General TCG player questions

A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Free Time. Do you have enough free time? Do you have free time on Sundays? Do you have much free time during the day? Do you have much free time in the evenings? Do you have much free time in the mornings? Do you like to watch movies? ( to play tennis, ...) What are you doing this ... A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: After a Vacation, Holidays. Have you ever been abroad? Where have you been? Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? If so, where? Who with? How long will you stay? Are you afraid of going abroad alone? Could you live in another country for the rest of your life? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Can you tell about something you love? Can you tell about something you hate? Can you tell about something you really care about? Can you tell about someone you dislike? Can you tell about a dream you've had? Can you tell about a goal you have? Can you tell about yourself? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Related: Photography. What is your hobby? How long have you had a hobby? Why do people have hobbies? Why did you start your hobby? Can you make money from doing your hobby? How many hours a week do you spend on your hobby? Is your hobby safe or dangerous? What is a hobby? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. How often do you travel? How often do you wake up in the middle of the night? How often do you go to the dentist? How often do you go to church? How often do you eat candies? How often do you go to the doctor? How often do you say "I Love you" to your parents? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Do you wish you lived in another country? Why? Do you wish you didn't have any brothers? Why? Do you wish you were taller? Why? Do you wish you were thinner? Why? Do you wish you studied in a different university? Why? Do you wish you worked in a different company? Why? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do? If a classmate asked you for the answer to a question during an exam while the teacher was not looking, what would you do? If someone's underwear was showing, would you tell them? If the whole world were listening, what would you say? A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Have you ever appreciated a sunset? Were you alone or with someone special? Have you ever been a guest at a surprise party? Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? Have you ever been in a fist fight? Have you ever been on TV? Have you ever been to a theatre? (Also spelling "theater.") A Part of Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom. Do you have any pets? What was the last book you read? Do you like to cook? What's your favorite food? Are you good at cooking/swimming/etc? Are you married or single? Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they older or younger than you? Do you like baseball? Do you live alone? Interesting questions for discussions in Engish lessons. A Project of The Internet TESL Journal If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These Pages

2025.01.19 03:20 _espix General TCG player questions

I'm a Thantis, the warweaver commander main who's also a student conducting research about TCG players and the community. I'd love to post my survey here asking about TCG apps and people's preferences if that's alright :3 thantis my pookie......
If you don't want to do the survey that's a-ok but I'd love to hear anything y'all would like to see in an app that centers around the TCG community !
submitted by _espix to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 -_ShadowSJG-_ Are fans dissapointed by the og trios fate in the sequels?

Seeing as they die and their bloodline ends were most people upset about that?
submitted by -_ShadowSJG-_ to StarWars [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 LogicalAd8685 The fate of Religion is on Science's hands

I'm not here to debate if the creatos is contradictive or athism is denial. I am here for some opinions on the title which I believe is bound to occur at some point in history and be taught as simple knowledge then, but one of the biggest splits in human history today.
One thing that I need to address on this statement is that the statement in the title suggests Absolute Science = Truth. I know that something can be the truth in one time period but turns out wrong in another; such as medical treatment from the medieval ages compared to today. Or that the truth is relative based on perspective, e.g a stone might be to the left of me but is not left for everyone else - this is on of the things that divides humans and creates differing opinions but is also a strong atribute for humans. When I mean the title I am saying absolute truth, a fact that cannot be shaken by perspective and won't change with time: God either exists or not (there could be something else but it would be under the umbrella of a creator or not). If you don't believe in science then forget this entire post.
One day or a series of events which lead to the ultimate factual claim from an absolute scientific descovery, disproven only by science haters.
God is Real - There is No god.
This would obivously shook the world, there would be a crisis on Earth or future space empire, there would be deniers, mass changing and destruction of old traditionlist ways. But eventually new generations in education are taught the truth. The proven way would take over the Earth, no matter how you put it. IF either a creator is real or not is finally figured out, I am certain that the other side would diminish into cultist societies. A real example of this? Flat Earth, once each society or the spread of ideas got to the societies discovered that the Earth was round, flat Earth believers have been turned into non-science believers with no one caring for them anymore. The same will happen with Religions fate. It will rise and unite the Humans or Crumble into another tradionalistic thinking.
What do you think?
submitted by LogicalAd8685 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Niugnepdloc1 Which blower? Husq 150bt or Ego Commercial 800cfm backpack

