Help with Reinstalling windows

Hi, everyone. I often wonder which preposition I should use for “bind”. e.g. Drugs bind to the receptor. vs. Drugs bind with the receptor. I think both sentences are correct grammatically. So, I would like to ask you, “Are these sentences interchangeably used, or are they different depending on... Hello, I'm writing something and suddenly don't know which is the right construction: "The acetylation level increased at the region studied in parallel with/to its transcriptional activity" (sorry it's a bit dull!) Thanks! Ma_linka, the rule you quote in #3 about compare to and compare with may well reflect majority usage. However, I rather doubt that most native speakers would be able to describe this rule, or that they are even aware of it. Could I get a few people to explain the difference in pronunciation between a, á, ã, â and à in Portuguese using English comparisons (if possible)? I can't seem to find a thread or other Web site that addresses them each clearly. Thanks! I read several threads about . And I came down to it that even English natives have slightly different opinions about the usage. I do wish to comprehend it, however, at the same time I realize English usage can be quite complicated or different depending on in which country it is used or who... Just answering off the top of my head: "pursuant to" must follow some other action. "Pursuant to the new regulations recently passed regarding bubble gum-blowing, no bubbles may be blown that exceed 3 inches in diameter." -I'm exhausted by my work -I'm exhausted from working too much. -I'm exhausted with my work. Are all the statements correct? Could you help me understand when should I use each one of those prepositions, please? Thank you. Hi, 1. The history of mankind shows that the cause of human rights is featured by continuous improvement. 2. Dining in China is featured with courtesy and manners. (The two sentences come from an English study book written by Chinese.) I want to know if "with" and "by" are acceptable when... In general, some adjectives go with certain prepositions, but some adjectives can go with more than one preposition (and context will determine which preposition fits better, though in many cases the use of one preposition doesn't rule out other prepositions, as the meaning doesn't really change). Hi! I'm filling the forms required to get a visa to go on vacation to the USA. There's a question that reads "Who is paying for your trip? (that would be my dad) Relationship with this person". Would this be child, or parent? Then there's another question about who I'm going with (both my mom...

2025.01.19 16:00 Low-Opening1422 Help with Reinstalling windows

I have been trying to reinstall Windows on my Asus Tuf 15, which recently started acting up. The monitor goes partially dark and flickers if the refresh rate is set to 144 Hz. I used CRU to lower the refresh rate, but this only works when I am on Windows. I wanted to go into the bios to change the boot order, but the display doesn't allow me to see anything.
I tried plugging an external display into the HDMI port, but the laptop uses Intel graphics for the monitor, and I cannot force it to use the Nvidia setting, so it uses an external monitor. I also tried using the lightning port with an HDMI adapter to see if it worked, but to no avail. I would still like to reinstall Windows on it as I feel like it contracted some kind of digital aids that none of my antivirus software picks up.
I am afraid that the two courses of action that I still can take are to manually remove the monitor from my motherboard or to connect my laptop to a PC and try to wipe the SSD and reinstall Windows onto it like that. Any other recommendations would be appreciated.
submitted by Low-Opening1422 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Professional_Ant2224 [F4M] From Portugal to Europe

[F4M] From Portugal to Europe Hello everyone,
I’m 33F, 5’5’’ (or 165cm for my metric system chaps), brunette, and I have a pretty chill and stable life :)
I work in IT, and I love what I do. In my free time I love to read (mostly literary fiction or sometimes technical books), go out and try new restaurants, board games (I play DND every Wednesday), a little bit of gaming (currently playing Hogwarts Legacy), or just chill and go to the movies or out for a walk.
Health is very important to me, and while I’m not the epitome or the poster girl for wellness, I love hitting the gym in the free weights section, love to run every week, and try to keep a balanced diet.
Of course, I’m 100% childfree, never planned on having kids, don’t want to be a mother and never wanted to be. I’m planning on getting sterilized within the next few years, and DINK is definitely the lifestyle I’m aiming for.
I’m agnostic-atheist leaning, which means that I mostly tend to believe there is no god but I’m open to having my mind changed if given enough evidence to the contrary. I definitely feel awe at the amazing things we see in this planet, and the universe.
For those who care: INTJ-A Virgo
What I seek in a partner: I believe I’m very “vanilla” in this sense. I want someone who is more extrovert than me, a bit bolder, who doesn’t mind taking the lead, who makes me feel like I am safe around them and that we can be a team and go through things together. Definitely looking for a partner who will have my back (and vice versa) when times get tough. Above all, respect, companionship, and growing together.
What do I have to offer? I’ve done my share of therapy, I’m emotionally intelligent and always try to learn new things and be there for the people who matter the most to me. I’m a team player, and I’ll have your back whenever you need me to. I’m a fully funcional adult, I’ll make you laugh with my silly humor and dad jokes. Buckle up for the random theoretical conversations we will have about the meaning of life, religion, and everything in between.
Caveats: I won’t lie, physical attraction is very important to me. And I know I’m no Victoria’s Secret model, but I also believe in being straightforward so we can all spare each other some time. I’ll attach a photo of me on this thread and I’ll reply to your message if your message has an attached photo of yourself as well. I don’t want to waste time going back and forth with infinite texting.
PS: Only message if you’re within traveling distance. I’m not keen on LDR relationships, I don’t have the energy for that.
submitted by Professional_Ant2224 to cf4cf [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 pinkhappystitch What if i’m sick?

