2025.01.19 10:30 Ob-wiz-lee If I have filled the form for GATE DA and CS but only give the exam for one of them, would I still get my result?
Have an important interivew on the same date as that of GATE CS which can't be rescheduled. I have solely prepared for GATE DA so leaving it isn't a problem for me.
Will I get the result for only GATE DA?
submitted by Ob-wiz-lee to GATEtard [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Nocturnal_child Good night
I wanna say some mildly racist or homophobic shit but this is reddit and reddit is sensitive to everything that isn't actually bad
submitted by Nocturnal_child to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 AutoModerator Share Your Progress Sunday - January 19
Here at Share Your Progress Sunday, please share what you are currently working on and what you’ve posted in the past week!
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submitted by AutoModerator to FanFiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 hyteck9 How do you navigate thru all the shady marketing of specs and features?
I am just exhausted from looking at camera features and specs. Cameras that brag they can record video in 6k, but oh by the way, its cropped so, not really... and you can't actually record it to the camera, because of memory card limitations, so you have to strap an external drive to it... by the way it only records at that resolution for 3 minutes before the battery dies, so you have to strap a car battery to your back... or it can do 400fps, but ONLY for 2.375 seconds and ONLY if you use a video codec from 1996 that wishes it was as good as MPEG1-720p. Lab tested in the arctic circle so its your fault if it overheats on a nice spring day. It's like they don't want you to know you are really paying $4-5,000 for a camera that is actually only reliable, stable, and long-life at 1080P. AND another thing.. the crazy pixel stats, its a 108MP still camera, except its only a 15MP sensor and we use AI, and image stacking, and multi-shot zone stitching but don't worry its totally the same thing. Please, tell me how anyone can feel comfortable making a purchase these days when a $350 GoPro has the same or better stats on paper (not lenses of course) than the $5,000 flagships? How do you navigate thru the marketing fog?
submitted by hyteck9 to Cameras [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 ajju20042004 Humanism Philosophy in United States of America: An Introduction
submitted by ajju20042004 to Humanist [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 AutoModerator Daily Discussion - Sunday, January 19 | r/FanFiction Rules, FAQs, Weekly Schedule, & Current Event Threads
Welcome to FanFiction, I love you! New to this subreddit? Here are links to get you started: Rules & Overview | Wiki | FAQs
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2025.01.19 10:30 Illustrious-Rub891 Directions Master for tourists to Tokyo, Japan
From Narita, take the Keisei Line to Ueno. It might take 50 miniutes.
Kukoudainibiru (Narita Terminal 2) → Ueno
Ueno → Akihabara *Take either the Yamanote Line (Green) or the Keihintohoku Line (Blue)
It takes about 5 mins. (Just 2 stops)
Ask me about directions, restaurants or shops. I can be of help to you.
Hope I'll give you real-time updates.
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by Illustrious-Rub891 to TokyoTravel [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 Crazy_Reporter_7516 Why can’t I buy Trump
Just says receive or send. Can Flex even hold it? I’m looking to just buy and sell it quick
submitted by Crazy_Reporter_7516 to ledgerwallet [link] [comments]
I’ve been saying it for a minute now.. the only downfall to the Lions would be Jared Goff, today you see I’m not speaking out my a** submitted by YT_DC4U to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 caramelcream77 Selling
submitted by caramelcream77 to feetfinderprofile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Wtfamidoingitw1 Maati se bandhi dor
Okay wtf is going on?
Just watched this clip where Jaya says the child is hers and Kunal's. I though the child was going to be hers and Ranvijay's? I don't watch is regularly, so I'm not up to date with the story.
So, who is the father?
submitted by Wtfamidoingitw1 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 InternationalPenHere D-Wave's financial sector customer BBVA bank simulating portfolio risk
Found this in the free online course by the Linux Foundation called Quantum Computing for Senior Leaders. D-Wave is being used by BBVA (a large bank in Spain) to simulate risk in financial portfolios. The course mentions another European bank Bankia as the customer of D-Wave. The course message is that instead of waiting for a quantum computer that can do it all, companies and governments should look for individual use cases where classical computing handles what it can and quantum solves those parts impossible to solve in the past. This approach is gaining competitive advantage already today. submitted by InternationalPenHere to QBTSstock [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 AdversusHaereses Bundesliga & 2. Bundesliga Matchday 18 | Sunday Matches
13:30 CET (2. Bundesliga)
2025.01.19 10:30 Charming_Balance3574 Let me give you my crush and you expose her
submitted by Charming_Balance3574 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 GradeLoose6401 New to investing
Wanted to get into investing cause have a bit of money to spare, any tips on what apps to use to invest and where to find out what stocks to invest in?
