I wish I was brave enough to kill myself

2025.01.19 10:31 OriginalBlerd I wish I was brave enough to kill myself

I’m not self sufficient. I have no direction. The only reasons I haven’t is because my family would be sad and it’d be another bill I caused. I also don’t want my abusers to win.
I wish I could run away but that would hurt them too. I’m trapped.
submitted by OriginalBlerd to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 fossilgaming Does on hit effect get trigger by flicked daggers

Me and my friend have been trying to prepare for new hunted event and was wondering about that would reaction like flick knife trigger the card on hit effects. Cuz we have been argue about it b4 when he played his arakni where he played toxicity, toxic tips and trigger flick knife to let the dmg go through so does the on hit effect trigger or not
submitted by fossilgaming to FleshandBloodTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Beneficial-Cup9069 j'ai [19F] besoin de conseils pour surmonter le passé de mon copain [19M]

bonjour, je suis désolée ça va être un peu long mais j'ai besoin de mexprimer. quand j'étais plus jeune j'ai été exposée a du hard porn de la part de mon père, qui nous forcait a en regarder et je l'ai vu violer ma mère plusieurs fois, nous sommes traumatisés avec mon frère sur la totalité de notre enfance sur tout les aspects et le traumatisme sexuel nous a amenés à un point de vue anti-porno. de toute façon, je n'ai jamais été attirée par le porno car je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi les gens fantasment sur des inconnus, c'est tellement bizarre, je ne peux pas imaginer me toucher sur quelqu'un que je ne connais pas , avec qui je n’ai pas de vrais sentiments c'est quelque chose que je ne comprendrai jamais mais bon ..
je sais que beaucoup de gens regardent du porno, ce n'est pas quelque chose avec laquelle je suis d'accord mais je ne peux pas contrôler la vie de tout le monde, je le sais. cependant, avec la seule personne qui m’importe nous avons parlé, donc avec mon copain et il a admis qu'il avait l'habitude d’en regarder avant moi et que maintenant il en est conscient, de la négativité de la pornographie, il déteste ça et il voudrait vraiment arranger les choses et a compris mon passé et ne veut plus en regarder.
je suis tellement contente qu'il soit comme ça, mais quand il a donné des détails sur ce qu'il a regardé, je me suis immédiatement sentie mal, c'était comme si c'était trop d'accepter l'idée du fait qu'il ait expérimenté tout ça . je me sens mal, inutile et lourde, j'aimerais être normale, je veux accepter son passé, c'est quelque chose sur laquelle je travaille mais parfois je n'arrive pas à surmonter les choses et ce sujet me fait toujours pleurer, je ne peux pas imaginer des humains en regarder ça me rend malade parce que je déteste cette industrie mais vraiment je sais qu'il a fait des efforts et je suis fière de lui, quelqu'un aurait des conseils pour surmonter ça ? je l'aime vraiment, et je veux qu'il se sente bien et qu'il ne soit pas dégoûté de son passé mais juste qu’il se sente bien avec moi, c’est un réel appel de détresse que j’envoie car je veux surmonter mon traumatisme et ne plus penser à lui se touchant sur d’autres filles merci ! :)
submitted by Beneficial-Cup9069 to besoindeparler [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 MBTQ القهوة السعودية

السلام عليكم يالربع، اخوكم من الامارات يبي ابداعاتكم الجميلة في القهوة السعودية، انا ريال احب القهوة السعودية جداً بس ما ضبط معاي ابداً، جربت خلطات الناس في اليوتيوب بس ما ضبطت وياي نفس اللي اذوقها في البيوت، اعرف انه يبيعون جاهز في الجمعيات بس اللي يتسوا طازج لذاذته غير بصراحة. اشيروا علي بارك الله فيكم 😁😁
submitted by MBTQ to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Humble_Yesterday_363 Is A serious Infection Result Of My Dental Extractions From Hell, Or All In My Head??

