2025.01.19 02:24 ShortStoutandBitter Today’s acquisition: Source Technologies 5.2 towers
submitted by ShortStoutandBitter to vintageaudio [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 No-Statement5662 New Job as Teller
Hello everyone! I’d just would like to say I’m super happy with starting to work at my credit union I got hired at since Tuesday. I know next week I’m going to training for 2 weeks but so far the crew + Head teller and Branch Manager are so excited that my wife is having baby #2 “Due on March 22nd” to the point they ask me if I need diapers, wipes and all sorts of stuff for #2! I’m just glad I did say that I’m expecting before I signed the job offer and they were very understanding and happy I was honest.
I know it’s a lot to learn and a lot to process but I’m just super excited to take it all in and soak it up like a sponge. Any tips for a new teller and what I should expect in general?
submitted by No-Statement5662 to TalesFromYourBank [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Bay_Burner Men Strato Tech color reference?
What colors are clove heather and elderberry heather? Based on the online images they are almost identical.
submitted by Bay_Burner to vuoriclothing [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Qarmia What did i do wrong? It doesnt work
All the polarities are correct it has to be another problem
submitted by Qarmia to soldering [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 wickedplayer494 Brandon woman who was oldest Canadian dies
submitted by wickedplayer494 to Manitoba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 02:24 FaZeShadow2 (COMMENT⬇️) Riley Steele
submitted by FaZeShadow2 to shadowvideos [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 mustang_1947 Temple in nj/upstate ny
Hi id like to visit a buddhist temple in nj or upstate ny. Any recommendations? Also would they be open on a weekday? Im a practicing Hindu and just on a quest to explore different temples of worship.
submitted by mustang_1947 to Buddhism [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 TeehGames Trove (back at it?)
I haven’t played Trove since 2017…I can’t explain how confused I am, standing at the HUB 😭 what should I be doing?
submitted by TeehGames to Trove [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 crossfired420 How confident are we?
I’ve been keeping my self updated with the cycle of leaks coming out regarding the monster list, but as someone who doesn’t know jack shit about data mining how confident are we that the full monster roster was present in extremely old build they used for the beta. Mostly asking out of hope that some overdue returnees, Gammoth, Duramboros, etc. might be present in the finished game but absent from the beta files.
submitted by crossfired420 to monsterhunterleaks [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 QuartzCR LTB Tailgater (Michaels Car) on Big Dog spokes (or any gold Bennys)
submitted by QuartzCR to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 02:24 Natalia823 Willing to take a quick survey? For high schoolers students in the U.S. only please!!
This is for school purposes and should take under 10 minutes. Thanks for your time!!
submitted by Natalia823 to GenZ [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 geekyplug Working ChemiCloud Promo 2025
Do you want to host your website with a reliable web hosting company?
If yes then ChemiCloud is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (ChemiCloud coupon code attached), you will get up to 78% discount for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.
Key Features of ChemiCloud Hosting
2025.01.19 02:24 Zom-Mom Catnap Fanart (OC)
submitted by Zom-Mom to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 02:24 pizzabread7124 why are parents so much more "creative" with their daughters names??
(i'm saying this as a woman myself) I feel like i've seen so many girls with "yooneek" names like "PyncDaisi" , "Marshawnessa" "Golden" "Chinolaley" "Roemellie" etc, compared to boys. is it just me or does anyone else think people consider girls' names as more playful/cutesier than boys names?? when your daughter grows up, and has to work as a woman in a male-dominated society, do you really think people (especially men) are going to take her seriously?? (sexism based off someone's name is clearly wrong, but still could happen) you're not just naming an itsy bitsy baby princess.
obviously i've seen a fair share of questionable boy names as well, but i feel like people are a lot more reserved with them
submitted by pizzabread7124 to tragedeigh [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Flashy_Equivalent500 Side hustle that you can do online.
What side hustle would you recommend that you can do online to bring in extra cash monthly. Low investment.
submitted by Flashy_Equivalent500 to sidehustle [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 VegetasWidowPeak22 SOL back for the Lions?
Not looking good for them. Down 10 and Goff is making mistakes and defense doesn’t seem like they can keep up.
submitted by VegetasWidowPeak22 to CHIBears [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Ok_Application_3984 Why does Malayalam have so many english words incorporated?
I was watching movies with my family and I noticed that many words are not said in Malayalam, but said instead as an English word with an accent. For example, enikku orru APPLE tharramo? My family also says this as well. Is there an underlying reason as to why English words are common, or is it just how the langauge evolved? Thank you!
submitted by Ok_Application_3984 to Kerala [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 No-Nobody4590 Samsung space monitor 27inch
Hi, I've found a good deal on this monitor on ebay its 2k144hz 27inch I was wondering if It's worth getting as I've also seen some reviews of people having issues with the panel flickering etc and considering it's used and came out 2019 i dont want it dying on me after ive bought it.(listed as fully working condition). Would greatly appreciate any insight/help on this. Thanks
submitted by No-Nobody4590 to Monitors [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Specialist-Whole437 Knust?
