How much do courses and exams leading up to a 2MFG license cost?

2025.01.19 11:14 Overall-Ad3512 How much do courses and exams leading up to a 2MFG license cost?

I'm a DNS passout currently onboard as a cadet, and wanted to plan my finances such that I could pay for my courses and 2nd mates exams on my own without having to seek help from my parents. Officers, how much does the entire process cost these days, including STCW courses, GMDSS courses and a 4 month competency course which DNS candidates have to complete? I'm getting wildly fluctuating values from the internet, which is why I'm asking the question here.
submitted by Overall-Ad3512 to IndianMariners [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 SaltyAdminBot UFO over St. Anne's Mountain, Poland, 1997

I thought I'd share the story of witness Grzegorz Nowak, which happened to him and his friends on St. Anna Mountain, near the city of Opole. It's pretty incredible. Here's a description of the events, I used google translate, so there may be some language errors.
Grzegorz also appeared on a ufology panel, where he talked about all these events (maybe some good Polish samaritan will translate it someday lol). The man sitting next to him is an ufologist, he said that when Grzegorz talked to him about one of the incidents, he cried (he saw a 3 meter high robot-like alien or whatever it was standing in the middle of the road, it was so bizzare he can't even describe it). Grzegorz talks about it in this video and you can hear his voice cracking. The only thing that frustrates me is that there were other witnesses, his friends, who saw it too but said ufologist has never tried to contact them. Or maybe he has, but they don't want to talk about it, who knows.
The night light manifestations in June 1997 over St. Anna Mountain, located near Opole, were the beginning of a series of extraordinary events that to this day have not been fully resolved.
Night 1
It is June 15, 1997, Sunday, around 9:00 p.m. Four young people: Grzegorz Nowak, Jadwiga Draikopf, Anna Sudarzyska, Marcin Cajs leave a disco in Ozimek and head back to Opole, where they live. On the way, the oldest of them, Grzegorz, suggests deviating from the route to the nearby St. Anna Mountain to admire the night panorama of nearby Zdzieszowice. There, Grzegorz utters the telling words "the perfect place for a UFO to land." Actually, that night, apart from a few "little things," nothing special happened. It was raining, a storm had passed, in the morning the car couldn't move, Jadwiga's watch had changed, and the atmosphere was somehow different. They decide to come back here again.
Night 2
They spend another night on St. Anne's Mountain from Tuesday to Wednesday (June 17-18). The most active of them, Grzegorz, draws the attention of the others to the strange lights above the trees, which for others were rather lanterns. They went lower to check it out. There were no strange lights, but there were no lanterns in this place either. It started to dawn. They went home.
Night 3
On Wednesday evening they returned here with one more person. This time, more colorfully glowing objects can be seen there, performing strange, zigzag acrobatics. The colors changed, the balls scattered, created different configurations, and behaved as if they were communicating with each other. At some point Marcin and his friend decide to go to the Monument to the Insurgents, located a little further from the parking lot. The others start to signal the luminous balls with their car headlights. One of them responded with a similar signal. Grzegorz notices a huge, moving "screen" in the firmament of the sky, which stopped about 60 meters from their car.
Suddenly, an orange ball with a diameter of 2-3 meters flew out from under it. It scared him a lot. After a while, first the ball and then the screen disappeared. Shortly after, from the place where the screen was hanging they saw Marcin and his friend returning. It was strange, because Marcin was going to the monument, and in the opposite direction. When asked why they were gone for so long (about 2 hours), they were surprised, answering that only half an hour had passed. That night, according to witnesses, another strange event takes place. Behind the car, they noticed two policemen walking up the hill. Grzegorz ran out of the car after them and shouted - wait! They turned away slightly, saying not to hang around here. It was amazing that these men were identical. After this incident, the young people continued to observe the area, but soon returned to Opole.
Night 4
Encouraged and excited by the development of events, they arrange to spend another night together. During the day, they try to borrow a camera without success, and they also go to a friend's for a book on astronomy, in which they find a system of light signs developed by NASA in case of encounters with extraterrestrial intelligences.
On Thursday evening (June 19), they again take their place on the viewing clearing in front of the hotel (there are four of them) and start sending simple light signals into the sky with a flashlight, waiting for a reaction. At first, nothing happens. Over time, however, luminous balls appear. There are more of them than before. They decide to drive down the road towards them. One of the balls that was on the left flies closer. Grzegorz asks: does everyone see it?
Yes - comes the answer. They reverse into the car park in front of the hotel and turn off the car lights. The balls approached them again. After some time, they notice a huge cigar-shaped material object 300-400 meters long on the right side. The end of this object was literally hanging above the car. The sky was starry. Then they heard the roar of military aircraft. Their flights in this area lasted about an hour. Then a large object appeared in the sky again, emanating unusual lights. It looked as if its interior was open. Luminous balls flew out of it, which after a moment flew closer to the car and began to take the form of material beings. There were at least a dozen or so figures dressed in capes, visible only from the waist up and floating a few dozen centimetres above the ground. They were assisted in front by orange balls emitting a light mist. The figures, standing in two rows, began to approach the car.
