Est-ce un vol ???!!!

Bonjour, Je bloque sur l'accord du verbe dans cette phrase : Est-ce que l'une de ces heures vous conviendraient ou conviendrait ? POSER UNE QUESTION Toutes les questions d’orthographe Bonjour, Avec l'expression "est-ce vous qui", comment doit se comporter le verbe qui suit ? "est-ce vous qui"...centralisé les documents ? "est-ce vous POSER UNE QUESTION Toutes les questions d’orthographe Bonjour ! Dans un livre de grammaire française pour apprenants étrangers, dans le chapitre consacré aux pronoms toniques, j'ai vu ces deux phrases : c'est Bonjour, Je n’emploie pas ce l’est. Voyez ce qu’écrit Grevisse et Goosse (Le Bon usage 2016) : « Une langue écrite recherchée pourrait encore utiliser les formes conjointes à la 3 e personne. Bonjour à tous, A chaque fois que j'utilise cette expression, j'hésite entre SE ou CE Comment ne plus hésiter ? Merci de vos éclairages Bonjour Selon vous : "Est-ce bon de vote côté ?" ou "Est-ce que c'est bon de votre côté ?" Merci accord genre nombre. C’est la locution « vu… » qui ne correspond pas au nom commun féminin « vue » mais au latin visa (« choses vues »), neutre pluriel substantivé de visus, participe passé de video (« voir »). Savez-vous quand est-ce que l’étoile apparaîtra ? Cette phrase utilise « est-ce que »(remarquer l’inversion du sujet : est-ce que < c’est que) , qui appartient à l’interrogation directe, dans cette phrase qui est une interrogative indirecte. On peut qualifier cette formulation d’incorrecte. Il ne faut pas se laisser parasiter par le pronom « te » qui est ici le COI (« est-ce que ça convient à toi ? ») et non sujet du verbe « convenir ». On appelle aussi cela un « mot-écran », un mot qui s’intercallle entre un sujet et son verbe, et qu’il ne faut pas prendre pour le sujet. ex : Ils nous verront samedi. est-ce qu’on peut dire ( Le orange ) pour indiquer la couleur orange. Ce sont deux pantalons, je veux le orange.

2025.01.19 17:36 Argichang Est-ce un vol ???!!!

Est-ce un vol ???!!! Bonjour, quelqu'un peut-il m'expliquer pourquoi les frais de transport en commun ont augmenté de façon aussi importante sur l'immatriculation de mon véhicule ?
Je comprends l'inflation et la nécessité d'investir dans notre système de transport public, mais l'année dernière, ces frais étaient de 89 $, alors qu'ils sont passés à 190 $ cette année. Je comprends l'inflation, mais une augmentation de 100 % n'a pas de sens pour moi. Je n'ai pas de voiture de luxe et j'ai du mal à payer mes factures, alors cette augmentation est vraiment lourde, honnêtement.
En tant que navetteur, je me rends au travail en voiture parce que cela me fait gagner du temps, et les transports publics sont en quelque sorte inaccessibles dans les banlieues. Honnêtement, je ne vois pas beaucoup d'amélioration dans nos horaires de bus et l'entretien du métro semble déficient, alors comment le gouvernement peut-il justifier une telle augmentation ?
J'aimerais connaître votre avis sur la question.
Je vous remercie de votre attention.
submitted by Argichang to montreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 TapDaddy24 TapDaddy - Lost In Reverie

TapDaddy - Lost In Reverie submitted by TapDaddy24 to madewithableton [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 divine_____ Looking for shows like ARCHIVE 81 and FROM(currently watching)

Hello friends, I want y'all to suggest me shows/series that will give me the exact vibe of the above two shows(like eerie, based on survival etc with twists that fuck your mind). I love mind bending suggest and thank y'all in advance : )
submitted by divine_____ to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 flowersnifferrr Do you think that Kurt was a bad person or simply just flawed?

Asking this outta curiosity, cause I've seen a few ex Cobain worshippers, claim to have believed him to be some angel, too pure for this world then they "grew up and realized how awful he was". That's a bit extreme, ain't it? It seems more to me, that these people couldn't cope with their Rock God having flaws and realizing that had tarnished their inflicted purity complex. Was he a perfect person? No, who is? We've all done wrong and I have yet to really read anything that makes me think of him as a truly bad person, just imperfect. What do you think?
submitted by flowersnifferrr to Nirvana [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Atl123420 Dry sift rosin fresh press vs whipped

Dry sift rosin fresh press vs whipped submitted by Atl123420 to rosin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Yuki-Kuran We need to put our foot down, stop paying for MTX, so that we reach a point where it is no longer profitable for them to introduce more.

