flickering black screen

2025.01.18 22:58 Material_Yellow2496 flickering black screen

i recently modified a localization of my own language to the game which was downloaded as a oneloader mod, which also happens to work perfectly on other people. however, it gave me a pitch black screen that is sometimes flickering like it's making fun of me.
the worst part is that when i deleted the mod it still didn't work. im %100 sure that i completely got rid of the entirety of the mod, so the problem shouldn't be that.
i tried verifying the integrity of the files, reinstalled OMORI, even tried launching it on a never-modded steam too. can anyone help?
submitted by Material_Yellow2496 to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 DaniellaSoles ill squish you under these heels while you drain your wallet on me 👠

ill squish you under these heels while you drain your wallet on me 👠 submitted by DaniellaSoles to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 SolyMarPerfektesPaar 6 months cancer free & implant exchange in 2 weeks

As of yesterday I'm 6 months post DMX & cancer free (as far as I know, still don't have final genetic info or long term plan 8 most after DX) and about to have the otm silicone implant exchange in 2 wks!! Is there anything in particular I should know/ask about prior to surgery? I had hoped Motiva would be approved for use by the hospital post FDA approval, but alas, not the case. Maybe something to look into in a decade or two 🫤🥲.
For those who have wondered if implants are cold, I can say that the expanders with saline have not been. Went ice skating for hours (with layers) in crazy wind chill and everything was fine. Dreading the swap for that reason since I know silicone and heat don't react the same as saline (have Raynaud's already in hands & feet).
The expanders haven't hurt much either, which is great, and the healing process was reasonably smooth! The only thing was that one expander rotated 180 degrees on Thurs (why now after literally a half year???). Was able to get it back to where it belonged at home after about 1.5 hrs of yoga-style fidgiting with it - so if this happens, it CAN be possible to fix it yourself. Didn't want to have to keep the appt with my PS who would have had to come out of the OR just for me 😳... Awk to have to delay going into work for this reason, but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
And sharing this because it's a post/pre-op highlight - finally going on vacation with my husband today for the first time in over a year! We found super cheap tix to Paris last weekend in a last ditch effort to get a trip in before my next survey, and we are about to get on that plane in about 2 hours! I've never been, so I'm very excited. (Haha too bad I can't get the motivas put in in France while I'm there 😂) Anyway, let's all hope for no lymphedema from either non-stop multi hour flight! Wishing you all well, no matter where you are in your journey!!! Allons-y!!!
submitted by SolyMarPerfektesPaar to breastcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Beginning_Yam8399 The we surrender the claimed land to the enemy for peace please

And you could put us we don't care we just don't want to be in any wars
submitted by Beginning_Yam8399 to MapOfKorynth [link] [comments]


DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH ELITE TRAINERS CAVE I'm sure many of you have seen this new guy on Instagram with what seems to be unlimited quantities of Prismatic Evolutions. I decided to take a risk and make a few purchases totalling about $400 as a gamble to see if this guy is legit. I made sure to put it on a good card with easy disputes just incase. He got more and more attention over time because everyone is desperate for this set or course. Well, he kept making random posts saying, "if you'd like to cancel your order, comment "cancel" and then many other weird posts which have all been deleted. So many red flags and ZERO reassurance. He wouldn't answer any questions about allocations, provide and stock photos, or give anyone an OUNCE of reassurance... So, I called him out in the comments, said what everyone wanted to see and get answers... instead, this dude blocks me because I was being negative on his posts, and cancels both my orders. Not that I ever thought I'd actually get my orders, but the way this person is and the way he acts is like a spoiled child. He only created his website on December 21st 2024, but he's claiming to have more allocations than some of the largest card shops... do not give this idiot an ounce of your time or risk. He is the biggest POS I have ever dealt with in this hobby. I will be absolutely SHOCKED if he fulfilled any orders for real. I'm not really sure what the point of his operations is but I'd really like to find out. Has anyone else had an experience with this moron?
submitted by HiMyNameIsMatt55 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Gothwitchgoblincrow7 I adopted Evey. She is so soft and cuddly.

