How many of you have gone no contact with parent? How long has it been?

2025.01.19 02:31 dessertisfirst How many of you have gone no contact with parent? How long has it been?

My dad caused a lot of trauma for me as a child. Mainly psychologically. He then had more kids after remarrying and also traumatized them.
The last time I've seen or spoken to him was Thanksgiving of 2012. I decided after leaving his house that day, that I just couldn't pretend anymore. So I left and never looked back. It was surprisingly easy. I'm now 42 and have no regrets about this decision. Maybe one day I'll reach out. Definitely won't be any time soon.
Shout out to all the ladies with messed up parents who did the right thing and cut them off. Hugs 🫶
submitted by dessertisfirst to WomenOver40 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Kronos720 Can I Avoid Getting A Free Checked Bag?

So I recently got a United Quest card. I’ll be flying United for work, paying for the flights myself, then getting reimbursed by my work. I’m paying the annual fee personally because I think it will be worth while getting some of the extra miles and PQPs. Since my company won’t reimburse me for the annual fee on the card, I don’t want them to get the benefits of the free checked bags. Is there any way for me to pay for my flights with my united card, but still have to pay for checked bags? If I add a checked bag later with a different card, or pay at the gate would that work?
submitted by Kronos720 to unitedairlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Chessh2036 BREAKING: after bringing back Raheem Morris & Jeff Ulbrich, Falcons announced Dirk Koetter has returned to the team as passing coordinator.

BREAKING: after bringing back Raheem Morris & Jeff Ulbrich, Falcons announced Dirk Koetter has returned to the team as passing coordinator. I’m joking but wouldn’t be surprised.
submitted by Chessh2036 to falcons [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 andrewcazuza Briga de Samsung vs Apple é besteira pura

Simplesmente isso, sempre vejo vídeos comparativos, e a real é a seguinte, fanboy de iPhone só caiu no glamour pela marca se vender como Premium. Para 90% dos usuários, a diferença de usar sistema X ou Y é totalmente irrelevante, visto que apenas usam recursos já presentes em praticamente todos os celulares atuais.
submitted by andrewcazuza to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 AsALivieImLivid Caitlin getting hugged by Taylor Swift??? Not sure where CC is more happy for or I am soooooo happy for her 😭🥹❤️‍🔥

Caitlin getting hugged by Taylor Swift??? Not sure where CC is more happy for or I am soooooo happy for her 😭🥹❤️‍🔥 submitted by AsALivieImLivid to CaitlinClark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Healthy-Run-1738 Unsure

Hey what’s your opinion? Meds? Shave it?
submitted by Healthy-Run-1738 to Balding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 catastrofis Iceberg devsarg : "El quilombo entre MELI y La camada de soyhenry 2021"

Rondaba el 2021, y yo estaba en esta plataforma nefasta. Pero, en su defensa, en esa época sí rendía: todo el que llegaba a la etapa final conseguía trabajo en un lapso de dos meses. Inclusive, a mí me tomaron en mi primera empresa por ser egresado de SoyHenry. Además, el networking que se armaba era una locura, muy efectivo.
Pero bueno, vamos a lo que nos compete: un suceso muy polémico que pasó casi desapercibido, y estaría genial que alguien de aquí lo haya vivido para poder compartir cómo fue la experiencia desde su lado. Un "boom" en Henry es cuando un egresado consigue trabajo. Se hace una alerta en Slack, y la persona cuenta su experiencia y que consiguió empleo, para motivar a los demás. Estos "booms", en épocas de reclutamiento en MELI, explotaban literalmente. Había cinco cada una hora, era impresionante.
Sin embargo, esto cambió de un día para el otro. En el siguiente reclutamiento en MELI no hubo ninguno, literalmente ni uno solo. Me llamó mucho la atención. Luego, en una charla con nuestro tutor, nos contó que se enteró de lo siguiente: una camada de egresados de Henry, acostumbrados a copiarse durante todo el proceso (algo que no había mencionado antes), intentó hacer lo mismo en el bootcamp de MELI.
Cabe destacar que, de todos los que llegaban al final de la cursada, el 40% lo hacía copiándose o ayudándose entre sí. Se filtraban los exámenes y ya los tenían resueltos, pero esto, al parecer, no le importaba mucho a don Enrique. Bueno, continuemos. En el bootcamp de MELI, intentaron hacer lo mismo, y los encargados lo notaron. Los bajaron por bajo rendimiento. Algunos lograron quedarse, pero desde entonces SoyHenry empezó a ganarse una mala reputación entre sus egresados.
A partir de ese momento, no se vieron más los "booms" relacionados con MELI. Solo lograban entrar aquellos que estaban estudiando carreras universitarias.
submitted by catastrofis to devsarg [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Valentine-x-vt Does anybody have a copy of their book?

I need her book to actually talk about it in depth, I don't want to pay her and unfortunately the only used listing I can find are overpriced and theres not a pdf of it online - i can pay for scans or shipping if anyone gets their hands on a copy somehow
submitted by Valentine-x-vt to twinbuns [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 WillyNilly1997 Wikipedia and Judaism: How Holocaust Denial Became Embedded in the World’s Go-To Source of (Mis)Information

submitted by WillyNilly1997 to antisemitism [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Squirtlemrmr Crease pattern for my abstract squid

Crease pattern for my abstract squid submitted by Squirtlemrmr to origami [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Engineer1865 Aztec Mythology

I hope when Kratos visits Aztec mythology, the devs add lore on the Mayans and the Olmecs.
submitted by Engineer1865 to GodofWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 HereForTOMT3 how it feels to also lose your first playoff game (it was a week later though so you’re cooler than the other guys)

how it feels to also lose your first playoff game (it was a week later though so you’re cooler than the other guys) submitted by HereForTOMT3 to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Significant_Lie_3429 953695410154 dragonite

submitted by Significant_Lie_3429 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 SirWalrusVII Looking to have this as a phone wallpaper.