OSRS remained mostly MTX-less due to a very simple reason.
They are willing to quit on a whim, to the point that the Jagex did the math, showed the private equity shareholders that if they were to ever add in MTX to the game, they'll actually lose more money from subscription loss than they will gain from MTX. They can and will find another way to scratch that itch. They have the power in number to make a dent purely from subscription fees alone.
For us, we have proven to Jagex that we are tolerant to most of their bullshits since we sat through all of them since the inception of Squeal of Fortune and yet, we are still here. Our player count is very low, and players quitting will not make a big enough of an impact to send a message.
Which is why they have the guts to push more MTX in our face over the years.
Don't forget them adding passive XP bonus to Yak track despite promising Yak track to just be a cosmetic pass.
Don't forget them locking a large portion of the cosmetic rewards behind a shop ran based off repeatable time gated task and currencies to Yak Track despite promising the only form of MTX being task skipping.
Don't forget the Hero Pass and the entire shit show.
We need to

OSRS's power in subscription fee is our equivalent of MTX spending (and maybe some subscription fee.)
We need to hit it where it hurts the most, waste their MTX development time and money by not entertaining it.
The more you spend on MTX, the more you harm the longevity of the game we love. (Especially the whales.)
submitted by Yuki-Kuran to runescape [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 suburban_negro Hopefully

Hopefully Most likely doesn’t hit. But always a chance lol
submitted by suburban_negro to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 No_Target_9066 Aplicaciones de productividad - streak 3

Siempre busco métodos de mejorar mi productividad porque tengo muchos planes y objetivos, y frecuentemente no los logro porque paso demasiado tiempo en mi móvil o estoy demasiado cansado. Últimamente pruebo un par de aplicaciones de productividad. Una se llama Opal que bloquea aplicaciones durante los tiempos que se elige. Llevo dos or tres semanas usándola y me parece que está ayudándome. Al principio, bloqueé las aplicaciones como Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, etc. desde las nueve de la noche hasta las nueve de la mañana. Desde entonces he estado subiendo la cantidad de tiempo en lo que no puedo usar las aplicaciones y sitios web que me distraen. De hecho, hoy puedo usarlos nada más dos horas. Pienso que está aplicación es muy útil y la recomiendo para todos que quieren perder el tiempo en sus móviles menos. Hoy estoy probando otra aplicación que se llama Structured. El objetivo de esta aplicación es ayudarte de crear un horario por el día. Ahora que tengo más tiempo porque no lo estoy perdiendo tanto como antes, quiero organizar mi día con las tareas que me importan, incluyendo limpiar y arreglar mi casa, ir al gimnasio, y estudiar español. Solo llevo un día usando Structured y no he decidido si ya me gusta o no. Hay unos puntos de fricción pero también hay cosas que me gustan — por ejemplo, se puede anotar cuantos “puntos de energía” que tienes en un día y se puede asignar los mismos puntos a cada tarea para saber si te estás sobrecargando. Eso puede ser útil para mí porque tengo problemas con la fatiga y no quiero encargarme demasiado. Ojalá me pueda ayudar a lograr mis metas y organizar mi vida.
submitted by No_Target_9066 to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Miguel_Vargass For the people who think that what the Dodgers are doing is “ruining baseball,” would you have the same opinion if they didn’t win the World Series last year?

For the people who think that the Dodgers are ‘ruining baseball’ by signing Scott and Sasaki, would your opinion have been the same if they didn’t win the World Series last year?
For the last few years, it’s seemed like the response to the dodgers making big moves has always been something around the lines of, “spending more money just to choke again!” Or “who will knock them out this year?”
Now that the dodgers got it over the line, there seems to be a lot more focus on how the sport is finished, etc.
If the dodgers had another early exit from the playoffs last season, would this offseason’s moves (snell, Scott, sasaki, etc) still be ‘ruining baseball?’
submitted by Miguel_Vargass to baseball [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 PokemonPikachu01 I can't speak English well. A bully flipped me off.

