Finally unlocked my first mythic only for this

2025.01.19 03:20 Professional_Song211 Finally unlocked my first mythic only for this

submitted by Professional_Song211 to FORTnITE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 CrystalWolfCub34 One word

submitted by CrystalWolfCub34 to phineasandferb [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 GamingFarang Problem with G HUB?

Anyone else having a problem with Logitech G Hub and binding keys to your mouse? I have a 10 button mouse. Before this update, I was able to bind what I needed to my mouse. After this update, I cannot bind certain buttons on my mouse. I loaded another game to check to make sure my mouse wasn’t malfunctioning. It only happens in Delta Force. Anyone know a workaround or a fix?
submitted by GamingFarang to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Obvious_Gap_4662 Cota Pcd Enem

estou em duvida sobre a cota pcd do enem, eu tenho sindactilia complexa em quase todos os dedos dos pés ( quanto os ossos são unidos e não somente a pele) e má formação congenita nos dois pés e também tenho a ausencia de um dos dedos de um dos meus pés, tendo apenas 4 dedos, isso se enquadraria na cota pcd? nunca vi nenhum caso do tipo na cota pcd, geralmente vejo casos de autismo ou tdah entrando.
submitted by Obvious_Gap_4662 to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 No_Diet_3332 Owe back taxes on sales tax $250k 3 years cdtfa

Hello I owe back sale taxes to catfa from their calculation around $250,000(175+interest+penalty) but my sales report is only around $90,000. Got audited for 3 years (2020-2021-2022 ). They are going based on deposits made to business account, in this case how do I negotiate? What is the proper way to? I do have proofs of reports of sales
submitted by No_Diet_3332 to Bookkeeping [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 TadGhostalEsq When to switch from eccentric pull ups to normal pull ups?

Hi all. Somewhat new to both Calisthenics and this Reddit.
As part of a New Year's resolution, I've committed to calisthenics training. I've downloaded the Calistree app and have had it create several "journeys" for me
A nearer term goal in my training is doing proper pull ups. Because of my other training goals, I'm focusing on pull up related exercises about once a week. Within that routine, I'm currently able to do 3 sets of 6 eccentric pull ups (5 second steady descent). Wondering when I should switch over to normal pull ups - and probably do many fewer. That is, in terms of gaining strength effectively, at what point does it make sense to do fewer normal pull ups than more eccentric pull ups.
submitted by TadGhostalEsq to CalisthenicsCulture [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 blanksvrew9273 i cannotttt😭

i cannotttt😭 submitted by blanksvrew9273 to LAinfluencersnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 DragonfruitPurple676 Step 2 Mentor/Coach Please

Recommendations for usmle step 2 study MentoCoach based on experience please
submitted by DragonfruitPurple676 to OETforECFMG [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Realistic-Invite-437 New to firewood wood !!

I have access to a bunch of fallen trees and want to get into selling firewood. What do I need/need to know to start?
submitted by Realistic-Invite-437 to firewood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 VeterinarianNo3177 Cleaning bacon fat

What’s the best way to clean the bacon fat that is saved on the stove? I’ve been doing half fat, half water Bring to a boil Toss into the fridge Repeat until clean (4/5 times) There’s gotta be an easier way…. 🤷‍♂️
submitted by VeterinarianNo3177 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Alive_Avocado_9342 Heyyyy ifb and ill be a good mutual

submitted by Alive_Avocado_9342 to follow4follow [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Zealousideal-Cut-623 Sublease - Private Furnished Room and Bath - USC Area - Summer 2025

submitted by Zealousideal-Cut-623 to LARentals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 BigJonnoJ CANON - who is the most combat-skilled ARC trooper? IMO, Fives...

