Flash versatility between film and digital

2025.01.19 17:53 QuoteConversations Flash versatility between film and digital

Looking at purchasing a flash for my camera(s), and since my GAS has given me a range of cameras to work with, I'm hoping to get something with the versatility to be used with as many as possible. To narrow the discussion a little, I'm thinking of just picking up a Godox V1 for my fuji XT3, to be used as on and off camera flash, while still being able to use it with my larger film camera collection. I think I've run myself in circles trying to understand what all I would need for this basic setup and was hoping to run down what I think I understand for correction or community advice. Could I please get a sanity check on the following:
-Standard flash can be shot at camera's highest sync flash speed or lower, without issue, because the curtains will be fully open at the point the flash fires. Beyond that you'd get interference from the curtain. Does this mean a "dumb" flash will just fire at the same speed regardless of what shutter speed in that range is selected? So using it as a "dumb" flash with something like a pocket wizard doesn't make a difference to a film camera shooting within it's own flash speeds (say 125th or lower)?
-TTL and HSS flash would need to directly communicate with the camera (or appropriate trigger) for auto exposure settings and curtain sync timing. So higher shutter speeds with a film camera don't work, because you can't just set a shutter speed on the flash and know it'll strobe correctly with the film camera's curtains?
-Leaf shutters are able to sync at any speed, not because it's able to "talk to" the flash and let it know the shutter speed it's using, but because the leaf doesn't have a curtain system and it would still expose the full sensofilm frame. So this means a leaf shutter can just work as if you are shooting a curtain shutter within it's standard flash speeds, and the only limitation is how fast the lenses shutter can go?
-Not sure I get PC sync ports overall. Are they a universal size? So a sync cable that might come with the fuji version of the Godox V1 would also fit on the sync port of a Bessa, OM4, Hasselblad planar lens, or even on the lens of an antique folding camera like Super Ikonta or Vito III? Is that port only a mechanical port to signal the shutter has fired, or can it also be use to trigger the shutter? Are there separate digital and analog sync cables for this port, so that it can get TTL/HSS info on digital?
All that being said (and soon corrected), does this setup sound feasible? Pick up the godox V1 for my fuji XT3. Great, I have whatever TTL and HSS options that brings on camera. I can use it as on camera flash for my film cameras with a PC sync (maybe need to block/bypass non-compatible hot shoe contacts if the flash locks down with unreadable/off brand hot shoe points). But as long as I'm within the cameras flash speeds, the godox just needs to know when the shutter fires, right?
If I want to buy a stand to make the godox an off camera flash, and don't care about future multi light setups and groups, would it be better to get some pocket wizards to signal the flash for digital and film cameras? Knowing I'd lose the TTL and HSS on the digital side. Currently don't think I'd be shooting anything that really requires HSS and I'm fine with using digital to dial in the exposure and power before transferring the settings to an analog camera. And as long as I'm fine shooting within each camera's flash speeds, adding another wizard to a new light down the line wouldn't be an issue?
Sorry for the rambling questions for something that's likely pretty straightforward. Any insights appreciated
submitted by QuoteConversations to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

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Hi people,
I know of the parking near Caffe Strada and the International House. But where else are the spots? (most of my classes are at Dwinelle) I can't seem to find a map anywhere online. And these are all free parking spots, correct? I'm new to being a 2-wheeled vehicle owner (aside from old fashioned bikes) because I couldn't stand the hour+ AC transit commute to school anymore. Any advice appreciated, but especially about parking!
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I have a free code from my Prime sub for SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech on GOG.
Tell me something from the last little while that has made you happy. I will only count comments that follow this guideline, and I will be looking into comment histories to make sure you aren't bots. <3
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I go first: I didn’t know how to leave my toxic, abused, narcissistic ex!!
submitted by AlAnort to Aupairs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:53 yourupsguy Iron wood vs. planer

I have a dewalt 735 planer. Do I dare send a piece of what I believe is ironwood through it face grain? No I do not have a helical cutter head. It’s bone stock. I want to mill it to 7/8 so they are all even thickness.
submitted by yourupsguy to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:53 Justdrawingstuffhaha Jellycat guilt 😭

my birthday was a couple days ago, and my parents and sister bought me a huge rose dragon. I love it so so much, I named it phoebe (after phoebe bridgers.) but I feel bad every time I look at it, knowing that my parents spent so much money on it. We’re not lacking money or anything, but for some reason it still feels a little… saddening? I don’t know. Has anyone ever felt the same way 😭
submitted by Justdrawingstuffhaha to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:53 HotAssociate_ Budget on opening a dental clinic

Im a licensed dentist here in philippines. I want to open a clinic before i become 30 y.o lol. I just wanna know the budget i need to save ( for dental materials, renovation, etc.) we already have a space that needs renovation tho. Thank youu
submitted by HotAssociate_ to Dentistry [link] [comments]

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This is just for a project.
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2025.01.19 17:53 Chewie_1337 Today i lost 150 MMR!?

Hello, I have no idea what happened, but I lost 150 MMR today, even though I played just like I did yesterday. (1450 down to 1300). I got completely destroyed and dropped down. Champ 2 players are triple flip resetting on me and playing better than the Grand Champs yesterday.
Was there some sort of rank update that I missed?
Just so you understand me, this isn’t an illusion or some troll/bad day on my part.
submitted by Chewie_1337 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:53 joshhazel1 Any tip for someone who loves to use the "Top Tracks" feature for an artist?

This is my absolute favorite feature of Plex. However, it requires me to "select an artist". I know I could try a sonic adventure or random album. But really what I want is to get some random compilation of "Top Tracks"
Whats the best way to do that without to much manual intervention ?
submitted by joshhazel1 to plexamp [link] [comments]

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Scrunge Snack Scrunge Crunch
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2025.01.19 17:53 Therapy_needed223 Im so confused

Im so confused I recently was approved in December after applying in November and this is the 3rd or 4th deposit I’ve gotten and I’m confused. I don’t want to touch it, I moved it from this account to a different bank just so nothing happens but I would really need this right now to help me as I have some crazy health shit coming up at the end of this month and I need to pay people to look after my child but like I’m scared they’re gonna want this back. I have no clue what it’s for. I initially was getting 1200 from ssd and 600 and some change from ssi but after one deposit from ssi they said I wasn’t eligible anymore. So I just continued to get the 1200 and then boom this deposit came. Im going to call on Monday.
submitted by Therapy_needed223 to disability [link] [comments]

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