Everyone was frightened. Grzegorz Nowak, fearing the worst, quickly wrote on a piece of paper: "We were kidnapped by a UFO". He turned on the radio. It seemed to him that this type of "invasion" was taking place all over the world. Meanwhile, beautiful, "heavenly" music flowed from the speakers, perfectly matching what was happening around them. They began to search the next wavebands, but the same melody could be heard everywhere. Meanwhile, the figures were getting closer to the car. At that moment, they heard the roar of an approaching moped from above. Its lights illuminated the scene for a moment. The strange figures disappeared at that moment, or rather transformed back into bright balls and flew away to the large object. You could see the interior of the ship shimmering with beautiful colors. Grzegorz wanted to drive home immediately, but the battery died. The remaining three pushed him and the car started moving. While driving, they felt that they were being watched. Being very impressed by the events that had taken place, they decided to inform the local newspaper - "Nowa Trybuna Opolska". At dawn, they found the photojournalist on duty there and drove back with him. There was nothing left on St. Anna Mountain, but they noticed strange traces present in the field over which the object had maneuvered. Photos of this place were taken, which were later published in the newspaper.
Night 5
On Friday evening, Grzegorz Nowak drives to the same place in the company of his father and journalists. He begins to be genuinely afraid.
However, no one noticed any objects. Grzegorz, however, claims that he saw them above the moving car. He was so scared that at times he did not recognize his own father. He returned in the evening of the same day.
Night 6
Here begins a qualitatively new phase of events. Grzogorz went to sleep to his parents living in a "small apartment building" on Batalionów Zośki Street in Opole. When he looked out over the balcony he said: they are here. He saw the outlines of a figure and eyes similar to what he had seen on St. Anna's Mountain. This figure was floating above the balcony. However, neither his mother nor father saw anything. Grzegorz is afraid of all this, especially since more figures materialize before his eyes. At one point he feels as if these beings were taking away his energy, the cigarette falls from his mouth. His father saves him from falling to the floor. The later descriptions of both participants in this event match exactly here. Then everything calmed down.
Night 7
On Saturday morning, journalists arrived. For many hours, Nowak tells them the course of events. All the time, they can see the genuine, enormous anxiety and fear that Grzegorz showed while telling this story.
Saturday night was approaching. Grzegorz decides to sleep over at his parents'. He asks one of the people who went with him to St. Anne's Mountain to be with him in the evening.
Strange things started happening in the apartment again. They both noticed mysterious shadows on the walls. Then Grzegorz noticed 3 figures materializing behind the TV. They looked like they were pure energy. You could see their heads, hands, and eyes. Our hero was so scared that he couldn't sleep until dawn. On Sunday, everything calmed down. Grzegorz also began to come to his senses. The visible symptoms of persecution mania subsided.
This story had such an unusual course that it may raise many doubts. However, some things are undeniable. It happened on St. Anne's Mountain itself. Anna was confirmed in conversations by two people from this group, although not all of them remembered as many details as Grzegorz.
However, the most impressive are the independent reports of the fire brigade crew from Zdzieszowice, which during the period of the UFO manifestation in question received several calls from the local population signaling the appearance of mysterious fires in the sky. When they went out to intervene, they saw the dance of unusual lights themselves. Also during this trip, they noted disruptions in the car's engine and a failure of the lights. After returning to the base, it turned out that the entire electrical installation of the car had inexplicably burned out. This defect had to be repaired for two weeks.
Also significant are the telephone reports from independent witnesses reported at that time from other regions of the Opole region. At that time, there were reports of sightings of strange balls of light. One of the reports spoke of a ball of light chasing a passenger car.
According to the descriptions of many people, the behavior of Grzegorz Nowak, who was in a state of deep panic for two days, can hardly be considered fake.
In addition to all this, there were incidents that happened many months later. Among them, the appearance of bright balls next to the truck that he, as a professional driver, was driving. Also, at night, mysterious figures appeared in his apartment.
For some time, Grzegorz himself had been reporting the need to undergo hypnotic regression in order to obtain more information about these events. Such an attempt was made at the end of 1998 in Wrocław in the office of a professional hypnotherapist. Unfortunately, during this attempt, Grzegorz turned out to be not susceptible to hypnosis.
He was recently admitted to hospital for stomach problems. After being released, he confirmed his willingness to participate in further research on this case.
To date, there have been no interviews with Marcin Cajs and his friend, in whom the phenomenon of "missing time" appeared during the described events on St. Anna's Mountain. This whole matter requires further research and studies.
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 Massive_Actuator1471 Dm for fap chat on jan

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2025.01.19 11:14 all_about_everyone Sweet tooth | Nafantik 🐾

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2025.01.19 11:14 RaccoonHeadpats Got my first "adult money" job, looking for advice on how to operate

As title says, just started a new job where i make about $1,200 a week after taxes. All of my basic expenses total to about $500 per week on average though this will likely go up to around $600 if not more in a few months. I am trying to decide on what my goals should be in terms of how much to save and/or invest regularly and if i should make a voluntary contribution to my super.
Up until now i made significantly less and have very little savings so i am essentially starting from scratch, though i do not have any debt to worry about apart from some HELP debt which is already factored into my salary.
Long term goal at the moment is to buy a house before i'm 30 in eight years and be in a financially secure position to start a family.
submitted by RaccoonHeadpats to AusFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 StartFabulous4613 Xd

RH liler niye banlaniyor amk önce İmaginary şimdi Succesful banlanmış RHTÖ başsız kaldı
submitted by StartFabulous4613 to Notorite [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 Cool_Owl8529 My heart hurts.

