How to get beads to melt evenly?

2025.01.19 17:59 EndOwl_ How to get beads to melt evenly?

Using a circut press 3. Beads ordered off official perler store. I'm at a loss.
submitted by EndOwl_ to PerlerBeads [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 sharksplitter If a guy says he wants to get to know me that means he's looking for a partner right?

submitted by sharksplitter to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 VolodyaPN I Love 2v2

I Love 2v2 submitted by VolodyaPN to BO6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 DravenSicks One of my favourite fakie big flips I've ever done 🙏

One of my favourite fakie big flips I've ever done 🙏 submitted by DravenSicks to skateboarding [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 RobloxianDeath2 Spirits. How long have you guys been in that ouija???

submitted by RobloxianDeath2 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 ShoddyOlive7 How big of a “nest egg” do you recommend saving prior to starting your debt payoff journey?

I feel like it’s important to have one, just incase some shit hits the fan, that way you’re not relying on credit to dig you out. I’m curious to see what other people have to say. I’ve heard anywhere from 1-12 months worth of your income.
submitted by ShoddyOlive7 to debtfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 RubyReaver 27 year old single dad

27 year old single dad Ex-wife left in 2023 cause she didn’t want to be a mom or wife. It’s definitely a gratifying feeling to know I can take care of my son on my own.
submitted by RubyReaver to Salary [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 KucciLank Neo Metal Sonic

I have been looking for this figure consistently since August, making multiple trips to Target weekly, alongside checking stores in other cities from time to time.
Anyone have any advice or know how about how these are distributed? I see people still picking these up, and that makes me feel like I should 100% not pay secondhand price (I'm not paying $100+ for a 4" fig lol).
For perspective yesterday I checked 4 Walmarts, 4 Targets, Meijer, and Barnes and Noble, and literally only saw sonic at every single store ☠ (yes, I asked staff at each target to check stock and they didn't have anything else)
submitted by KucciLank to JakksPacificSonic [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Dense_Bluebird_1187 Any offers

Any offers submitted by Dense_Bluebird_1187 to FiveNightsTD [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Particular_Sign2965 Hi

Hi submitted by Particular_Sign2965 to caligirl310 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Mutanzom Whispers of Summer

Whispers of Summer submitted by Mutanzom to ImaginaryLandscapes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Sorry-Challenge-1014 How would they get along/interact? Dawn and Tess

How would they get along/interact? Dawn and Tess submitted by Sorry-Challenge-1014 to Totaldrama [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Badger485 Some drawings I've done recently-ish

submitted by Badger485 to carscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Glad_Mark_6811 Should I ask for more work?

hi. Context: 12hrs a day work(including travelling). Remaining time lectures(hardly possible). I leave home at 8 in the morning and come back at 9 p.m
Should I ask for more work? My domain in Stat Audit in a b4. If I ask for more work it's gonna consume my brain more and leaving no energy for studying. Downside: learning will be a bit lesser but the thing is I'll still be taken back on 13LPA after my articleship. I'll clear CA that's for sure.
I also do freelancing in video editing which fetches me a certain amount of money that excees the earning of a qualified CA. I'm currently 20 y.o. I do my editing client works during travelling. Also, no graduation.
Please advice. This is a serious post.
submitted by Glad_Mark_6811 to CharteredAccountants [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 feketegy A Brief History of JavaScript Frameworks

A Brief History of JavaScript Frameworks submitted by feketegy to theprimeagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 chummmster I cant be the only one who's scratching their heads at how they didn't let Gunna do a album for Venom - let there be carnage. Like he literally popularized slime as a term. I think he should still do it imagine an opening skit where it ends with "We are Gunnom" and transitions into the lead single

I cant be the only one who's scratching their heads at how they didn't let Gunna do a album for Venom - let there be carnage. Like he literally popularized slime as a term. I think he should still do it imagine an opening skit where it ends with submitted by chummmster to Gunna [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Kinorenschedules And what this screen cap tells me Christine
 in the meta level is
 don’t scare your professional life workers. That could affect the ACTUAL REAL dollars. đŸ’”Hmmm
yeah that makes sense.

And what this screen cap tells me Christine
 in the meta level is
 don’t scare your professional life workers. That could affect the ACTUAL REAL dollars. đŸ’”Hmmm
yeah that makes sense. submitted by Kinorenschedules to Kinorenschedules [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Traditional-Title347 Trading miju for pria and 40k

Trading miju for pria and 40k Trading miju for pria and 40k I'll go first Will do pria 35k then another trade with 5k
submitted by Traditional-Title347 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 armada311 Plateforme pour trouver quoi faire : BeThere

Plateforme pour trouver quoi faire : BeThere Suite à mon dernier post concernant quoi faire à Montréal, j'ai continué mes recherches et je suis tombé sur BeThere :
Je souhaitais partager ma dĂ©couverte avec tous, puisque ça fait longtemps que je cherche une plateforme pour savoir ce qui se passe autour (spectacle, chansonniers, DJ, activitĂ©s, etc.). Je me disais que ça pouvait ĂȘtre utile pour plusieurs donc voilĂ  Ă  quoi ça ressemble. En cliquant sur une bulle on obtient plus de dĂ©tails c'est trĂšs bien fait! Je crois mĂȘme que c'est gratuit pour le entreprises d'y publier leurs Ă©vĂ©nements.
Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez!
submitted by armada311 to montreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 RxTechRachel Why is 1506 called 1506?

I've been working for Walgreens since they developed film in the stores.
I've always wondered why 1506 is called 1506. No one had an answer. Does anyone here know?
submitted by RxTechRachel to WalgreensStores [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 justin_quinnn China’s hackers have run wild during the Biden administration. Can Trump rein them in?

China’s hackers have run wild during the Biden administration. Can Trump rein them in? submitted by justin_quinnn to Global_News_Hub [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 antCABBAG3 A lovely full moon

A lovely full moon Taken in Finnish Lapland, with zero light or any other pollution with the S50
submitted by antCABBAG3 to seestar [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 Oreo_Gore Guess who this is gonna be, second edition (easy)

Guess who this is gonna be, second edition (easy) submitted by Oreo_Gore to BungouSimpBattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 ShyMoca Cream the rabbit without her ears is cursed- she's going in the oven

Cream the rabbit without her ears is cursed- she's going in the oven submitted by ShyMoca to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:59 TheBoyWhoLived_1 Goodbye Tiktok

Goodbye Tiktok submitted by TheBoyWhoLived_1 to memes [link] [comments]