I adopted Evey. She is so soft and cuddly. submitted by Gothwitchgoblincrow7 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Ph-kids Pc crashing when I press Windows

So I recently fixed my computer's performance. (Don't think it's relevant, but it happened after that) And now my computer crashes with the pop-up along the lines of "Windows has stopped working" with the option to end task or wait. Waiting yielded no results, and ending task leaves me alone with my monitor's reflection till I shut down the computer manually. Any idea what this could be?
Specs if needed 1080p 32 gigs of ram 3080Ti i9-12900KF (I most likely mossed other things, do ask for more if needed)
submitted by Ph-kids to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Narrow-Opportunity83 Debería ghostear a mi mejor amiga?

Soy hombre, tengo 19 años. Desarrollé sentimientos hacia mi mejor amiga el año pasado, nos conocemos hace más de un año, estudiamos en el mismo curso y al principio ella me decía cumplidos y me escribia notas o cosas así en las clases. Después me di cuenta que le decía cosas así ligando en forma de broma a todos, entonces dejé de darle importancia.
Unos meses después ella y yo nos la pasábamos juntos a casa rato en todas las clases, nos sentabamos juntos y hablábamos de cualquier cosa, la verdad las salidas con ella las disfrutaba bastante, y todo iba bien hasta que nos pusieron clases virtuales en octubre, y como no podíamos vernos, hablábamos por WhatsApp todos los días, algunas pocas veces hacíamos llamada. Yo sentía que tratarnos así no era normal, al menos para mí.
Con el tiempo me di cuenta yo la trataba como un casi algo y que ella me trataba como una amiga más. Me tenía mucha confianza con las cosas que me contaba. Pero me estaba afectando y también le revisaba que subía a redes sociales a cada rato. Tal vez es culpa mía por no hablar o socializar con tanta gente pero le dije que yo me encariño mucho con las pesonas, pero llegué a un nivel donde me afectaba lo que me contaba sobre sus relaciones o sus salidas con alguien más.
En diciembre ella cumplió años (19) y quise darle un regalo e invitarla a comer, pospuso el plan, así que hace 4 días lo cumplí y salimos. Me sentí como un simp.
No le he dicho nada porque se que ella no siente nada por mi, y a mí ya no me gustan algunas actitudes que tiene ella, es decir ya entendí que no estaría con alguien como ella. La amistad con ella iba bien, pero el problema fue mío porqué me ilusioné solo y me obsesioné con ella.
Estoy pensando en ghostearla, no responderle nada o debería explicarle la situación? Siento que alejarme por un tiempo es mejor para mí salud mental. Aún así, en febrero retomamos clases normales, osea nos volveremos a ver.
submitted by Narrow-Opportunity83 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Migleemo To boldly go where no console has gone before!

submitted by Migleemo to PS5pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 saywhatnow2017 Psychic medium and reader at your service!

Psychic medium and reader at your service! submitted by saywhatnow2017 to selfpromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Mondai_May Luke Sadler

submitted by Mondai_May to PrettyGuys [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 MannManJR Please give help

Please give advice and help. I know I am at fault in ways, but I just need help.
Context and situation: I am 17, my mom got into a very bad car accident about 34 days ago, and my she has been hospitalized since then. I have been with my grandparents the whole time. Everything got hectic and I haven't been to feed my bearded dragon in about 18 days. When I finally got back here for for the first time since then, he seems to be brumating. He is still alive.
What do I do in this situation?
submitted by MannManJR to BeardedDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Agreeable_Zombie_700 Why is being myself not "flamboyant" enough?

So I'll try to keep this short.
Me 37m gay, came out @34y old. Boyfriend, 34m gay, came out @ 31.
Our friends 99% straight guys, because those were the friendships we built pre-coming out. Great friends 100% support and no change in behavior once we told them, #loyalallies
We are both "masc" cars, sports beer etc.
Decide we should try to expand our horizons and attempt a community event. Not there 20 min and here mumblings of us not being flamboyant or proud enough....bf has anxiety as it is. He completely shuts down. Starts saying how he should dress differently, I tell him "dress how you want, in what's comfortable, regardless of how it is"
Main questions

  1. Why is it that a community supposedly preaching acceptance and inclusion seems to be more exclusive than my hetero friends?
  2. We want gay friends, should I be looking for people more like us? Because this was defeating.
Thanks all! And if anyone lives in SE Pa or Delaware and doesn't need me and mine to act a different way than we are, say hello.
submitted by Agreeable_Zombie_700 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 No-Throat-3804 hey yall i’m really going through a rough patch in life idk what to do

hey guys just to start off, it started off in september my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer stage 4. And in december i lost my grandpa and I got out of a 1 year relationship and on top of that i failed college and really considering dropping out or maybe take a break.And this month i lost my other grandpa to cancer, and i lost my dog as well. me and my grandmother don’t have a great relationship, she used to say “why do i have to take care of you?” or “your fat u need to lose weight” when i was younger and just mean stuff and now she called me a disappointment of the family cause i failed college Idk what to do, i feel like crying everyday. lately i’ve been praying everyday because thats what i feel like doing. I really feel lost in life.
submitted by No-Throat-3804 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Stefanthro What are the biggest similarities and differences between Serbs and Albanians in culture, mentality, or behaviour?