hey guys, i have a tattoo appointment on tuesday, im getting 3 small tattoos the session is set to be barely an hour. i live in a VERY cold climate, where stepping outside is giving you a runny nose lol😂 my room is also very dry and cold so basically every day i wake up with a sore throat and stuffed nose. a few days ago my throat was a little sore but its completely gone, and now my nose is the slightest bit stuffy. i feel AMAZING, and dont even know if its a really a cold or just a mixture of being outside+my room? im worried that what if on the off chance i do have a cold and then i get these tattoos and my body wont heal them? my mother and father say thats pretty irrational and that ill be fine, but what if they’re wrong? i guess im just asking if its safe to get a tattoo while potentially sick?
submitted by pinkhappystitch to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Hefty-Alternative802 Need help with QC please!

Need help with QC please! Ordered from ReyKay ~ Mango Factory
Isn’t the inside lining meant to be a beige instead of black? Also Reykay told me it was the large size (33cm) but compared to the hand it looks smaller? Maybe i’m just overthinking it?
Link to auth:
submitted by Hefty-Alternative802 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 ComfortableEuphoric7 Tobacco

Hi. I quit snus around 4 months ago, becuse i want to have a healthy relationship with nicotine. And a week ago i tried smoking again and i became sick with anxiety-like symptoms for around a week. Has anyone experienced this and know more?
It started like 45 minutes after the nicotine hit, and it was like an anxiety attack all the time for around 6 days. I've tried searching on the internett but i cannot find out anything.
Thanks for helping out!
submitted by ComfortableEuphoric7 to Norway [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 ArmchairPsych420 This one is for every wellness MLM scam.

This one is for every wellness MLM scam. submitted by ArmchairPsych420 to KelseyRhaeTT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Narrow_Pickle8477 Acho que meu sobrinho tentou me assediar

Recentemente eu chamei meu sobrinho para consertar um defeito na TV, ele mora perto de mim e sempre tivemos uma boa relação sou irmã da mãe dele. Quando ele chegou aqui em casa deixei ele a vontade consertando a TV e fui tomar banho, a porta do meu banheiro e aquela tipo sanfonada que quando vc fecha sempre fica uma brecha. Foi de repente eu tive a impressão que ele tava olhando pela brecha mas não tenho certeza podia ser só impressão. saí do banho me troquei e fui ver a TV, ele tava me mostrando como tinha resolvido o problema, a gente sentou no sofá e depois de um tempo ele começou a falar comigo passando a mão na minha coxa, me senti desconfortável e rapidamente levantei. Fui pra pia lavar a louça e vi que ele tava me olhando, comecei a puxar assunto perguntando como que tava o novo colégio se ele estava indo bem e tal, ele disse que tava bem e logo em seguida falou pra mim que cada dia que passava eu ficava mais bonita, nessa hora eu fiquei meio nervosa e disse que ele precisava ir pq eu ia sair com umas amigas (menti) foi quando ele saiu que fiquei pensando no que tinha acontecido se era só coisa da minha cabeça ou não. de qualquer forma eu achei ele muito estranho, e estou com um pouco de medo de tomar alguma decisão precipitada, sei que ele é um jovem com os hormonios a flor da pele mas acho que ele ultrapassou o limite.
submitted by Narrow_Pickle8477 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Beginning-Junket7725 Lumi out of sync

I bought a lumi for my partner for her birthday last year and it has pretty much just sat on the side not been used.
ever since she got it - the sync between the music and when you are supposed hit the keys is way out.
She logged tickets but she only gets the typical response of try restarting your ipad or reconnect it to the bluetooth.
She feels guilty that she has not used it and It was an expensive gift.
It’s literally just going to go in the bin if it can’t get it working.
Last option is to ask on here to see if anyone else has ever had this kind of issue..?
submitted by Beginning-Junket7725 to ROLI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Whole-Instruction508 Wie auf "vermutliches" Kündigungsgespräch vorbereiten?

