Quiz from my bank

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2025.01.19 17:35 Riziero Quiz from my bank

Did I get stupid or what? I don't get it..
submitted by Riziero to quiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 weird_but_safe 32 gay guy looking for new friends online

Little about me I am 32 years old currently entering a new phase of my life not through my own choice really but that's another story.
My hobbies are simple love F1 just my favorite sport . I also love gaming and anime don't get much free time these days as I work alot at the moment.
I am gay as I said so I don't judge anyone for sexuality race or religion. To be honest as long as your a honest person you can identify as anything from a triangle to a space microwave.
If you want chat let me know if not it's okay have a good day.
submitted by weird_but_safe to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Lore971 H: Aegis W: pin-pointers

submitted by Lore971 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 NearbyAd943 Bugged in a Simulacrum

Bugged in a Simulacrum I was doing a Simulacrum and it started with me outside of the arena area now I am locked out and can not continue to do the rest of the waves.
submitted by NearbyAd943 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Scared-Gift8960 Virgin Red - £5 Costa or Cafe Nero gift card for signing up to cashback site

Virgin Red is a cashback website & app.
When you sign up & complete these steps you'll receive 1,000 bonus points:

  1. Sign up with a referral link
  2. Make a purchase from the app/ website
  3. Once you receive your points from your transaction you’ll be sent an email with your promo code to unlock the extra 1,000 points
  4. Log into your account and enter the promo code into the 'Promo codes' section of your Virgin Red account
For your qualifying purchase they have loads of supported retailers on their site such as eBay, Just Eat, Boots, Superdrug & Etsy.
The easiest thing to do to unlock your bonus points would be to make a small purchase £1+ from one of these stores.
Sign up to Virgin Red here to get your 1,000 bonus points!
submitted by Scared-Gift8960 to MakeMoneyInUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Dewlough I asked Saudi Gamers if KCD2 is banned in their country.

I was only able to get one answer but he also provided a screenshot. Doesn’t seem to be banned for him. What do you guys think?
submitted by Dewlough to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 cayogi Hortbroken

Hortbroken Choux pastry. I had to add 2 more eggs than what was in my recipe.
The burned ones were well risen but burned :(
The other tray deflated when I opened the oven (mistake.)
submitted by cayogi to AskBaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Sophievanh Ushuaia travel

Hello everyone! My boyfriend and I want to go to Esmeralda lagune tomorrow to hike there. Is anybody interested in sharing an Uber together or is there someone heading that way and can we join?
submitted by Sophievanh to Patagonia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Holiday_Bridge_414 [H] Massive Hegemony file [W] PayPal or venmo

Hey I’ve got a huge file for hegemony. This comes as a set of 6 documents, and includes blocks for hegemony good/bad, highly recent cards for post dating opponents, and regular args for hegemony good/bad. Also has general international order good/bad, which is excellent for ICC. This is blanket applicable for any topic and is great for the future aswell. Hmu in dms if interested.
submitted by Holiday_Bridge_414 to DebateTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 The-Great-Memelord What’s the greatest battleship in fiction and why is it the Halberd?

What’s the greatest battleship in fiction and why is it the Halberd? submitted by The-Great-Memelord to Kirby [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 redzy1337 Samo za mog brata Marija!!!

Samo za mog brata Marija!!! submitted by redzy1337 to croatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Unbanable_the_Second Is my friend's plan reasonable?

Hello I'm very new to real estate investing, and I wanted to ask you guys if my friends plan is realistic or not. My friend (25M) has already bought one investment home and filled it with tenants working on a military base. It seems to be going well. The thing is, he claims that for every approximately $10k he saves he can afford another down payment on a house. From each house he will get about $1k in profit a month after paying the property management and mortgage, so once he has 12 houses he can replace his software engineering job and then he'll be on a six figure almost completely passive income. Eventually he wants to scale up until big money investors are interested in his fund and he scales to the moon. He said between the profit off rent and the equity built in the home he's making "30% returns" on money invested in house. To me this all sounds too easy.
We talked about it for awhile. I asked him about maintenance costs and he said "sure but most things in a house last for many years and theres rarely something he has to fix". I asked him about property taxes and he said "Those aren't that big". I asked if banks would care that he's leveraged so high and he said "no". So basically real estate investing is this super easy way to make $1k a month plus equity requiring barely any input from the landlord. Within a year or two of high income saving you could have a dozen houses churning out insane profit for no work. Is this realistic? What are the problems he didn't tell me about?
submitted by Unbanable_the_Second to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Dude0cean How to trim this Lignum vitae

I recently received this young(?) lignum vitae. The friend had it in this pot for about a year as part of their patio garden. I know there is some structural pruning that needs to be done, but I am hesitant because most of what I have read says pruning should be kept to a minimum cause of the slow growth rate. Looking for some helpful advice/words of encouragement!
submitted by Dude0cean to arborists [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Jmrcl_dev Ilha emergindo vista do espaço

Ilha emergindo vista do espaço Nishinoshima é uma ilha vulcânica parte do Japão, foi formada após várias erupções que ocorrem desde 1973 até os dias atuais.
submitted by Jmrcl_dev to GeografiaEPaises [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Proof_Manner_5504 2005 malibu classic 2.2L Ecotech rough idle, high rims, trans not shifting, bouncing speedometer needle- no check engine light is on.

