qualche tempo fa, con successo (a parer mio), per ciò faccio un repost. Vedrò come andrà.
Per chi vorrà ed è vicino alla mia età e alla mia città, i miei DM sono aperti. L'importante è che sappiate parlare decentemente, non a monosillabi costanti. Si potrebbe anche organizzare un'uscita se le cose andranno bene. Buona serata 📖
submitted by LeviathanOfWorlds to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:08 Significant_Ant5751 Where to start?
I want to watch but dont know if I want to commit to 10 seasons? I jumped in at the beginning of 9 but am a bit confused by dynamics and people. Where should I start?
submitted by Significant_Ant5751 to Southerncharm [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:08 Middle-Necessary-671 Finally found the Link Backpack Buddy!
submitted by Middle-Necessary-671 to legendofzelda [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:08 Crocotta1 Corn tube
Be Lipby Chonk with this smacky formula. Slap and crumbly at first, yet bumbler the more you apply. Crunchy beef. the portable tube of corn propels and repels for ease of use and no product is wasted. A plop dump tour de force!
submitted by Crocotta1 to copypasta [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:08 Professional_Gur6936 Goosebumps season 1 episode 8
submitted by Professional_Gur6936 to JaydenBartels_NSFW [link] [comments] |