So I told the teacher he fingered me.
submitted by PokemonPikachu01 to 3amjokes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Smilefriend È lui il tiranno d'Europa, secondo Elon Musk

È lui il tiranno d'Europa, secondo Elon Musk submitted by Smilefriend to oknotizie [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Own-Basket9276 Cute face is not what you think is enough

Guy really choose wisely your lover and wife never attract to the beautiful looking girl or face if she does not have inner beauty. A man needs a girl that will understand him not caring about herself and her things only and her friends etc.
submitted by Own-Basket9276 to algeria [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Slevin_AZ Chickenfry SI

How much did Dave have to she'll out to get her that photoshoot? She is a needy gf that expects to be treated like a 10 when she's a 6 at best.
submitted by Slevin_AZ to barstoolsports [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 skylarmc93 Strawberry milk!

Got my first Palm Pal the other day! Featuring my two strawberry milk Bum Bumz on either side! Should I give her a name? Please leave suggestions below! I love the little photoshoot I did with them!
submitted by skylarmc93 to plushies [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Viancel •Just a beautiful photo, FH4•

•Just a beautiful photo, FH4• submitted by Viancel to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Zhuang_Tzu420 Lazzee The Cynic - Sad and Beautiful World (Alternative Hip Hop)

Lazzee The Cynic - Sad and Beautiful World (Alternative Hip Hop) submitted by Zhuang_Tzu420 to treemusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 BigTunaPA No eARC option setting up Denon S760h

No eARC option setting up Denon S760h Trying to connect my new Denon S760h receiver to the tv and when I’m walking through the setup guide, there is no eARC option. My tv has the capability. I’m using the high speed hdmi cord and plugged into the right eARC connections on the receiver and tv. I thought I could avoid an optical cable or analog. Help a newbie out?
submitted by BigTunaPA to hometheater [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Electronic_Status_18 Headshot Request

Headshot Request Hi everyone! Can someone turn this into a professional headshot? The solid/plain background is fine, but I’d like to have a different shirt. Maybe something grey and professional looking like a blouse or even a blouse and blazer. Thanks!
submitted by Electronic_Status_18 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Obvious-Author-820 Family court for 50/50 custody

Just want to see if anybody has had any positive experiences going to family Court for 50/50 care of the children?
I have my daughters (3 and 5) 3 nights a week and drop & collect them from school 3 days a week.
I have a court date for the judge to make a decision.
Hopefully i get treated fairly and can give the children as much as their mother.
submitted by Obvious-Author-820 to SingleDads [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Scumda909 Any idea which animal made these tracks?

These tracks were found in my parents’ backyard in Toronto. Any one have idea what animal they belong to?
submitted by Scumda909 to AnimalTracking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Adventurous_Hippo215 Mog, what else to expect?

I hate these bounces, we need to be a straight line to 250 Bil!!!
submitted by Adventurous_Hippo215 to mogcoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Albers_Hyper_Johnson Ragazzi, é arrivato il momento.

Ragazzi, é arrivato il momento. submitted by Albers_Hyper_Johnson to scimmieinborsa [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 AbyssalDM [LFA] Naria, demigoddess of rebirth and wildfires

[LFA] Naria, demigoddess of rebirth and wildfires Thought I'd post my demigoddess who will be featuring in my next D&D campaign I run.
submitted by AbyssalDM to characterdrawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 HockerFlas meme

meme submitted by HockerFlas to ResidentEvilMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:36 Due_Specialist90 My best friend messed my s197 up badly!

My best friend messed my s197 up badly! So for context I got my dear car around 2 years ago. It is a s197 with a 6 speed mt82. I could not have been happier with it, but I was younger when I got it and had no credit so I have a pretty bad interest rate and my payments is not that bad but I’m going to be paying on it quite a while. The payments got to much for me since me and my wife just had a baby so me and my best friend set up a contract where he gave me his jeep thats a 2012 jeep liberty. So we did the trade and he was paying me monthly and in the contract, I stated that if something were to happen that we would trade vehicles back. He was also supposed to get the mustang in his name. so he shows up to my house last week and says that he can’t make the payment anymore and when I tell you, he made this thing in such bad condition it’s not even the same car. The AC is out the tires are bald he wrecked it as well. The driveshaft is broken. He almost blew the transmission. The airbag light is on now check engine light and the thing is filthy. The whole outside is covered in red dirt. The inside is disgusting. Also I did some research and it is going to cost us 8-10k to fix this. I have a family to think about and he just costed us thousands of dollars to fix what he did to the car. so am I the asshole for not being friends with him anymore?
submitted by Due_Specialist90 to Mustang [link] [comments]