I got a 2005 malibu classic my dad gave me & recently while driving the speedometer needle started Bouncing sporadically once i got about 30mpg- if it even works at all, ive got high rms when this happens, the trans is having trouble shifting , rough idle while at lights, getting bad gas milage, NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT is on tho. Had transmission fluid level checked. Randomly thought to have the mechanic unhook the battery terminals for like 15-20 mins and he hooked them back up & my car was running better than I've ever known it to. Had more power,transmission shifting smoothly, speedometer works, rpms have leveled out. Then after like turning it off n starting it back it acts up again & starts doing it all over again but I think worse each time. Think this could be the speed sensor or the ecm computer? Or something else?
submitted by Proof_Manner_5504 to chevymalibu [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Fancy_Diamond_8605 How about??

How about a bus live booking app? People can book tickets via app. At real time location customers can know which bus is going to that location and book it.
Problem soving Conductors doesnt need to carry change and customers also.
This is also increase the revenue of the bus.
submitted by Fancy_Diamond_8605 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 girlwholovesstars ¿Alguien cod mobile?

Buenas, soy Denise y me gustaría saber si por aquí hay gente que juegue Cod Mobile, sobre todo BR / MP. :) Llevo un tiempo sin la app pero me adapto fácilmente. Mi nombre es: marinamuak y horario español preferiblemente.
submitted by girlwholovesstars to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 m4lhar Need guidance 🙏

So im in 11th rn and have basically wasted my whole year without studying. My 12th is starting in like a month or so and i have a big amount of backlog from 11th. Any tips on how to study fast and understand concepts easier so that i can cover syllabus faster?
submitted by m4lhar to JEE [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Sorry_Feedback_623 Using both IPL and Laser Treatments

I’ve been using an at-home IPL device fairly regularly for what feels like 6 months to a year. I’ve noticed a reduction that I feel fairly content with, but the maintenance in terms of all-over use feels very exhaustive. It’s much better than shaving alone, it just seems like there are enough hair follicles that will continue to grow or only be temporarily stunted by the device. I’m not sure if individual hair follicles are closer or nearer to the skin’s surface or the actual dermatology behind the need for particular wavelengths depending on the hair. I sort of understand that hair growth cycles at different times but not its relevancy in application to the wavelength itself or its reach. I’m especially confused why it seems to be working but also not.
I have a consultation for laser hair treatment which I’m hoping will further hair reduction and require much less maintenance than the IPL alone. I don’t regret using IPL as I’m only so confident to go in with the amount of hair presently stunted by its device. I’m just confused by all the technicalities about wavelengths and reach. I know lasers are supposed to reach further, but does that mean they just do a better job of stunting the growth? I’d ideally like results to be permanent but the information sometimes emphasizes a long-lasting but temporary reduction. It’s a little confusing to interpret. I find electrolysis as a practical recommendation for anything outside of small areas stressful and anxiety inducing, it doesn’t seem helpful.
Also, it recommends not waxing or removing the hair prior to laser treatments. Can you still use an IPL machine in between sessions? It feels like they’re doing the same thing (sort of) and one is just more precise or has a better wavelength in terms of penetrating the follicle. So I’m not sure if IPL would intervene or assist as a sort of multifaceted approach.
If there is any way of simplifying this information or providing recommendations for the highest likelihood of “permanent” hair reduction, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
submitted by Sorry_Feedback_623 to LaserHairRemoval [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 WorkingWriting3669 Peanut butter jelly time

Peanut butter jelly time Took like 10 totems and 20k cash to get guy shiny
submitted by WorkingWriting3669 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Classic_Fig_541 Sunday Morning SOTD

Sunday Morning SOTD Razor: Bevel Safety Razor Soap: Rex Supply Co 1955 Blade: Rex Supply Co Blade Pre shave: Proraso White Brush: Fine 20mm Synthetic Bowl: Fine Lathering Bowl
Happy Shaves!
submitted by Classic_Fig_541 to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 movendaso Painting/dyeing leather

Painting/dyeing leather I would like to change the leather color on this bag to tan. Similar to the brown bag in the pic. Not sure if I should use paint or dye. I am looking for a rich tan color.
I am planning to use the Angelus leather preparer, acrylic paint, and sealant to finish this project. How many coats will I need? Thank you for any input.
submitted by movendaso to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 Puzzleheaded-Tune310 AITAH I block anyone who sends this question on a cheaper item

AITAH I block anyone who sends this question on a cheaper item submitted by Puzzleheaded-Tune310 to eBaySellerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 neighbr_dad Replacement scissors for Leatherman Blast

Replacement scissors for Leatherman Blast Picked up a used and well loved Leatherman Bladt, but the scissors are broken- as in one half of the scissor is missing.
What are my options for replacing the scissors on the Leatherman blast?
submitted by neighbr_dad to Leatherman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:35 ROCommunication314 what does the term “caress of steel” refer to?

A: the guillotine!
submitted by ROCommunication314 to rush [link] [comments]
