
2025.01.19 08:20 LycanVan Cursed_Instagram

Cursed_Instagram submitted by LycanVan to cursedcomments [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 SoggyChickpeas Should i 'catch' my homie's girl if they break up?

For context, shes been really friendly with me and we've have talked platonically and went for coffee a few times now. The both of us have sent reels to each other regularly. But something you should note is that she's interested in me before i introduced her to my bro because i wasn't ready for a relationship at that time. But now that im more ready, what do i do?
submitted by SoggyChickpeas to askteenboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 itneverhelps I (19F) am so heartbroken with what my best friend (19F) do

so, lately its been a long time since we met and she texted me in december that she wanted to talk and I told her that I have no plans on 1st and we can meet but she told me about certain issues at her home and how her mother won't allow her to go out as a supportive friend I understood that and then my exams were about to start in few days so, I didn't call her tho, I told her about the situation and that she can call me anytime if she needed that's all
But just yesterday she posted pictures with meeting her other friends and not just that she even met one of them few days back too and I felt really bad how she couldn't meet me but her even tho, she says that I am her closest friend and no one can replace me but she can't meet me and I did text her about how I feel about this because I wanted her to know that I am disappointed and heartbroken 💔
And I ain't sure about what I did was right or wrong because it should be her choice about whom to prioritise in life and I shouldn't complain it is like begging for friendship and I have done that in past too because she always had time to meet others and she had excuses like "they forced her" or "they were about to leave the city for college" ( we live in same city) or "it was just near her house so, not a big deal" like bro seriously? and also everytime I met it was me who went to her house or otherwise on her birthday parties
even tho, I consider her my best friend and according to what she says she does that too but we haven't talked on call since about 2 years and one time she also, forgot my birthday but again I forgave her as she was busy preparing for competitive exams and I kept her above all this but now I am tired, I really love her but I feel like I am the beggar in our friendship
TLDR - my bf can't manage to take time to meet me but can meet other friends and make excuses about it .
submitted by itneverhelps to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 thrxwaway1man How do you want to be approached by other women?

I (F21) am taking a gap semester so I won’t be in college for 8 months. I won’t have friends to socialize with since they are away at college and I want to make new friends. How would you want to be approach by another woman that wants to be friends???
I’m somewhat shy and introverted so I’m not sure what to say. Let’s say I see them in a store or what if I follow them on social media and dm them? What is okay to say without sounding like a total weirdo 😭
submitted by thrxwaway1man to women [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 patrickgian TIL L/n is the strongest unit

TIL L/n is the strongest unit submitted by patrickgian to ProjectSekai [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 _JaaniDushman Morning routine for a day.

I had more than 5 drinks from morning till afternoon... Listing to music full blast... Telk me another thing more fun and peaceful then this.
I know my account may be wrong but sometime we need to do things beyond what everyone may think.
submitted by _JaaniDushman to Jabalpur [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 pen_in_stack How do I book ticket for Kumbh Mela?

With Special Trains launched suddenly to accommodate devotees for Kumbh Mela, how do I know about sudden ticket booking for my octogenarian patents? How do I successfully book tickets for them without getting into wait list?
submitted by pen_in_stack to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 SkyLegitimate4541 Ash’s snapchat

Anyone know her Snapchat or YouTube I want to see updates 😭 I found Jefa who did lives a lot on “favorites”. It was like my nighttime soap opera and I’m dyingggg tonight lol
submitted by SkyLegitimate4541 to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Cultural_Paint_9405 Do you think we'll ever see unique sets of power armor again instead of skins?

Do you think we'll ever see unique sets of power armor again instead of skins? I really liked the custom sets that looked jerry rigged or has an attachment or decoration, like the Scorched Sierra or Ashur's. I liked the raider power armor in Fallout 4, but there's too many npcs with it that it loses value, plus it was generally weak.
submitted by Cultural_Paint_9405 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 QueenLizzy3 Kyla-Drew Simmons (20) (Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn)

Kyla-Drew Simmons (20) (Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn) submitted by QueenLizzy3 to NickBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Small-Animator5129 Is this even close to enough for bitsat??

For BITSAT 2025
I Plan on doing:
Reading NCERT(short notes) + NCERT Fingertips + NCERT Exemplar (MCQ'S) + Last 3 years JEE PYQ's + BITSAT Practice ques(Arihant or Phoduclub)
Reading NCERT(short notes) + NCERT Exemplar (MCQ'S) + Last 3 years JEE PYQ's + BITSAT Practice ques(Arihant or Phoduclub)
Oneshot+ Level 1 JEE coaching material + (2019-2022) JEE PYQ'S + BITSAT Practice ques(Arihant or Phoduclub)
and then cumulative mocks (EMBIBE) as i keep completing chapters
submitted by Small-Animator5129 to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Necessary-Homework82 Ganduri de emigrare?

