Help: Audio Driven Portrait Animation

2025.01.19 03:19 Sl33py_4est Help: Audio Driven Portrait Animation

Hi all, I haven't been able to get JoyVASA, Hallo2, or even SadTalker running in anything. I've tried the the github repositories directly, I've tried running it in Forge, and I've tried running it in ComfyUI.
It appears to be different dependencies every time and I have followed more or less every route I am aware of.
I run windows 11 but have WSL set up. I've tried using Docker as well.
I just want to make a portrait talk using audio as the driving condition. It doesn't need to be a specific model.
Can anyone point me to a fool proof solution? (keep in mind I couldn't figure out the other fool proof solutions)
submitted by Sl33py_4est to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Limp_Outcome4559 Droppande ljud hemma

Hej allihopa!
Jag har under senaste månaderna hört ett droppande ljud i väggarna och jag kunde lokalisera vilken vägg jag hörde det mest i. Väggen bakom toaletten.
Det kommer och går lite närsomhelst. Även om jag inte använt vatten. Rätt högt också. Mitt i natten kan det börja droppa. Först var jag orolig att det läcker någonstans, då problemet inte riktigt funnits förut (kanske någon enstaka gång). Jag kontaktade vår förvaltare som kom förbi och lyssnade in. Jag kunde starta ljudet genom att låta kranen rinna en stund. Han hörde det under tiden vattnet rann och även efter. Han sa att han kontaktar byggföretaget då vi fortfarande är inom garantitiden och lämnade det så.
Därefter fick vi svar av dem, de säger att det inte är läckage. Utan att det snarare droppar i rören. Förmodligen i S-ningen. De slutade svara mer därefter då de avslutade det och sa att detta inte är en garantiärende. Detta utan att kontrollera eller komma förbi och kolla.
Eftersom vattentillförseln inte har stannat upp så tror jag inte heller att det är läckage längre då det skulle automatisk stängas av. Dock droppar det nu hela jävla tiden. Det är till den graden att jag avstår att duscha senare, är försiktig men hur vattnet rinner och det påverkar hur jag lever i lägenheten. Annars droppar det under natten.
Jag försöker identifiera problemet själv nu och försöker komma fram till orsaken. Det enda jag kan komma på som har hänt, är att jag tidigare förra året vid något skede fick problem med att vattnet rann i toan och öppnade knappen på toan och justerade ventilen tills det slutade, sedan hade jag lite problem med det några gånger till. Varje gång justerade jag ventilen. Sedan slutade jag ha problemet och släppte det. Men nu kom det ständiga droppandet.
Det droppar både när vatten rinner, efter och ibland utan att slå på vatten någonstans.
Vad tror ni problemet kan vara? Har ventilen något med detta att göra? Är det skit i mina rör? Vad kan jag göra då?
Jag testar gärna allting som jag kan ordna själv.
Jag kan inte riktigt köpa att detta ska vara accepterat och normalt i en lägenhet, framförallt när det inte var så i 1 år innan det blev ett problem. Någonting orsakar det här ljudet. Samtidigt har jag inte haft problemet i något tidigare boende eller hört likande problem i andras hem.
Vore tacksamt om ni delar era idéer och tankar eller om berätta om ni har haft samma problem och hur ni åtgärdade det!
submitted by Limp_Outcome4559 to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 turkish__cowboy maybe maybe maybe

maybe maybe maybe submitted by turkish__cowboy to maybemaybemaybe [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Far_External6297 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Far_External6297 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Tony_el_mudo Esta madre ni pega...

Esta madre ni pega... submitted by Tony_el_mudo to Carola [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 BruhGod10 Replacement for Xilonen

I recently pulled citlali and that means I can put xilonen on a different team. I was wondering who would be the best to replace her in an Arlecchino Bennet and Citlali team.
submitted by BruhGod10 to ArlecchinoMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 -_-_-_-_-_-_-157 GOUYS THIS IS NOT A DRILL!

I think I just put a sticker on perfectly?!??
submitted by -_-_-_-_-_-_-157 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 bwillysg SCNF Tickets-buy ahead or at the station?

I'm going on a Paris-Brittany trip in May and I was planning on taking the inter city to Rennes and then using that as a base. Will it be cheaper to buy my train ticket same day or buy ahead of time?
submitted by bwillysg to ParisTravelGuide [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 FunWelcome3804 WHY the next fusion is blue vegito and NOT super gogeta

WHY the next fusion is blue vegito and NOT super gogeta
  1. They literally JUST had gogeta as anni last year 2.they JUST EZAed teq super GOEGTA and he is still a top ten unit. 3.they are ezaing LR Two gogetas this annii (technically the blue Goku and vegeta count since they're on fusion warrior's) 4.there are no good blue vegito units
  2. There are two good super GOEGTA
Points against this. 1. I can't think of what they could possibly eza for a Z movies other than the janemba and goegat 2. Unlikely they'd drop two potaras in one celebration especially when the mechanic is new
submitted by FunWelcome3804 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Usual_Vegetable9860 C'mon goff

submitted by Usual_Vegetable9860 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 thedawgman5 [H] $$$ [W] Astra Militarum models (recent sculpts) [Loc] FL, USA

Looking for generally any models besides old sculpts, forge world, and catachan. Can be NOS, Primed, Painted.
Especially interested in the following:
Heavy Weapons Teams
submitted by thedawgman5 to Miniswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Fat_Habibi Getting huge lag spikes every 20 seconds.

