
2025.01.19 16:16 Specialist_Owl1225 Communism=bad

Communism=bad submitted by Specialist_Owl1225 to ShitLiberalsSay [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 SilentTeach8318 BBC looking for fun in Cincinnati

submitted by SilentTeach8318 to southwestOhioNSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 DreamPirates Alia Bhatt Indian Actress #AliaBhatt

Alia Bhatt Indian Actress #AliaBhatt submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 brunohdf Près d’un quart des jeunes adultes issus de la génération Z refusent désormais les coups de fil, leur préférant les SMS ou (mieux encore) les notes vocales. Vous retrouvez vous dans cette démarche ?

Près d’un quart des jeunes adultes issus de la génération Z refusent désormais les coups de fil, leur préférant les SMS ou (mieux encore) les notes vocales. Vous retrouvez vous dans cette démarche ? submitted by brunohdf to YahooQR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Junior_Pickle1208 My gosh i really feel like i don't have time for anything

Between work, mcat studying, and taking care of basic necessities to keep myself alive ... i feel like i really dont have the time or energy for anything.
like reading a book, or going to the movies. what nice activities
But worst of all, i feel like im not even being productive with my mcat studying time. its like time passes, but what have i achieved? dunno
its also cold outside, so theres that
submitted by Junior_Pickle1208 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Ill_Manufacturer8704 Will my wood still dry even though it’s exposed to rain?

Will my wood still dry even though it’s exposed to rain? I built this log shed, however I’m wondering if the open front will not allow wood to dry due to being exposed to rain. Can anyone give me some suggestions on what to do?
submitted by Ill_Manufacturer8704 to firewood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 KornetaSuarez24 Es cierto que las mujeres no se olvidan del chico que la hizo "acabar"?

Bueno, la otra vuelta hablando con dos amigas comentaban que la mayoría de los hombres cogen mal, y que ellas no se olvidan del o los hombres que le hicieron venir al momento del sexo.
Una específicamente me dijo que no se puede olvidar de un chico que le hizo venir con sexo oral.
Ustedes que opinan mujeres?
submitted by KornetaSuarez24 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 RedbullFormulaTeam I need femboy fwends

I need femboy fwends submitted by RedbullFormulaTeam to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 InfiniteCola There’s no way😂 they aren’t even old just cringe

There’s no way😂 they aren’t even old just cringe submitted by InfiniteCola to oldpeoplefacebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Blackknight1978 The North Face down vest

Does anybody have good link for tnf down vest?
submitted by Blackknight1978 to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Alert_Set_9121 Question for the women whose husbands are in recovery

For anyone in D2C, I'd sent in a question a month or so ago about seeing my husband lead out less. Stopped doing check ins. Visibly seeming to do less of the things he said he "needed" like journaling every day, being vocal about what he's learning, taking the dog for a walk every morning, etc. He is still going to SA and loves it and is very involved in talking to his sponsor and also being a sponsor. He's a little over a year into recovery.
Our conversation about it was he's just trying to be open and transparent in the moment so that's why he stopped initiating check ins. He said journaling now isn't as beneficial for him as it was in the beginning (I understand that I only journal when I need to get stuff out). There was like a 2 week stint where we were traveling and then sick so he wasn't doing his morning walk with the dog- but that's also stopped now too, even though no longer sick. I also read my impact letter 3-4 months ago and he has not started working on his amends letter at all. All of these things are setting of red flags for me, but he claims he's good and doing well and just more focused on spirituality right now. I genuinely don't think he's relapsed, I know that in my gut, but I'm afraid we're headed for one.
Any advice on how to cope with your partners recovery changing? I also know that recovery will change and get less "intense" over time so I'm wrestling with what is just his recovery changing vs what are warning signs.
submitted by Alert_Set_9121 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Lux1990 SIL visiting / help needed

I recently gave birth (6 weeks ago) in December and my SIL who lives in Europe wants to come to visit us in order to meet my daughter. She will stay 8 days. She is pregnant (5 months) and because of that my husband offered her to stay with us but we live in a small apartment and he goes to work everyday and it is me the one that doesnt sleep and is still coping with all the changes. I understand she is pregnant but if she if willing to travel alone is because she is ok so i dont understand why she needs to stay in my home. I dont mind her visiting but I think she is being very disrespectful accepting to stay in my Home when i am still adjusting to the new life and i need my space. Am i being irrational???? Is it my hormones??
submitted by Lux1990 to inlaws [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 bitter_candi [SELL][US] Mooncat Polishes

