
2025.01.19 16:28 ConsiderationLarge88 K.

Sometimes when I listen to K. By Cigarettes After Sex - you cross my mind.
When I said I loved you (as a friend), I meant it. You saved my 2022, just as I was about to go insane. It was unfortunate, what happened, and after all of it when the emotions finally ran dry, I do still consider you as my friend.
I'm sorry if I hurt you with what I have done, but to me it was the right thing to do. S is my friend too, and the fact you knew I cheated on my ex back then, and how regretful I was of it, I couldn't stand the fact that you as a person that despised cheating would absolutely do it to S. I looked up to you, I idolised you. You were this shining beacon I admired, to keep me reminded that my past was clearly my own fault and I should strive to be better.
I don't care if it was micro-cheating, "cheating", or you skirting the rules. The fact is that you hurt S, and you shattered my world by doing so.
I wrote one last song about you, months after we ended in acrimonious terms. If I can send you the lyrics, you'd know how much I grieved losing you, you'd know that in my heart of hearts I still am looking for someone new to replace you, and how thankful I am that we somehow crossed paths in this lifetime.
I hope USA treats you right, and I hope you stay warm.
Never again, L
submitted by ConsiderationLarge88 to PinoyUnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 gemaa22 Xx.noelia

submitted by gemaa22 to noeliaramirez1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 SaltyAdminBot Is the Aerostat Ross's Egg UAP? I Genuinely Don't Know...

Is the Aerostat Ross's Egg UAP? I Genuinely Don't Know... submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Significant_Mud5525 LF: Beachfront resort in Laiya, Batangas that can accommodate 20-30 pax.

Hi Fam,
I've been searching for this for several hours and have not been able to find resorts that offer the services we need.
We're looking for resorts that;

Pls, send me a DM if you know a resort. Thank you!
submitted by Significant_Mud5525 to phclassifieds [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 rival_strawberry Studio piscologia per 5 anni per poi sentirmi dire da una "psicoterapeuta", io sono diventata così dopo che ho frequentato un paio di corsi, la laurea non serve, visto? Io lavoro in ospedale...

Ah giusto questa qui è anche anti abortista e mi ha approcciato mentre stavo per fare un esame medico molto importante, dicendomi "Tu credi nella vita?"
(Esamo andato bene, tutto negativo! :) )
submitted by rival_strawberry to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Tongsoi28 Questions as an incoming s&c analyst

Hi, been seeing a lot of posts regarding the bench. What are some skills that I could spend some time acquiring to make myself stand out when it comes to selecting members for a project? I come from a liberal arts background, better with my soft and networking skills, and have fewer quantitative/hard skills.
submitted by Tongsoi28 to Accenture_AFS [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 SuchAGoodBoy69 4 Disc Discraft Lot - $32 Shipped

submitted by SuchAGoodBoy69 to discexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 OrangeNo773 3 Weeks sober but tempted to drink again in moderation

Has anyone here had experience transitioning to moderate drinking after being sober? For context, I started drinking at 18 and would binge drink every weekend, consuming 5-10 drinks a night without fail. I stopped drinking a few weeks ago and, since becoming sober, I’ve realized how much harm I was doing to myself. Even though I considered myself a ‘social drinker,’ I now see that I was relying on alcohol to have fun.
In two weeks, I’m going on a ski trip, which in the past would have been an excuse to drink heavily every day. This time, I’d like to see if I can limit myself to just 1-2 drinks per night. Has anyone who used to binge drink tried reintroducing alcohol in moderation after being sober? How did it go, and what worked for you?
submitted by OrangeNo773 to dryalcoholics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Comfortable-You3166 Not CF but need help choosing. Any suggestions appreciated. Have you guys been liking any of these in particular ?

Not CF but need help choosing. Any suggestions appreciated. Have you guys been liking any of these in particular ? submitted by Comfortable-You3166 to ColdFire [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 robdawg17 Should I grade with PSA? Or just encapsulate

Should I grade with PSA? Or just encapsulate I’m from Australia so it’s a bit more of an investment getting these graded with PSA, Beckett or CGC.
They’re both pack fresh from a few weeks ago
submitted by robdawg17 to Pokemoncardappraisal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Dull_Rope3325 Any suggestions for a light-hearted way to say if we don't meet up soon then I'm not interested in talking?

As the title suggests 😂 been talking to this guy for a few weeks and he seemed very interested but hasn't initiated a date. I'm happy to initiate but want to make it clear if it isn't gonna happen I don't really want to keep being pen pals - however I word it, it sounds harsh/like I'm being sassy! Any suggestions to keep it light?
submitted by Dull_Rope3325 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 No_Lunch3584 Hey all looking to boost this short and try get 500 subs any help will be returned

submitted by No_Lunch3584 to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Daylight_Drifter Approximate valuation

Approximate valuation Hello all. I’ve owned this note for the past thirty years. I’m currently doing a clear out and am wondering if anyone knows what these bills go for in this condition. Thanks for any advice.
submitted by Daylight_Drifter to CURRENCY [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Responsible-Print678 Got it from Crossword store (Offline)

Got it from Crossword store (Offline) submitted by Responsible-Print678 to mangaindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 MariusPCMR FiveM Graphics Mod PCMR Xtreme V4.7 Update Preview:

FiveM Graphics Mod PCMR Xtreme V4.7 Update Preview: submitted by MariusPCMR to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Equivalent-Today3147 Offering: Finnish, English, Seeking: German

Hi! I'm a Finnish native living in Helsinki, at C2 level in English. Looking to improve my German, which is currently at B1 level.
I'm interested in reading, powerlifting, running, technology, nature, cooking, and many other topics. I work in the energy industry. M33
submitted by Equivalent-Today3147 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Princess_Sade And when you stop denying yourself of my dominance only then will you fully submit to me..

submitted by Princess_Sade to blackfindomlovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 MrBagetka TikTok fyp for Americans

I am offering my fellow Americans screen recorded fyp videos of TikTok with comment section included. I've made my fyp into perfection over the last 6 years. Starting at 50$ an hour. What do you say?
submitted by MrBagetka to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 BeHappyLetsGoAyee Imagine being me!!