I’m debating between these two blowers. I want to make sure I’m getting the best bang for the buck all the way around. Not dealing with gas and having things easily and quickly fire up is a selling point, but want to make sure it’s powerful enough. The cfm on the ego is higher 800 vs 765 but the mpg on the Husq is higher 270 mph vs 190. Looking to buy into ego ecosystem so also a plus, just concerned about the power difference in mph. Any thoughts?
submitted by Niugnepdloc1 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 xD3m3nTuL Free stuff?

It’s out there some sort of promo code for my first experience? I got Netflix for like 9-10 months and the price really started to be a problem, at first I was paying no more than 14$ and now it’s close to 20$ with only one member who doesn’t live with me. Should I move to prime?
submitted by xD3m3nTuL to netflix [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Imaginify Haven't seen anyone point this symbolism out, but maybe I'm just crazy
At the 21:50 mark in Season 2 Episode 1 when Mark opens Milcheck's drawer, we see a tube with Japanese text on it. This is a commonly product used for horticulture and is usually used for sealing cuts on a branch after trimming it.
The brand on the tube in English is "New Kiyonar," the Japanese root Kiyo (キヨ) meaning pure, which maybe is a reference to the Refiners "purifying" the memories/data.
Now obviously Milcheck has a bonsai tree in the corner of his room, but as we know everything in this show is purposefully placed, and I think it's symbolic.
This could be referring to a few things:
1. The severance procedure itself, in the sense that the chip is "pruning" memories or feelings, and this also could be alluding to what MDR is doing. I know a lot of people are confident now that MDR is actually refining memories or emotions in order to make the chip more effective in some way.

  1. It could represent the paradoxical nature of severance, as a literal representation of the division that happens (cutting a plant or splitting identities) in an attempt to repair or protect what was divided.
3. Or, it could be representing the firing of Ms. Cobel, as Lumon had to "prune" their staff in order to make it better.
I know some of these theories are arbitrary, however I thought it was a pretty neat piece of symbolism within Milcheck's office, similar ot the "tip of the iceberg" painting which represents how there's so much more going on (or that there's many floors beneath this one.)
Let me know what you guys think!
submitted by Imaginify to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 whitestar2999 Starship Armor upgrades

I'm creating a heavy Frigate how many +3 Armor plates can I add? the only rules I can find is size restrictions, cost and availability.
submitted by whitestar2999 to SagaEdition [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Worried-Hair-2276 This no skill having ahh character

This no skill having ahh character Why can't this woman just leave me alone? 💀
submitted by Worried-Hair-2276 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Ok-Animal1928 Having issues getting skyrim to run with mods

Reinstalled skyrim several times and have multiple mods installed, tried fixing the issue but i have no idea whats causing the game not to work, i would appreciate if someone could look at this and identify the issue if possible, i think it has something to do with the mini map but i could be wrong?
submitted by Ok-Animal1928 to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Vegetable-Mistake-39 Looking for partner

Anyone on ps5? Haven’t played in a while I’m starting ch 4
submitted by Vegetable-Mistake-39 to ItTakesTwo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Goober-kaka Can anyone hook me up with a exalted relic

submitted by Goober-kaka to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 caliscanvas charles really really really wants his tea

charles really really really wants his tea submitted by caliscanvas to coralisland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 vizualdesperado88 How did you get past infidelity/adultery?