Any help is appreciated
submitted by GradeLoose6401 to irishpersonalfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 ratorix34 Can this skin be bought with tickets? I want to know if I wasted 3 hours of my life
submitted by ratorix34 to SquadBusters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Limp_Quarter_3500 Commercial painting
Hello guys I’m based out of Pennsylvania USA I’ll like to get into commercial painting but I’m only familiar with residential painting. I’m trying to understand what insurance I need for commercial jobs and how much more someone can charge ? Also should I put a biweekly payment or the standard is net 30 ? Finally should I create a new llc/ company for this kind of jobs to limit liability in case something goes wrong ? Also I’ll have a lawyer create my contracts but how can I be sure to get paid I know some people go bankrupt from doing business in the commercial side of painting thank you.
submitted by Limp_Quarter_3500 to Construction [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 BeetrootBlood Whats this? Middle of the desert in Utah. (40.114804750032135, -113.57115971022827)
submitted by BeetrootBlood to googlemapsshenanigans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 NewGur133 ماهو أكثر خبر مؤثر قرأته هذا الاسبوع ؟
سواء يؤثر عليك شخصيا او على العالم .
submitted by NewGur133 to all_and_any [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 PapayaLinus Space rock skipper
What gamemode is the best to play to get the space rock skipper achivement. (Bounce a meteor of a jumppad)
submitted by PapayaLinus to thefinals [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 MoyenMoyen Adaptateur douille vers embouts
Un truc qui me rend dingue: j’arrive pas à trouver une pièce simple qui viendrait s’adapter sur un support type douille mâle 1/4 et qui permettrait de recevoir des embouts à base hexagonale (de même largeur d’ailleurs comme on voit sur la photo). Bref un adapteur F/F de douille vers embout en 1/4 (a part des trucs sur des sites discounters chinois avec des photos pas explicites). Help 😅 submitted by MoyenMoyen to brico [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 MySocksSuck Spørgsmål om at overtage formuepleje fra banken
Et nært og pensioneret familiemedlem har i årevis haft sin bank til at håndtere hendes investeringer, og de tager sig naturligvis betalt for opgaven. Det er svært at få reelt overblik, men omkostningerne har minimum været DKK 40.000 årligt for en portefølje på ca. 2 millioner. Dertil kommer formentlig gebyrer og div. årlige omkostninger for de enkelte investeringsprodukter (som - big surprise! – er bankens egne..). Men det er som nævnt svært at få fuldt overblik. Samtidig kan jeg se, at afkastet kun lige nøjagtig har fulgt markedet på en god dag.
Nu har hun - for at spare gebyrer og honorar – bedt mig overtage opgaven med at investere, og det er jeg rimeligt tryg ved. Jeg har på egen hånd investeret både frie midler og egen pensionsopsparing i en årrække efter en strategi, der kan betegnes som kedelig eller fornuftig (afhængig af temperament).
Mit spørgsmål er, hvilke benspænd jeg kan forvente fra banken, når vi nu vil overtage opgaven selv?
Vi har allerede talt med hendes bankrådgiver nogle gange, og han slår sig tydeligt i tøjret og får alt til at lyde frygteligt kompliceret (forståeligt nok: Hendes investering er jo en god og automatiseret forretning for banken).
Nu slal jeg formentlig tale med rådgiveren igen i morgen. Har nogle af jer erfaringer at dele med sådan en situation og hvad man evt. skal forvente af besværligheder, indvendinger eller forsøg på at snige fordyrende elementegebyrewhatever ind fra bankens side?
submitted by MySocksSuck to dkfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 10:30 kadreg Quentin et Stefane sont développeurs informatique : « On réalise des applications sur PC, web ou téléphone »
submitted by kadreg to developpeurs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 LheyLapuz0709 Trading portal and dark for venom plzz
submitted by LheyLapuz0709 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 10:30 Barreyyy Is Merab the most easy to like, yet most easy to dislike fighter in the UFC? If not, who else?
He’s a cardio monster obviously, and he has dominant wrestling. But he constantly gets triggered on the mic, showboats even when he’s down or losing at the time, can’t talk trash unless he’s on social media. And he is boring all of the time when he’s NOT jumping up and around like he’s on crack, plus, nobody likes a guy that shoots 30 takedowns a fight. On the other hand, he’s hilarious, even when he does get triggered, his videos online are most of the time really funny, and his rants on the mic after winning are not only annoying as anything, they are pretty funny. Everybody likes a guy who came from nothing, worked his way to the top, and tries his best to give motivational speeches, even if it’s usually just annoying broken English. I want to love Merab so much, but I also want to dislike him so much, I’m so on the fence with him, and I feel like I’m not the only one. submitted by Barreyyy to ufc [link] [comments] |