What is this?

2025.01.19 11:42 NexusTrinity What is this?

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submitted by NexusTrinity to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 EarthEmail ‘The discourse is chilling’: aid groups on US-Mexico border prepare for Trump

‘The discourse is chilling’: aid groups on US-Mexico border prepare for Trump submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 gilbert-maspalomas original bee picture for the pixel zoom enhance thread

Here`s the original bee picture, zoomed in from a distance, no zoom enhance yet applied, then the following zoom enhanced ones. Absolutely faszinating. If a picture is halfway useable, the algorithms do really get the best out of the remaining details. While doing the enhancements, for one picture the zoom enhance failed and the result was worse (or at least the preview was worse). So I repeated it and then it was perfect. For the last one this could easily be mistaken as a macro shot of a dogs furr. Remember, its the detailed capture of that very bee from the first picture...
submitted by gilbert-maspalomas to pixelography [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 mikefrosthqd "Eurorasizmus"

Vobec nemam nejaky zasadny vztah ku Slovensku, kulture alebo jazyku. Zijem tu hlavne kvoli rodine a kamaratom ale..
V poslednej dobe mi zacalo strasne vadit to ako sa na nas pozeraju Zapado Europania stale cez prsty a ako keby sme boli menejcenni kokoti alebo mohli za to, ze sme chudobnejsi ako oni.
To je proste vkuse neustaly prud podcenovania, nadradenosti a arogancie.
Napr. som minule rakuskemu znamemu povedal, ze som chcel ist na Peggy Gou s kamaratkou a on mi na to, ze "WTF robi Peggy Gou na Slovensku".
Alebo ked niekomu poviem, ze zijem v Bratislave tak...ze tam nic nie je a preco som sa neprestahoval do Berlina.
Ako keby to bola moja vina,ze tu mam rodinu a ze vy Germani s Madarmi ste tu vladli dlhe storocia a vsetko co ma teraz nejaku historicku hodnotu ste si vybudovali vo vasich centrach moci.
Paradoxne s americanmi alebo kanadanmi taky problem skoro nikdy nie je. Oni vdaka tej ich pozitivnej fake kulture sa aspon snazia mat neutralny a priatelsky ton.
Fakt si niekedy zelam aby SK bolo v Anglofonnej sfere vplyvu...
submitted by mikefrosthqd to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 jvc72 Buy Signal Tellor USD - 19 Jan 2025 @ 06:39 -> USD52.93

Ticker: TRBUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 19 Jan 2025 @ 06:39
Price: USD52.93
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/TRBUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 billuuuuu_2006 is scratch paper provided in IBA test

submitted by billuuuuu_2006 to IBA [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Just-gud Booette by me! :3

submitted by Just-gud to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Full-Discussion3745 Baltic states ‘concerned’ about restriction on cutting-edge American AI chips

submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to EU_Economics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 exodoband Matt & Nat Promo Codes

Click the link for Matt & Nat Promo Codes. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by exodoband to ScreenDore [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 No_Age_4267 AITA: shaving my for my husband

submitted by No_Age_4267 to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 soupbox09 Rt 60. Queen Valley AZ

Rt 60. Queen Valley AZ submitted by soupbox09 to sunset [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 vivi_bohemia Katany be like:

Sry za chyby ve slově movementu
submitted by vivi_bohemia to Kerddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Relevant_Plane_2449 SLY 2 Master thief trophy - help needed

Hey everyone, I'm struggling to get this trophy because there's no way that you can see or check how many unique items are remaining, how can I get this done? it pissed me off to be honest
submitted by Relevant_Plane_2449 to Slycooper [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 I_Want_A_Cat_ Scared to date

Hello 👋 So I have limited experience. I was in love once when I was a kid. Then I gave in to have a little something with a guy I wasn't attracted to at all and made myself believe I was because he was the first person to ever like me. Turned out he started being pretty manipulative and it ended only days after it began, because I couldn't lie to myself for very long. Just bad experience, my trust in my feelings dropped. After that I had again a fairly short relationship with a better guy, but we both couldn't fall in love.
I'm overall a bit scared of men because my father was abusive and I haven't had any good examples of guys in my life.
I also feel like no one will like me for myself and I'm scared to let others see me. I know that's not how it works. My confidence has gotten better, but since I never fell in love properly as an adult or a teen, I'm scared. I don't know how to navigate relationships I guess. I'm also scared that I will get hurt.
Does anyone have similar experience or any tips to overcome this? Thank you for reading.
submitted by I_Want_A_Cat_ to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 makyol48 RethinkMyHealthcare: Healthcare Made Convenient,Affordable and Easy

submitted by makyol48 to startupbuffer [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Known-Ad-100 How do people possibly drink caffeine on empty stomachs?

