Do you find guys driving cars more attractive than guys who ride a motorcycle?

2025.01.19 03:53 monishgowda05 Do you find guys driving cars more attractive than guys who ride a motorcycle?

I heard from a friend that he likes to see guys use that steering wheel , she mentioned guys look so hot when turning that wheel.
submitted by monishgowda05 to AskTeenGirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Fresh_Music_3374 3000 builder trophies 😊

3000 builder trophies 😊 Finally after so much grinding lol. I trophy pushed after 2900 lol, had 0 stard a base and got mad
Base link
submitted by Fresh_Music_3374 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 redboi23 Super close, dm me and I’ll get you back

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by redboi23 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 mackiecrane Very underrated artists

Artists with lower than a thousand followers on SoundCloud
submitted by mackiecrane to dubstep [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Scared_Distance_850 Darshan Raval aur Dharal: की प्रेम कहानी - Patrika Today #reddit #reddittrendpost #reddittrendingpost #redditviralpost #news #hindinews #blog #patrikatoday #viralpost #trendpost #trendingpost #blog #hindiblog #blogger #patrikatodaynews #patrikahindinews #post2025 #trend #trending #trends

submitted by Scared_Distance_850 to news [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Vcize BetOnline Bet canceled AFTER result...was this shady?

BetOnline made an error with their live betting odds in the Commanders/Lions game just now, offering +1400 on Washington for "next team to score" when Washington had the ball inside the 10.
Now I totally get that they make these kind of errors sometimes and the bets are canceled, however the way this one happened seems kind of shady.
It took them a minute to notice, but by the time they did, it was 4th down and Washington was getting ready to go for it. So they took the line down, but DID NOT CANCEL THE PENDING BETS. There was a stoppage and plenty of time to cancel, but I kept refreshing and they notably did not.
It wasn't until AFTER Washington converted the 4th down and scored that they finally canceled the bet.
Now I only threw a few bucks at this (mostly because I was worried I was reading the terms of the line wrong somehow) so it's not a big deal since the money I would've won was insubstantial. But it just seems shady to me that when it was 4th down, and they had clearly noticed the error and taken the line down, they still didn't actually cancel the bet until after the result of the 4th down play. It makes me wonder if they still would've canceled it if Washington had been stopped on 4th down, if they were having their cake and eating it too, to see if they could make a few bucks off the error but then back out of it when it didn't work out.
submitted by Vcize to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Background-Fig-8744 Speed up your AI research workflow with NotebookLM + Perplexity AI + Google Deep Research + Gamma AI

Speed Up NotebookLM : Perplexity AI + Gemini Deep Research + Gamma AI
submitted by Background-Fig-8744 to notebooklm [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Outrageous-Company15 [REQ] £100 (london, england, united kingdom) (repay 01/02/2025) (paypal)

Hi, I’m a student in the UK, I just had my bills come out but I need a little extra for rent this month until my student loan arrives. My parents usually help me but unfortunately my father was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and is now unable to work. I can provide proof for all claims and proof of income that will arrive by Feb 1
Paypal works for me and I have an international bank so any US lender can help me too.
submitted by Outrageous-Company15 to SimpleLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 lightiggy Washington Governor Jay Inslee has refused to pardon a group of Industrial Workers of the World members wrongfully convicted for the Centralia Tragedy in 1919. Seven IWW union members were found guilty of murder after defending their hall from an attack by the American Legion and local sheriffs.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee has refused to pardon a group of Industrial Workers of the World members wrongfully convicted for the Centralia Tragedy in 1919. Seven IWW union members were found guilty of murder after defending their hall from an attack by the American Legion and local sheriffs. submitted by lightiggy to socialism [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Acrobatic-Monitor516 Songs with em crying voice / voice breaking up

Looking for songs where Eminem sings with a crying voice AS WELL as (why am I capitalizing) songs where his voice break (love these ), like in "guys over" for example . I guess I capitalized because I meant to say that I want songs with either of those attributes, not necessarily one with the both of them together in the same song
submitted by Acrobatic-Monitor516 to Eminem [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 LilMunchi Me and my boyfriends chiikawa-sonas

Me and my boyfriends chiikawa-sonas submitted by LilMunchi to chiikawa_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 vampirefellsans Bahamutian soldier

