Looking for a story called C.A.M.P I think

2025.01.19 06:11 Own_Working_9772 Looking for a story called C.A.M.P I think

It's about a kid named Ronald that turns out to be a very powerful psychic that joins a group called C.A.M.Pto take on a filing group that is he from Russia
submitted by Own_Working_9772 to looking_for_campstory [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 2521gyrm 22 Dota/Wildrift Buddies

lf kasama maglaro ng ranked for the ^ ff games :)
emerald rank for WR and crusader for dotes, I mostly play support for both.
submitted by 2521gyrm to PHGamerPals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 ungoth New Zealand, so many grubs in the garden bed we just dug up. Are these a pest? Really struggling to identify.

New Zealand, so many grubs in the garden bed we just dug up. Are these a pest? Really struggling to identify. They have little tiny faces and a butt, but no visible legs. Want to know if they are a problem before we plant our herb garden.
submitted by ungoth to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 dillpickle3298 Real

Real submitted by dillpickle3298 to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Medium_Analyst_2711 Wwe 2k23 steel steps mod

Hello, I am new to modding and hoping someone here can tell me how to use the steps mod in wwe 2k23. I heard this mod allows you to do moves on the steps.
I already have caketools installed but I don't know how to mod.
Can anyone please tell me how???
submitted by Medium_Analyst_2711 to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Own-Engineering6448 I burst out laughing at how the horse pranked the cat and acted like nothing happened

submitted by Own-Engineering6448 to Awww [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 shaboozeybot Midweek Mini - Robots with Human Brains and Skin!

Midweek Mini - Robots with Human Brains and Skin! submitted by shaboozeybot to ChilluminatiPod [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Nothorius_Wuerejo Familia hipócrita

Tal como lo dice el título, si mi familia son unos hipócritas, para no hacer muy largo el cuento, soy un adolescente, y hago lo que haría cualquier adolescente en esta etapa de la vida, pero la verdad, en mi familia ya no me siento cómodo, ¿porque? Se preguntarán. Bueno es por qué mis padres están separados y la verdad mi padre es una persona muy explosiva y controladora, nos quiere y todo, pero esa forma de ser aveces no es algo que me guste de él, y por eso mi mamá se fue de nuestra casa, más el abuso físico que sufría, más el que mi papá es una persona que no quería mucho a mi mamá, más que mis abuelos no la defendían o se limpiaban las manos en ciertas cosas cuando era algo relacionado con ella y mi papá, la cuestión es que, enserio que no los aguanto, solo son peleas y peleas, más por que iba a estar en una pelea de exhibición (boxeo), pero habían ciertas cosas que no le parecieron a él y no me dejó y no me deja a la fecha estar en ellas, así como el que busca excusarse de por qué se fue mi mamá, y haciéndola como la culpable, en resumen del por qué les digo esto, es por que tengo pensado, en cuanto cumpla la mayoría de edad irme a vivir a otro lugar, lejos de ellos, por qué la verdad ya no me siento cómodo, y si no fuera por que me diría mi papá que le de mi celular i/o cosas, me hubiera ido desde hace un tiempo, más en cambio buscaré un trabajo o invertir en un negocio para irme de aquí.
-ATT: Wuerejo
submitted by Nothorius_Wuerejo to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 mweesnaw Me as a woman whenever they talk about women’s anatomy

Me as a woman whenever they talk about women’s anatomy submitted by mweesnaw to TheBasementYard [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 bharlesbang Facehugger Tattoo (by me), done at Iron Electric Tattoo, CA

Facehugger Tattoo (by me), done at Iron Electric Tattoo, CA Planned on doing just the line-work but my client was a beast and sat through the entire session! Done in 6 1/2 hours~
submitted by bharlesbang to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 AltruisticPops Tomorrow is the day that (hopefully) marks the end of cases like this