Imagine being me!! Remember if I did it once on a platform I can do it again I’m not tripping but it’s crazy they can take it away with a snap of the finger .. us is a piece of dookie
submitted by BeHappyLetsGoAyee to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Sea_Angel05 Anyone else migrated here after the other Rice 🍚 sub closed?

Anyone else migrated here after the other Rice 🍚 sub closed? photo unrelated
submitted by Sea_Angel05 to CastoriceMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 KeroMM4Gamez Maybe ...just maybe

Maybe ...just maybe In another timeline Things would've gone differently 😭😭
submitted by KeroMM4Gamez to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 SourceConsistent6234 Saint Laurent polo - USD 40.75

Saint Laurent polo - USD 40.75 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Zireael002 Cant wait for her covenant.

Cant wait for her covenant. submitted by Zireael002 to GirlsFrontline2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 Vocas_93 Divulgando e apresentando um projetinho solo (Novo EP)

Divulgando e apresentando um projetinho solo (Novo EP) https://preview.redd.it/csm291hi2zde1.jpg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e089257b9aa655b53b1c77aae9754cd57e72f095
Salve, molecada! Ceis tão bão?
Vim aqui pra divulgar o novo EP de um projeto solo, o Kapethanas. Como dá pra perceber pela capa, sim, é uma paródia de Black Metal, mas feito com carinho. Este é o sétimo lançamento do projeto, que começou em 2020 e já conta com uma demo, dois EP's, dois álbuns e dois singles. A proposta do projeto sempre foi a de fazer graça com a postura caricata dos extremismos da cena - essa pose megalomaníaca que muitos têm. Este simpático bonequinho da capa, o Berzael, não é apenas um mascote, mas o único integrante da 'banda'. Ao longo da discografia, seu personagem foi ganhando personalidade e todo um universo próprio foi criado desde então, com historinhas e faixas teatrais em que eu encenava todos os personagens (a exemplo da faixa "Prólogo: A Origem do Guerreiro", do primeiro álbum, "Berzael"). A ideia era fazer algo que mesclasse o humor tosco a lá Hermes e Renato com o dedo no cu e gritaria do gênero. Inclusive, esse atual EP (que não tem faixas encenadas, pois não teria tempo de gravá-las rsrs) se inicia com uma intro retirada do Documento Trololó, do H&R.
01 - Kapetaria Extremamente Poderosa
02 - Nazi Inzels Fücken Offen
03 - Faça a Guerra, não DSBM!
04 - Eu Vou Processar Judicialmente o Vicky Vanilla
05 - (Bônus) Castle of Evil in the Dark (Parte 02) - ""Ao vivo""
Rapidamente sobre as faixas: Kapetaria Extremamente Poderosa é sobre cristãos conservadores e seu maior medo: viado. Ora, o crente médio no Brasil gosta de tortura, de violência policial, nem teme mais o Diabo pois mais falam dele do que de Cristo nos templos, mas se tem uma coisa que faz eles ficarem de cabelo em pé, é gente exercendo sua própria liberdade sexual! UUuuhhh! Nada seria mais justo que o exército de Satanás ser composto de twinkzinhos bonitinhos e cabeludos que se beijam sensualmente de forma bem quente enquanto destroem a cristandade de forma militarmente organizada, pra crente essa é a kapetaria máxima, isso é black metal. "Nazi Inzels Fücken Offen", que tem uma referência óbvia ao Nazi Punks Fuck Off, do DK, foi escrita em alemão fictício para fazer graça com os panguões do NSBM, parodiando a sonoridade da música Oi - o refrão é a única parte escrita em alemão real, ou quase. Foda-se o NSBM! "Faça a Guerra, não DSBM" conta uma breve historinha: Mephyróshi, rapaz que levou um toco da mina que gostava e invernou no DSBM, graças a popularidade do gênero no Tiktok (sim). Resolveu montar uma banda pra extravazar as dores. O pai, muito lúcido e guerreiro de verdade, mete o moleque num trabalho merda 6x1 pra ele aprender a não chorar por chifre e largar a mão desse black metal de emo e passar a odiar as coisas genuinamente. A faixa sobre o Vicky Vanilla, é, bem, uma faixa sobre o Vicky Vanilla - fez fama na internet como satanista, deu golpe num monte de gente, virou "judeu" e recentemente virou pastor e, pasmem, NAZISTA (literalmente). A faixa bônus foi gravada bem antes, no meio do ano passado, de maneira improvisada - tanto que nem está mixada aí, tirando o reverb das vozes. Cantada em inglês, é uma compilação de jargões e frases clichés em letras do gênero, sem nenhum sentido real (vide o título rsrs). E apesar de ser a parte 2, o que é verbalizado na própria canção, não existe parte 1.
A quem se interessar, saquem aê! Seria massa ler as impressões em quem se der o trabalho de ouvir esse trem, haha!
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/album/1tj357EHSUA2lu2QZpIhp1
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Frnucs_KzU
Mas está em todas as plataformas, só procurar pelo nome da banda ou título do EP.
submitted by Vocas_93 to MetalBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 16:28 RamboCreativity Indiscriminate Science and Mantra don't remove blind?

submitted by RamboCreativity to darkestdungeon [link] [comments]