I have finish the game while back but got a ps5 so i have to restart but i dont remamber Bahamutian soldier being catchable but if i look at the mirage manual and unlike the other Bahamutians (commander and guard) on his catch thing is says ? ? ? ? ? To create prismtunity requires ? ? ? ? ? Unlike the others witch say uniprismable (So im wondering can u capture him or not and when cause like i said i played this game awhile ago and i dont remamber if uh could or not i dont think u can but i could be wrong)
submitted by vampirefellsans to WorldOfFinalFantasy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 LaylaBoredASF F17 Boring day today lol just looking for convos 🙌

Just looking for sum convos, just don’t be dry ig, idk and yea……eidjnfhejdjdjdbdbdbbdbdbdbd lol, anywaysss yea hmu fr im so bored rn, tell me sum!
submitted by LaylaBoredASF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Ryuukai_L_ Need Help With Casino for 100% (Yakuza Kiwami)

Need Help With Casino for 100% (Yakuza Kiwami)
How cooked am I? I already used most of my cheat items before really knowing what they did or that I wanted to 100% this game. The only path I see is save scumming to make sure I earn. That seems like hell, so I wanted to know if there was a better way to do this. I've already gotten 100% in Y0, but the casino achievements were not this hard.
submitted by Ryuukai_L_ to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 jasonkeyVFX personal vintage POVray w/ script (1996)

personal vintage POVray w/ script (1996) submitted by jasonkeyVFX to vintagecgi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Careful-Catch-1420 Bicicleta estática buena(?

Hola he estado investigando muchas marcas de bicicletas pero casi todas veo que tienen malas reseñas o que les han fallado, tengo para gastar máximo 400 dólares aunque si me gustaría gastar menos, había ido al gimnasio por unos 5 años antes de la pandemia y desde ahí me descuidé, la verdad me da pereza regresar a uno (más que nada el tiempo para llegar) así que quisiera que me recomendaran una bicicleta buena y que dure, no la dejaré de perchero pienso usarla diario, si no salgo en bicicleta es por qué donde vivo es re peligroso
submitted by Careful-Catch-1420 to FitnessArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 AngelChu 【Kamui Gakupo】Persona.tmp 【VOCALOID Original】

【Kamui Gakupo】Persona.tmp 【VOCALOID Original】 submitted by AngelChu to Gakupo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 gabriellasweetx Newbie here. Is this normal for only a couple small clusters of mushrooms that are pinning?

Will more pins come later and should I do anything different? I left the lid on until I saw these pins then I cracked it a bit for FAE
submitted by gabriellasweetx to unclebens [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 LimpLingonberry626 Very loud furnace

Very loud furnace Hey everyone I recently moved into a new rental and found I have an extremely loud furnace located in a utility closet right in my kitchen/living room area. Is there any way I can mitigate the sound? When the furnace kicks on the sound just drowns everything else in the room including people talking.
I was thinking of putting baffle walls or like egg shell acoustic padding on the outside of the door, would that be fine to do?
I contacted my leasing company but they really weren't any help.
submitted by LimpLingonberry626 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Ok_Addition1049 Anyone know where I can find this shirt? I really like the pattern and colors.

Anyone know where I can find this shirt? I really like the pattern and colors. submitted by Ok_Addition1049 to findfashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 JustDerfis Я вот щас задумался

В судебной системе же по имени и фамилии называют как(условно скажем) грабителя и того, кого обокрали? А не лучше ли будет сохранить информацию о том над кем совершилось преступление, чтобы потом преступнику было труднее его найти?(пришло в голову пока мылся, че думаете?)
submitted by JustDerfis to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 ElectronicEntrance67 these controls are legit?

these controls are legit? Facebook marketplace
submitted by ElectronicEntrance67 to PS3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 MushLuvin420 Look at these chonkers! Another new, POTENT, strain to be released soon, as colonized jars 😉🍄

Look at these chonkers! Another new, POTENT, strain to be released soon, as colonized jars 😉🍄 submitted by MushLuvin420 to MushLuvin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Abalone-Brave Watching Playoff teams and Lou Anarumo

Watching these teams makes me realize how bad Lou’s coaching was for our defense. I see so many corners playin man and different defenses playing cover and what they ‘mostly’ all have in common is they lock down their zone or lock down their man whether he’s getting the ball thrown at them or not.
When watching our games our defensive guys all just stare at the QB to see where he’s going to throw the ball. By the time he’s thrown it the receiver is 10 yds away. It wasn’t until the back ups stepped in with their raw talent and raw basic knowledge coaching that we saw a difference . They were worried about locking their man up rather than always try to get a pick or punch the ball out
submitted by Abalone-Brave to bengals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 03:53 Hot_Cardiologist9863 Smh 🤦‍♂️

submitted by Hot_Cardiologist9863 to fanduel [link] [comments]