2025.01.19 14:24 Aktskhidan Puede un hombre fiel tener una cuenta de Reddit?
submitted by Aktskhidan to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 UnusualAir1 Judges Allow Some Jan. 6 Defendants To Return To DC For Trump's Inauguration
submitted by UnusualAir1 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 BadSmart9656 Dans la vie active depuis 5 mois, j'hésite à reprendre mes études
Bonjour à tous et à toutes,
Je viens vers vous car je suis dans une énorme remise en question professionnelle. Je vais essayer de résumer, car c'est assez long.
J'ai obtenu une licence de psychologie il y a 3 ans, mais ayant un dossier peu incroyable (environ 11 de moyenne à chaque année), j'ai été découragée de tenter la sélection du master. Je me suis donc ré-orientée en master MEEF pour être CPE. J'ai obtenu le master mention très bien et le concours cet été. Mais j'ai été envoyée à 200 km de chez moi pour mon année de stage. C'était déjà un coup de massue pour mon conjoint et moi, car nous vivions enfin ensemble depuis deux ans après avoir été 5 ans à distance. Ça a mis en stand-by tous nos projets.
Rapidement après le début de mon stage, je me suis retrouvée déçue de mon expérience et du métier, et j'arrive à un stade d'épuisement. Ma santé en pâtis, avec plusieurs affections depuis septembre, alors que je tombe très rarement malade habituellement. Alors, naturellement, j'ai repensé petit à petit au métier de psychologue que je voulais faire depuis la Terminale. Aux candidatures de master que je n'ai pas faites car découragée par la sélection. Je me dis que peut-être mon expérience de CPE et mon master mention TB peuvent constituer des atouts ?
Mais voilà. Il y a plusieurs choses qui me rebutent.
Tout d'abord, le financement. Une formation en présentiel, c'est ne pas pouvoir bosser et donc mettre de l'argent de côté, ni pouvoir payer de loyer. Donc retour chez mes parents (et retour de la relation à distance). J'ai découvert le master à distance proposé par l'IED de Paris 8, qui me permettrait de m'affranchir des contraintes du présentiel et me permettrait au moins de bosser à mi-temps. Mais le master revient à environ 5000 euros. Je ne me fais pas d'illusion quant au fait d'obtenir une rupture conventionnelle, donc d'avoir le chômage pour amortir l'arrêt de mon activité professionnelle, et j'ai pas envie de demander à mes parents de payer pour moi.
Ensuite, ma vie de couple. Bosser à mi-temps ne me permettra pas de payer le cout de la vie en vivant avec mon conjoint. Mais arriver à 7 ans de relation et toujours être à distance, et revenir vivre chez mes parents après 3 ans d'indépendance, ça me fait peur. Certains détails de ma vie personnelle ne me donnent pas envie de revenir habiter chez eux. J'aimerais enfin vivre avec mon conjoint et me poser de manière définitive avec lui.
Je dois avouer que ça fout un coup au moral, d'avoir fini mes études, réussi mon concours dès le premier coup, mais avoir une aussi grosse désillusion. Cette année est très dure pour moi mais j'ai peur de faire le mauvais choix, et j'ai peur de "perdre" trop de temps si j'attends trop avant de me réorienter. J'ai peur que ça freine mes projets futurs car c'est vraiment un coût.
Désolée c'était très long. Mais pour résumer, voici les questions globales :
- Quelqu'un a-t-il une expérience similaire ? - Comment concilier reprise d'études / financement ? - Devrais-je continuer le métier de CPE au-delà de mon année de stage avant de tout arrêter, pour ne pas regretter ? - quelqu'un connaît-il l'IED de Paris 8 ?
Je remercie d'avance ceux qui auront pris le temps de lire ceci. <3
submitted by BadSmart9656 to etudiants [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 pharma-ads What is this plant?
I bought this plant recently but I forgot to ask what species it was. Anybody know? Also how do you typically care for it? submitted by pharma-ads to houseplants [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 Remarkable-Olive4234 rewatch
rewatching supernatural, give me the best episodes to rewatch first! currently watching mystery spot :)
submitted by Remarkable-Olive4234 to Supernatural [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 Faithtodogs17 My surgeon says I need tummy tuck.
I’m 10 weeks out of breast reduction and brachioplasty. I’m just shy of 62 and it took me years to do all the leg work to get this surgery done through insurance. It’s been hard but I’m super glad to have done it. No more pain and I look better. Now I feel distorted. My apron belly or FUPA as they call it is so obvious. It’s depressing me. I asked the surgeon least invasive way to deal with it and the answer was that my type of ‘problem’ can only be solved with a tummy tuck. It’s depressing given my age and these surgeries being quite major. I can’t wait to get back to exercising and building my strength back up, but being told that the only way deal with this and to prevent further back issues is depressing. I don’t want to have the issues like my mom did. But the thought of healing from an abdominalplasty scares me. Has anyone heard or dealt with this in a different way?
submitted by Faithtodogs17 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 tvcelebs247 Himar González, 48
submitted by tvcelebs247 to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 Vivid-Ad-2709 Shadow Ho-oh party boost 771569867488
submitted by Vivid-Ad-2709 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 MinimalCollector Does anyone else struggle to fill the void that consumerism held?