I have been using steam VR for over a year now, and ever since i first got it, I would get lag spikes so damn much. Basically what happens is on any game i play, my game freezes for 2-5 seconds and then after my game freezes, im on like 5 fps for around 10 seconds then it goes back to normal, and then around 30 seconds later, it happens again. I have a decent pc and it is past the minimum requirements for steam VR. I also make sure i have MINIMAL things running while playing steam VR. I only have steam VR, Voice mod, and the oculus app running while i play, and i also use Oculus killer which should make my performance even better but still, no fix. I have even set my resolution to the lowest possible and i still get the lag spikes. and this is HORRIBLE when your playing games like gorilla tag because if your running from the taggers, the freeze itself will get you tagged, and if it does not, the 5 fps will make it unplayable and it makes the game boring. Does anyone know any fixes?
submitted by Fat_Habibi to OcQuestPCVR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 OrdinaryOk888 Across Africa, Russia is growing in influence. What might Moscow want? | CNN

Across Africa, Russia is growing in influence. What might Moscow want? | CNN submitted by OrdinaryOk888 to NAFO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Ok-Bench8986 今天一早打开TikTok的弹窗,感觉是玩真的 要关了

TikTok tells US users it is shutting down ‘temporarily’ TikTok told its 170mn US users on Saturday that it will no longer be available “temporarily” after the expiry of a deadline requiring its Chinese parent company Bytedance either to sell its stake in the app or face a ban. In a pop up that appeared as users opened the short-form video app, the company wrote: “We regret that a U.S. law banning TikTok will take effect on January 19 and force us to make our services temporarily unavailable.” It added: “We’re working to restore our service in the U.S. as soon as possible, and we appreciate your support. Please stay tuned.” The app otherwise is still working for users. TikTok 告知美国用户其服务将“暂时”停止
TikTok 在周六告知其1亿7千万美国用户,在其中国母公司字节跳动(ByteDance)被要求要么出售其在该应用中的股份,要么面临禁令的最后期限过后,该应用将不再“暂时”可用。当用户打开这个短视频应用时,出现了一个弹出消息,公司写道:“我们遗憾地通知您,禁止 TikTok 的美国法律将于1月19日生效,并迫使我们暂时无法提供服务。”它补充道:“我们正在努力尽快恢复在美国的服务,感谢您的支持,请继续关注我们的消息。”除此之外,该应用程序对用户来说仍然可以正常使用。
submitted by Ok-Bench8986 to China_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 blackavenger626 DO IT FOR MOMMY HAHARI!!

DO IT FOR MOMMY HAHARI!! submitted by blackavenger626 to Hahari_Hanazono [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Classic-Pizza-927 Bowman Best Rip

Bowman Best Rip Pretty good for one box. I love that all the autos are on card.
submitted by Classic-Pizza-927 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Shot-Fruit5422 What is this item? It came in a box of falafel and is considered a “gift”

What is this item? It came in a box of falafel and is considered a “gift” submitted by Shot-Fruit5422 to What [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 Sweet_Sprinkles9103 This was the 16th match between Sen and 100T, with the result being 12-4 in favor of Sen.

This was the 16th match between Sen and 100T, with the result being 12-4 in favor of Sen. The fateful battle between these two teams is likely to continue.
submitted by Sweet_Sprinkles9103 to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 TheHoley0ne Self Host on Diskstation through Starlink with IPv6- Port 80 Open but no external access?

Hi All,
I'm trying to self host, I installed a web server on my Synology Diskstation NAS and configured IPv6 for my network. I can load the page properly using the IPv6 or domain address while internal to the network (making me think the diskstation is configured correctly), but not external to the network. I have opened port 80, 443, 53, and 123 using both TCP and UDP through the firewall, and confirmed that port 80 is open using
The diskstation has its firewall off, and I have also tried with my router's firewall off. Starlink is in bypass mode (or whatever they call it) and connects into the WAN port of my RT-AC58U
What am I missing here?
submitted by TheHoley0ne to HomeServer [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 ManiacGaming1 I know what my teammates really want to say

I know what my teammates really want to say submitted by ManiacGaming1 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 GregothyAlabasterIII First Stick and Pokes! (2 day progress)

First Stick and Pokes! (2 day progress) disregard the instagram text im too lazy to redo it, but these are my first three tries at single needle stick and pokes, and the line work is super shaky but it was fun and im proud of my progress!
the shading on the second try is my fav so im working on getting that with my linework for three rn
submitted by GregothyAlabasterIII to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 baromanb [Berger] Final game for coach Nuri Sahin if BVB lose on Tuesday in Bologna. The bosses are already dealing with possible successors in the background in case Sahin loses again in Italy. Erik ten Hag remains a top candidate.

[Berger] Final game for coach Nuri Sahin if BVB lose on Tuesday in Bologna. The bosses are already dealing with possible successors in the background in case Sahin loses again in Italy. Erik ten Hag remains a top candidate. Final game for coach Nuri Sahin if BVB lose on Tuesday in Bologna. The bosses are already dealing with possible successors in the background, in case Sahin loses again in Italy. Erik ten Hag remains, as exclusively reported, a hot candidate. Sandro Wagner and Roger Schmidt, on the other hand, are not available. Lars Ricken had massively increased the pressure after the Frankfurt bankruptcy and said: "Nuri will be on the bench against Bologna, but of course, we all know that, Nuri knows that too, with the clear expectation that we now simply need victories and a sense of success.”
submitted by baromanb to borussiadortmund [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 abjinternational PR Queen Roxy Jacenko cops $6,000 fine from council for train strike PR stunt during Sydney rail shutdown

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 astralrocker2001 Are you sure?

Are you sure? submitted by astralrocker2001 to InterdimensionalNHI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:19 M_i_c_K LAWLESS ADMINISTRATION: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Files Suit Against Biden's Proposed Water Heater Ban

LAWLESS ADMINISTRATION: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Files Suit Against Biden's Proposed Water Heater Ban submitted by M_i_c_K to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]