65 days no contact. I wish I could just talk to him, he became my best friend. I told him everything and couldn’t wait to share stuff with him. It’s devastating and heart-wrenching to have to pretend like he died, by maintaining strict no contact. We don’t live in the same place either, so I realistically may never see him again. Truly my body doesn’t know the difference - the grief I’m feeling is as if he passed away. My heart doesn’t feel like it will ever make a full recovery. And truth be told, I think that’s what grief does to a heart.
I renounce the idea i see that circulates here saying that nothing was real. It was for me. And I know it was for him. He just lacked emotional maturity, so his emotions were as fleeting, impulsive, and overwhelming as a childs. But they were real in the moment they were happening.
I know it would have never worked so of course it’s good it ended, but damn, the love was real and the grief is real.
submitted by Cool_Owl8529 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 Far-Investigator-203 Please upvote for some karma

I need 10 karma to post in a community and I’m literally trying everything to get that karma I feel like back in school when people would do a follow 4 follow 😭😭
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I also like videos of black men shaking their cheeks. I can’t help it. It’s an addiction. When i wake up the first thing i do is opening my laptop and watch videos of black oily men dancing. All day. I refuse to go out to stay to watch those videos. I even got caught watching them in school during class.
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2025.01.19 11:14 Haze_Kite Can I masuda method Munchlax?

Hello! I've just finished the game and got all the charms, I'm new to shiny hunting and I've only done shiny Zorua so far (masuda). I want to do Munchlax next but I can't seem to get its egg from the Nursery (JPN Ditto + Munchlax). I tried Ditto and Snorlax and got the egg but it's hatching a Snorlax and not munchlax ;-;
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2025.01.19 11:14 axilich dragon talents

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2025.01.19 11:14 fgiquel Annoncing LTE - Large Table Edition in Org and Markdown buffers

LTE provides facilities for editing large Org or Markdown table when line-wrapping is enabled (truncate-lines is nil).
Link to the repo with complete description: The package is also available in MELPA.
submitted by fgiquel to emacs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 fragile4fake Bro wanna rant

Na bandi hai na life . Jee ki journey meri life suck kr li . Ab toh bhenchod samjhi nhi ata kya krta hun . Nasha na krke bhi nashe mein rhta hun . Anjan logon ko dm krke fruendzibe krne ki kosis krta hun . Aur reddit jaise anonymous sub pr ladki dhundta hun . Kya hogya hai . Meri college ki -2/10 baddie bhi mujhe dislike krti hn .😶‍🌫️
submitted by fragile4fake to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 ExtensionCurrency303 DOMS, what causes it and when to intake protein?

DOMS I have tried finding an answer as to it's causation, but find no conclusive qnswers, do you know?
Second question. I know we use protein to fix the damaged muscles. I consumed the protein I needed to the day I worked out (2 days ago). Today I am undescribably sore. Should I consume lots of protein today? Or has the muscles already been rebuilt? (I haven't worked out for more than a week)
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2025.01.19 11:14 Aware-Cardiologist15 Anyone able to talk? I woke up nervous again and I’m overthinking!

Earlier tonight I had steak and a Bloody Mary (I know probably not the best diet option in terms of acid reflux and digestion etc.). A couple days ago I was exposed to a sb but it’s been over 48 hours so I assume I’m in the clear, but I’m still worried. I fell asleep on my bed and just woke up, 3 hours later. I feel sort of n* and because of it started shaking. I hope it’s just my food digesting and nothing is wrong! I’m so worried. Anyone in the same boat or able to talk? :(
submitted by Aware-Cardiologist15 to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:14 Taramorosam Why is alvin and chipmunks popular

Im currently on vacation with my parents, and had the rare chance to watch TV. The movie was alvin and the chipmunks 3. Who the fuck voiced the little fucking chipmunks, shit sounds like a fucking nightcore track, the fucking musical breaks are mostly shitty chopped decade old #1 radio hits that arent bad on their own but when they are sung by 6 (twice as fucking much as previous movies) of them shitty cgi fucks shit makes my blood boil. The acting is garbage, all the characters except maybe Dave are annoying as fuck and I sincerely wished them the worst. However this shit was so popular they made three (3!!) fucking parts of that shit. Rant over, fuck you personally if you like the 2-hour long auditory torture.
submitted by Taramorosam to rant [link] [comments]

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2025.01.19 11:14 EmergencyMushroomie NOOOOO

NOOOOO I can’t believe they’re giving Trump this massive win the second he steps into office. 😭😭😭
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