🛍️ eBay Video Games | 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3

2025.01.19 08:31 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3

🛍️ eBay Video Games | 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3 submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 dauntlingdemon This man paid his pizza bill with 10,000 bitcoins.

This man paid his pizza bill with 10,000 bitcoins. submitted by dauntlingdemon to interestingasfuck [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 solh11 Looking for artifacts guide

Looking for artifacts guide Where to find the best guides for each character artifacts ?
submitted by solh11 to SoloLevelingArise [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 AdFit3627 Scholarship

Hi! I'm an alevel student, anyone willing to help me answer a few questions I have in mind regarding schols at UCC?
submitted by AdFit3627 to UCC [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3 submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3

🏆 Game Professional | 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3 submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 🌐 24/7 Video Game Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3

🏆 Game Professional | 🌐 24/7 Video Game Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay 3 submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Hasbrouffe Walking on the scientist (Coldplay vs The Police)

submitted by Hasbrouffe to remix [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 doonnyyreal 2 computer what i use from them?

one have graphics card gt 710
submitted by doonnyyreal to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Mew024XD Bumping this tune rn

Bumping this tune rn submitted by Mew024XD to 691 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GaryBlach Have you ever sold your junk metal at the scrapyard?

Have you ever sold your junk metal at the scrapyard? submitted by GaryBlach to PollsAndSurveys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 No-Butterscotch2060 Ask

Gusto ko po sana mag apply sa call center any tip po kung saan pwede newbie at loc na rin po Pasig po ako
submitted by No-Butterscotch2060 to BPOinPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Moxxieiscool Does anybody know how to make a custom version/gif of the little statuses you get when you lose friendship or gain friendship with someone?

self explanatory
submitted by Moxxieiscool to DetroitBecomeHuman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GeoPolecat I don't want to compete

It's late, and I might delete this later... I just needed to unburden myself. I'm running out of energy, and I'm starting to worry about my mental health.
Why does everything revolve around money? Why is the standard notion of success tied to conforming to this greedy, short-sighted world?
I don't think the problem is overpopulation but rather how people will tear each other apart fighting for a spot of "success."; it can really crush your spirit.
This youtube channel I recently created felt like a breath of fresh air, but seeing how much content already exists with much higher budgets makes me wonder, "why am I even doing this?". I feel for the next generation trying to start something new without conforming to "what's trending," all while dealing with external pressure to earn enough.
I'm not asking for having it easy. I would just like to have a job that brings me fulfillment and purpose, without worrying about salary and competing against others.
Leave competition for the athletes.
I think I'll just fully embrace neetdom.
submitted by GeoPolecat to NEET [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 ObviousReplacement1 I see a ceasepool of swingers

submitted by ObviousReplacement1 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 BoringDemand7677 A girl with an eating disorder has talent but despite how great she is at doing what she does, her hearts not in it.

submitted by BoringDemand7677 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 GIGA_762 add her

add her submitted by GIGA_762 to fesch_6_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 baby_lust Where are all the real subs? Mistress wants to play🥺

Where are all the real subs? Mistress wants to play🥺 submitted by baby_lust to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Smooth-Focus-9945 Samsung T7 speed and solution

I have 2 T7 (2 and 3 years old) and I noticed that the write speed was becoming really slow. My older LaCie would basically work faster. The Samsung magician software didn’t detect any issues but also refused to format it or partition in any way. Kind of hate that software it just straight up refused to do anything. I did update both drives to the newest firmware in it though. Didn’t solve the speed though. My solution at the end was going to utility manager on my M1 MacBook Pro and simply formatting it there and changing the file system to APFS instead of ExFAT. After that both my drives are flying and work very fast. My question however is - should this be alarming or concerning ? Because the drives used to work faster previously even with the ExFAT and my other drive from Lacie also works fine with ExFat on it.
submitted by Smooth-Focus-9945 to MacOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 jcv127 Sorveglianza radar estone a lungo raggio

Sorveglianza radar estone a lungo raggio In Estonia il Centro nazionale per gli investimenti nella Difesa (RKIK) e Mapri Ehitus OÜ hanno firmato un contratto per progettare e costruire la stazione radar di Kõpu. Questa postazione radar permetterà di monitorare a lungo raggio lo spazio aereo da nord-est e nord-ovest e migliorare le capacità militari del Paese. Il progetto per questa stazione sarà finanziato con l’aiuto dello Strumento di recupero e resilienza dell’Unione Europea. Il raggio di copertura del radar sarà particolarmente ampio si estenderà in tutte le direzioni attraverso i confini dell’Estonia. L’appaltatore Mapri Ehitus OÜ si è detto felice di collaborare con il Centro
submitted by jcv127 to AresDifesa [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 cmsttp Feel like this biggest idiot ever rn LOL. (Scammed)

Got scammed for the first time on this site. I should’ve saw it coming. HUGE red flags, 400+ listings in 7 hours, all for $100? I don’t know why I ignored it. Probably because I thought what I bought was at such a good deal I HAD to buy it. Obviously it was too good to be true. Idiotically I moved off of Mercari to text him because he wanted my PayPal. This was basically a red flag punching me in the balls telling me to stop, but ofc I didn’t…. Essentially I payed $25 for shipping!!???(it’s an action figure). Red flag is currently up my asshole but I still ignore it because the deal was still amazing. Essentially I am $25 short and waiting on another $100 to be returned automatically by Mercari.
submitted by cmsttp to Mercari [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 sr403 Not me banned on her wig

Not me banned on her wig submitted by sr403 to TrixieAndKatya [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Vegetable_Onion_5979 I am seriously devastated - my most favourite possession since 2012/13

I am seriously devastated - my most favourite possession since 2012/13 Worked fine 15 minutes ago, popped it in my pocket with my phone as I have done millions of times.
End of an era.
submitted by Vegetable_Onion_5979 to kindle [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Rishabh_Pareek Coldplay ticket

Selling one Ahmedabad standing ticket - 26th Jan. Anyone interested?
submitted by Rishabh_Pareek to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 08:31 Urmomgayuwu69 what phone can i get for under RM1000?

Mainly for selfies and photography... i dont really play mobile games. prefer a battery that lasts for atleast a day. heard if a phone that has telephoto is good
submitted by Urmomgayuwu69 to Bolehland [link] [comments]
