Fixing Toxic Pickup

2025.01.19 17:00 HAL-900O Fixing Toxic Pickup

There are always plenty of stories on this subreddit about toxic pickup games. People who like pickup have all seen games devolve and be ruined by people arguing, threatening each other, and occasionally actual fighting. Share your stories about successfully fixing these pickup games or advice on how to go get back to playing the game we love.
My recent success story: my local Tuesday evening pickup game had become toxic. There was as much arguing as playing. It felt like a physical fight was inevitable. I let the group chat know that I’d be leaving mid game if we didn’t knock it off and we had exactly ten people. The first two games of 5’s were good. The third game the arguments started. By the time the first person was called a slur I had already changed my shoes and grabbed my ball. Most people were pissed that I left.
The next week people started arguing over a call. Before it escalated into a 10 minute pissing match people collectively started saying to just shoot for it. They shot for it and we continued playing. The past few months we’ve been playing good ball and everyone is having fun again.
submitted by HAL-900O to Basketball [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 JoeyTEvolvedGaming The Sunday video has now been published!

submitted by JoeyTEvolvedGaming to JoeyTEvolvedGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Ok_Implement7727 Do yall like my Minecraft Icon?

Do yall like my Minecraft Icon? Thought I’d look neat.
submitted by Ok_Implement7727 to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Spectrum184 Our Ford 6.0 diesel BURNOUT truck meets the snow and ice!

Our Ford 6.0 diesel BURNOUT truck meets the snow and ice! submitted by Spectrum184 to RaceRebuildRepeat [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Dry-Wrangler-7589 Day 3 of redesigning flags. this is my redesign of the Iroquois tribe flag this was recommended by AroFluidPride (Comment the next flag you'd like me to do!)

Day 3 of redesigning flags. this is my redesign of the Iroquois tribe flag this was recommended by AroFluidPride (Comment the next flag you'd like me to do!) submitted by Dry-Wrangler-7589 to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 cheesemonkeyspeen New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by cheesemonkeyspeen to crazytraceybarbie [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 John_Connor66 Luthen Rael - Todos Seus Sacrifícios pela Rebelião

Luthen Rael - Todos Seus Sacrifícios pela Rebelião submitted by John_Connor66 to StarWarsbrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 jfkk Beware! "A Complete Unknown" has zero scenes about Dylan making Christmas in the Heart.

Beware! submitted by jfkk to BobDylanCircleJerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 AutoModerator Qu'avez vous écouté cette semaine?/ What have you been listening to this week?

Partagez vos artistes et/ou projets que vous avez saigné ou juste survolé, adorer ou détester et n'hésitez pas à y ajouter un commentaire voir une critique bien construite pour encourager la discussion.
Share artists and/or projects you played to death or just gave one listen, loved or hated and do not hesitate to add a comment or even a fully fledged review to promote further discussions.
submitted by AutoModerator to frenchrap [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 tamiya_16 TAMU is so damn fast in making decisions

Got admitted to MS MSEN at TAMU. Unexpectedly fast.
Submitted my application only five or six days ago and received an email yesterday (why on Saturday tho) with UIN . I thought this was just a reminder telling me that my application was received, so I set up a NetID with UIN and decided to check the howdy portal, and that’s it.
This is some top-tier efficiency ngl. I haven’t submitted the applications for half of the schools on my list, yet TAMU has made its decisions. I know this is only MS, not PhD, and materials science is a small department so there are not many applicants, but I do appreciate the efficiency.
submitted by tamiya_16 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 notthatguy769888977 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by notthatguy769888977 to jellybeanstanlove [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 SteveHood [Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered] #68 First plat of the year. Just in time before birth of our son.

[Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered] #68 First plat of the year. Just in time before birth of our son. submitted by SteveHood to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 SammiSalammi Software to learn piano on SL61 Mk3

Hey guys, is there a software for Windows that will teach me how to play piano by using leds above piano keys on sl61?
submitted by SammiSalammi to Novation [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Lostismymiddlename Chakras healing/balancing for DM

Us as DF and more spiritual twin, do we have to help them heal their blocked chakras, by healing our own? Is that how it works ? Any experts here that can help me understand more this part of the journey ❤️
submitted by Lostismymiddlename to twinflames [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Right_Connection1749 Canada 🇨🇦 - I'm looking for farms. I have hattricks, free gifts and credit available to trade.

my code: 60715126 Game: Farmland User: M1
submitted by Right_Connection1749 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 ThisPaleontologist44 I was recently gifted this ball and I was wanting to know why there is and extra hole

I don’t know what weight the ball is but I know that he got it from a league a couple years ago and he hasn’t really used it
submitted by ThisPaleontologist44 to Bowling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Fnaf_stuff Caithland Doggerland plan

200 Billion needed With Ireland Netherlands Denmark Norway Germany and UK
submitted by Fnaf_stuff to Caithland [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Less_Fennel_3982 Best acne reducing product in Ordinary

Hey so I'm currently using the Niacinamide 10% serum from Ordinary and at first it really helped reduce my acne but I still get Acne even when using it. Is there anything the Ordinary sells that really just gets rid of the acne forever?
submitted by Less_Fennel_3982 to TheOrdinarySkincare [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 kumailsherazi Price check for this ps4 fat 500gb

Price check for this ps4 fat 500gb I wanna sell my console since I’m trying to rack up funds for a ps5. Whats the price I can get on this console 500gb. 1 controller works perfectly fine while the other has issues.
submitted by kumailsherazi to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Luxanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa EUW Lf aram players c:

Heya, I am a long time aram enjoyer when i am not grinding solo q. Love to have more people to play aram with.
Would love to make actual friends out of it rather than just spamming games randomly, although that is rather tough generally.
Some of the languages I speak include German and French, but the person doesn't necessarily have to speak those as long as their English is fine and understandable.
Don't be weird, this has been such a frequent occurrence. Just looking to play the game/make friends, plain and simple.
Euw server only.
Hit me up if interested!:)
submitted by Luxanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to LeagueConnect [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Soggy_Blacksmith1545 Get off my lawn mate you

Get off my lawn mate you The paparazzi are well annoying in this game. The same sim have been stalking us since Gen 3 was babies. (Now they’re young adults).
submitted by Soggy_Blacksmith1545 to Sims3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 chess-quiz Find the best position in 3 moves

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by chess-quiz to chessquiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 kilderov Raffle: same RPG boombox as Budanov have. To support Ukrainian army and museum of war. worldwide shipping

Raffle: same RPG boombox as Budanov have. To support Ukrainian army and museum of war. worldwide shipping
submitted by kilderov to ukraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 Bluerose1000 This didn't go well for one of us… | Tin Can Roulette 8

submitted by Bluerose1000 to SortedFood [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:00 parishhills Do NOT Fear - Pray PSALM 27 Promises | Powerful Morning Prayer

Do NOT Fear - Pray PSALM 27 Promises | Powerful Morning Prayer submitted by parishhills to itsonnow [link] [comments]