10-14 days post dental extraction. Dentist horrible but accepts state medicaid. Never cleaned root upon pulling,leaving several tooth fragments in both gums. Not only varying in size, and sharpness but also poking out in and/or under a painfully prevalent abundance of green/white silk feeling colored blobs upon close view or touch. All antibiotics taken but I Can barely eat, and pain intensity radiates now in jaw,neck and head. Dentist still unreachable. HELP ME PLEASE. DOES THIS LOOK AS BAD AS I FEEL or is this normal??
submitted by Humble_Yesterday_363 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Boundless_chronicles What are thoughts on Re zero vs Game Of Thrones (A Song Of Ice & Fire)-Writing Wis [media]

 What are thoughts on Re zero vs Game Of Thrones (A Song Of Ice & Fire)-Writing Wis [media] Re Zero vs. Game Of Throne (A Song of Ice and Fire books)- https://youtube.com/shorts/65we6ufLiBQ?si=RgSKrEdbvYAUAOy9
submitted by Boundless_chronicles to Re_Zero [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Less-Self-3249 Where is the best place to stay in ubud ?

Where is the most vibrant place to eat and drink in Ubud?
Also, is the most tropical place to stay, Ubud or Sideman? Are there any activities to do in Sideman? Or is Ubud also sufficient for tropical accommodation?
submitted by Less-Self-3249 to bali [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Loud_Damage_8838 Serious question???

Serious question??? So I’m on Xbox I downloaded a ton of mods for clothes guns graphics and all that. But one of them game me this thing called “Jennes” and makes me naked, in HD, Kinda want to get rid of it but I’m not sure what mod it is. Don’t want to mess up my save deleting as trial and error, as I’m pretty far in the game. I read all the descriptions looked online and nothing. If anyone has come across this let me know please.
submitted by Loud_Damage_8838 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 soitgoes__again It took me to 20 years to teach older ppl to stop using natural language now I have to teach them to use it

My wife kept telling her mom, just talk normally, and I'm like, imagine it's your friend, and she'd go, I get it, and she'd then type in "recipe cake" or whatever.
I mean, I don't know if I can blame her because we kept telling them to stop doing that and we mocked them for using natural language in Google and now they are paranoid we are screwing with them.
Today's internet is how old people were trying to use the internet in the 2000s. Like always, we learned that grandma was right. We need to eat our vegetables, sleep early, and talk to the internet nicely and say thank you.
submitted by soitgoes__again to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Gabsen2700 Renting back-country skies in Lillehammer

Can you recommend or do you know any good places to rent skis in Lillehammer?
submitted by Gabsen2700 to xcountryskiing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Theagainmenn Best (cheap) cartridge soldering station?

Hi all,
Could someone recommend the best (cheap) cartridge soldering station, not from AliExpress or anything. A good brand. I read often here that people recommend cartridge soldering stations, as they became more affordable, but I can't really find any good ones, that are at least below <$400. I hope to stay between $100-$300.
Thanks for any advice!
submitted by Theagainmenn to soldering [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 A_britiot_abroad Lancia 037 at SM Ralli Kuopio (Finland)

Lancia 037 at SM Ralli Kuopio (Finland) submitted by A_britiot_abroad to rally [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Topace1 Where does the bloodline saga go from here?

Jey is clearly getting fed to Gunther.
Solo lose to Roman which will probably banish him back to the mid card.
Jim is cutting killer promos and I'm hoping the US title is in his future.
Sami is in a weird limbo. Maybe a program with Rollins?
Roman beat solo and declared Cody as his target.
Rock is just there.
At this point I'm wondering how they tie all this back together.
submitted by Topace1 to WWE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Rannoch2012 Tropico 6 Modkit file share links

