My girl Dolly 💗

Dolly a magyar könnyűzene egyik legelismertebb énekesnője, Magyarország rock 'n roll és rockabilly-királynőjének is nevezik. Friss fotója alapján nehéz elhinni, hogy az 1948. május 21-én született Penczi Mária Ilona májusban a 72. születésnapját ünnepelte: olyan, mintha évtizedek óta alig változott volna valamennyit. Dolly a magyar könnyűzene egyik legelismertebb énekesnője, Magyarország rock'n'roll, rockabilly királynője, ő az egyedüli olyan magyar énekesnő, aki együttesével közel 100 ezer fizető néző előtt koncertezett az ország legnagyobb stadionjában 1995-ben, amikor egyetlen koncertre állt össze a Hungária legendás csapata. 2009 ... Dolly a 75. születésnapján bemutatta legújabb dalát, majd bejelentette, hogy másfél év múlva befejezi a 43 évvel ezelőtt indult pályafutását, vagyis végleg visszavonul a színpadtól. Az együttes 2018 januárjában átalakult: Dolly, Erdélyi Frigyes, Schüszler Ferenc, Kovács Erik, Doba Dániel, valamint a Megasztárból megismert Palcsó Tamás csatlakozott a zenekarhoz. Folyamatosan koncerteznek az országban. Az első fellépésükre 1980-ban került sor, a közös munkájuk 1983-ig tartott, ekkor alakult meg a nevével fémjelzett Dolly Roll együttes. Dolly extravagáns külseje és semmihez sem fogható énekhangja mindenkiben mély nyomot hagyott, nem véletlen, hogy rajongótábora több generáción átível. A fiatal Dolly és Szikora Robi szinte felismerhetetlen ezen a régi fotón Dolly a ‘80-as évek aranytorkú énekesnője, aki olyan rock’n’rollt rendezett a színpadon, hogy a közönség egy emberként őrült meg érte. Három évig a Hungária, majd 34 éven át a Dolly Roll oszlopos tagja volt. Tartja a kapcsolatot a korábbi zenésztársaival? Dolly: Fenyő Mikivel jó kapcsolatban maradtunk, habár elég régen beszéltünk. 2017-ben turnéztunk együtt utoljára, azóta legfeljebb csak a hírekben olvasok róla. Tavaly jelentették be, hogy a Hungária eredeti felállása egyetlen koncert erejéig újra színpadra áll. A Fenyő, Szikora, Dolly és Novai fémjelezte zenekar már nyilatkozott, most Dolly egyedül mesélt arról, hogyan készül a visszatérésre. Dolly 1980-ban csatlakozott a Hungária zenekarhoz, három évvel később pedig Dolly Roll alapítótagja volt. Az énekesnő a napokban lett 75 éves, születésnapi ünneplésén pedig a Borsnak elárulta : hamarosan pontot tesz 43 éves pályafutása végére. Vasárnap töltötte be a 75-öt Dolly: az énekesnő szülinapjára a Bors is hivatalos volt. Már önmagában az tiszteletreméltó, hogy a 75 éves Dolly nem kevesebb, mint 43 éve van pályán – és akkor még nem is beszéltünk a sikerekről, amiket elért ezalatt a bő négy évtized alatt.

2025.01.19 04:11 Pixelized_sodaa My girl Dolly 💗

My girl Dolly 💗 submitted by Pixelized_sodaa to toyfoxterriers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Jebus1001 Ho oh raid add- 078601143646

submitted by Jebus1001 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Full-Description9093 here to address the corruption of mod trident!

submitted by Full-Description9093 to oldschoolrubescape [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Extension-Fee-8480 Image to image (prompt) Woman wearing blue leather dress,, lifting a heavy rock high above her head. The rough waves of the river are behind her and the wind is blowing her hair. The cinematography is 8k with real physics animation.

Image to image (prompt) Woman wearing blue leather dress,, lifting a heavy rock high above her head. The rough waves of the river are behind her and the wind is blowing her hair. The cinematography is 8k with real physics animation. submitted by Extension-Fee-8480 to pixverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Goldenindian95 FTL

FTL submitted by Goldenindian95 to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Creative_Event Напиши чего ты хочешь от жизни!

Привет. Мы каждый день спрашиваем Вас, чего бы вы хотели. Новый телефон, автомобиль, квартиру или что-то ещё? Что может сделать Вас счастливыми? Что придаст сил и уверенности?
Надеемся, что наше сообщество разовьётся и мы сможем помогать людям хотя бы 1 раз в неделю
Напишите в комментариях свои мысли!
submitted by Creative_Event to BonusWeb [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Business-Bake-7064 can someone give me a rundown on the faction lore so far?