Selling my unused Mooncat polishes as I work toward a manageable collections
All polishes have been used for a maximum on 1 mani. Most have not even been swatched.
Shipping $5 for 1 bottle, +$1 for each additional.
Velocirptor - $13 Firefly Forest - $13 Moonwalk - $13 Galactica - $13 Shattered Glass - $13 Supervillain - $13 Euphoric - $10 Sealed with a Hiss - $13 Melaka Mystica - $16 Mortals be Warned - $13 Antifragile - $13 Mercury's Tears - $12 Beware, the Kraken - $13 Posidon's Prize - $13 Head in the Clouds - $13 Neverland - $10 White Rabbit - $10 Sinking Feeling - $10 Eternal Sunshine - $10 Acidic - $10 Lucid Dream - $10
submitted by bitter_candi to RedditLaqueristaSwap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Luluxo11 Anxiety tracker & workbook

Take a look at this Anxiety tracker + workbook
submitted by Luluxo11 to bulletjournal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 sundarsanta Cultural difference regarding relationship with parents vs spouse in Nepal vs West

When I go through sub reddits that are mostly people from west, I see them prioritize their spouses heavily, even to the point they think that it is okay to kick your parents out of their house and ask them to survive by themselves,refuse financial help and if you need to choose between spouse and parents, it's always the spouse, sometimes even when the spouse is being unreasonable, they will says you have to spend your entire life with your spouse, so you need to make them happy whereas your relationship with your parents ended when you left home at 18.
My brain sometimes struggles to compute this concept. As Nepalis, what are your thoughts on this?
submitted by sundarsanta to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 No-Company6515 Séjour décevant à l’hôtel Estrimont : problèmes multiples et 3,50$ offerts en compensation

Salut à tous,
Je voulais partager mon expérience à l’hôtel Estrimont (séjour du 15 au 18), un hôtel 4 étoiles qui m’a laissé un goût amer. J’avais choisi cet endroit pour me détendre avec ma copine et me couper de la routine, mais malheureusement, les problèmes ont commencé dès mon arrivée et ne se sont pas arrêtés.
Voici les principaux soucis que j’ai rencontrés durant mon séjour :

• Internet coupé vers minuit. Comme je travaille de nuit, cela a été particulièrement gênant. Quand j’ai mentionné le problème à la réception, la directrice m’a dit que l’Internet fonctionnait très bien dans sa chambre (!). • La chambre n’était pas insonorisée. On entendait tout ce qui se passait dans le corridor et les autres chambres. • Une odeur de gaz dans le corridor menant à ma chambre. • Le sauna à charbon était étouffant, ce qui a rendu l’expérience encore moins agréable. • La piscine intérieure n’était pas chauffée. • Le gym était minuscule et les équipements assez vieux. • Le papier toilette était de mauvaise qualité (très fin). • La réception fermée de minuit à 7h pendant 2 nuits consécutives. On nous a donné un petit papier pour nous avertir de ne les contacter qu’en cas d’urgence. Impossible d’obtenir de l’aide pour les problèmes qui se sont accumulés. • Le service qui est censé être 24/24 n’est pas vraiment accessible à toute heure. • Le matin de mon départ, on a frappé violemment à ma porte pour me dire de quitter immédiatement, alors que je comptais prendre l’option de départ tardif, mais la réception était fermée à ce moment-là, comme c’était le cas les deux nuits précédentes. • Les assiettes du brunch sont sales. ( si vous demandez ils vous diront que c’est propre malgré des taches qui sont visibles) • Le tableau creepy qui donne envie de rester dans la chambre.
Je me rends à la réception avec mes bagages et j’explique mon mécontentement. La directrice me répond que c’est ma faute de ne pas avoir averti plus tôt pour mon départ tardif, malgré le fait qu’il était impossible de les joindre à ce moment-là. Quant à l’Internet coupé, elle me dit que dans sa chambre ça fonctionnait bien. Elle me reproche aussi de ne pas les avoir appelés à cause des autres problèmes, alors que le service était tout simplement fermé.
En compensation, elle m’offre 3,50$ de rabais ou une boisson pour deux personnes. Évidemment, J’ai finalement accepté 3,50 de rabais sur ma facture, mais je suis très déçu par cet hôtel, surtout après avoir vu tant de bons commentaires.
Ps: mon rabais de 3,50$ n’est même pas mentionné sur la facture.
Est-ce que je suis en droit de demander plus ? Je me sens un peu arnaquée. Est-ce que vous pensez que j’ai réagi de manière excessive ou que j’aurais dû insister davantage ? Qu’auriez-vous fait dans ma situation ?
Merci pour vos avis et conseils !
submitted by No-Company6515 to montreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Acrobatic_Level9137 Predator saved

