Eu estava montando um código que se utiliza de leitura e escrita de arquivos (.txt e .csv) em Python e ao copiar o caminho pelo explorador de arquivos, me deparei com o caso onde ele copiou um dos caminhos com / e outro com \. Ao tentar executar o código, ele deu erro por estar usando / simples, então usei // e \\ e ele rodou corretamente. The character entities   and   denote an en space and an em space respectively, where an en space is half the point size and an em space is equal to the point size of the current font. For fixed pitch fonts, the user agent can treat the en space as being equivalent to A space character, and the em space as being equivalent to two space characters. Assim como colocado na PEP 257 , strings que são a primeira instrução em um módulo, classe ou função serão consideradas como strings especiais: as docstrings. A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition. 也许我简单地认为为英文的破折号只有 en dash 和 em dash 会比较好理解吧。 但对于打字时如何打出他们更是感到不解。en dash 我一般就按一下“0”右边的那个键(但对比下正确的 en dash 我发现这是不对的),而 em dash 我都是打出中文的“——”再退格得到“—”。 Em especial, o cast realizado com o valor null sempre será bem sucedido. Animal a = null; // Recebe null. Não lança NullPointerException e nem ClassCastException. Cachorro c = (Cachorro) a; Há quem pense que acessar um array em um índice inválido causa um NullPointerException. Isso não é verdade. Por padrão o privilégio para excutar scripts é o Restricted, ou seja, nenhum script chamado via arquivo pode ser executado apenas em modo interativo (via console ou ISE) Para alterar a politica de execução use o cmdlet e algum dos seguinte. Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned Depois que estudei essa configuração, hoje meu vscode é todo personalizado com atalhos fáceis, em vez de três teclas, uso apenas uma. Faça vc tb sua personalização de comandos para agilizar seu trabalho. Desde limpar terminal, abrir e fechar terminal... Minha r – @Orane: I like both the simplicity and resourcefulness of this answer particularly, as to give many options just to satisfy the op's inquiry, that said, thank you for providing an authority referenced link in this situation as well, for future reference as each browser have their own JS engine for rendering...I think that the question is very general and that it should depend on what do you ... Em todo caso vale a pena testar se o programa abre. Pode ser que não funcione em Windows mais antigos que XP. Ainda mais se o seu programa depende de outras bibliotecas como o QT. Uma outra opção promissora é o PyOxidizer. Ele é mais novo, ou seja, é mais moderno, mas ainda está em fase de desenvolvimento - imaturo. First of all: verify that the listener is started by executing the lsnrctl status command. You should find line regarding your EM Express tcp port. Log in to SQL*Plus as the SYSDBA user and verify that the DISPATCHERS parameter in the initialization parameter file includes the PROTOCOL=TCP attribute - show parameters dispatchers.
2025.01.18 19:38 infinitecanyon Gotta start em young!
submitted by infinitecanyon to TampaBayLightning [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Most-Information2478 Where are my brothers who have fallen to the Black Rage at?
I collect blood angels and mainly death company. I’m an adrenaline junkie obsessed with combat. My team mates call me out and sometimes rage quit when I don’t attack the Sentry who calls reinforcements. But it is I who kills them all for I am a brother of Death submitted by Most-Information2478 to Spacemarine [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Altruistic-Key258 Husband admitted via ambulance for ask the symptoms. Treating with Piperacillin/tazobactam IV and Zofran.
He's 60, in relatively okay health, slightly overweight, exercise level of yardwork and 10,000 steps a day, takes minimal HPB med as a preventative. It hit fast. Seemingly overnight. He does not have pink eye (symptom crossed off). Everything else is text book. In the 7 minutes ambulance ride his BP dropped 2x to below 90. The amount and fequency of diarrhea is insane. Intermittent shortness of breath. Pain behind his left shoulder blade. Severely lethargic and dehydrated. Slept 15 hours straight. Could not go to the VA hospital in Richmond as they are at capacity and ER is "closed". His exposure may have been from Jacksonville, NC. His father (80m) was admitted for severe bacterial pneumonia. Two weeks ago they hosted their 3 year-old great grandson who was extremely ill with pinkeye and upper respiratory infections so severe his nose was leaking blood. Not like a regular nose bleed that you need to tip your head back. Just slowly leaking blood like he had the sniffles. Gr. Grandson is from Bristol PA. submitted by Altruistic-Key258 to Bird_Flu_Now [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 ConnectProfile3077 Should I trust this???