Looking to have this as a phone wallpaper. Can someone remove all the text below the guys waist and enhance/upscale the photo to 2868 × 1320 on a 19.5:9 Aspect ratio
submitted by SirWalrusVII to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 FinancialTurnip1366 Uni-Rn ou Uninassau para fazer nutrição?

Estou em dúvida em qual é mais completa e tem mais disciplinas! Venho da UNP e lá tem isso de UC e é horrível espero encontrar uma dinâmica diferente de faculdade.
submitted by FinancialTurnip1366 to Natal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 Hot-Scholar3517 Brown spots?

I found out few brown spots on my Snow White and majula pothos. Any ideas what cause them?
Thank you so much!
submitted by Hot-Scholar3517 to pothos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:31 EngineAddicted Warum hupt jeder heute Nacht in Düsseldorf Altstadt? (Event)

Hallo, ich wohne in der Düsseldorfer Altstadt und habe mich gefragt welches Event aktuell stattfindet, weshalb im 10 Sekundentakt Autos um 3:00 Uhr nachts hupen. Wie geht es anderen die in der Altstadt leben? Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps/Tricks was man dagegen machen kann?
submitted by EngineAddicted to duesseldorf [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 Legitimate_Pie7410 Goff Hurt????

submitted by Legitimate_Pie7410 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 SmoothMeringue8737 Any games like stray?

I finished stray right now and it's fantastic, not only the cat system but the landscapes are so good, any games that haves good landscapes and a good story like stray? Also, on ps plus
submitted by SmoothMeringue8737 to PlayStationPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 james1129darwin For amc mcg eligibility. I have done my (clinical medicine) mbbs from china but medium of teaching is Chinese. Am i still eligible to take the exam .?any relevant information will be appreciated.

submitted by james1129darwin to AMCexamForIMGs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 unleash_her [POSITIVE] for /u/mothershabooboo [buyer]

Great transaction, can’t wait for the next one!
submitted by unleash_her to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 Mixed_Meter Comply Buds3 Pro Came In Today. Here is a fast review.

Comply Buds3 Pro Came In Today. Here is a fast review. I saw Comply finally released memory foam tips for the Buds3 Pro. Ordered through Amazon and they arrived today (about 12 days early, too).
Previously, I owned Buds2 Pro with comply tips and loved them. Pre-ordered Buds3 Pro and have been using the stock tips sine I received them. I've been using the comply for about 10 minutes, and the fit and feel is great.
Everything I've noticed so far:
  • Feel is more comfortable and secure
  • Sound is more full, basses are boosted.
  • Tool that comes with it is only for the foam tips. The tool works GREAT on the foam tips.
  • ANC is very good.
  • I have ANC off as I type this. I can hear my keyboard, I cannot hear the TV very well (it is about 20 feet away at a medium-low volume).
  • I ordered M because my OEM tips are M and I used M on the Buds2 Pro. The comply tips look bigger, and probably are bigger, but they feel about the same in my ears.
  • They fit perfect in the case.
So far, I definitely recommend.
submitted by Mixed_Meter to galaxybuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 FROTUS_official Soundproofing vivarium

I had a neighbor knock on my wall last night during a particularly enthusiastic round of croaking. I love the frog noises but I don't want to be a terrible neighbor. I'm thinking about setting up a blanket or some sound proof panels along some of the walls of the vivarium (outside the glass). Has anyone successfully made their vivarium quieter?
submitted by FROTUS_official to frogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 Sure_Reputation_2967 Fichamento de livros lidos

Tentei usar o Obsidian como ferramenta de Fichamento, mas eu sempre me perco no que colocar. Às vezes coloco 1 coisa, outros foram várias coisas totalmente inúteis. Aí eu não tenho um padrão e fico perdido.
Também tentei usar o Skoob e outras ferramentas web mas achei não muito prático pra fichamento pessoal e de fácil acesso. Deveria fazer fichamento em papel?
O que vocês usam que dá certo para vocês? O que tem dentro do fichamento? Como fazem para manter e continuar?
submitted by Sure_Reputation_2967 to Livros [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:30 Fit_Strawberry1779 I like this guy but can’t tell if these are red flags

I 29f like this guy 39m at work. We’ve known each other about 6 months at work. I know these are probably red flags but I guess the love is blind phrase is real. We haven’t gone out anything but have had moments of eye contact that I could tell was something, either he’s just looking for something short term or long term.
Idk if this matters but he’s Arabic and I’ve seen him kiss the checks of his other male Arabic coworkers, so I’m confused when he does that with female coworker. Is this normal in his culture?
The question: are these red flags? Should I just forget him based on these actions:
He always hugs our one certain female coworker all the time everyday, multiple times throughout the day but she’s been engaged for years.
He is very friendly/flirty. He seems to strike conversations up equally with men/women. He’s randomly asked women out in front of me. In which all 5ish of them have said no..
submitted by Fit_Strawberry1779 to dating_advice [link] [comments]