How much would an epic like this go for?

2025.01.19 02:19 NicC32 How much would an epic like this go for?

How much would an epic like this go for? My first epic pull and I’m not sure how much I should be selling it for. From what I’ve seen epic values can be all over the place so need help figuring out a realistic price range for this song
submitted by NicC32 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 maxwellhawks In 2024, did Apple finally surpass Samsung? - TechKelly

In 2024, did Apple finally surpass Samsung? - TechKelly submitted by maxwellhawks to edtech [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 justdontfreakout Hello I need some of your opinions on this if you don’t mind… it’s a long story but if you’re interested I can explain more. Is anything amiss when you look at this breaker? What’s this copper color thing to the left of it?

Hello I need some of your opinions on this if you don’t mind… it’s a long story but if you’re interested I can explain more. Is anything amiss when you look at this breaker? What’s this copper color thing to the left of it? Hello, so I had a break in and someone had stabbed my electric cord to my microwave and there was almost a fire(I can post pictures of that too), also all of the outlets are loosed included the whole cover and screws. Our building has been bought by slumlords who’ve been on the news and have caught the eye of the mayor and the state representative and the health department…It’s really bad and there is a lot to it.. if you have time, I’d be very grateful if you’d take a gander! Thank you either way!!
submitted by justdontfreakout to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Cyrotik Me, immediately jumping into Alloy of Law after WaT

Me, immediately jumping into Alloy of Law after WaT submitted by Cyrotik to cremposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 goddesscee333 Get on your knees and craw to me. I’m about to teach you about your place in life. 21yo🇬🇧 uk findomme

Get on your knees and craw to me. I’m about to teach you about your place in life. 21yo🇬🇧 uk findomme submitted by goddesscee333 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 susrmb I need to decide what i want to do with my little free time.

Got up and went to skating lesson, slept late last nite due to v gaming, need to stop or control it. I bought a retro gaming handheld console since we're about to go onto a holiday, but i couldnt stop playing and i was almost late to class.
Slight knee pain at right leg after skating, feels like normal muscle strain but i stopped skating early nevertheless just to be safe.
Seems i've lost interest in yoga, or else it may help me stretch. Also i didnt strech enough before skating due to time maybe i should be mindful and sleep earlier on saturday nights.
Wife seems to be in a good mood after we went out with kids and other parents. She's an outgoing person she needs to talk to others to let off steam. Anyway she's off my back now (temporarily).
Recurring lessons:
prioritise health
observe procrastination - rest but come back
stand firm - can't save everyone
baby steps - positive feedback loops
don’t start addictions - powerless when knee deep
benefit from hindsights - accept don't criticise
simplify my cause - simplify my life
submitted by susrmb to Diary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Early-Librarian-59 What to do about yellow grass? Is this from my dogs pee?

Also, what kind of grass is in the second picture and is there a way to get rid of it? Killing the rest of my lawn?
submitted by Early-Librarian-59 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Ok_Welcome_5439 anyone want to chat with me about these sexy sluts trisha and nikita i’m gooning so hard need to be bullied session in comments

anyone want to chat with me about these sexy sluts trisha and nikita i’m gooning so hard need to be bullied session in comments submitted by Ok_Welcome_5439 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 charleyleh033 These are a year old. What do we think? Which one should I redraw?

These are a year old. What do we think? Which one should I redraw? submitted by charleyleh033 to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 WaxHalfling Paid a visit to the Tamashi National NYC store today!

Super stoked about all the pickups
submitted by WaxHalfling to ActionFigures [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 MazdoorAadmi KWSB & SSGC Online Duplicate Bill Downloads Not Working

I have to sometimes download duplicate utility bills, but websites of both KWSB and SSGC have been giving errors since Sept 2023 and Oct 2024 respectively, whenever I try to download duplicate bills. I find it really annoying that such huge organizations are failing at even maintaining such an important feature of their website.
Is there any employee here of their IT department who can enlighten us that why these problems with the website don't get fixed?
Also, has the name of KWSB changed to KWSC ?
NOTE: I tried downloading duplicate bill from KWSC website as well, but it doesn't even bother to give an error message.
submitted by MazdoorAadmi to karachi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 angelmartinez2022 doll hate....

