50 regiona sa najboljom hranom na svetu

2025.01.19 11:41 Fresh-Heat7944 50 regiona sa najboljom hranom na svetu

submitted by Fresh-Heat7944 to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 AfraidBox6018 zeigt mir eure kanackenweiber 0505dd4af0498ea18b377ff20091f205d2774218ea6bceb49036855569fd9c614a

zeigt mir eure kanackenweiber 0505dd4af0498ea18b377ff20091f205d2774218ea6bceb49036855569fd9c614a submitted by AfraidBox6018 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 timjwes Does a watch like this exist with solar (and even rc / gps)

Does a watch like this exist with solar (and even rc / gps) I’m upgrading my watch collection, selling off a few seiko 5’s and some casios etc, 2 of which are the above.
I’ve just bought a Seiko Astron as my first splurge watch, but it’s too good/ dainty for my line of work.
I’d really like to replace the watches shown with something very similar, numbered hours, day/ date but with solar movement and either rc/ gps as a lesser requirement.
Does anyone know if something like this exists?
submitted by timjwes to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Embarrassed-Art-5076 betta fish really lethargic all of a sudden

hello everyone!
I currently have a 46l tank with one male betta, 6 neon tetras and 4 kuhli loaches.
Had them for over a month and they've been great, the betta was very active, swimming around vigorously and would often swim back and forth along the breadth of the tank.
A few days ago I noticed the betta had become very lethargic. He spends a lot of time hovering at the top of the tank, almost stationary. He does still swim about but not nearly as much as before, and he'll also often hide in the plants. The tank is moderately planted with decorations and driftwood.
I've been feeding them twice a day with flakes, and once a week with bloodworms as a treat. Since I noticed his lethargy I've fasted him for two days for fear of overfeeding/SBD. I plan to feed with some bloodworms later today and have ordered betta pellets.
His fins don't seem clamped and I can't see any noticeable signs of illness on his body. I've tested for ammonia and the results returned 0.
Could anyone suggest what may be wrong and a potential course of action to help?
Thanks in advance
submitted by Embarrassed-Art-5076 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 ArthurDigbySellersJr Hehehe. "Away! Away!"

Hehehe. submitted by ArthurDigbySellersJr to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 typical_gamer1 Why are you peeking? 😢

Why are you peeking? 😢 submitted by typical_gamer1 to PollsAndSurveys [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 UnfortunateUncertain The CaseOh Bot

The CaseOh Bot submitted by UnfortunateUncertain to Discordmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 frarrousih WIP on a HG Jesta kitbash

Added the 30MM backpack, this is the longest build I've done so far
submitted by frarrousih to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 ParkingSeaweed3427 Chance me

40 bocconi test and 8 gpa
View Poll
submitted by ParkingSeaweed3427 to bocconi [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Unlikely_Singer1044 Can we please stop dissuading new players from buying KCD2 if they show interest in trying it?

I’ve been reading a lot of KCD2 threads all over Reddit and inevitably a question always comes up “can I play KCD2 without playing KCD1?” and the answer I see most often is “No, it’s a direct sequel which follows the story of 1. You have no reason not play KCD1 first”

Can’t we just encourage them to try KCD2 or do we really need to be the ‘akshually’-fanbase?
submitted by Unlikely_Singer1044 to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Old-Firefighter-7893 Hela Gewürzketchup Delikat selber machen

Hallo alle miteinander,
ich habe das neulich schon in kochen (https://www.reddit.com/Kochen/s/NTEN3nu0Sd) gefragt und man hat mich auf das sub hier aufmerksam gemacht.
Kurzum: meine Frau und ich sind große Fans des Hela Delikat Gewürzketchups. Meine Frau hat viele Unverträglichkeiten, allerdings war Hela Ketchup nie ein Problem. Die letzten Male hat sie aber immer auf den Ketchup reagiert. Termin beim Allergologen ist bereits gemacht. Falls sich unsere Befürchtung bewahrheitet, suche ich nach einem copycat Rezept, dass ich dann für sie (hoffentlich) ohne die problematische Zutat zubereiten kann, damit sie weiterhin den Hela (bzw Hela-ähnlichen) Geschmack genießen kann. Kann uns hier jemand weiter helfen?
Danke eucu schonmal!
submitted by Old-Firefighter-7893 to hela_gewuerzketchup [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 TaPostado Em miúdo sempre ouvi dizer que os partidos de esquerda eram a favor dos pobres e os de direita a favor dos ricos, hoje percebo que é precisamente ao contrário

Sempre cresci ouvindo que os partidos de esquerda eram a favor dos pobres e os de direita a favor dos ricos. Essa ideia estava profundamente enraizada na minha cabeça, até que comecei a olhar mais de perto para as políticas atuais. Hoje, tenho a sensação de que, na prática, as coisas parecem estar invertidas.
Algumas políticas de esquerda, com a intenção de promover a igualdade e redistribuição de riqueza, acabam criando sistemas que beneficiam mais as grandes corporações e os mais ricos, como através de subsídios, regulação e impostos que impactam mais as empresas grandes, que possuem recursos para se adaptar.
Por outro lado, vemos que alguns partidos de direita têm adotado medidas que, embora sejam a favor do livre mercado, também incluem reformas fiscais e ações sociais que acabam ajudando camadas mais baixas da sociedade, como através de redução de impostos ou apoio à educação e saúde.
Será que a política mudou ou será que sempre foi assim e não percebi?
submitted by TaPostado to portugueses [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Dry-Bet-3523 Mmm.. NVME SSD gore

Mmm.. NVME SSD gore submitted by Dry-Bet-3523 to hardwaregore [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Remarkable_Earth5606 5 DPO - BBT chart help

Can someone help me confirm if I ovulated this cycle?
I’m also concerned that I’m 5dpo and my temp has dropped below the baseline. This is my first cycle tracking BBT and I’m overwhelmed. Is this concerning? Am I out?
I’m not due on my period for another 2 weeks. (I have a 33-35 day cycle).
submitted by Remarkable_Earth5606 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Chance-Treacle6598 Hop pop just being an icon in owl house

submitted by Chance-Treacle6598 to amphibia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 zoxlan how do i get the xci files for zelda tears of the kingdom ?