Vorab, es geht nicht um mich selbst, sondern um meine Frau.
Meine Frau arbeitet seit 2020 in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen im Softwarebereich. Aktuell befindet sie sich in Elternzeit, die bis August geht. Das Unternehmen steckte im letzten Jahr in einer tiefgreifenden Krise. Es wurde von einem Großkonzern übernommen, da der bisherige Mutterkonzern es abgestoßen hat. Im Zuge dessen wurden dann viele Mitarbeiter entlassen, unter anderem das gesamte Team meiner Frau. Alle haben eine großzügige Abfindung bekommen. Sie hat es nur nicht getroffen, weil sie zu dem Zeitpunkt im Mutterschutz war. Da es ihr Team nicht mehr gibt, existiert auch ihre Stelle in dieser Form nicht mehr. Sie hat aber aktuell noch einen bestehenden Arbeitsvertrag. Die letzte Absprache mit ihrem Chef vor einigen Monaten war, dass sie sich Anfang 2025 zusammen setzen, um zu besprechen, wie es weitergeht.
Nun steht genau dieses Gespräch für den 05.02. an. Zum Termin geladen sind neben meiner Frau noch der Geschäftsführer sowie HR. Wir gehen demnach und aufgrund der Tatsache, dass ihr Team nicht mehr existiert, fest davon aus, dass es ein Kündigungsgespräch sein wird. Wir hoffen natürlich darauf, dass auch meine Frau ein gutes Abfindungsangebot erhält - jedoch schwingt auch die Sorge mit, dass ihr vorgeschlagen werden könnte, in den Support zu wechseln und wenn sie das nicht wollen würde, müsste sie halt kündigen und dann gäbe es logischerweise nicht.
Sie hat Vorerfahrungen im Support, ist aber eigentlich so was wie Projektkoordinatorin. Offiziell wird das bei denen Customer Success Manager genannt, eigentlich war das aber quasi eine Schnittstelle aus verschiedenen Bereichen, es wurden Kick-Off Gespräche mit Kunden geführt usw. Geht also schon über eine reine Sachbearbeiter-Stelle, was ich eigentlich unter Customer Success Manager verstehen würde, hinaus. Sie hat auch absolut keine Lust auf Support und wäre dort auch überbezahlt, wie ihr Chef selbst vor einiger Zeit mal angemerkt hatte.
Wie würdet ihr euch auf so ein Gespräch vorbereiten?
submitted by Whole-Instruction508 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 mcfcbot [Match Thread] Ipswich vs Manchester City (Premier League)

Premier League
Ipswich vs Manchester City
Kick Off: 16:30
Referee: S. Barrott
Venue: Portman Road
Lineups not available
Less than 29 minutes to go MCFCBot v1.87. This bot is built by aguer0. Please get in touch with any feedback
submitted by mcfcbot to MCFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 SaltyAdminBot Have they abandoned us?

I've always been curious about UFOs and often ask my grandfather and father about their experiences. Both of them have shared stories of seeing circular disk-shaped objects in the sky during their lifetime. However, despite my interest, I haven't encountered a single UFO yet. Have they stopped visiting us?
submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 SyncYourDogma Reliable and surprisingly easy to use

Prior to Plaud, I've been using Krisp.AI for about 6 months and I've found it easy to use and very useful. I'm a project manager running a range of projects with different clients at any one time.
Having changed companies, I'm on site more so I thought I would give Plaud a go. Initially a Note off Amazon but as this generally sits on the back of your phone (which is where my MagSafe wallet normally sits) I've switched to PIN.
The transcriptions are accurate, while the processed notes are a little verbose, I'm trying a few homebrew prompts (which I could not do with Krisp) and I'm able to fine tune to what is approaching perfect (for me).
At the moment I'm on the Pro tier (about £7 a month), but I'm probably going to upgrade to unlimited.
However, I'm considering two alternatives, firstly just installing a local LLM (Ollama makes this easy for a non-techie like me) so that I can keep all the data local. Secondly trying Limitless which looks to be a Plaud clone, with a large pendant and 1,200 mins free a month (but their unlimited tier is twice the price of Plaud's). This is also a US company so I'm reluctant to push data their way, especially with Trump and gang entering the White House. I do like their meeting prep feature, but this only works with Google at the moment, so rather limiting.
Why am I using one of these anyway? Other than a level of efficiency in not taking and subsequent actions, I suddenly (overnight) lost a chunk of my hearing on one ear, so speech discrimination is a challenge even with hearing aids. Speech To text processing really helps with online (MS Teams mostly) calls. Well worth the money for £20/month subscription.
submitted by SyncYourDogma to PlaudNoteUsers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Specialist_End_8470 What’s your all time favourite movie?

submitted by Specialist_End_8470 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Calm-Following-1327 Hmmmm what u guys think Josh is up to rn?

I remember when he couldn’t log into instagram when he was on vacation and he started tweaking
submitted by Calm-Following-1327 to WorldOfTShirts [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Sven_Darksiders I need MOAR

submitted by Sven_Darksiders to LancerRPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Xorcist137 Is there a cheat that allows people to see Invisible Woman?

