
2025.01.19 13:01 KylleiJenner Daniele

Daniele submitted by KylleiJenner to DanieleGates [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 Nordictreats I want to purchase pet pangolins

So I want to lvl up a pet pangolin to rainbow tier, so If someone has a bunch I would like to buy them! I would mostly prefer buying around 50 since Im buying a lot. Color, lvl, or eyes dont matter at all!
submitted by Nordictreats to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 stoptelephoningme-e I Have Been A Vegetarian My Entire Life, Ask Me Anything.

I live in the UK, am an atheist and this is not for religious reasons. I’m not a vegan, still eat dairy products and things containing eggs, but no meat. :)
submitted by stoptelephoningme-e to AMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 satchel_of_ribs Computer doesn't seem to understand my quest2 is connected.

Trying to play some VR games which I haven't done in at least 6 months and back then it wasn't a problem but now the computer doesn't seem to understand my headset is infact connected. I'm activly using the computer with the headset but when I open a game on steam (I have steamVR) it tells me that game needs a headset and to connect it. I'm looking at that message through the headset.
Trying to google solutions but can't really find anything with my specific problem.
submitted by satchel_of_ribs to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: mécanisme

mécanisme translates to mechanism
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/form
submitted by sharewithme to Traductions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 faultierbaby Do people who look younger than their biological age *actually* age better?

Hey, not sure where to post this question so I hope this is the appropriate place.
Whenever you see a young-looking person complain about their looks, a lot of people will chime in to comfort them by saying that person will age better in their later years but is that actually true?
If someone looks let's say 5 years younger than their actual age and they don't don't change any habits in their life (e.g. don't suddenly start drinking or smoking that could age them), will they always look 5 years younger even if they're 50? Or will they eventually "catch up" to their peers and look age-appropriate?
By the way, I'm not talking about someone who's still in their teens because I know baby fat can play a big role in looking neotenous and once they reach their 20s or something, they will look age-appropriate. I'm talking about people who just naturally look younger than they are.
I hope my question isn't too confusing but this has been on my mind for a while :)
submitted by faultierbaby to beauty [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 AutoModerator Mets Daily Discussion Thread - January 19, 2025

Good morning!
Jon Matlack turns 75 today. He pitched for the Mets from 1971 to 1977, winning the NL Rookie of the Year for 1972. He was traded to the Texas Rangers in a complex four team deal and stayed with them until his retirement from the majors in 1983.
Anthony Young was born on this date in 1966. He pitched for the Mets from 1991 to 1993, with a 5-35 record. He is best known for having lost 27 consecutive games (both as a starter and as a reliever) in which he had a decision from May 6, 1992, to July 24, 1993, going 0–14 as a starter and 0–13 as a reliever. It set an MLB record. In 1994, the Mets traded Young with Ottis Smith to the Chicago Cubs for José Vizcaíno. Young would pitch for the Cubs and later the Houston Astros before retiring from playing. Young worked at a chemical plant, coached youths and had three kids. He died on June 27, 2017 in his native Houston, Texas.
baseball has opened their fan voting for the mock Hall of Fame ballot until January 19th
Feel free to discuss whatever you want in this thread.
submitted by AutoModerator to NewYorkMets [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 CaptainOreo0214 This behemoth is a bit bigger than I anticipated.

This behemoth is a bit bigger than I anticipated. This thing has been quite a bit of work and money up to this point. Just waiting on the metal axle tubes for the front along with the metal hubs (for the front too) and it'll be ready for a reprogram and test rip in the yard. I'm so hyped up for this.
Looks like I am ordering those two batteries and a series connector after all.
It'll be lidded with a JConcepts Hunter Stampede body in PS-18, with a PS-12 undercoat.
This truck is gonna need its own display.
submitted by CaptainOreo0214 to clodbuster [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 User20242024 Da li je normalno što komšije primenjuju pasivnu agresiju u vaspitavanju deteta?

U mom ulazu žive neke komšije što stalno prave buku i to ili se deru njih dvoje ili njihovo dete. Nažalost moram da slušam tu dreku, hteo ne hteo, pa sam shvatio i o čemu se radi. Njihovo dete ima nekih tri-četiri godine i onda kada dete nešto traži a oni mu kažu ne, dete ne prihvati to ne i dere se i ponavlja svoj zahtev od pola sata do sat vremena, a roditelji prvo malo viču na njega da ćuti, pa ga posle ignorišu dok se ne smiri i ne presrane da se dere. Zar dobar roditelj ne bi detetu objasnio zašto nešto ne može ili mu dao to što traži ili napravio neki kompromis umesto da tako pusti dete da se dere celo vreme i da ga ignoriše? Meni je jasno da dete mora postati neurotično pored takvih roditelja, ali koja je njihova dijagnoza kada se tako ponašaju prema detetu?
submitted by User20242024 to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 FUTUREMUSICNEWS The noise will conquer. Never silenced.

The noise will conquer. Never silenced. submitted by FUTUREMUSICNEWS to Noisejazz [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 carliemonier social data

submitted by carliemonier to DigitalMedia101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 Assassin-Emiya 26 [M4F] #Online - Looking for Roleplay and Chat Partners!