I've been having a lot of trouble dealing with the effects of infidelity/cheating. I have been seeing professionals about it but they have not offered much understanding nor help. I was never looking for reassurances, just tools that I can use to move forward in my life.
To give a little back ground; Most of us have been victims of cheating, some even dont know it. But personally I have been more traumatized by the cheating that has happened to those around me, as oppose to the cheaters I dated.
I have both family and friends that had long fruitful relationships, only to have it end due to cheating. The devastation that those people dealt with would have put me in my grave. It did for one acquaintance I knew. Furthermore, one aspect that I can't seem to grasp is how many cheaters seem apathetic about the hurt they had caused. Little remorse, even if the couple had children.
There seems to be a pervasive sense of "life is short, and if an opportunity presents itself, I'll take it."
When I brought these issues, feelings, and concerns to different therapists, Their responses offered little insight.

My sensitivity to cheating has increased despite my best efforts. Seeing it on screen, or reading it in a book can really mess me up. The only way I can explain it, is like when the protagonist in "get out" falls into the sunken place. It is crippling.
It was not always the case, but now I find it extremely difficult to even attempt to form intimate relationships with the opposite sex because all I can see in my head, is a nameless/faceless person giving them the most enjoyable night of their life while they tell me how I could never satisfy them like they could.
submitted by vizualdesperado88 to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 var_green Help change my password

Hi so I recently just forgot my password. I can still get in my phone with Touch ID but sometimes it needs the password before that works and I don't want to get locked out. And to change your password to something new you first need to enter your old password. How do I get around that?
submitted by var_green to iphonehelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 MightyMoraquile I messed up

I put my journal cybred up for 100k thinking no one would buy it but someone did and if you want ur money back i will buy it back. Your username is Kiera right? I hope you see this.
submitted by MightyMoraquile to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 No_Ranger_3896 New ride, now shares a garage with 2021 Outback.

New ride, now shares a garage with 2021 Outback. Love Subaru's.....
submitted by No_Ranger_3896 to BRZ_ZD8 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 someonerandomlmao To Whoever Told Me to Swap Lite Sour Cream With Non-Fat Greek Yogurt, I LOVE you

To Whoever Told Me to Swap Lite Sour Cream With Non-Fat Greek Yogurt, I LOVE you submitted by someonerandomlmao to Volumeeating [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Bluejay_thesilly why did guard 011 have scars on her arm?

why did guard 011 have scars on her arm? am I missing something??? 😭
submitted by Bluejay_thesilly to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 AnxiousDiscipline250 Pump for bar sink

I'm looking at building a bar in my basement and tapping into existing plumbing and vent is proving difficult. Since the sink would hardly be used I'm hoping there's an option to use a 5 gallon water jug and 6 gallon waste bucket. I'm not seeing many options. I see some options for ice makers and coffee makers that produce 40 psi. I'd like something that activates when the sink lever is opened and doesn't require it to be turned on every time. Not sure how to find this or if it even exists. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is this even legal for a basement bar? I do have hot and cold lines available but I don't want to use this option because it would have to drain into a 6 gallon waste bucket and I wouldn't want to risk an overflow and flood.
submitted by AnxiousDiscipline250 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 eddino55 This Winter Storm Just Took A Big Turn...

This Winter Storm Just Took A Big Turn... submitted by eddino55 to freefantasylgueswchat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 UrWifesSoftPecker That was Good

That was Good submitted by UrWifesSoftPecker to leafs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Suspicious-Case-4013 Help pelase guys

How can I improve my timing?? And my fighting IQ
submitted by Suspicious-Case-4013 to Kickboxing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 Lazy-Attempt8561 Lf 1:1 trade 😊💖✨️ ( set 3 and set 7)

Lf 1:1 trade 😊💖✨️ ( set 3 and set 7) Looking to trade my 2 star dupe : tycoonopolis from set 7
For good purchase in set 3
For artist Paradise AND write and we'll in set 3
Thank you ✨️💖
Ign dashing panda Friend code MGO347HVC8KF
submitted by Lazy-Attempt8561 to MoGo_Dub_Trade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 GohguyTheGreat Random Juicing #22: Flurk's Announcement

Random Juicing #22: Flurk's Announcement submitted by GohguyTheGreat to Stonetossingjuice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:20 flipzone Red Bull Energy Drink, Peach-Nectarine, 473ml (12 Pack) $37.27
submitted by flipzone to dapsCA [link] [comments]