I feel like I've been largely successful after a few years of rounds of decluttering, evaluation of the self, etc. I'm at a mental hurdle where I just do not find any enjoyment anymore in the accumulation, in the hunt, in the maintenance of items. Some might say that's a success story and I would be prone to agree. I do still indulge in luxuries but it's very sparse as I am not in the city as any of my friends so traveling is my only real indulgence. This is not a mental ever-presence that plagues me, but it does leave a hole of physical and mental occupancy I've not been able to fill yet.
For a while I was making an active effort to stay off of socials. IG has been an easy one. I got rid of snapchat years ago. Twitter was come and go but with twitter and reddit, I find myself simply uninterested. I'm realizing the lack of value that most online presences have added to my life. In the last few weeks I've found myself prodding the dead horse of this subreddit less and less. Dead as in, it just doesn't offer me anything anymore (not a shade, just an observation).
I'm very much feeling "lost" in a sense of speaking. I do have hobbies and with all this extra time I'm hoping to get back into them. I'm fixing my sleep schedule. I just have so much time for introspection that is nice but sometimes the silence is deafening. I am really not sure if this is a flavor of depression unique to falling out of interest to all the quick-dopamine stimulus? I don't find myself missing my weekly thrifting trips or traditional social media anymore. People have my discord and my number and I like having only two closed communication bubbles. I'm just staggered and feel adrift with so much time. I'm writing and creating more but idk I'm starting to wonder if what I'm feeling is just a normal adjustment period and this too will pass.
submitted by MinimalCollector to minimalism [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 SpaceC0wb0y86 Undeniable Evidence of a Deliberate Disinformation Campaign
Undeniable Evidence of a Deliberate Disinformation Campaign
Before last nights segment, we were flooded from all sides with claims of (and I’ll quote exactly) “overwhelming evidence” “something extraordinary” and “the true status quoe of the world will be revealed” and many more similar claims about the seriousness of the upcoming footage and testimony being revealed.
These came from those directly involved like Ross as well other community voices with indirect involvement through being members of the same circle of influence like Lue or Jeremy or Greer.
Ross and these others in the circle who made claims call themselves legitimate “journalists” conducting hard hitting journalism which is a topic that I am particularly passionate about because I’ve been a journalist for almost 10 years. Those claims should not be taken lightly be anyone though as they come with responsibility.
While never going as far as to fabricate entirely false events, these claims about the resulting consequences of the report were knowingly false and purposeful in their attempt to bring hype to the program and maximize the number of people tuning in for it.
For those that haven’t connected the dots yet I will saying it one more time more clearly. This was a coordinated campaign between these individuals involved for the purpose of spreading false information.
I can’t believe I am saying this honestly. I have often left comments in this sub expressing my disdain about the fact many regulars find “evidence” of disinformation campaigns in virtually every thread that gets more than 300 upvotes. I have doubted their existence most of the time when they are brought up.
I was obviously wrong, this past week has undeniably been the product of a planned disinformation campaign and I am willing to stake my credibility as a journalist on it that claim.
(https://huntsvillebusinessjournal.com/news/2023/07/30/solving-the-mystery-of-huntsvilles-brilliant-scientist-disappearing/ This link is to a story of mine some of you might have read where I interviewed the son of anti-gravity scientist Dr. Ning Li and provided many answers to long asked questions regarding her disappearance)
Some might feel the need to claim it simply just overzealous marketing at work and not a disinformation campaign. That is an obscenely stupid argument.
Legitimate journalists are giving you information about the world and that’s not open to interpretations or marketing. And if the content delivered ever ventures into opinionated views or projections, the distinction is clearly marked to separate it from content that delivers objective news Updates. If Anderson Cooper got on the morning news and said “Tonight I will delivering a report detailing an extensive investigation that shows widespread corruption at an unprecedented level between a convicted billionaire sex trafficker and US Officials. This report will show proof of crimes and their coverups and could end up with wide ranging effects including jail time for multiple current congressman.”
Then what is what people will and should expect because if it wasn’t the case, why the fuck would it ever be said or implied?
They didn’t make up entirely new facts at least but they new 100% that the report was not “overwhelming evidence” or “something extraordinary.” And they certainly knew that “the true status quoe of the world will be revealed” isn’t correct when describing what the result of last nights segment would be. You can try to argue that “overwhelming evidence” is subjective and that some of you may have even found it to satisfy that claim.
The claims made by these individuals were not limited to the nature of their findings but often ventured into claims about the impending results from the information they would divulge. “the true status quoe of the world will be revealed” is not an opinionated term and if anyone who knew all the info before last night says they were honest in their prediction of that, that person is lying should never be trusted again.