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must also be 18+.
Hey, I’m looking for a kinky female who would be down to roleplay some kinky scenes! Some roles I like are prisoner escape - you had been arrested and thrown in prison for a petty crime. You really didn’t like the place, so you hatched a plan to escape. - but you needed some help, fun with the beach lifeguard - you were on summer vacation and you had decided to hit the beach. You tanned a bit and then decided to get into the water. You swam a bit, but after a bit you found yourself too far out and needing help, and blind date -you and some of your friends had been chatting that you need to go out more. That’s when they suggested a blind date. You didn’t fancy the idea, but decided to try it out to get them off your back, not knowing what to expect.
I’m open to other ideas too! We can also just have a chat if roleplaying isn’t your thing. Some things we can chat about are hobbies, studies, kinks, and more! Feel free to hmu if interested!
submitted by Assassin-Emiya to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 Prudent_Deer8119 Trip out with the soundtrack

Gonna eat some mushroom and listen to it, should be a good time
The soundtrack on youtube
submitted by Prudent_Deer8119 to TheNorthmanFilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 almightykiwi_380 Please can someone remove the creases and holes

Please can someone remove the creases and holes Hi,
My dad recently passed away and this was his favourite photo.
Please can someone bring this photo back to life, we would like to use this photo for his funeral.
Many thanks 😊
submitted by almightykiwi_380 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 Colebarsald Ho-oh 446582773917 3 local

submitted by Colebarsald to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 ImmortalGaze H: Stable Fluorescent Flux to trade W: Stable Violet Flux

I’m working on jet packs. Can anyone help a brother out? Thank you!
submitted by ImmortalGaze to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 SnarkyBean_07 Venu 2 to forerunner 265

Venu 2 to forerunner 265 So excited to start this year with my new garmin! Though i noticed some activities arent available in my forerunner but the interface is so much faster.
submitted by SnarkyBean_07 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 lady_vader-88 How to Help Sister Escaping Domestic Situation?

My sister and her 4 children (11-1) have moved in with me, my husband, and my daughter (2). She fled her state due to reported sexual assault on her oldest child by the father of her younger two (police and cps are involved, and she hasn’t taken any kids away from any fathers without police knowledge). The problem is that she is now unemployed and without childcare. She’s looking for a job, but cannot qualify for childcare assistance until she has one. Yet, she cannot work without childcare. We all work full time. All the government assistance that she qualifies for requires her to work 4 weeks before they will help. Is it wrong to set up a Venmo or Go Fund Me to ask for help? I’ve never done anything like that. How do I go about it without airing her personal business to friends and family? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
submitted by lady_vader-88 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 Ken__Adamz Can i expect to simply qualify GATE CS based on my academic knowledge?

I'm in the 5th semester of my BTech from AKTU in CSE and have to give GATE on the first of December. I obviously don't have much( practically none) time to prepare, but i have pretty good conceptual knowledge of my syllabus so far( 9+ cgpa). How far do you think the revision of my 2nd and 3rd year syllabus gonna take me....enough to score like 35-40 maybe? No?( I'm sorry if i'm being foolish)
submitted by Ken__Adamz to GATEtard [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 HeirCaledon325 Er, I wouldn't call him that...

Er, I wouldn't call him that... submitted by HeirCaledon325 to Miitopia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 A-Dime-A-Dirty-Dozen Sunday Random Sports Chat

Trying a new live chat for the weekends to be able to talk about games as they happen.
submitted by A-Dime-A-Dirty-Dozen to FreeLebatardShow [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 pan0o0o0o0o0o0o0o fuck your last saved image, what your most cursed image?

submitted by pan0o0o0o0o0o0o0o to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 alt42069420 Where can i get good Dice making materials in europe, specifically Switzerland or close to it.

Hey there, i just started to get into dice making, i've read up on it for a while now and a couple of weeks ago i tried to make my own mold from a Chessex dice set.
I had bought silicone and resin from a local hardware shop, it was located in the arts and crafts section. Sadly they didn't have any brands i've heard before. But they had multiple variants.
I chose the version that sounded the best. For the silicone i chose the low viscosity and high elasticity version. Sadly they didn't have a shore rating. As it turns out, high elasticity wasn't as elastic as i hoped, therefore I had mutiple tears while trying to remove my dice after making the mold.
I still tried to cast a set. The Resin worked fine, except for the fact, that it took over 3 days to cure and was glued to the mold like nothing i've ever seen before. I ended up breaking the mold completely trying to remove my new dice.
Anyway i've learned my lesson and would like to try again, this time using different silicone and possibly different Resin (or the same resin but with mold release).
Only didn't i find any source of known brands close to switzerland (where i live)... I think there was a single store somewhat near in germany which sells smooth on dragonskin. But ordering Stuff over the boarder is a hassle and often comes with high shipping fees plus customs.
And that's only silicone. I'm still looking for a source of better Resin.
Anyway, now to my question. Does anyone here know where i could get dice making supplies in or around Switzerland? Primarily Silicone and Resin, but also other things like dice masters, Pressure Pots (couldn't find anything like this in switzerland either), Zona Polishing Paper or good alternatives?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.
submitted by alt42069420 to DiceMaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 cldondon Idk if this is the place to ask but i NEED AN ALLIANCE

Idk if this is the place to ask but i NEED AN ALLIANCE Desperate for an alliance at or above gold 6🙏🙏🙏
submitted by cldondon to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 13:01 JStraulin What did you eat this week?

submitted by JStraulin to STLFood [link] [comments]