I think Gensler's iron fist policy as SEC boss has been the most repressive in crypto's history. Dude is about to leave but he just picked on on another victim before closing the door, more specifically Nova Labs (which have been pushing technological boundaries with decentralized networks). His reasoning is: they offered “Hotspots” to mine Helium (HNT) (the companie's currency) and ran a “Discovery Mapping” program that let users trade private data for crypto, both allegedly qualifying as investment contracts
This repressive policy of limiting these kind of tech instead of supporting it is his legacy.
Let’s not forget that under his leadership, the SEC changed the whole "securities" thing beyond recognition. Ripple was a perfect example of how abusive his stance was (lawsuit lasted over 3 years starting on December 2020), even when the courts didn't fully agree with his interpretations.
His consistent anti-crypto rhetoric, labeling almost all tokens as securities, was less about investor protection (as he claimed) and more about controlling the industry as an overlord.
The lawsuit against Nova Labs is a perfect example. I believe the timing is telling, just days before stepping down, he unleashes one more lawsuit to cement his legacy as crypto’s biggest douche.
I’m bullish
Once Gensler is out, the SEC has a massive opportunity to pivot. No more witch hunting on crypto with this new administration.
Trump’s administration will prioritize fostering economic growth and innovation, which includes supporting crypto rather than hating on it. I’m optimistic that post-Gensler, the SEC will drop cases like this Nova Labs debacle and focus on
The day is tomorrow, January 20th and he won't be missed.
submitted by AltruisticPops to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Capital-Ad-2099 Shura gauntlet

So I manage to make it to inner father and have been practicing his reflection and boy is this gonna take a minute oof I just want the outfit
submitted by Capital-Ad-2099 to Sekiro [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 yesujin 😞

😞 submitted by yesujin to mongolia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 No-Remote912 well goodbye tiktok

well goodbye tiktok i guess im going back to twitter or something ti
submitted by No-Remote912 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 samuelmesquita14 Desabafo de um adolescente de 14 anos.

Bom, me chamo Samuel, tenho 14 anos e moro na região norte do Brasil (ou Brazil), e criei essa conta justamente pra ser uma espécie de diário pessoal meu, um lugar onde eu posso desabafar coisas que nem meus próprios pais sabem, bom, minha vida sempre foi um lixo, não posso dizer o mesmo da minha infância, já que eu não tinha consciência e não sentia a dor que sinto hoje, mas atualmente, eu percebi que estou completamente destruído por dentro e por fora, posso dizer que sou um completo fracassado, estou com o sono desregulado, com obesidade grau 1 e insegurança pra dar e vender, notas horríveis, vida social lixo, passo o dia trancado no meu quarto com meu fone e meu celular, meu maior problema eu diria que é a minha aparência, quem quer ser amigo de um gordo imundo, quem quer ficar perto de uma pessoa obesa? que menina se interessaria por alguém que tá com o corpo rasgado de tantas estrias? eu realmente nunca tive amigos, eu era aquela criança que brincava de futebol com a parede, aquela criança que brincava de carrinho sozinho, ou aquela criança que criava cenários falsos pra se sentir menos sozinha, eu não tenho contato com nenhuma outra pessoa além de uma web namorada minha, e ela não sabe que eu sou gordo, mas eu perguntei pra ela se ela me amaria se eu fosse gordo, e ela disse que sim, que não tem nada haver e que não liga pra essas coisas, eu conheci ela há 2 anos atrás no roblox, e recentemente (há uns 2 meses) encontrei ela novamente online nos voltamos a web namorar, eu acho que sou meio obcecado com as pessoas que eu amei, quanto eu tinha 7 anos, conheci uma garota chamada Fernanda, ah, esqueci de falar, meus pais são pastores, e isso é uma merda total, tipo, eu acredito em Deus, mas eu não acho que a porra da igreja pode dar alguma coisa pros meus pais, enfim, voltando ao assunto da Fernanda, se passaram 8 anos e eu não esqueci ela ainda, há 4 anos atrás web namorei com uma garota de São Paulo, há 4 anos atrás web namorei com uma garota do Rio de janeiro, eu não esqueço das pessoas do meu passado, talvez seja por que quando somos novos as coisas são mais marcantes, ou não, sei lá, qualquer dia faço um post (não se é assim que se fala aqui no reddit) das minhas "experiências amorosas", nunca namorei na adolescência, só web... enfim, eu amo a vallentina, voltando ao presente, eu realmente não sinto alegria em mais nada, e tenho diversos pensamentos suicidas, fui no aeroporto com minha mãe já uns dias atrás pra ver uma passagem que ela tinha perdido, e imaginei um massacre naquele aeroporto, isso seria demais.. não sei, eu vi uma pessoa bonita lá, e me perguntei: "por que eu não nasci assim?? Por que eu sou assim?? Por que eu não posso ser igual ele??? Por que??? Por que??!!!!!!, essas coisas me afetaram de uma tal forma que nem eu mesmo sei o quanto minha saúde mental tá fudida, não me expressei direito, da pra eu elaborar melhor um texto depois, vocês mais velhos podem falar que isso é normal, e que isso faz parte da adolescência, mas ser obeso na adolescência é uma merda, eu espero que alguém leia isso.
submitted by samuelmesquita14 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Amber3723 Random ass question