Short story: I have the missing modkit for Tropico 6! Beware the install extracted is nearly 80GBs, over 40GBs even compressed aggressively with winrar, and the compression I used is so aggressive you need at least 16GBs of ram just to open it in WinRAR. You have been warned.
And yeah, generally downloading random files from random strangers servers isn't a good idea. So run it through a virustotal scan or similar if you want when you get it. I can certify it is clean, but again, you shouldn't trust me at my word because I am a random throwaway account reddit user lol.
To use simply extract where you want to install it and run the "Run Editor.bat" in the target directory. It shouldn't make a difference, but the path this was taken from on my PC was "E:\Program Files\Epic Games\Tropico6ModKit" If it seems to fail to run, maybe replicate that? Doubt that will be needed though.
The file is a "locked" archive to prevent modification (ie people sharing but inserting viri/malware), but you should still check the file hashes as the lock isn't all that strong in winrar. (You can use this tool and then file-> Properties to do this in windows, just make sure the values match the below ones)
Hash values Listed below:
CRC-32: 1f3abd83
SHA-1: a3ab104193b30e1df4db316168bf67963879fd49
SHA-256: 2ed9c36ee1a419356681003592032f271dc501930711a3a6c780544b26ed180c
SHA-512: 538d0f7d10fefd9ddbec2e2365b835070a6a1deecdea53ebd587a6fd3c07b7f0858c9364327bcedf9f296b0f65831af277b67f4fcdc17630507cfe9e3c6e7bf7
The archive is furthermore password protected/encrypted to prevent modification even further. The password to open it is "Presidente" (without the quotes).
Now having read all that, the links:
Google Drive Link (750GB per day of bandwidth).
MediaFire Link (1TB of bandwidth per month, use only if google drive link fails please, host is slower in my experience anyways):
PS: Not sure how legal this is, but as it requires a Tropico 6 license to function it's probably not that bad. Mods can delete if it's really an issue, and Kalypso/Epic Games/Limbic can always reach out to me here via PM to have me do a take-down. The offer is on the table, no need for legal threats or anything. Still, just in case they decide to go nuclear this account is a throwaway and so are the upload accounts (funded in bitcoin via Cash.App, you can contribute to hosting costs if you like by sending a Cash.app payment to user $ElPresidente2025
However, don't feel obligated to send me money, I paid $30 and that's enough to keep it funded for at least 2 months with above bandwidth quotas. It's really not a big deal, hosting cost wise, unless you all go hogwild on it, or legal becomes an issue (hope not!)
PSS: Yes I used WinRAR instead of 7-zip. In 2025. No I don't have a particular reason beyond old habit and perhaps (debatable) easier to use archive encryption tools to quasi-prevent modification, but it should be open-able by the free-trial no problem.
submitted by Rannoch2012 to tropico [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 LheyLapuz0709 Trading portal and dark for venom plzz

Trading portal and dark for venom plzz submitted by LheyLapuz0709 to BloxFruitsTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 latitudes_altitudes Sketching with Alt-Bordeaux

Sketching with Alt-Bordeaux Sketching with Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Bordeaux (Old Bordeaux Red) with the Jinhao 9013 with an heartbeat nib.
This ink is a deep wine color that turns into a brighter pink-purple color when mixed with water. While some inks become desaturated when mixed with water, I find that this ink becomes a brighter, more vibrant color, almost a different color altogether. That said, I feel that neither this pen nor this ink is really ideal for sketching. This pen writes a bit too wet to make clean lines while this ink has a tendency to feather slightly, plus the color changing issue (or is it a feature?) might be a problem. Still, it's a pretty color.
With this sketch, I've managed to finish the ink inside this converter. So satisfying! Time to move on to another color for this pen.
submitted by latitudes_altitudes to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 aruby727 Banned from r/BambuLab for airing grievances over anti-consumer behavior. If you comment on the Bambu controversy on their Discord, you get timed out/banned. If you complain in their sub, they're now banning for that too. That brand is cooked. Prusa never looked so good. Context in comments.

Banned from BambuLab for airing grievances over anti-consumer behavior. If you comment on the Bambu controversy on their Discord, you get timed out/banned. If you complain in their sub, they're now banning for that too. That brand is cooked. Prusa never looked so good. Context in comments. submitted by aruby727 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 lzzygrnt scholarships eligibility sa course po

hello po, sa mga scholarships po hindi na po ba nun pwede mag apply if wala ka sa priority course nila? thank you po!
submitted by lzzygrnt to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Far_Needleworker_212 Journey

Hey guys so every Monday I have to get a 3 hour journey to my dads house, what can I do during this time to maximise my grades cus like I’m sure sitting there and listening to music probs isn’t the best thing in the world
I’m quite shit at English
I have a lot of art coursework but kinda impossible to do on the bus
I’m rubbish at re asw
submitted by Far_Needleworker_212 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 mucheffort Red Ferarri at Spanish Banks, Vancouver

Red Ferarri at Spanish Banks, Vancouver Samsung Galaxy S21
submitted by mucheffort to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 chrisr34000 Removing Armrest from Dauphin Lordo 3017 QS

