A18/Orison Ground Vehicle Garage/Pickup Area

2025.01.18 19:37 JustDubious A18/Orison Ground Vehicle Garage/Pickup Area

With a good amount of people experiencing issues revolving around elevators/ASOP/hangars not working I have found myself working part time as a space taxi/uber driver and honestly, I've been enjoying it. I love being able to take out my ships, explore the verse and help people hitch a ride.
Which brings me to my question, has there been talks about adding a ground vehicle garage/pickup area or general 'outside' area for A18/Orison like there is in New Babbage and Lorville?
The people stuck there are permanently stuck at that time if hangars aren't responding for those who are landing as well and having a pickup area would be a nice workaround to these bugs but also add another way of getting in and out of the cities in the future.
submitted by JustDubious to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 BetterAd4082 Do I need rabbit bedding?

Hi, I am planning on getting a bunny soon. Do I need to have bedding for my bun? Is it an essential like hay? What brands do you all recommend?
submitted by BetterAd4082 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 acousticgs Missing teen

submitted by acousticgs to StamfordCT [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Formal-Alarm9103 My bookshelf before moving to college😞

My bookshelf before moving to college😞 I miss her dearly.
submitted by Formal-Alarm9103 to bookshelf [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 OsamaBinM0bbin Anyone need help with heists or any missions let me know( XBOX ONE)

I’m bored just trying to play and make money. I will be playing this whole weekend
submitted by OsamaBinM0bbin to HeistTeams [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Lars_Bomba475069 What worries you the most about the incoming Trump Administration 2.0?

submitted by Lars_Bomba475069 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 FashionGirl123456789 Bernie Sanders: "You don’t think we should change the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour?" Trump Treasury Secretary Nominee Scott Bessent:"No"

submitted by FashionGirl123456789 to EatTheRich [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 pissygallery OPM official defends federal telework as Trump seeks in-office policy

submitted by pissygallery to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Scheyk Euri Meinig zum Single-LĂ€be

Sali zÀme
Eueri meinig wĂŒrd mich intressiere...
Churz was ĂŒber mich...
Bin 34gi und Wohne im ZĂŒcher Oberland
LĂ€be gsund und bin mehrmals ide Wuche sportlich aktiv
WĂŒrd mich als loyal und ehrliche Mensch beschriebe. Bhalte mini Meinig so gued es gaht fĂŒr mich. Chan bewusst zuelose und aktiv uf mis GĂ€geĂŒber ihgah
Min FrĂŒndeschreis bestaht hauptsĂ€chlich us Mensche wo bereits Familie oder Partnerschaft hend und dementsprechend begrenzti frei Ziit. Oder gueti bekannti woni Sprtlichs undernimme ( Gebirgs-Toure, Sportklettere, Jogge usw.. )
Vermiede Small-Talk, ĂŒbers schaffe rede, Politik, und s Wetter z rede, ablĂ€stere ĂŒber anderei Mensche, sowie SocialMedia und TV.
Bin selbstÀndig mit eigene Firma, han flexibli Arbeitsziite und entsprechendi Freiziit und Freiheite.
Duen lieber es Buech lÀse oder s zweite go Znacht esse als z.B. anen Hockey-Match oder Mich ade Apres-Skibar go betrinke :)
Han mis PrivatlĂ€be mit allem drum rum greglet und StĂŒre fĂŒrs 2025 sind vorbereitet... ( Finanziell bini zfriede )
Ich wett gar nöd no meh erreiche oder ahsammle, han e knapp 40m2 grossi ihleger Wohnig und bin eifach Zfriede. ( Min Vermieter isch 73gi und verwitwet. Verbringe ab und zue mini Freiziit bime Kaffi oder Znachtesse, bi Ihm i sinere Wohnung das mir beidi nöd so aleige sind :)
WĂŒrd gern meh QualitĂ€tsziit öppertem schenke und chöne e gmeinsami zuekunft ufbaue, als wie jetzt ĂŒber das ganze nachestudiere und eui Meinig dazue wĂŒsse.
Vilicht hett öpert e neutrali Meinig zu mim Single-LÀbe und was ich falsch mache...
Danke euch :)
submitted by Scheyk to schwiiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 koko_ohno Worms found in my dogs’ stool

I discovered worms in my two dogs’ poop this morning. They look like tapeworms but it’s unconfirmed until I can get the fecal samples to the vet on Monday. Does anyone know quick and pet-safe lawn treatments to get rid of parasites that may now be in my yard? I’ve seen a couple of solutions online, like diatomaceous earth, hydrogen peroxide or bleach but reviews are unclear if they would solve the problem. I also have Wysiwash caplets but do not have the appropriate hose attachment for it. Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by koko_ohno to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 BlerpDerpSkerp Bday Lunch places in CC/South open on MLK day?