Hejsa allesammen
Ved ikke om det her er et “normalt” opslag men vil alligevel gerne ud med det
Jeg har i december fundet ud af jeg var gravid
Hele december gik ud på at jeg skulle beslutte mig for om den skulle beholdes eller ik
Den 27dec skulle vi senest sige til min læge hvis den skulle fjernes da jeg der allerede ville være over 7 uger henne
Jeg græd og græd og havde sårn enlig mest løst til at beholde den… men jeg blev overtalt til at få den fjernet og gik videre til lægen med det
Lægen vil så sæt mig i gang med en gynækolog (jeg skulle bare lige selv ringe om mandagen (da det var fredag))
Da jeg så ringer fredag havde de lukket til den 2 januar og jeg tænker selvfølgelig “fuck jeg må finde en anden løsning” og ringer rundt til de forskellige steder og for samme svar som ved hende her at de havde vinter lukket og åbner den 2 januar.
Nå jeg ringer så igen den 2 januar og for en tid rimelig hurtigt.
Jeg kommer derind og bliver sat igang med den medicinske abort. Fra dagen jeg tager den piller har jeg det super dårligt
Jeg kunne ikke spise drikke eller andet OVERHOVEDET. Jeg kan derfor heller ik tag de her sidste 4 stik piller🥲 det ender ik godt
Jeg ringer til lægevagten og alt er jo galt
Jeg skulle “bare” havde stukket dem op og så ville alt havde været fint igen når jeg havde lagt et foster i toilettet
Nå hun ringer så rundt og jeg for en tid på sygehuset dagen efter
Hende ved vagtlægen har så sagt jeg ville begynde forfra på medicinsk abort (Hvilket jeg siger til dem at jeg overhovedet ik vil)
De for så en tid en uge efter til en udskrabning fordi at min krop ikke kunne holde til den her medicinske abort
(Jeg har intet spist og kastet op efter hver glas vand jeg havde drukket i over 2 uger på det her tidspunkt)
Nu er det en uge siden jeg fik den her udskrabning og jeg kan ikke lade vær med at græde
Jeg ville gerne beholde det barn jeg var ved at lave Jeg ville aldrig have fjernet det
Men alligevel gav jeg mig…
Jeg græder ik over tanken af at miste det
Mere når jeg ser folk på internettet der er gravide eller folk der har mistet et familie medlem…
Jeg føler mig som en kæmpe fiasko for ikke og kunne sige min mening og hvad jeg vil…
Det gør ondt bare og skrive det her velvidende om at min kæreste ligger lige ved siden af mig og sover og intet ved om det her opslag
Er det normalt og have det sådan her? Eller burde jeg søge hjælp ved noget psykolog eller lignende?😭😭
Mvh. en knust anonym pige
submitted by Specialist-Whole437 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 xjian77 Midwest Local Grocery Chain Shopping $45
submitted by xjian77 to inflation [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Eoeoi Where to get rid of old metal wire shelving?
I’ve got an old wire metal shelving unit like this (https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Stackable-Storage-12-Inches/dp/B0BY2PKY5X/), and it’s finally given up the ghost. Was trying to adjust it a little and the whole thing collapsed; most of the plastic connectors are shot. Tried ordering replacements but they don’t fit.
So I guess this thing is done. But now I’ve got this stack of wire plates. Feels bad to just chuck em in the trash, anywhere more productive I can take them?
submitted by Eoeoi to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 Kandiifl00f Thanks for everything
I found this place when I was at a low point and it helped me think more positively. But I no longer want to moderate it, so I'm stepping down.
Stay hopeful and party on <3
submitted by Kandiifl00f to hopeposting [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 JimCripe Bernie Utterly HUMILIATES Top Trump Pick In BRUTAL Exchange
Really American host Chip Franklin breaks down the hearing for Trump Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, and Bernie Sanders' incredible line of questioning. submitted by JimCripe to LibHumor [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 02:24 No_Standard2813 ECON 100.1 - Jandoc, Karl
Hello, may ftf na ba bukas? As of writing wala paring email or anything... Malayo pa panggalingan ko huhu
submitted by No_Standard2813 to RateUPProfs [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 02:24 danktr00per Finally got my first lord, i think I'll main a less stressful character from now on
submitted by danktr00per to marvelrivals [link] [comments] |