I regard the use of "year" with "anniversary" as redundant since "anniversary" comes from the Latin word for "year." (annus) Those who say such things as "six-month anniversary" are simply misusing the word. From Wiktionary: Middle English: from Latin anniversarius ‘returning yearly,’ from annus ‘year’ + versus‘turning.’ Here the two are completely interchangeable, I'd say, as a set-phrase. "Merry" in this sense is only used with Christmas as far as I can think (and is presumably a relic from an earlier usage) whereas "happy" can be used with any wish (happy birthday, happy anniversary etc). If you want to confront your husband, wife or partner over forgetting your anniversary to see if you can remember. What day is today? What date is today? Which one above is more idiomatic? As your birthday is the anniversary of your birth, it is just the day and month. Your date of birth will include the full year. As for prepositions, I think you have two options for answering "When is your birthday?": 1) "It's on January 22nd." 2) "January 22nd." Context 2: Jennifer whispered to her boyfriend at Victoria's Secret: "if you buy me this lingerie, I will wear it for you on our anniversary". Context 3: After dinner, Mary went to the bed room and slipped into the negligee her husband had gotten for her. She wanted to give him a sexy surprise tonight. I'm writing a paper about presents and then got this sentence - Her parents appreciate to get/getting the cruise as an anniversary present. How do I recognize when to use gerunds or infinitives? Is there any rule? "on my wedding day" is correct, I think. Please look at the following sources: 1. Our car had been washed the day before, but there I was on my wedding day at six in the morning washing the car. Added to previous thread. Cagey, moderator The answer to that question is very simple. You should use "go to" when you mean physical location like restaurant, bar, country, office: I go to the restaurant, I go to the office, I go to China etc. 解答:英语中anniversary指的是yearly return of the date of an event; celebration of this. 也就是汉语所谓的“周年纪念日; 周年纪念” 。英语一般用序数词表示第某个周年纪念日。综上所述,这里正确的说法是the 10th anniversary,第十个周年纪念。 扩展:基数词与序数词。基数 ... Hola Magg; You "give" a party You "host" a party you "throw" a party You "attend" and "go" to a/the party both are good.

2025.01.19 02:18 Used-Dare7796 3 LRS FOR ANNIVERSARY!!!

3 LRS FOR ANNIVERSARY!!! submitted by Used-Dare7796 to DokkanBattleReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 darlinsoup Fan Theories: Who do you think fucked during the show?

On mobile, sorry. Me and my roommate are watching project runway and loooove to wonder who on the show definitely did the nasty while competitors on the show. Like based on their interactions and their vibes. So like who do you think definitely smashed?
submitted by darlinsoup to ProjectRunway [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Seeking_Wisdomm Easily Record Book Quotes

I love reading self-help books and recording useful quotes / passages. Currently, I underline it and sometimes add a page marker. I would love to instead digitally record this.
I think there could be a camera pen of sorts that scans the passage of choice and records the passage into a database.
Does something like this exist?
submitted by Seeking_Wisdomm to SomebodyMakeThis [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 danielmcztms 自从被b站的味熏走后英语水平大大提升

submitted by danielmcztms to KanagawaWave [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 fijtaj91 Did the emergence of modern states contribute to the rise of a legalistic approach to Islam?

submitted by fijtaj91 to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Bucketlyy Female equivalent of an incel?

No people skills. Terrible looks due to lack of sleep and stress along with general bad genetics (I'm mixed race and it's given me a horribly unusual combo of features.) No romantic prospects due to terrible people skills. I was a neet for 8 months last year and I'm considering going back to it bc I cannot handle having to speak to people daily in my place of education + get good grades. I want to sweat and look at image boards and watch anime in my room until I die from forgetting to eat.
Been considering suicide bc my god is it dire. I tried a few weeks ago but a stranger stopped me and I think about it every day.
I hate to sound like a loser but 2d men are literally all I've got. My family don't see much hope in me and I've nobody truly close to me. I just spend all day reading shoujo manga and programming because I have an addiction that's actually crippling me. Idk what id do if I was fat too. 2d men will treat me well, they're beautiful in ways real men just aren't, I can force any idea I want onto them and they'll be with me unconditionally. Even If I were to suddenly turn pretty I think I'd still dedicate myself to 2d men for these reasons.
I don't exactly resent men, but I've little trust in one's outside of my family. As a young teen I thought that perhaps guys just don't develop romantic feelings because I hadn't realised that I was ugly and insufferable yet. I dislike the way a lot of them will speak down to me and treat me poorly simply because of my looks.
Whatever the female equivalent of a incel is, I am.
submitted by Bucketlyy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 KTaBoom98 wth did you guys expected from guy with that kind of videos

wth did you guys expected from guy with that kind of videos im happy that he did not become a part of our community cuz wtf man is that videos?
submitted by KTaBoom98 to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Puzzleheaded_Air9435 Send thick chubby Asian latinaa nn irls with fat asses 0502cb7366fda07ea7f96e4badab73588faf5e562543227e703b23aa16d2a25552

submitted by Puzzleheaded_Air9435 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Low-Article-6536 r/minecraftseeds Yo check out this jungle snowy tree in 1.12.2 / -7098745022562490396

minecraftseeds Yo check out this jungle snowy tree in 1.12.2 / -7098745022562490396 https://preview.redd.it/0yvtxmme1vde1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d586eff34043d3793007a1ee70f0db47b497625b
submitted by Low-Article-6536 to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Maximum_Pumpkin_449 That screen pass TD for Washington was Jefferson last week

