For crying out loud, wendy's sells a key tag for $3 that gives you free Frosty Jrs. for a year, you meat-head.

2025.01.19 04:10 LPT_Abuser For crying out loud, wendy's sells a key tag for $3 that gives you free Frosty Jrs. for a year, you meat-head.

submitted by LPT_Abuser to AbusiveLPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 storytime_bykasey 💔💔

What am I gonna do on breaks at work now? 😭
submitted by storytime_bykasey to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 yaboythewiseman Why do you want to learn body language?

submitted by yaboythewiseman to bodylanguage [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Lonely_alone2 if you had a chance to live your life again, what would you do differently

Personally I don't think even if I had a 2nd chance I would be much different. I am pretty sure I would still end up lonely and miserable.
submitted by Lonely_alone2 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Least-Hedgehog-4882 Advice on how to tell my boss about a counter offer from a competing company?

Hi, sorry in advance for the long post. Like the title says, I’m looking for advice on how to tell my boss that I’m leaving my current company for a competing company. For some background:
I’ve worked for my current company for almost two years. I absolutely love working for the company and really enjoy everyone I work with (for the most part). I enjoy what I do, but here are some issues I’m facing are: the inability to move up, I was denied a raise, and I’m stuck working with a coworker who I strongly dislike working with.
When I started at the company, I was informed that the position was new, so I wouldn’t be able to move up. I was okay with this when I was hired (because I was early into my career), but now at almost two years into the role, I figured the department would have somewhere for me to move up. But, this isn’t the case.
This past fall, I discovered that the company is going to pay the incoming interns more money than I’m making now. I have two degrees and 4 years of professional experience, so this was honestly a slap in the face. I spoke to my boss about it, and their response made me feel even worse. They told me that the department needs to invest in the interns and that I couldn’t get a raise. Okay, but what about investing in your current employees instead?
Lastly, I’m stuck working with a co-worker who annoys the absolute crap out of me and consistently passes off all of their work and responsibilities onto others. I’ve expressed my issues to my boss multiple times, but they have never done anything about it. My other colleagues also have the same problems with this co-worker and have also mentioned these issues to our boss, and my boss doesn’t do anything. Their inability to take any kind of action is really telling of who they favor. And in case you’re wondering, no there’s absolutely no way I’m able to escape working with this co-worker.
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a recruiter from a very well known company. The new company is a competitor of my current company. The position is the same exact job I’m doing now. The new company has better benefits, slightly better pay, and the ability to move up. Long story short, they offered me the job. They’re currently writing up my offer letter, and I should get in by mid-next week.
Now, I have no idea what to tell my boss. I know they’ll be really upset with me, but they shouldn’t be surprised based on the conversations I’ve had with them (as mentioned above). In all, i don’t want to burn any bridges. I want them to know that I didn’t seek out this opportunity and I was approached for it. I think they more than likely will try to provide a counter offer because what I do is very niche, and it’s really hard to find people who have experience with what I do.
Any advice would be appreciated, and thank you in advance!
submitted by Least-Hedgehog-4882 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 bussjack Holy Fucking shit LIONS WHAT HAPPENED

Holy Fucking shit LIONS WHAT HAPPENED submitted by bussjack to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 HeySkeksi What is your guys’ assessment of Grainger as a historian?

I think he’s relatively reliable and certainly more than accessible in terms of language. That said, he has some wild takes about individuals’ motivations (or lack thereof) and makes some giant leaps of logic that I’ve never been able to figure out. All I can figure is that maybe he takes Polybios a little too seriously?
My favorite is when he lambasts Rome for having literally zero actual foreign policy.
submitted by HeySkeksi to TheHellenisticAge [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 incomingPAsummer2023 So, do we think roads will be closed?

So, do we think roads will be closed? This prediction seems pretty intense, but my job has been crickets about closing🫠
submitted by incomingPAsummer2023 to NewOrleans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Past-Ad-1453 More Solids, Less Milk/Bottle Refusal

Any advice is welcomed! After a long 2 months of introducing solids (purées and mashes only) my 8.5 month old finally wants to eat. And eat. She seems to ONLY want food now. She has been refusing the bottle (formula) until she’s ravenous or before bed. She used to drink 30 oz a day now she can make it to 20-24 oz with one MOTN 6oz bottle. Throughout the day she’s only drinking 3-5oz at a time with 5-6 hours in between bottle feedings. She has also been dealing with constipation. The pediatrician is not concerned bc she is growing just fine. He advised to increase solids, decrease milk, and increase water. I’ve done all of this.
I started to feed her 3 times a day, and she still seems hungry about an hour later. She will still refuse the bottle.
I’m concerned that she refuses the bottle for hours until she’s seems super hungry. Any advice on milk refusal? This came on suddenly. Has anyone else dealt with this? I feel like I’ve tried all the typical advice (no pressure, nipple size, temp, etc.) I’ve also started the Rowena Bennet book.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by Past-Ad-1453 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 showmeufos Ross Coulthart - Special edition of "Reality Check" following the Jake Barber disclosure (with guests Marik von Rennenkampff and Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet)

Ross Coulthart - Special edition of submitted by showmeufos to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 CyberEye2 Why isn’t my TikTok working (in Canada) but everyones around me is?