There is something that I cannot, and will never understand... WHY do so many people in my life eventually come to hate my doll collection. They don't mouth off about my pile of art supplies. No one yaps back about my transformers collection. No one bitches about my sentai collection. So why in the sam hill are my dolls always points of contention? even folks who tolerate them at first in time start hating them. Can ANYONE explain this? I mean i get my blood family, dolls are a "Sin" in short creek. But why everyone else? Any advice would be great .. thanks.
submitted by angelmartinez2022 to Dolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 ReviewBest8540 I am a victim of a battery. My partner is the witness for the incident. I am afraid of prosecution because of retaliation from the guy or his family. Is there a way that I can let an attorney represent me or at least represent my partner without us actually going to court?

submitted by ReviewBest8540 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Dsg1695 I get into deathmatches with low ranks & destroy them so my KD goes up. AITA?

I get into deathmatches with low ranks & destroy them so my KD goes up. AITA? submitted by Dsg1695 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Bshamus349 Assaultron Armor Question

Hello everyone!
Some friends and I have been getting into the game and I've been planning on running an Assaultron character. I'm specifically going the Rust Devil route with the serrated plate. Are my other pieces naked without armor, or is it implied that I have standard plating in those areas?
If those areas are naked, what does it cost to craft and apply standard plating? I've been able to find what it would cost to modify and improve robot armor, but can't find any specific resource addressing what it may cost to make the baseline standard plating via crafting
submitted by Bshamus349 to Fallout2d20 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Philby_Kim Looking to Connect with MIT Grad Students and Explore Research Labs

I’ve recently moved to the Cambridge area and am eager to engage with the MIT community, particularly graduate students working on research in robotics, manufacturing, energy, and artificial intelligence applications. My primary goal is to connect with researchers and visit labs to better understand the work being done in these areas.
Could anyone recommend the best opportunities to achieve this? Are there specific seminars, open houses, lab tours, or networking events that would be ideal for meeting graduate students and learning more about their projects?
submitted by Philby_Kim to mit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 IlluminatedApe C-SPAN Cities Tour - Carson City: Nevada Mining and the Comstock Lode

C-SPAN Cities Tour - Carson City: Nevada Mining and the Comstock Lode submitted by IlluminatedApe to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 FunGarage2022 Brought this old girl back to life (GN-7W-U)

Brought this old girl back to life (GN-7W-U) Dad has a
submitted by FunGarage2022 to CitizenWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 joseph_collazo USB won’t load

USB won’t load Any help I only have my usb hard drive and I can’t get another one for a while
submitted by joseph_collazo to homebrew [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Freudian__Quip Commies giving the Lions the fight everyone expected we would..

Why couldn’t it have been us man? Hope they pull it off. Jaden good as hell.
submitted by Freudian__Quip to minnesotavikings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Significant_Bag420 Other gunshots in single player?

Newer player, and while im hunting things I hear a gunshot god knows where away, so are there other fixers in town? I can't be that crazy right
submitted by Significant_Bag420 to HellIsOthers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 101PercentCotton 5 + 5 = 4 ?

submitted by 101PercentCotton to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 DadThrowsBolts Let’s be careful with how much we criticize the Jacob Barber interview.

Let’s be clear, the interview was a letdown. But this was largely due to a lot of overhyping by Elizondo, Greer, Coulthartt and others. And unlike the Grusch story, Coulthartt simply didn’t do a great job with this one. But kudos to Jacob Barber for coming forward with his story. His story is important. It was simply overhyped. It’s important that whistleblowers continue coming forward, so let’s encourage them to continue doing so rather than making them regret it.
submitted by DadThrowsBolts to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 jhaohh Uma nuvem supercélula hoje a tarde perto de Sorocaba/SP

Uma nuvem supercélula hoje a tarde perto de Sorocaba/SP submitted by jhaohh to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 02:19 Electronic-Toe-6322 Can you corrupt the Nightfall?

Just as the title says, except whenever I talk to Dwell, I don't see it in the menu. The scroll wheel on the right side doesn't work. I play on PS5 so im not sure if it's a bug or if there's an unlock requirement.
submitted by Electronic-Toe-6322 to remnantgame [link] [comments]