Can a girl and a guy be friends without the guy. wanting sex or anything. I sent him a picture of my dog earlier. And he replied with "adorable". And I said like me as a joke and he said you are. Im not sure if he's being friendly or not, he sends me emojis like these alot 🫣🤪🤭😊
submitted by Amber3723 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Sonicclappedu Ty learns TikTok is banned

Ty learns TikTok is banned submitted by Sonicclappedu to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Echo_Raptor [WTS] Surefire X300 Turbo

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/1STccIP
Surefire X300T-A, black with FDE switch. Supposedly came from the factory this way. Low salt, works great. $210 shipped
PayPal/venmo, g&s is fine if buyer pays fee
submitted by Echo_Raptor to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Sorry_Shelter_4447 I have lost my faith

I grew up in an abusive household who instilled strict Christian values into me while at the same time propagating the hate for others that didn’t adhere these ideas. And I listened until I got old enough to understand that faith can have many definitions. The church I attended right before college said if you believed in a god and you are baptized you will make it to heaven and I spent a majority of my life wrapping myself around those ideas.
My mother died my junior year. A month after my 21st birthday and she didn’t go slowly. She was in a coma for weeks and I had to ultimately make the choice to take her off life support because she was brain dead. Her friends called me a monster. She choked on her own saliva for over an hour when they removed the vent and all I could do was watch. There was no god in that room.
A year later I still have nightmares on it. I wake up in the middle of the night screaming because I felt like I was supposed to be there for the last moments of a woman that spent her whole life forcing her ideas on me just because I was her daughter. She did all this while I was hiding physical and mental bruises, while I watched her abuse my pets, and even while I developed an eating disorder. Even in death I was left with close to 100,000 in debt I have to take care of because she could not manage money. And I’m stuck into all that guilt that maybe I could have changed it, somehow.
Then I thought what I was believing to that point. She believed in god and had been baptized, so by those terms she was going to heaven and anyone else who didn’t experience the real her would believe that too. And I’m tired of hearing everything of god giving the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. I don’t want a hard battle. I don’t want any of it. I wanted a family that loved me and not to be alone in the world at 21.
And that’s why I have faltered. That is why my beliefs have stopped even though I wish over and over there was a way I could still feel god. I hope that when I die many years from now there is nothing, because that would be better than having to see her again.
submitted by Sorry_Shelter_4447 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 Noesalt I'm fine

submitted by Noesalt to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 rinito222 Don't worry Money Moicaners, we will bounce back. This is not over.

submitted by rinito222 to ufc [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 aditya_varma_1502 Hehe

Hehe submitted by aditya_varma_1502 to tollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 AltruisticJob1016 Meltdown

Larry is having a major meltdown tonight 🤡
submitted by AltruisticJob1016 to GrayHughesDiscussions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 stevenjklein Hamas already in violation of ceasefire agreement

Hamas has yet to announce the names of the 3 hostages scheduled for release today.
The lists were to be provided 24 hours in advance of the release.
submitted by stevenjklein to Israel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 06:11 CallMeTheWildOne Is it Monday yet

This is absurd. Getting a vpn just to use the app sounds like a hassle. I got a 12 month subscription back in June and disputing it is one thing but this is the best editing app, I don't want to go anywhere else. Fuck
I didn't even know Capcut was owned by ByteDance. 😒
submitted by CallMeTheWildOne to CapCut [link] [comments]