Was hoping to take a friend and his fiance out for lunch for his bday as we both have off work, but wasn't sure if places tend to be open on the holiday.
Anything in CC, South, Grad Hosp, Fitler Square would be great. Thank you.
submitted by BlerpDerpSkerp to PhiladelphiaEats [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 friedshrimp3 Wugtrio deck advice

submitted by friedshrimp3 to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Refrigerator-Full Lads holiday

Me and my pals are looking to go on a lads holiday and some of us will be 17 and I was wondering if anyone knew places we could go and get into places?
submitted by Refrigerator-Full to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 lostredditor2 Who’s idea was this

submitted by lostredditor2 to gmu [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 BottleNo4960 Youth stolen from me- How do I recover?

This is a different failure to launch story, but with immature parents. When I went off to college my parents took/borrowed my student loan money. Was never there for me, showed preference to my brothers. They would not help me to stay in the city I went to school. I had to return home to my rural town with little job opportunities. I realized I was on my own and if I left again there would be no support. I was paralyzed with fear. It didn't help I had major depression and anxiety. I saved but car and medical accidents happened. Due to this trauma I felt uncared for and I spent my youth not dating, trying to get their love, and taking care of them. I hit perimenopause I realized I’ve wasted my life. I cut them off and all other toxic family. I realize I’m alone. I’ve always known I was alone. Even when I was living at home and broke an arm and leg my family refused to take care of me, but borrowed my car without asking me for 4 months. I’m scared who’s going to take care of me? My sex drive is in decline. Trying to get a testerone prescription. Trying to date with no experience. I have a good job and savings so it’s not a financial thing. I used to think I didn’t want kids but I think it was because I was taking care of my parents and I was tired. I used to want to travel, but I’m getting tired. I have the ability to as a teacher but I don’t know if that part of my life has passed. I have a therapist but I don’t know how to fix this. Help. Anyone have a similar story?
submitted by BottleNo4960 to failuretolaunch [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 OuttaEldritch Getting in your enemy's head by faking out an ability

Getting in your enemy's head by faking out an ability submitted by OuttaEldritch to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 MrRedAndroid ArmA 3 2025

ArmA 3 2025 submitted by MrRedAndroid to YouTubePromoter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 MoongazingSoul Galactic Marine TVC Custom 4.0

Galactic Marine TVC Custom 4.0 My final take on the GM this is my 4th iteration of the GM in modern TVC, with barbell and rocker ankles. I hope if and when Hasbro does this character that it's similar to this, also with a modern update of Bodie Taylors headsculpt. The Last photo was version 1.0 of the GM
submitted by MoongazingSoul to StarWarsTVC [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo Wii Holiday Bundle Black Console

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Nintendo Wii Holiday Bundle Black Console submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 No-Bee6722 My efforts are being downplayed. Ignored when in tears.

I’m feeling really frustrated and hurt after an argument with my partner, and I’d love to get some opinions. Today, he made a comment implying that I just sit around all day while he works. It was incredibly hurtful, especially since I work full-time (8:00 to 17:00) and also work remotely for another company after hours. I make sure to get home by 17:00, pick up the kids (a 4-year-old and a 4-month-old), take care of the house, cook, clean, and get everything ready for the next day (their clothes, pack their bags, sterilize bottles etc), so when he gets home, he doesn’t have to worry about any of it. I do this because I want him to have a break after his long work hours, but it feels like my work and efforts are being downplayed.
He has a new job where he works from 7:00 to 21:00, and I understand that his job is demanding, but I also feel like my hard work isn’t being recognized. On top of my full-time job, I’m managing multiple businesses, but that doesn’t seem to be acknowledged when he makes comments like this.
What hurts even more is that I had no maternity leave and worked up until the day before I gave birth and then three days after my C-section. All these tasks I do daily are done with a 4-month-old in my arms. Normally, I’d brush this off, but it really stung, especially because when he saw how upset I was, he just dismissed it as ‘one of my moods’ and didn’t acknowledge my feelings at all.
What hurts the most is that he saw me in tears and chose to ignore it, as if my emotions didn’t matter.
I’m also wondering—when was the last time he had to bathe the kids, cook, clean, or take care of things like that around the house? I do it all to make sure he doesn’t have to worry about it after his long days at work. I’m starting to feel like my efforts aren’t being appreciated.
I guess I’m just wondering if I’m overreacting or if anyone else has been in a similar situation. I feel like an apology is due, but I’m not sure how to approach it without it turning into another argument.
submitted by No-Bee6722 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 MiharDL some training

some training submitted by MiharDL to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Open-Performance-655 New Jeans!

New Jeans! submitted by Open-Performance-655 to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 Lazy_Negotiation4544 Good road trip!

submitted by Lazy_Negotiation4544 to blacksabbath [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 malakismenoafti Looking for Rufus Du Sol - Next To Me (Arodes Remix) please thx

submitted by malakismenoafti to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 19:37 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional |Nintendo Wii Holiday Bundle Black Console

🏆 Game Professional |Nintendo Wii Holiday Bundle Black Console submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]
