Moonshot Referral Program

2025.01.19 14:11 IndependentMonk93 Moonshot Referral Program

As many of you probably know, cryptocurrency is becoming a huge deal, especially when you hear about people potentially doubling, or tripling their money - some even much higher.
Moonshot has a referral program going, and upon deposit (no purchase needed), you and I will both get some free cryptocurrency. Down below is my referral link.
Get up to $100 in free memecoins after depositing on Moonshot with my link:
submitted by IndependentMonk93 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Virus_Caster Satan cc

Are there mods to make a sort of goatman sim? Like goats head, legs and fur body? I only found legs and goat skull mask, but i want it to be an alive goat. My thought was making a werewolf and then add horns but i don't want them to detransform.
submitted by Virus_Caster to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Personal-Bed-6405 5’10” I weigh 160 bulk or cut?

5’10” I weigh 160 bulk or cut? I’ve been trying to gain weight/muscle very slowly and healthily over the last two months but I’ve seen basically no muscle growth. Should I keep bulking or go on a cut because I think I’m looking chubby now. I’m trying to gain muscle but I’ve been on the weights at the gym for months now
Should I stick with the bulk or start cutting?
submitted by Personal-Bed-6405 to BulkOrCut [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 mlmsaremysuperpower 1 and 2 ⭐️ trades

1 and 2 ⭐️ trades submitted by mlmsaremysuperpower to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 SoliePlays Adobe Desert Home with Pool

Adobe Desert Home with Pool I made a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom vacation rental/residential house in Oasis Springs. There's a spacious kitchen, a relaxing backyard with a pool and plenty of room to hang out, it's perfect for family living or a peaceful escape.
Speed build -
Download in the comments
submitted by SoliePlays to TheSimsBuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 WiseGuy1882 With Amy Adams at the 39th Mill Valley Film Festival Opening Night 6th October 2016

With Amy Adams at the 39th Mill Valley Film Festival Opening Night 6th October 2016 submitted by WiseGuy1882 to EmilyJeanStone [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Piggypotpie2010 Best YouTube tutorial?

I tried the game tutorial. Although it’s good for a Paradox game, it still isn’t good. Any suggestions for noobs?
submitted by Piggypotpie2010 to victoria3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Several-Lifeguard679 What sound does a clock in America make?

None, because there is no more Tik Tok!
submitted by Several-Lifeguard679 to Jokes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Jackabing blursed zombapple

blursed zombapple submitted by Jackabing to blursedimages [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 palpyscreech Longbow Length

Hi all,
I've been shooting longbow for about 4 months or so and using my club longbow to do so. the bow is 72" long, 39# and my draw is 28"
however this bow is not great and the string is wearing out and I am looking to get my own bow. I am looking at one on ebay that is 37# at 28" but the bow itself is 76" long.
Does anyone know if the longer length of the bow will negatively affect the shooting of it. For reference, I am about 5'10 and feel comfortable with the current 72" one but I am wondering if 76" is too long for me to shoot before committing to buying.
Thanks for any info
submitted by palpyscreech to Archery [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 krossome People can Live with a LOT Less!

I’m in the process of decluttering my physical belongings, and decluttering my headspace.
It’s resulted in an observational sense of experiencing the world. I’m way more chill, and can really feel good about myself and my physical presence.
This has also made me realize, you have way more to hold on to than me. It weighs you down, it’s a lot to think about, and half of the shit you have you don’t even use! Don’t you think you could live with a little less?
When it comes to spending money- wait, WHY ARE YOU CHECKING OUT A $300 shopping cart on Temu for useless shit!? Okay, don’t waste your money on that, save up to buy a share of a stock, or a couple of silver coins! (Ignore the set of coins that you receive mail for, plated isn’t the same as pure silver, same applies to sterling silver) or combine those temu purchases for a gold coin!
take care of yourself. i’m not encouraging anyone with any financial advice.
submitted by krossome to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 RyanKinder [Sun AM update] Snowfall Forecasts (ch 4,5,7,25,10,NWS) Updated maps for Sunday eve snow storm!

submitted by RyanKinder to BostonWeather [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Icy_Country_1273 مستعجل

مطعم فيتوشيني زاكي في عمان
submitted by Icy_Country_1273 to DabooqClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Rezhai I think i got a jackpot

I think i got a jackpot But no weapon blueprint (those are like impossible to get for me😥)
submitted by Rezhai to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 aquatramp_ Community

Community Travel is more than destinations—it's about the connections we make. From shared meals to helping hands, community shapes every adventure. At Aquatramp, we celebrate the bonds formed on the journey, reminding us that we’re never alone. Together, we explore, inspire, and create stories that last a lifetime. #Travel
submitted by aquatramp_ to aquatramp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 MalkynRei78 Internship Complete! Orca Onto New Ventures in HoloGra's "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" (Part 1 of a screenshot collection)

submitted by MalkynRei78 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 GUMPY_DRUMPFY It’s over for Russia…

It’s over for Russia… submitted by GUMPY_DRUMPFY to 2easterneuropean4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 orqa Bad Map Projection: The United Stralia [xkcd 2999]

Bad Map Projection: The United Stralia [xkcd 2999] submitted by orqa to mapporncirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 honeyfixit Is the TikTok ban just because it's owned by China?

If the parent company were in Great Britain instead of China would it still be banned?
I understand the security problems, but don't the other major social media platforms do the same thing? Don't mobile devices do this as well? So is TikTok being targeted just because it's China?
submitted by honeyfixit to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 Puzzleheaded-Pea6762 What you guys think

submitted by Puzzleheaded-Pea6762 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 82492 Roblox aged alt account genrator

is there is any aged alt account genrators, i had one web site that makes about 5 aged accounts every 10h and it shutdowns a year ago the accounts ages were over 3+ months old, do you have any other alternative?
submitted by 82492 to ROBLOXExploiting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 ChickenEnthusiast 2007 purchases, what a year!

CDs I bought in 2007. Can't believe that's 18 years ago! Couldn't download image with text - Topster made a garbled mess of it. It's predominately not-new-artists that year for me, just going with the flow of getting the latest record from a favorite of mine. What 2007 record would you add? There's four slots missing down there...
submitted by ChickenEnthusiast to Topster [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 missmangs REAL DESERVING TOP2

REAL DESERVING TOP2 submitted by missmangs to biggboss [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 TheSweetestSinW Raziskava mladih v Britaniji (gen-Z generacija) četrtina jih ni znala zamenjati žarnice.

Članek govori o tem, da mladi vedno raje najamejo drugo osebo za osnovna opravila oz. stvari, ki bi jih lahko tudi oni opravli, pa očitno nimajo znanja... A najbolj pa me je presenetil ta stavek: "Manj kot dve tretjini od 323 anketiranih v mlajši starostni skupini je izjavilo, da bi bili samozavestni pri čiščenju avtomobila, večina je rekla, da bi za to opravilo prosili starše." Prosim vaše mnenje... kam smo prišli, jst si sploh ne prestavlam da bi mojmu fotru to rekla. 🤦‍♀️
submitted by TheSweetestSinW to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 14:11 User_fromsomewhere Real

Real submitted by User_fromsomewhere to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]