CANON - who is the most combat-skilled ARC trooper? IMO, Fives... submitted by BigJonnoJ to clonewars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 DescriptionEither217 joe bart anyone

joe bart anyone anyone else watch him?? he’s my favorite youtuber. this man has the best takes and is so kind and hilarious i love him
submitted by DescriptionEither217 to youtube [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Major_Reporter4444 desperate for views

desperate for views ain’t no way she pretending she having a BABY be fr
submitted by Major_Reporter4444 to shawfamily [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Immediate_Change_382 37 [M4F] Northeast USA - Let’s fill the quiet spaces in our days with one another

It is impossibly difficult to be pithy, approachable and earnest on here, but as with all things in life, I don’t settle. I’ll find someone my way, or I’ll try again later.
I’m looking for someone to excitedly text the moment I get off of a work call. Someone who I text just before bed and just after I open my eyes in the morning. Someone who I’m excited to share details about my day with. Ideally, I’ll be all of those things for you, too.
That doesn’t mean I shy away from the bigger-picture stuff. Talking about life’s struggles is fine, but I have a therapist and won’t treat you as one. In the ideal case, we’re solid friends and talking years from now. Realistically, we make each other happy and talk for as long as it works for us both, then respectfully go our separate ways.
I’m a huge flirt, and hope you are too... if the connection is there. I don’t ghost and if you do, please don’t message me in the first place. Some more things about you:

I won’t answer messages without a bit about you and be prepared to share a photo of your face once I accept; yours gets mine :)
submitted by Immediate_Change_382 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 _charmcaster_ Derma Recos Around Legazpi or Albay?

Hiiii. May marerecommend ba kayong derma diyan? Hehe. Thank youuu! 🤗
submitted by _charmcaster_ to Bicol [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Moises_Jauregui1989 En la actualidad, enfrentamos el reto de preservar la objetividad en una era marcada por la desinformación, que ha debilitado significativamente el pensamiento crítico.

No sé si este tema se ha tratado con anterioridad, pero considero importante reflexionar sobre cómo ciertos conceptos científicos, avalados por la comunidad académica, son rechazados por algunas personas simplemente porque chocan con sus creencias. Ejemplos de ello incluyen la negación del cambio climático causado por el ser humano, la teoría de la evolución, la efectividad de las vacunas, la antigüedad de la Tierra, la diversidad sexual y de género, la orientación sexual, el origen del universo, entre otros.
Es fundamental reconocer que, aunque la ciencia no es infalible, sigue siendo el mejor método para construir marcos teóricos basados en evidencia empírica, permitiéndonos desarrollar modelos objetivos y racionales. Estos dos últimos puntos —objetividad y racionalidad— merecen especial atención, ya que están perdiéndose progresivamente en el mar de desinformación que proliferan en las redes sociales.
Las redes sociales se han transformado en cámaras de eco donde solo resuenan las opiniones que refuerzan nuestras nociones preconcebidas sobre cómo funciona el mundo. La objetividad requiere escuchar todas las voces y evaluar su veracidad a través de un marco científico y empírico respaldado por múltiples estudios provenientes de diversas disciplinas. Sin embargo, ser objetivo no significa aceptar únicamente las ideas que nos agradan o que atacan a aquellos que despreciamos; tal actitud solo fomenta una cultura de odio predominante en comunidades polarizadas que, en muchos casos, orbitan alrededor de la figura de un influencer.
Este fenómeno afecta especialmente a los más jóvenes, quienes en su búsqueda de identidad son vulnerables a la influencia de estas comunidades, y a los mayores, quienes, debido a la brecha digital, tienden a confiar ciegamente en lo que ven en los medios.
Hay dos citas del astrofísico y divulgador científico Carl Sagan que ilustran esta problemática:

En nuestra búsqueda de sentido, los seres humanos hemos creado historias, mitos y narrativas que explican el mundo. La religión, por ejemplo, promete certezas, como saber lo que sucederá en el futuro o qué pasa después de la muerte. Estas certezas tienen un impacto psicológico significativo, ya que el miedo a la muerte ha sido una constante en nuestra historia. Por el contrario, la ciencia no ofrece certezas absolutas. Puede construir modelos de predicción, pero nunca son completamente certeros; tampoco responde qué ocurre después de la muerte, pues no es su campo de estudio.
Aunque existen investigaciones sobre fenómenos como las experiencias cercanas a la muerte (NDE, por sus siglas en inglés), que son explicados como procesos neurofisiológicos, muchas personas buscan algo más trascendental, a pesar de la falta de evidencia concreta. En este contexto, escuchamos frases repetidas en funerales, como: "Ya tienes un ángel en el cielo" o "Ahora te cuida desde arriba", que son afirmaciones sin sustento que solo aportan un falso consuelo.
A lo largo de la historia, cada generación ha sentido que los valores de la sociedad están en decadencia. Desde Sócrates, quien se lamentaba de la juventud de su época, hasta los debates actuales sobre términos como woke o “generación de cristal”, se repite el ciclo de culpar a las nuevas generaciones de la pérdida de valores.
Hoy en día, muchas personas se ofenden por cuestiones como el matrimonio igualitario, la adopción por parejas del mismo sexo, o incluso el cambio de color de piel de un personaje ficticio. Estas reacciones suelen enmascarar un miedo al cambio y una necesidad de aferrarse a una visión estática del mundo. Este patrón de rechazo al cambio también se refleja en las narrativas apocalípticas que han acompañado a la humanidad, desde el Ragnarök nórdico hasta el Apocalipsis cristiano, pasando por las teorías modernas sobre el fin del mundo en el año 2000 o 2012.
En mi experiencia como docente universitario y estudiante de doctorado, he observado cómo la desinformación y las teorías de conspiración prosperan gracias a los algoritmos de las redes sociales, que priorizan contenido diseñado para provocar reacciones emocionales extremas. Por ello, debemos fomentar el pensamiento crítico, sistemático y complejo, que nos permita entender que la realidad no puede reducirse a dicotomías simples ni a juicios superficiales.
Finalmente, quiero invitar a la reflexión sobre el tipo de contenido que consumimos y cómo evaluamos su veracidad. Solo abrazando un pensamiento racional y fundamentado podremos enfrentar los retos de una sociedad inundada de desinformación. Les deseo a todos una excelente noche de sábado.
submitted by Moises_Jauregui1989 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 webby30_31 Bacon wrapped chicken

Bacon wrapped chicken submitted by webby30_31 to FoodPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Purple-Abalone-284 Having the best time Dry January

Haven’t drank since 12/28 & I am having the best time not drinking. I’m going out and seeing friends in my normal settings and having the best time. My friends all know I’m doing dry january (they don’t know i plan to continue it), but are so supportive and I am creating the best memories with my friends that I wouldn’t remember if I was drinking!! It’s so fun how the last 20 days I remember everything. I’m more present.
Day 20! The longest I’ve gone in 6 years of drinking (last 2 years while trying to moderate became worse) was 21 days and it was last January. Excited to beat it.
submitted by Purple-Abalone-284 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Lost-Violinist-4941 🤭

🤭 submitted by Lost-Violinist-4941 to ByzantineMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Vivid-Ad201 From collegiatefans

From collegiatefans submitted by Vivid-Ad201 to HotGirlsAtThemeParks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Saper-Ja- THEY PLAYED NOOTS IN SASKATOON!!!

submitted by Saper-Ja- to Sum41 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 IBangTokyoWife What are your favourite non-tech growth stocks for the long run?

Profitable, PE < 30, market cap > 10B
Any suggestions?
submitted by IBangTokyoWife to ValueInvesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Tiny_Natural_562 mental health sub suggestions

i've been going through a pretty rough period lately and i was wondering if anyone had any reccs for mental health improvement subs that worked for them? maybe specifically for depression but anything at all helps!
thank u sm :3
submitted by Tiny_Natural_562 to Subliminal [link] [comments]