I was just playing quick match as invisible woman and followed a lone winter soldier somewhere, and the guy just turned around and followed my movements perfectly and shot me despite not running into physics objects or anything. Is there some mechanic that I don't know about that would allow the enemy team to see Invisible Woman when invisible?
submitted by Xorcist137 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 8O8I What he want us to do ? 😭

What he want us to do ? 😭 submitted by 8O8I to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Background-Guest-637 Why they posing like it's some music video

submitted by Background-Guest-637 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 CognitiveSourceress ComfyUI made this fake recap generator possible on glif. (Link in comments)

ComfyUI made this fake recap generator possible on glif. (Link in comments) submitted by CognitiveSourceress to comfyui [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 lombello No more chat?

So i just noticed i can’t access the in game chat anymore and can’t use voice chat either. I suppose i’ve been blocked from it? I only wrote some snarky comments, never even spoke to anybody. What i wrote was in line of, suggesting to purchase a new pair of hands and wanting to remove my eyes from my eye cavities. No curse words. I literally texted that as i did here. Is the game really that sensitive now?
submitted by lombello to CODWarzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 hardcuts26 Busted wax on HH

Busted wax on HH submitted by hardcuts26 to foundnorth [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 mareks05 [Store] [selected. ★900+Skins★] Karambit SAPPHIRE,BFK Doppler&Lore,M9 Lore,M9 Fade,Bayo SAPPHIRE,Superconductor&Emerald Web&Vice,Kara Gamma,AWP Dragon Lore,Poseidon,Kara Fade 98% 0.008,Kara F&I,Fire Serpent,BFK Slaughter,M4 Howl,Skeleton Fade,AK Case Hard (iBP Holo Kato14),AK CH (#670,#4),M9 Doppler

🔥 Feel free to send me an offer or add me ! 🔥
🔵 Discord : selected.
🟩 I am also BUYING and SELLING skins for cash/crypto and on Marketplaces, add me to discuss ! 🟩
🟩 [TL]
🟩 Not everything is listed, check out my inventory for all new skins !
Check MY INVENTORY for updated list of items !!!
All Prices are negotiable and might not be 100% accurate and updated !
★ Karambit | Doppler FN SAPPHIRE B/O 8500usd
★ Sport Gloves | Superconductor MW 0.091 B/O 6000usd
M4A4 | Howl MW B/O 4800usd
★ Karambit | Fade FN 98.8% 0.008 B/O 3500usd
★ Karambit | Fade FN B/O 2900usd
★ Specialist Gloves | Emerald Web MW B/O 2300usd
AK-47 | Fire Serpent FN B/O 2300usd
★ Butterfly Knife | Slaughter FN 0.010 B/O 2500usd
★ Skeleton Knife | Fade FN x2 B/O 1400usd
★ Karambit | Marble Fade - FN Fire & Ice 0.002 9th MAX B/O 3200usd
★ Karambit | Marble Fade - FN Fire & Ice 5th MAX B/O 2800usd
and many more !
AK-47 | Case Hardened - WW (#670)
★ Bayonet | Case Hardened - FN 0.0010 (4# in the world)
StatTrak™ AK-47 | Case Hardened - MW (iBUYPOWER Katowice 14 HOLO)
AK-47 | Case Hardened - BS (#265)
AK-47 | Case Hardened - BS (#4)
AK-47 | Redline (4x mousesports Atlanta 2017)
AK-47 | Redline (4x mousesports Foil MLG Columbus 2016)
AK-47 | Redline (Virtus.Pro Holo Dreamhack2014)
StatTrak™ AWP | Redline (zeus Gold Krakow 2017)
StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire - FN 0.02 (Crown Foil)
submitted by mareks05 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Practical-Sound-2376 Cat loaf 😭🥐🍞

Cat loaf 😭🥐🍞 Nakakapangi
submitted by Practical-Sound-2376 to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Total-Importance5331 Fråga om Tandregelering HJÄLP SNÄLLA

Hej ska hålla det här simpelt undrar hur mycket ni tror att det kommer kosta att fixa 2 tänder som har glugg som sitter längst fram i överkäken.
Resten av tänderna är fina.
submitted by Total-Importance5331 to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:00 Desperate_Wheel_4661 How can I get ZBLS jpg

I wanna make my own ZBLS sheet.
But I can't find ZBLS jpg...
In Chad&Tao sheet I can't do CtrlC. I don't know why if I do CtrlC, just url is copied not jpg.
Of course, I can make it by using some program or something but it is wasting time.
I just wanna CtrlC+V quickly.
Any site that has ZBLS jpg?...
submitted by Desperate_Wheel_4661 to Cubers [link] [comments]