I’m new (started literally 2 days ago) and am kinda lost regarding current faction politics. Can someone catch me up?
(Also if you can direct me to any potentially lucrative “beginner friendly” star systems that’d be wonderful)
submitted by Business-Bake-7064 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 throw_away_my_brainn Exhausted, when will it end

I just need to vent, because I’m at my breaking point. I’m so tired of working my ass off day in and day out, only to barely make ends meet. I’m stuck in a job that doesn’t pay enough to cover even the most basic things. I can't even afford a proper meal every day, and I can feel it physically starting to catch up with me. My body is getting worn out.
I wake up every morning with a pit in my stomach, knowing I have to go through the same exhausting cycle again. It feels like I’m just working to survive, not actually living. My energy is drained, and I’m mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted from trying to make this all work. I don’t even have the luxury of downtime, because I’m always scrambling to make sure I don’t fall behind.
I’m just so tired. I’m tired of feeling like I’m invisible, like my work doesn’t matter, and like I’m stuck in this never-ending loop. I don’t know how much longer I can keep pushing through with so little in return.
Anyone else out there feel like they’re constantly running on empty? I just need to know I’m not alone in this.
submitted by throw_away_my_brainn to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 S_Korean_Guy I am l little bit short on cash, any RG or MG models under 100 dollars?

I am l little bit short on cash, any RG or MG models under 100 dollars? submitted by S_Korean_Guy to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Jesfel26 Congrats, Detriot Lions! (2025)

I cannot believe this: Top Seed in the NFC, and a 15-2 record is for nothing. You are supposed to stop the Chiefs in the Superbowl, not Choke to the Commanders. You need to find the root cause of the Curse and break it else, you may end up making it only to lose which makes 28-3 look like a minor event in comparison. Sorry, Detriot Lions fans, you deserved a better ending than this.
For the Commanders fans, I am happy for you. You earned a ticket to the NFC Championship (good luck against whoever wins between the Eagles and Rams (going with the Eagles on this one), but not you, Dan Synder, you can't Celebrate this one and add another notch to your failure as a owner.
submitted by Jesfel26 to UrinatingTree [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Huge_Willingness_275 Use weed sometimes to sleep but next day I feel terrible groggy like a hangover. Is there anything to fix that?

submitted by Huge_Willingness_275 to MedicalCannabisOz [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 allthatglitters62829 welp. tik tok is gone

i really wanna state: fck everybody. fck trump (heard he started all of this in the first place and now wants to turn around be a hero). fck biden. for me him promoting and signing off on this ban and suddenly has this change of heart right before the app is set to be banned here. fck congress. f*cl the supreme court; i can’t believe 9 random ppl that KNOW NONE OF US set the rules for us. 150 MILLION PEOPLE BEGGED YALL TO KEEP THE APP. what about content creators that rely on the money they make there to survive?? what about the small businesses owners?? this is so stupid. not to even mention the information that was able to be spread there?? the communities built there??? i’m so mad and disappointed
submitted by allthatglitters62829 to rant [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Longjumping_Algae651 Can these be used for my Invisalign?

Can these be used for my Invisalign? submitted by Longjumping_Algae651 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 RamuNito How to run the Zik App APK on 64bit phones

As you all know the Pixel 7, S24U and maybe other S24s are 64bit now, so can't run 32bit apps natively.
Anyway, I have found a rather quirky way to run any kind of 32bit old android app that's no longer developed etc. Hope this is helpful for anyone stumbling into here in the future trying to run any old apps on new phones as supposedly they are all switching to 64bits.
Thankfully this workaround works for our beloved headphones. Tried and tested. Works well.

  1. Download the .apk file from anywhere you want. I use apkpure now as apptoide removed it too. Do not install it yet.
  2. Download VPhone OS, it's on Google Play too, basically an old android emulator.
  3. Open up VPhone OS, the free version is more than enough for everything, and go to the files section there and import your .apk from your downloads.
  4. Enjoy. You don't even need to install it, VPhone does it for you automatically, works like a charm for any app you want.
submitted by RamuNito to parrotzik [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 skozz10 how do i add an icloud email to my shop app?

i ordered some items on the tiktok shop with an icloud and want to track them using shop since tt just got took down
submitted by skozz10 to shopify [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 SeaPage6528 Manipulating AI - Garbage in, Garbage out