Hello , i'm new to the emulation world , and i want to try zelda tears of the kingdom , but i cant find the xci files for it . If someone can tell me how to have it, it would be very nice
submitted by zoxlan to suyu [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 sinhuh your opinions on call centers in Kolkata? one of the few job options that provide a good salary without a college degree for fluent English speakers

your opinions on call centers in Kolkata? one of the few job options that provide a good salary without a college degree for fluent English speakers in Kolkata: where fluent English is your golden ticket to a paycheck without the college hassle
submitted by sinhuh to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 EpicXd_haha I HAVE NO WORDS 😭 HOW DIDN'T HE DIE

I HAVE NO WORDS 😭 HOW DIDN'T HE DIE submitted by EpicXd_haha to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 myronpereira2699 Clutch.ca $200 off referral code

Clutch.ca referral promo discount code $200 off used vehicle online Had my car for a year now. Thought I'd share. Very transparent way to buy a used vehicle, pretty refreshing experience compared to a dealership. Definitely not for everyone but if you do your research and know what you want I found a pretty great deal on there. They have a 10 day 750km no hassle return which is also great to test out the vehicle. They also give a 90 day / 6000 km warranty on top of any existing manufacture warranty. AMA I'll try my best to answer. For discount: Use my clutch referral link https://clutch.ca/?referral=YAS8YWF2 and get $200 off while purchasing or selling a car. Make sure you talk to a rep to apply the discount or alternatively it should show under the "Rewards" tab. Sometimes the link does not work and they ask for the full name and email address of the person who referred you. DM me for any such details! :)
submitted by myronpereira2699 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 acchi_aulaad Taba Chake - Blush

Taba Chake - Blush submitted by acchi_aulaad to Indianindieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Nadeetha_Gamage දෝණිලගේ මෝල තදවෙලා බොක්ක | SRI LANKAN ATAL MEME | NADEEYAA MEME | SINHALA MEME | EPISODE- 05

දෝණිලගේ මෝල තදවෙලා බොක්ක | SRI LANKAN ATAL MEME | NADEEYAA MEME | SINHALA MEME | EPISODE- 05 submitted by Nadeetha_Gamage to TKASYLUM [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 frontborderside My first Thinkpad

My first Thinkpad submitted by frontborderside to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Asleep-Ladder-6539 14f looking for someone to chat with

Helloooo! Soo I'm pretty bored and procrastinating rn lol. Anyone up for a chat? We can talk about anything (no weirdos or old ppl please) from simply how your day went to something deep haha. A bit about me, I like reading and idk I'm pretty boring xd. Loove pizza lol. Interested or also bored? Let's chat! (Would be nice if you could stage your age in the start:))
submitted by Asleep-Ladder-6539 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Thin-Pool-8025 Getting dragged along (Art by specklx)

Getting dragged along (Art by specklx) submitted by Thin-Pool-8025 to krusie_gang [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 daaangerz0ne Denon PerL Pro - 2 month review

Got these a week before BF and have been using them quite a bit. Decided to write a mini review while they're still hot. For reference these are my second pair of premium buds, the previous being the Panasonic RZ-S500W which I lost while traveling.

  1. Looks [8.5/10]
I got the white ones because they were cheaper at the time. From photos I was worried they would look a odd on a guy with dark hair, who normally wears dark colors, but they ended up being quite aesthetic. The large disc design doesn't bother me and I think they look slightly better than AirPods Pros (the other buds I was considering).
  1. Sound Quality [9/10]
Denon's app has a unique tuning function that tailors the sound to your ears. It's not conventional but works. Music playback is pleasant in all ranges from bass to treble, and voice is concise both during movies and phone calls. They're fun to just put on for the sake of it even when you're at home and have the option to use speakers.
That being said you must go through the tuning process for them to work. Straight out of the box they sound flat, and the built in equalizer barely does anything. Very different from the brands that allow extensive customization.
  1. ANC [7/10]
The ANC on these is just acceptable. They block a good amount of low frequencies but not a lot of highs. Voices tend to pass through as well. I've taken them on a couple of flights and they just barely cancelled enough to allow some shut eye. Would not recommend if noise cancelling is a top priority.
  1. Fit [6.5/10]
The fit on these is subjective, but in general good for stationary use or slower sports. Using the default tips and lengthened wings I am just able to get them fit properly as long as I'm upright. Jerky movements and head lowering usually cause them to come loose or simply fall out.
When they do stay in they're reasonably comfortable. I can wear them for a few hours straight before some fatigue sets in around the wings.
  1. Other features [7.5/10]
  1. Price and conclusion [7.5/10]
Overall the Denon PerL Pros are a mixed bag. They do some things very well but could also use major improvements in other areas. I'm very interested in seeing a next version with a bit more polish. For the time being I can only recommend them at a large discount.
As mentioned earlier I got them right before Black Friday at $100. For the price I paid there are no real complaints. The most I would have paid for these would be around $150, which is what the Airpods Pro 2 were going for during in the same month. The Technics AZ80 were also a contender when they dropped to around $170.
TL;DR - Great sound, passable ANC, ambiguous fit. Worth trying during a sale but not at MSRP.
submitted by daaangerz0ne to Earbuds [link] [comments]