(Outside of the obvious like language or religion)
submitted by Stefanthro to AskBalkans [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 ApexOdyssey- Apoc1 30k

Apoc1 30k 3 months in and apoc1 is in the bag! At just under 2M BP
submitted by ApexOdyssey- to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 TheBestPostersCo Koi Pond Poster

Koi Pond Poster https://www.etsy.com/listing/1860934477/poster-print-koi-fish-pond-art-print
submitted by TheBestPostersCo to Posters [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 mental_callus REJECT BLOB, WORSHIP BOB ☠️ ALLTZ ☠️ RAGE ROLL PVP ☠️ WH/LS PIRATES ☠️ BOBVULT

Join our discord to hear our real testimonials from players who can give you real accounts of their experience in the corporation. Ask members directly if they have enjoyed their time at BobVult before committing
Zkillboard, our record of mined Salt For the Salt gods; see our activity heatmap for ALLTZ coverage

While our priority is PVP we do offer a diverse range of options if you like to dip into industry and PVE * C3, C4, C5 wormholes sites (1B/hr) * Access to gas and LS mining (50mISK per Venture load) * Facilities to react and manufacture (100mISK/day/character)
"Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior BOB???"
Living in a C2-C2/LS wormhole guarantees that we have a 3J connection to Jita and rollable, new connection to LowSec on demand! If you are already PVPing in LowSec, stop being familiar on the undock to the same people every day! Be mysterious, jump out of a wormhole into LowSec and be someone's worst, unknown nightmare!!! Engage in content within 20 minutes of logging in!
submitted by mental_callus to evejobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Jones1134 Do it for Johnny, man!

Do it for Johnny, man! submitted by Jones1134 to hockeyjerseys [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 Broad_Cable8673 Can I root this?

I found this down the street after the lawn guys butchered it from somebody’s yard, can I revive it?
submitted by Broad_Cable8673 to plants [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 DumperRip Does Decade Tranform into other Kamen Riders and Zi-O makes armors from other Kamen Riders?

I am way far away from the whole Kamen Rider series I stopped at W. Anyway does Decade and Zi-O have in common? Does Zi-O also transforms like Decade or just use other riders as armor?
submitted by DumperRip to KamenRider [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 kayyfabeee 2 UFC 311 tix for sale lower level row 11 $900 each

2 UFC 311 tix for sale lower level row 11 $900 each Orange County meetups
submitted by kayyfabeee to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 BabysFirstVO Is this for me?

Curious if this is for me? I’mcurrently on leave with my one month old twins and wife and have been really chomping at the bits to pull the trigger on a portal, but unsure if my setup will be optimal for its performance. My PS5 isn’t hard wired into the Ethernet and is on a separate floor from my router. Curious as to what kind of results I can expect from the portal with a set up like this.
In the past I’ve tried remote play before with my MacBook but have lost connection over and over again. I’m Mainly looking to play single player rpgs on the portal like Baldurs Gate 3 and Ghost of Tsushima.
Any insight is appreciated! 🤘🏼
submitted by BabysFirstVO to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 YankeeRacers42 Brigitte Helm in Metropolis [1927]

Brigitte Helm in Metropolis [1927] submitted by YankeeRacers42 to 1920s [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 22:58 guibbs1 gnahus | Tomoya Ohtani - Unstoppable [Tylerderp's Extreme] +HDDTHR (-AzuMi, 10.41*) 99.60% FC #1 | 1435pp | First 3mod FC!

gnahus | Tomoya Ohtani - Unstoppable [Tylerderp's Extreme] +HDDTHR (-AzuMi, 10.41*) 99.60% FC #1 | 1435pp | First 3mod FC! submitted by guibbs1 to osugame [link] [comments]