Idk im a bit suspicious of it. submitted by ConnectProfile3077 to brotato [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 MrNinePT9 LuiZZZ
submitted by MrNinePT9 to UniAveiro [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Busy_Reserve8295 What type of lover am I?
submitted by Busy_Reserve8295 to Persona5 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Respectallbuildz EX radio into LX?
My daily, a 2008 CR-V lx, has a glitchy radio that changed through stations like it’s possessed. My friend has a 2011 EX or EX-L Im not too sure which trim but they offered to give me the radio. I wanted to know if anyone knew if it’d work or not? Thanks!
submitted by Respectallbuildz to crv [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Alexei2691 Should I be concerned
Am I losing hair at the back of my head (and in the front as well)?
submitted by Alexei2691 to Balding [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 bitzbabybitz “Jeg vil intet have med dumme Danmark at gøre”
submitted by bitzbabybitz to InfluencergossipDK [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 surfinglifewaves Scummer alert. Another post about this scummer which has thousands of followers on telegram. I saved just twho photos from the proof he posted.
The fake customwrs says he will pay at 18:53, and when he sent the screenshot the payment was done at 18:33. Stay away! submitted by surfinglifewaves to PiNetwork [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Zealousideal_Stop843 Should we spend in the transfer window or wait for the summer
Considering we have somewhat bottled the league. There isn’t much to play for Yes CL Is still in play, but realistically we aren’t winning it. So should we wait out this transfer window for a big signing or not?
View Poll
submitted by Zealousideal_Stop843 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Aggravating-Copy1452 People in Berlin to hangout with during my visit?
Hi, 29M from Italy 🇮🇹 I’m planning to visit Berlin this year and I’d like to make some german friends in there to hangout with. It’s gonna be my first time in Germany. Feel free to DM me 😊 Greetings!
submitted by Aggravating-Copy1452 to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Rafus123 [COD] Activision doing Activision things
submitted by Rafus123 to CallOfDuty [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Automatic-File-8718 Solana Sell Loss
Hi im from germany and I own 54 Solana in my app. My 54 Solana are at the moment 13,900 euro worth. If I want to sell all my 54 coins on my cash account, I only get 12,700. Can someone explain me the loss of more than 1000€ or is it just a daylight robbery?
submitted by Automatic-File-8718 to Cryptocom [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 JobintheCactus [Xeno Anthropologists when researching Human history after first contact]
submitted by JobintheCactus to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Tiny-Ice4834 Algún bro curioso?Yo delgado buen 🍆
submitted by Tiny-Ice4834 to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Traditional_Canary95 Second Restoration Complete
submitted by Traditional_Canary95 to CarMechanicSimulator [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 sorriebabie Do law schools favor students from their own undergraduate programs?
I go to one of the T10 law schools, but for undergrad. Do I have a leg up in my school's law school admissions (assuming my stats are competitive)?
submitted by sorriebabie to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Gullible-Ant-8300 Random tree cutting and clear but why?
Hi every one Question for people in halifax if they know why this clearing is taking place ? It's next to 2309 Brunswick street. They just showed up and cut all of the tress down and are now clearing the ground. submitted by Gullible-Ant-8300 to halifax [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 pun-in-the-sun11 Ready for my "crawling" lesson, MA Bus. And I'm already barefoot!
Ma Bus says she'll work with Boone on his "crawling," or scooting. But, ever since then, Boone has been cooped up in a car seat or someone's arms with his balled fists. It would be great to see Boone given priority for once. Time's a-wasting.
submitted by pun-in-the-sun11 to motherbussnark [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Good_Study_3958 Preciso de ajuda para encontrar um livro que eu li quando era criança!!!
Só lembro da capa dele: tinha dos rapazes montados em cavalos na capa um do lado do outro um deles era branco loiro de olhos azuis vestia roupas em tons de azul e prata já o outro era negro vestia roupas em tons de vermelho e dourado e montava um cavalo preto só me lembro disso.
submitted by Good_Study_3958 to ComentariosMelhores [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 TheRobloxGuy2006 Teen Titans Go! Gorilla Grodd
submitted by TheRobloxGuy2006 to TeenTitansGo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 19:38 Parking_Lion_6569 Can we get some compensation in the case that our teammates leave in a ranked game?
I don't want to lose points because my dumb teammates just leave the game :(
submitted by Parking_Lion_6569 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 SwagDonor24 This is a serious question. When and why did it become not socially acceptable to make fun of gay people in movies?
submitted by SwagDonor24 to conservatives [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 19:38 Fancy_Impact123 Who all want Rialto Back??
I know not many people play wingman but it was a fun map to play submitted by Fancy_Impact123 to cs2 [link] [comments] |