I am trying to remove the armrest from my Dauphin Lordo 3017 QS chair but cannot figure out how to do it. I’ve attached pictures of the armrest for reference.
On the bottom part of the armrest, there is a hexagon socket screw. However, when I try to remove it, the screw just spins endlessly and does not come out.
Do you have any advice on how I can successfully remove the armrest?
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by chrisr34000 to Ergonomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 Upset_Contact4341 My humble Manchester United pack 16 JAN 25 REVIEW

My humble Manchester United pack 16 JAN 25 REVIEW Hello everyone. This is my second review. This time lets talk about Manchester United pack 16 JAN 25 that costs 1500 coins. Before i start i just want to say i am dissapointed this pack didn't include any player boosters. Also i feel bad missing some players, but i'm leaving it for another day. Lets start:
  • Bruno Fernandes (AMF): Easy, the best card in the pack. Fast enough, agile, player with good offensive awarness, good finisher, not many weaknesses. Competitive card. I can see it in my team. Cons: Not even 1 booster on card, too many Bruno cards on market.
My grade: 4.2/5
  • De Ligt (CB): This is one of the fastest De Ligt cards. I compared him with Van Dijk from Netherlands pack as they are very similar. I like this card slightly more because i found it little more complete, considering all points available. Cons: No booster, needs better stamina.
My grade: 3.8/5.
  • Hojlund (CF): It's fast and strong poacher similar card to his previous ones. I compared him with Brobbey (Netherlands) but i think it's worse card. He also needs better jump and stamina.
My grade: 3.3/5.
  • Garnacho (LWF): Fast winger with good ball control and awarness. Similar to his last Argentina pack card. It could have had more points to shooting. After comparing with Netherlands cards I like more Malen (roaming wing) from Netherlands pack than this card.
My grade: 3.5/5.
  • Dalot (RB): One of better cards in the pack. Fast, agile RB. He Can play left and right side, offense and defense. He isn't best at ball control. I Can see him in my team. Usefull for competitive teams.
My grade: 3.8/5.
  • Onana (GK): Solid offensive goalkeeper, even im not great fan of his id. Very good awarness and reach but not so great catching.
My grade: 3.9/5.
  • Eriksen (CM): Great ball control and passing. Cons: I lacks speed and defensive abilities.
My grade: 3.5/5.
  • Yoro (CB): His card has good defensive abilities and acceptable physical contact. Cons: Stamina.
My grade: 3.5/5
  • Rashford (LWF): This winger card is almost identical as his winger card from club pack MU pack 23/24. Good sides: Explosive, agile, can be dangerous for opposite defense. I wanted to like it but that low stamina... and his ball control could be slighly better.
My grade: 3.5/5
  • Mount (AMF): This card is similar with His card in Manchester United pack 23-24, only worse in some stats. Also, this card has same position and player id as Bruno Fernandes. Considering his stats he is light version of Bruno.
My grade: 3.5/5
  • Mazraoui (RB): What to say for offensive fullback starting offensive awarness at 63? But, he has good at ball control, really good defensive abilities with solid speed. This card can be also trained for midfielder. Better than RB.
My grade: 3.5/5.
  • Amorim manager:
Nowdays average manager with additional +1 on speed.
My grade 4/5.
Conclusion: If you want to buy one pack first consider some things.
  • Should i buy this pack as MU fan? Only if you have the most 3 MU player cards and want to complete it.
  • Can this pack bring me to D1? Most probably not.
  • Should i buy this pack to boost my squad? If you have good HOLE player, for example Griezzman (From 1500 coins France pack) ar other AMF or SS, it will NOT boost your squad.
  • Should i buy this or Netherlands pack? Buy Netherlands pack. It's more complete.
I hope this post will be helpfull to someone. Cheers.
submitted by Upset_Contact4341 to eFootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 anandm0 why is my eevee render looks different from the viewport?

why is my eevee render looks different from the viewport? submitted by anandm0 to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 buttnakedbanjo hiiii

submitted by buttnakedbanjo to cuteguys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:31 CertainDriver7021 Xianling clearly carried.

Xianling clearly carried. submitted by CertainDriver7021 to okZyox [link] [comments]