New to IF, I find it really difficult. However I cannot consume caffeine unless I've had an adequate meal before hand. Even if I do caffeine first, meal later it doesn't work. Caffeine on an empty stomach gives me upset stomach, diarrhea, anxiety, jitters. If anything it makes me more hungry, because typically eating will alleviate some of the symptoms.
Do people take caffeine on empty stomachs and feel fine?
submitted by Known-Ad-100 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Hour_Woodpecker_906 I don't meet speaking score criteria for one of my programs

Just as the title says.
I attempted TOEFL for the first time in September 2023. My overall score is 111. The breakdown is like this: Reading: 29 Listening: 30 Writing: 30 Speaking: 22
I was not sure how to set up the mic properly before the test as it was my first attempt, leading to this score. Later I found out I should have spoken louder, or smth?
Anyway, I do plan to contact their office, but I thought I'd send my doubt here as well. Do let me know if this can affect my application in any way. Thanks!
submitted by Hour_Woodpecker_906 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 colbiz I don’t know if momtok will survive this. (TikTok ban)

submitted by colbiz to SecretsOfMormonWives [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Goddess_Bayonetta Finally it’s here

Finally it’s here I’m going to aim for Fire Punch and Goodbye Eri till the next volume comes out. Fire Punch caught my eye before I knew it was done by Tatsuki Fujimoto, I read something I don’t know if this is a spoiler but I read it’s talks about Immortality is a curse. Something not commonly written about and I do like those types of angles. Goodbye Eri just looks interesting for a one shot manga.
submitted by Goddess_Bayonetta to MangaCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 Yueguang7 I have so much trouble holding in pee for an ultrasound.

And some radiologist technicians take their time 🥲 I suspect I might have bladder endo its sooo painful and I have a test to do today. All I can do is hope I don’t pee myself.
submitted by Yueguang7 to Endo [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:42 sublimewit Pileated Woodpecker warmed my heart on a very cold afternoon hike. 🥰

Pileated Woodpecker warmed my heart on a very cold afternoon hike. 🥰 NE Wisconsin
submitted by sublimewit to birding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Maleficent_Boat_6699 Интересует ваше мнение касательно адаптации.

Можно ли какую-нибудь книгу, скажем на 300 страниц, адаптировать в графический роман, где также будет 300 страниц? Ну, ладно, я допускаю разницу в +50, максимум +100 страниц. Так вот, можно ли передать сюжет, посыл, атмосферу книги, изначально написанную одним или же буковками, с помощью графического романа? Это ведь имба, графический роман также подразумевает использование букв, целостных предложений, но также позволяет использовать изображение, проиллюстрировать конкретные локации, персонажей, события... Меня интересует, можно ли это сделать без всяких там урезаний и всего прочего...
submitted by Maleficent_Boat_6699 to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Nervous_Buddy_1062 Constant violent dreams

I have similar themed dreams for about a month now every single night. Theme is that group of people or one person/thing is just killing everyone sometimes its selected who gets tortured to death and other times everybody is getting killed. Today we had a “task” that if we produce any sound we get killed. I asked my friend in a dream i whispered because I didn't understand what is it that we had to do and she replied to me also whispering but then she got killed and I was running away while something was chasing me to kill me I woke up several times but when I go back to sleep dream just continues. Other night it was like in a war everybody was fighting for their life running to save their life and a group of soldiers were just killing everybody I try to hide in the woods, crawling through the mud watching people get tortured and killed im trying to escape, fight, etc I'm either running hiding or I get killed. I had vivid violent dreams my whole life but never like this night after night after night without catching a break I also frequently lucid dream but I can still feel pain in dreams so I have no other option but to run away constantly. I had this thing where I count fingers because its never 5 fingers on one hand when you're dreaming so you instantly wake up. Because I did that all the time it became physically painful for me to wake up and instead of waking up I would be transferred to another similar dream so I stopped doing that. Does anyone have any tips or know how to resolve this or explain to me why is it happening?
submitted by Nervous_Buddy_1062 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 ktaragorn Podman doesnt start containers on Raspberry Pi 1

I have installed Raspberry Pi version of Debian on my Raspberry Pi 1 which is running on `armel` (Arm v6) architecture.
I installed podman using `apt-get`
Now if I try to run a container, neither does the container run, nor does it give me any errors/logs into why it didnt.
karthikt@raspi:/usbin$ sudo podman run hello-world
Not sure how to debug. The arch is probably relevant as a lot of things dont work/have no builds, including docker itself (i tried to install a version of static build of docker, but that kept core dumping).
submitted by ktaragorn to podman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 11:41 Ludwigthree Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muse

Dead Can Dance - Summoning of the Muse submitted by Ludwigthree to rs_x [link] [comments]