Dumbass darnold
submitted by Maximum_Pumpkin_449 to minnesotavikings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Hank_melon Tour

I wish Daft Punk would do one last tour and call it the one more time tour when everybody the wood comes rest themed as the robots and they would wear the robot mask that light up and it would be held in venues all across the world, but especially New Orleans
submitted by Hank_melon to DaftPunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Flying_whale22 Les muestro a la maleducads

Les muestro a la maleducads Cómo les va gente!
Hace unos meses, aprox en julio del 2024 me robaron la bici. Tenía una MTB R29 de 21 velocidades verde, hermosa.
La bici es mi medio de transporte para estudio y trabajo, por lo que me es indispensable tener una. Tras ahorrar y pensar que bici quería, me decante por una Fixie de una sola velocidad.
Compré casa parte y la arme de cero. Uno de mis grandes logros del 2024. Una bici muy divertida de andar, tengo que hacerle alguna cosita pero es una máquina.
Próximamente quiero repintar el cuadro, cambiar el stem por uno regulable y el manubrio. También en algún momento tengo que cambiar el piñón.
submitted by Flying_whale22 to BiciArg [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 FeedMeComfort 7 week old male hand fed fischer lovebird looking for care and advice

Hi, I'm a new lovebird mom! l've been preparing for him for awhile now. Bought him from a breeder and his DNA test came back male. I was given a ton of advice when bring him home today, but I wanted to hear different opinions here. I'm looking for basic care, needs, food recommendations. He's is weaned, and was told he was eating some seed and millet. Is there other things should consider giving him? am also looking for advice on cage set ups. Am doing too much? Am I not doing enough? I also heard about weaning regression and I'im honestly terrified. How do I prevent this from happening? Is it common? What happens if this does happen? Skye will have to be brought back to the vet again to be weighed in 5 days to make sure he's gaining weight. When should introduce hand training or handling him in general? Is there a certain time limit to try to handle him? He seems pretty scared which I totally understand, so I've just been talking to him quietly as he's in his cage. I open the cage doors some times and talk to him while it's open, but I never try to pet him just yet in fear I am stressing him out. I did offer him millet with my hand and he actually took it! Sorry for the long post, I just really want the best for this little guy and I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I appreciate your time in advance. ❤️
submitted by FeedMeComfort to Lovebirds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 BuddhaBanters Struggling to even consider a relationship with high BP.

24M, been on medication for the past 2 years due to primary hypertension (all tests have been done, but nothing significant has shown up—any suggestions would be appreciated).
This might be off-topic, but it’s something that really concerns me: I want to get into a relationship and eventually get married, without any in-betweens. However, I find myself unable to even talk to a girl if I have a crush, because I feel like it’s not fair to involve someone in my life with all of this uncertainty. Even though some people might be okay with it, the thought of promising someone “I want to spend the rest of my life with you and take care of you” just doesn’t seem right in my case. I feel selfish for considering a relationship just because I want to be in one.
I’m unsure if others have faced something similar, but I’d love to hear your opinions on this.
submitted by BuddhaBanters to hypertension [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Weary-End-7948 Ride or Cash?

Ride or Cash? submitted by Weary-End-7948 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 PostmanSAMXBL H: Raven mask W: Z7%FDC Marine Chest piece

submitted by PostmanSAMXBL to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 lessenizer Ever wish you could steal an enemy jungle camp from the safety of our own Walker?

Ever wish you could steal an enemy jungle camp from the safety of our own Walker? submitted by lessenizer to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Some-Gap4426 Can someone tell me How to Freakin Pray, i cant stand this, different answers each time and insanely hard

submitted by Some-Gap4426 to islam [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 higherroblox What games do you still find entertaining?

I feel like as time as gone by and I have played many games, the good ones are just running out. What’s some games that are still going strong for you, and recommendations for me that I should try out?
submitted by higherroblox to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 LilFahny PC to PC Transfer speeds max at 10MB/s

I have tried transfering files between PC to PC, PC to Mac, PC to linux, however I only ever get max 10MB/s when my network speed is significantly faster. Its so slow that its actually faster for me to upload to google drive and then download it on my other computers. Is there any reason that the transfer would be capped to such a speed? Ive tried using network shares, scp, etc.
My main goal is to transfer from Mac to pc, and linux to pc. Im hoping to setup a home server soon with an extra pc running linux, but Its not worth it with such a slow connection.
I'm not sure where to start, please let me know if there is any info I can provide to help!
submitted by LilFahny to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Awfyboy Why is William still going at it lmao

Why is William still going at it lmao Gotta hand it to him for still trolling even after all the backlash. Man's got balls of steel.
submitted by Awfyboy to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 OverallDevelopment37 Internals class 10

Do all the students get 20/20 in their internal I generally been in good books of teacher but project is bit of by a week can I get 20/20
submitted by OverallDevelopment37 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Livid-Ad-8010 When you need just 1 match to reach Mythic rank and then you get this random teammate.

When you need just 1 match to reach Mythic rank and then you get this random teammate. submitted by Livid-Ad-8010 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 olivr__ how it feels to have 5 shmowders on day 6

how it feels to have 5 shmowders on day 6 submitted by olivr__ to pathologic [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:18 Abject_Nebula5820 Throw out bearing getting stuck

I got a clutch kit from moss miata and before putting my transmission back in my throw out bearing is getting caught on a ridge in the bearing on the pilot shaft. I don’t think this will happen in the car because the pressure play will keep it aligned but I’m worried any insight is appreciated
submitted by Abject_Nebula5820 to Miata [link] [comments]