My wife's, sons, and a few friends I've asked, are all working but mine gives the us shutdown message and makes me close it. What gives?
submitted by CyberEye2 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 CuteGrayRhino Blursed Cheetos

Blursed Cheetos submitted by CuteGrayRhino to blursedimages [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Sea-Nothing-7805 Qualche or Alcuni? - ITALIAN GRAMMAR Explained 178/249

Qualche or Alcuni? - ITALIAN GRAMMAR Explained 178/249 submitted by Sea-Nothing-7805 to thinkinitalian [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Professional_Ice2498 The GOAT 🙌

The GOAT 🙌 submitted by Professional_Ice2498 to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Bear-Money Buying 2 Lexus, suggestions?

It's about time for my wife and I to get different cars, I've always bought used but we have a baby on the way and I'm concerned about reliability, especially for hers. She stays at home and doesn't drive a lot, but when she does drive I don't want there to be any headaches. I think we can get $12K in trade-in for our current vehicles. We're looking to spend around $55K total for both vehicles, would ideally like small or mid-size SUVs like the NX or RX. What makes more sense?

  1. Buy two similarly priced used cars, knowing we'll need to replace both around the same time
  2. Buy one newer and one older car, knowing we'll need to replace one sooner
  3. Buy one newer for me and lease one for her, knowing that hers will be reliable even though she won't be driving a lot
  4. Another idea that I'm missing?
submitted by Bear-Money to Lexus [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 DeliveryGuy2788 Cave Diving Lessons in Marianna, FL

Why am I debating becoming a certified cave diver?
I went to Bonne Terre last spring, and did not enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Diving is expensive, I am not an elitist. I am constantly worried about money, and have a fear of going broke.
I felt uncomfortable most of the time in Bonne Terre Underground Mine. I may get a couple cave diving books and see if that can sway me at all. I became Advanced Open Water certified at the end of the summer of 2023. I did my first ocean dives in Cozumel in November of 2023. Those were REALLY fun but after it was over (and it was over too soon), I was 4500 dollars broker.
As I look at Liveaboards and consider the price, it makes me want to do a cave diving course or get my instructors certification. Get a lot more diving in for a similar price. I am 36 and I consider that too old to become a scuba instructor. But I really have no idea. I have some savings put away for retirement. Could I stay afloat/break even and have the opportunity to expand my world like never before?
Anyway. What made YOU want to get into cave diving? Was it something you knew you wanted to do or were you apprehensive like MWAH.
God Bless, health and wealth for 2025 and beyond.
submitted by DeliveryGuy2788 to CaveDiving [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 HandleBackground2720 OSCAR? What is it?

Hello everyone, I have been reading the posts and I noticed a lot of talk about the use of OSCAR. What is OSCAR? When I looked it up, it came up as health insurance. I want to be able to monitor my health like so many of you have talked about but I do not know what app to download. Do I download OSCAR Health? Is this the app I need? Any help appreciated!
submitted by HandleBackground2720 to CPAP [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 rinky79 This is Metolius Binx. He came home today, at 11.5 weeks. Slept the entire 3-hour drive!

This is Metolius Binx. He came home today, at 11.5 weeks. Slept the entire 3-hour drive! submitted by rinky79 to mainecoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 UhhhhhhhhhhhhhIdunno This is just true

This is just true submitted by UhhhhhhhhhhhhhIdunno to OneyPlays [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Large_Telephone2088 I want to ask my gf(20f) to marry me (m23) but our sex life sucks but in every other aspect it’s great but my love language is touch do you think it’s the right thing (we have been together for 4 years) is this the right thing to do?

submitted by Large_Telephone2088 to couplestherapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Solid_Surprise_9891 How will we keep up with Amanda’s scam drama now?!?!

How will we keep up with Amanda’s scam drama now?!?! Bye bye TikTok 😭
submitted by Solid_Surprise_9891 to americanfillesnarking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Blackbeards_Beard Need help! Sell me on a class

So I’m currently playing an Oath of Vengeance Paladin and loving it. Smites are just so satisfying, my Tav is an absolute monster. But I know as soon as I’m done I’m gonna wanna play again, probably as a Durge. Problem is I can’t for the life of me decide on which class I’m gonna pick. Paladin was easy, knew I wanted to play it going in. Now as I’m closing in on act 3 I’ve been thinking about what to play next. Sorcerer, Monk, maybe an archery fighter or ranger, tempest cleric, eldritch blast spamming warlock, I can’t decide! Please sell me on your favorite class! Not looking for the most min/max build you can think of or a build that requires a strength potion every day, just the class you’ve had a ton of fun playing and why. Thank you all in advance.
submitted by Blackbeards_Beard to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 eddino55 Phantom vs. Laces - Full Game Highlights | UNRIVALED

submitted by eddino55 to freefantasylgueswchat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 WTFB3 Can someone send a video of someone who's made a team with Fugue, Sparkle, RMC, and Tingyun so like whoever they all give their skill to has all 4 of the floating things around them I think it'd look cool.

submitted by WTFB3 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:10 Alilfrogwithabeanie 21F need cash rn

Hi I’ll send you feet or body content!
submitted by Alilfrogwithabeanie to INeedMoneyNow [link] [comments]