Predator saved **How I Saved My Predator Helios Neo 16 After a Water Spill on the keyboard
Today, I accidentally dropped a plastic cup of water on my Predator Helios Neo 16 (RTX 4080, i9-14900HX). Having upgraded to this beast of a machine last year from my previous MSI laptop, I’ve been thoroughly impressed and satisfied with its performance. So, you can imagine my panic when this happened.
Thankfully, I managed to save my laptop by taking quick and careful steps. Here’s what I did:
Step-by-Step Guide to Save Your Laptop from Water Damage
  1. Unplug and Power Off Immediately:
    • I quickly unplugged the laptop and held down the power button to shut it off.
  2. Open the Back Case and Disconnect the Battery:
    • I removed the bottom cover and disconnected the battery to cut off all power, preventing short circuits.
  3. Drying the Laptop:
    • Using a hairdryer on low temperature, I blew air over the laptop for about 3 hours from a safe distance to avoid heat damage.
  4. Remove and Clean Internal Components:
    • I carefully removed the motherboard and any detachable components (except for the heatsink).
    • Using 96% isopropyl alcohol, I cleaned the affected areas to remove any residue or moisture, preventing future corrosion.
Key Takeaway: Always avoid keeping drinks near your laptop. Even a small accident can cause significant stress and risk. While I was lucky to save my laptop, the process was tedious and nerve-wracking.
I hope this helps anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. Share your thoughts or tips if you’ve had a similar experience!
submitted by Acrobatic_Level9137 to AcerPredatorHelios [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 rexram Queries regarding Gold exposure and Commodity (Gold/Silver) ETFs

Goal: Gradually accumulate a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 30% of my current net worth in gold over the next two years.
Current Net Worth: ₹1 Crore (calculated quarterly using a Google Sheet formula that subtracts total liabilities from total assets).

Gold Holdings:
Gold Allocation:
Concerns Regarding Digital Gold:
I have limited experience with digital commodities beyond Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs). I am concerned about the liquidity of digital gold due to fluctuations in the underlying commodity market and potential indirect taxes. For example, I am concerned about the possibility of delays in my Net Asset Value (NAV) settlements if the custodian bank faces financial difficulties. Additionally, I am uncertain about the potential impact of disputes within the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) on my investments
New Investment Strategy:
Since SGB is no longer available, I am exploring alternative investment options for gold. My plan is to invest a fixed amount monthly in:
  1. Physical Gold: Through GRT/Tanishq jewellery gold flexi schemes, which offer either:
    • Value-based option: Up to 18% discount on wastage charges.
    • Weight-based option: 50% discount on wastage charges.
    • I am guaranteed physical gold after 10 months based on accumulated value. However, I need to consider gold storage costs and associated risks.
  2. Gold ETFs: I have chosen HDFC Gold ETF and UTI Gold ETF based on the following factors:
|| || | Scheme Name|Expensse ration| AUM |Volume|Tracking Error( as of 31st Dec. 2024)|Tracking Difference (1yrs/3yrs/5yrs/10yrs)| |HDFC GOLD (HDFCGOLD)|0.59%|6528.82 Cr|High|0.24%|(-1.09%/-1.01%/-0.87%/-1.07%)| |UTI GOLD(GOLDSHARE)|0.5| 1,473.23 Cr|High|0.00%|(-0.73%/-0.88%/-1.03%/-0.96%) |
submitted by rexram to IndiaInvestments [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Fun_Speaker1210 Chloe Bailey

Chloe Bailey submitted by Fun_Speaker1210 to Blackcelebrity [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 renzxlst HUD removed for opponent (online)

One thing I wish they'd do would be taking away the HUD of your opponent so you're not aware of how much stamina they have or how damaged each body part is.
I play like that offline, but online it just puts myself at a disadvantage. Should hopefully be the way for the next game, but I doubt it.
submitted by renzxlst to EASportsUFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 sendyaf A Humble PSA

I’m sure many of you already do this, but I figured I’d put it out there for everyone that enjoys pictures and videos of our feathered friends.
While replacing the food in your feeder it is a great time to take 2 extra minutes to wipe your feeder down with disinfectant to help prevent the spread of Avian Flu and keep our bird buddies healthy.
submitted by sendyaf to BirdBuddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 IcyInfluence9830 Found a picture of Walker and Neymar in my History Book

Found a picture of Walker and Neymar in my History Book submitted by IcyInfluence9830 to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 JRAIC7020 Saw this pop yesterday…how much would you pay for the Vegeta⁉️

Saw this pop yesterday…how much would you pay for the Vegeta⁉️ Is a grail of all grails?
submitted by JRAIC7020 to funkopop [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 RareKandy Thanos really just snapped his fingers on us 😂

Now we’re sitting here like Thor on the couch watching YouTube videos of plays we once pulled off 🥹
submitted by RareKandy to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:16 Prudent-Category1531 WYZE Smart Thermostat

Looking to add a Honeywell whole house thermostat and was curious how the WYZE thermostat will work for humidity control.
I’m open to other models of smart thermostats, I have many WYZE devices already and would like to keep the brand loyalty ongoing.
Ex sparky here so I know how to install and wire the thermostat and humidifier, I’m just looking for guidance on smart thermostats that will work well with humidifiers
submitted by Prudent-Category1531 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]