I was driving today and, as so often happens, had a somewhat scary and possibly crazy thought.
Earlier, I had been talking with a friend about how the "reality" presented online is false or at the least highly distorted. Anyone who has participated in (especially political) reddit has noticed that the process can seem a little fishy. Some may argue that this is just an attempt to manipulate perceived consensus, because people tend to side with the winner (that is the purpose of discourse in a democratic society, after all), in order to influence political and cultural outcomes, possibly manipulative the economy, etc.
For a somewhat amusing, and probably not particularly relevant, example, look up Aurora Avenue in Seattle on YouTube, one of the few open-air prostitution markets in the US. To put it mildly, what you see there does not reflect the demographic reality of what is happening on the ground. Or the asphalt I should say.
You know, this is by no means a governing example, but my knee jerk response is to say that its probably an attempt to manipulate women through jealousy, deepen gender conflict, justify bad behavior, etc. Although in this case it's probably just some shit from the local news.
My own more extreme view is that because the fundamental social and interpersonal reality occurring objectively in the US RIGHT NOW is recorded nowhere, this all represents an ongoing attempt to manufacture a false historical narrative. Cover the tracks, so to speak.
Yet, even this explanation is not quite satisfactory. I feel like I am missing something.
WHAT IF, (hear me out), in addition to benefits listed above, the digitized falsehood we see here is also an attempt to manipulate AI's understanding of the present world. I know nothing about AI, but the (honestly disconcerting) fact that it can write like a human implies hierarchies of meaning etc.
Add to your nightmares of dystopia a future with a massively empowered supercomputer, influencing our politics, culture, and economy, running on a deliberately falsified normative system. The ultimate stooge.
submitted by SeaPage6528 to Futurology [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 SadDelta That’s probably not good

That’s probably not good submitted by SadDelta to thecringeshowaward [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Wzup How could the refs do this to them?

How could the refs do this to them? submitted by Wzup to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 Loud-Community-4922 Buying a used RX 6800

Hey all, would appreciate some advice on buying a used GPU off Facebook marketplace. It's a PowerColor RX 6800 fighter. I currently have an XFX RX 580 8gb, so I feel like it's definitely time to upgrade. I considered anything from 6700xt, 6800, 7600, 7700 etc. Just whatever seemed like the best deal and whatever came up soonest on marketplace and happened to be the 6800.
The deal we agreed on is $250, which I think is a pretty solid deal? Mainly I'm just concerned that I'm not overpaying and that it is actually worth it to buy. I really just don't wanna spend more than $300, so really whatever the best upgrade for that price is.
Should I wait for something better? He sent me some videos of the card running in his PC, and some default windows benchmark data so I'm prettjs sure it's actually a 6800. Is $250 to much? Will this work with my PC?
Any help is much appreciated!
Specs: Lian Li Lancool 205 MSI Z390 A-Pro EVGA 700 watt br i7-9700k 16gb ddr4
submitted by Loud-Community-4922 to buildapc [link] [comments]


Father DAVID LYNCH Crossed over less than 48 hours ago. (January 15, 2025). The Universal impact has been profound. Today, it's a stunning honor to speak with him - Clear as a BELL! - and to hear just a few of his views on: Cosmic Energy, Channeling, The Ego and many more things spiritual and earthly. We'll be staying closely connected with David Lynch in the days to come - he has SO MUCH to offer!.. More. Than. Ever. This dude is a wise, wise, wise soul. Love him so much! It's such a huge privilege. Thank you, God & Mother for this GIFT. ❤👁🙏🌕❤
submitted by LenaJohn to davidlynch [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 caffeinedrinker Full News Nation Video (RAW with ads) - Jake Barber and Ross Coulthard - Egg UAP recovery ...

Full News Nation Video (RAW with ads) - Jake Barber and Ross Coulthard - Egg UAP recovery ... submitted by caffeinedrinker to nhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 BadGalSiSi32 I’m still live on Live Studio with a viewer. We’re both on the east coast of the US.

I’m still live on Live Studio with a viewer. We’re both on the east coast of the US. I can’t use the regular app. But a viewer that’s been in here since I started the live today, is still able to watch me and comment. I’m scared to close it out. 💔🥲
submitted by BadGalSiSi32 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 bot_olini Dos años sin pago de Fricreazo; adeudan a PJ de Coahuila 92 2 mdp

Dos años sin pago de Fricreazo; adeudan a PJ de Coahuila 92 2 mdp submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 RienAFaire34 Tatsiana Paulava - Standing Leg Up In Sheer Motif Black Lingerie

submitted by RienAFaire34 to tatsianapaulava [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 04:11 WWingS0 Debunking leftist propaganda outlet Vox on their claim that immigration can save social security

submitted by WWingS0 to lpus [link] [comments]