In contextul actual in care:
-suntem foarte aproape sa avem un presedinte (seful suprem al armatei si a diplomatiei) filorus, pravoslavnic, anti UE/NATO cu tendinta cel putin sa ne izoleze de lumea civilizata
-ne imprumutam la dobanzi astronomice (pt o tara UE) iar deficitul creste extrem de repede
-in urmatorii ani ies decreteii la pensie. Pt cine nu stie, decreteii sunt segmentul populatiei cel mai numeros si multi se apropie de 60 de ani, asta inseamna o iesire din mediul de lucru (contribuabil) in sistemul de pensii (beneficiar). Tin sa anunt ca sistemul de pensii de mult timp nu este sustenabil si ne imprumutam cu miliarde de euro sa-l sustinem
-razboiul din Ucraina (la granita) care are un viitor foarte incert cu Trump presedinte
-indobitocirea tot mai accelerata a societatii si tenditele acesteia spre: autoritarianism (sa vina tatucul promis sa ne faca si dea indiferent de cum si ce), analfabetism (60% oficial), violenta (vezi protestele AUGeorgescu), interlopism (vezi oamenii lui Georgescu)
-justitie care e facuta pe genunchi, cu legi care se bat cap in cap si cu tergiversari care costa statul (pe noi) sute de miliarde din cauza prescriptiei in timp ce salariile si pensiile speciale la magistrati cresc astronomic.
Ar fi mai multe de zis dar astea sunt niste puncte principale, "arzatoare" la care m-am gandit. Deci in contextul actual (nu-i scoasa din context hehe) cati dintre voi (care sunteti in tara) ca ganditi sa emigrati in viitorul apropiat? Aveti si un exit plan? Aveti o "linie rosie" sau o "ultima picatura" care sa va impinga sa va faceti bagajele si sa plecati?
submitted by Necessary-Homework82 to Romania [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 DykerSFM Can't update emui

Ok so, I've installed GMS on my Huawei p40 lite and I can't update from emui 10.1.0 to emui 12, and i can't use hisuite to do that cause it would factory reset my phone, can anyone help me?
submitted by DykerSFM to Huawei [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Doener23 Alkoholkonsum: Das Gerßcht um das vermeintlich gesunde Gläschen

Alkoholkonsum: Das Gerßcht um das vermeintlich gesunde Gläschen submitted by Doener23 to DErwachsen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 The_Savier GF and her friend(M) were harassed by police and extorted a total of 10k.

My Long distance GF was hanging out with her male friend and they usually go out like this. They sit in his car and talk about stuff and usually outside a local chownki. and yesterday suddenly a whole gang of police officers surrounded them and started harassing them and took them to the chownki. They slapped the boy multiple times. Then called their parents. Their parents know that they are friends and work at same place. The police cornered their parents into giving 5k from each family.
They did not record anything.
Is there anything that can be done??
P.S. Area -> Ludhiana, Punjab.
submitted by The_Savier to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Inside_Sprinkles9083 Are there any other LDR couples that use(d) TikTok? How do you feel about the ban? My (20s NB) partner (30s M) is extremely angry about it

I fucked up and mentioned the ban to him a few hours ago through text. He sent me 3 angry gifs and said something like “mad doesn’t begin to cover my anger towards it”. His anger always overwhelms me. Whenever he gets like this I believe he’s gonna break up with me. I’m neutral on the ban. Yes it was fun while it lasted and I’m sad about it going away but seeing people exploiting others (mainly children and people with disabilities) was not fun
Update: he’s mad at the ban. I should have known better but still want to hear your opinions
submitted by Inside_Sprinkles9083 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 bucanners19 M

M submitted by bucanners19 to bernat1968_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 GarandLover Is it worth for casual PS5 players?

Two PS5 players here and we’re not playing hours every day. On the other side we can’t play Black Ops 6 and other hyperactive shooters. We want something more tactical.
Hell Let Loose was fine but unfortunately not our setting.
Is it recommendable for players like us? Is it playable in a 2 man squad?
And how’s the performance on PS5 (same as HLL?)? I’ve read that night time is pitch black on consoles and you can’t see anything 😄
submitted by GarandLover to ArmaReforger [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 ElPasoNoTexas dem rawr days

dem rawr days submitted by ElPasoNoTexas to BlackPeopleComedy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 South_Concentrate_39 10000 gone raffle

submitted by South_Concentrate_39 to polyGONE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Omar_Waqar Is this a page from Tabasi’s book on jinn (The Comprehensive Compendium to the Entire Sea)?

Is this a page from Tabasi’s book on jinn (The Comprehensive Compendium to the Entire Sea)? submitted by Omar_Waqar to Djinnology [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Roronoa_Zoro_01 What if Ananya Pandey!? 😳SWIPE>

submitted by Roronoa_Zoro_01 to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 CellistFeisty9407 Feeding Emma W kissing small boys pics

Feeding Emma W kissing small boys pics submitted by CellistFeisty9407 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 One_Butterscotch8147 LOVING this Donny burger.

LOVING this Donny burger. I rolled a backwood (haven’t smoked a blunt in years) and really didn’t taste the full flavor but now that it’s in a paper, fucking fire. How’s everyone’s weekend? What are you smoking on?
submitted by One_Butterscotch8147 to LitFarms [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:20 Vivid-Cry5133 Hey, if you're looking for a way to amp up your sales, listen up! Selling to startups that just got VC funding is GOLD. They have cash to spend and need services to grow. I found this handy database that has all the contacts you need. Seriously, take a look—you’ll thank me later!

Hey, if you're looking for a way to amp up your sales, listen up! Selling to startups that just got VC funding is GOLD. They have cash to spend and need services to grow. I found this handy database that has all the contacts you need. Seriously, take a look—you’ll thank me later! submitted by Vivid-Cry5133 to emailmarketingnow [link] [comments]