No one involved last night should honestly.
submitted by SpaceC0wb0y86 to UFOs [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 Character-Reward511 18 dpo , starting to dislike pregmate
yesterday and todays test , pregmate is throwing me for a loop and making me worry ! what do you guys think , progress or static ?
submitted by Character-Reward511 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 DifficuIt-Device The Cipher Lab's Raid - Part 2
submitted by DifficuIt-Device to PokeMedia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 SarthakSidhant new pb, how do i get rid of the dips
submitted by SarthakSidhant to typing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 Beezle_33228 Help me out of a slump!
I feel like I've been in a reading pseudo-slump since the pandemic---I read, sure, but very few books seem to actually hold my attention and fully immerse me. I've been going off of recommendations from bookish creators and friends, but I'm still on the search for something Really Good (relative to me, not objectively). I want to read a whole book in one sitting again, unable to put it down. Most recently (i.e. like a year ago) the only book that's been able to do this for me was House in the Cerulean Sea, but none of Klune's other books have grabbed me the same since.
I primarily read fantasy, including but not usually sci-fi, but I like some comtemporary fiction and romance and historical fiction from time to time. The following is a list of what I prioritize in books (in order of importance, which is apparently a hot take):
2025.01.19 14:24 tangledapart In 1995 I was 15 and wanted to make an old school murder mystery radio show.
Ever since I was 15 I was obsessed with old radio shows (found on cassettes). The music to the sound effects. The acting. Those scripts. The cast would usually play against type. Always fun. The sponsorship spots weren’t to be fast forwarded through. Decades later I finally created a show of my own. It’s called Terror On The Air. The latest episode, “There’s Somethin’ In Them Hills”. The tagline: “And remember… keep your volume turned up… for TERROR.” If you’re curious: YouTube: https://youtu.be/blQyDPuRRhY?si=CGOqskJII4Jzd_Hf SoundCloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/TrTVY4zj5gjWodUS7 submitted by tangledapart to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 telex_bot Zuckerberg óragyűjteménye tökéletesen megmutatja, hogy a végtelen pénztől még nem lesz valakinek ízlése
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 Additional_Vast490 Need its PDF
It’s launched today & it might take few days to get its pdf on telegram channels or other sources but can someone tell me where would I find its pdf for free ? submitted by Additional_Vast490 to UPSC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 AshenTao Would be really great if this setting would also disable voice lines when you run past your partner in the backroom. A reminder about rooftop dances from Eleanor every minute is a bit excessive.
submitted by AshenTao to Warframe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 Stunning-Leg-8792 I can’t find from What song this solo comes from
I know it’s a really famous song but I can’t remember the name of it , please help me! submitted by Stunning-Leg-8792 to IdentifyThisTrack [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 Darkwarz We should be able to stay in 'Visage' form as Evokers.
Even if you still shift into the dragon form for the Breath type abilities and then immediately shift back. Evoker is a super fun class but being forced to play as the dragon while in combat makes it unappealing. I would also accept Tier Sets showing up on the dragon form as an option.
submitted by Darkwarz to wow [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 sunny-8055 Vedvika Soni
submitted by sunny-8055 to bollyarm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 14:24 LightGraves Please help me choose a city buy a starter home in.
I’m looking for a city where I can buy a starter home or townhome for under $500k. We’re a family of four with a toddler who is autistic, so having access to excellent special education services is a top priority. Currently, we’re living in the Boston area, where homeownership feels out of reach. 500k here only gets us a small, fixer-upper two-bedroom condo.
I work from home in the finance/fintech industry, so it’s important that the city offers a range of finance job opportunities. Diversity is also important to us, as I’m an Asian American male, and my wife is Hispanic. We also love being within driving distance of mountains and beautiful scenery.
Here’s a summary of what we’re looking for: • Affordable starter homes or townhomes under $500k • Excellent special education schools for autism • Diverse population • Strong finance/fintech job opportunities • Proximity to mountains and beaches
Cities we’re considering so far: • Denver suburbs • Sacramento suburbs • Chicago suburbs • Southern NJ/Philly suburbs
submitted by LightGraves to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 telex_bot 2606 állatot mentettek meg tavaly a fővárosi állatkert vadállatmentői
submitted by telex_bot to telex [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 musingbard Removing mould from this cloth book cover?
Does anyone please have some advice on safe ways to try removing these little spots of mould?
The cover material is fabric that doesn't appear to have the protective sizing that traditional bookcloths have so I imagine its very porous (and with that saturated colour, probably runs too lol). I've heard saltwater can be used to lift mould out of fabric as the water dries and the salt crystalises but I'm nervous to apply too much water and I'm unsure how well that method works with very small amounts.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by musingbard to CleaningTips [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 14:24 g4m3f33d Our Reactions To The Switch 2 Reveal And More Of The Week's Takes
submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments] |