1978 JBL Price List

Python map() 函数 Python 内置函数 描述 map() 会根据提供的函数对指定序列做映射。 第一个参数 function 以参数序列中的每一个元素调用 function 函数,返回包含每次 function 函数返回值的新列表。 Python 列表(List) 序列是Python中最基本的数据结构。序列中的每个元素都分配一个数字 - 它的位置,或索引,第一个索引是0,第二个索引是1,依此类推。 执行以上脚本,输出结果为: $ javac Java8Tester.java $ java Java8Tester 使用 Java 7: 列表: [abc, , bc, efg, abcd, , jkl] 空字符数量为: 2 字符串长度为 3 的数量为: 3 筛选后的列表: [abc, bc, efg, abcd, jkl] 合并字符串: abc, bc, efg, abcd, jkl 平方数列表: [9, 4, 49, 25] 列表: [1, 2, 13, 4, 15, 6, 17, 8, 19] 列表中最大的数 : 19 列表中 ... Python List reverse()方法 Python 列表 描述 reverse() 函数用于反向列表中元素。 语法 reverse()方法语法: list.reverse() 参数 NA。 返回值 该方法没有返回值,但是会对列表的元素进行反向排序。 CSS list-style 属性 实例 在一个声明中指定所有列表属性: [mycode3 type='css'] ul { list-style:square url('sqpurple.gif'); } [/mycode3] 尝试一下 ... Python any() 函数 Python 内置函数 描述 any() 函数用于判断给定的可迭代参数 iterable 是否全部为 False,则返回 False,如果有一个为 True,则返回 True。 C++ 容器类 <list> C++ 标准库提供了丰富的功能,其中 <list> 是一个非常重要的容器类,用于存储元素集合,支持双向迭代器。 <list> 是 C++ 标准模板库(STL)中的一个序列容器,它允许在容器的任意位置快速插入和删除元素。 list.append(obj) 在列表末尾添加新的对象: 2: list.count(obj) 统计某个元素在列表中出现的次数: 3: list.extend(seq) 在列表末尾一次性追加另一个序列中的多个值(用新列表扩展原来的列表) 4: list.index(obj) 从列表中找出某个值第一个匹配项的索引位置: 5: list.insert(index, obj ... Linux ls (英文全拼: list directory contents)命令用于显示指定工作目录下之内容(列出目前工作目录所含的文件及子目录)。 语法 ls [-alrtAFR] [name...] 参数 :-a 显示所有文件及目录 (. 开头的隐藏文件也会列出)-d 只列出目录(不递归列出目录内的文件)。 list.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) 参数. cmp -- 可选参数, 如果指定了该参数会使用该参数的方法进行排序。 key -- 主要是用来进行比较的元素,只有一个参数,具体的函数的参数就是取自于可迭代对象中,指定可迭代对象中的一个元素来进行排序。

2025.01.19 17:40 Ihavebonerbreath 1978 JBL Price List

Currently moving and my husband has a hoarder style audio collection. Found this yesterday. This price for most the speakers is just for one not a pair.
submitted by Ihavebonerbreath to audiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Educational_Bowl_356 Settlement . Really effed my company

Settlement . Really effed my company I was fired after getting sick AFTER FMLA expired. I was told over and over “at will state” I’ll never get money. I’ll lose blah blah blah
. Well my check just cleared. That’s after lawyer was paid. Please contact a lawyer when you’re fired!!! HR departments break the law constantly. I didn’t pay anything Before settlement. This was a contingency agreement
submitted by Educational_Bowl_356 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 General_Internet5246 Vocês poderiam me ajudar a crescer la no YouTube?

Gravo videos de roblox, caso queira algum que eu grave mapa e so comenta Em algum vídeo
submitted by General_Internet5246 to desenhos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Former_Gap_6881 FOR SALE: CLOT X TNF

FOR SALE: CLOT X TNF Selling my jacket here. My location is in Philippines. DM ME FOR INFO
submitted by Former_Gap_6881 to TheNorthFace [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 chrislaihocobhc Anyone else lose power armor when going on an expedition?

Just went to The Pitt and all my Vulcan Power Armor just, poof, gone. Still have the frame, but all the pieces are gone. Anyone else have this happen? I put in a missing item report but haven’t heard back from Bethesda yet.
submitted by chrislaihocobhc to fo76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Sgt_A_Apone Küchenspüle (Pfusch)

Küchenspüle (Pfusch) Hallo,
Meine Frau und ich haben Anfang Corona eine neue Küche von Ikea bestellt und selbst eingebaut. Bei der Küchenplanumg war uns bereits klar, dass wir vor einer Herausforderung bei der Spüle stehen werden, weil das Abflussrohr in die Wand direkt in der Ecke der Küche montiert ist. Da es eine Eckküche sein sollte, ist das Rohr zur Wand etwas waagerechter und länger als empfohlen. Das war uns klar, wir wollten es aber probieren und es hat aber nun knapp fünf Jahre gut funktioniert.
Nun fließt seit ein paar Tagen kaum mehr Wasser ab. Heißt: nach ca. 1-1,5l (abgemessen) drückt das Wasser nach oben. Nach 20-30 Minuten fließt die Brühe dann langsam ab, aber die Spüle ist quasi nicht nutzbar. Auch der Geschirrspüler drückt das Wasser nach oben.
Kurzer Exkurs zum Geschirrspüler: der hat im November kurzzeitig nicht funktioniert. Lt. Fehlercode lag es am Wasserablauf, ich habe dann den Anschluss ans Siphon aufgemacht um zu schauen ob irgendwas verstopft ist, war aber nichts. Einmal durchgerüttelt und das Wasser im Schlauch entfernt... Seitdem funktioniert der Geschirrspüler wieder!?
Ich habe jetzt mit einer Rohrreinigungsspirale vom Baumarkt in die Rohre gepfrimelt, 1x hinter dem Siphon, 1x direkt in die Wand. Hier ist auf 3m alles frei, kein Widerstand und es kam auch kaum Dreck mit raus.
...ich versteh's nicht... Warum ist nach 1-1,5l Schluss? Warum drückt es das nicht zumindest durchs Siphon? Wenn irgendetwas in 5m Tiefe in der Wand verstopft ist, sollte das Wasser nicht bis daher laufen und dann rückstauen? Hat jemand einen Ratschlag für mich, bevor ich nächste Woche den Installateur anrufe?
submitted by Sgt_A_Apone to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Haunting-Fix-9327 What if Fiona took up the offer to be a hooker?

In season 4, while finding it difficult to find a job with her new criminal record Fiona gets an offer to become a hooker. Should she have taken it? She is a slut, she hates herself, and she's desperate for money. Being an escort turned out great for Mandy and Kev and Mickey made a lot of money running a brothel. I could even see Fiona becoming a successful madame down the road.
submitted by Haunting-Fix-9327 to shameless [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Dry-Sugar-3758 Anyone else look at their teachers Facebook?

submitted by Dry-Sugar-3758 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 InternationalKey527 Dirty laundry…

Aside from the mountain laundry I can’t even try to explain, what dirty laundry has Cait aired? She’s been in here defending and breaking her back for Meg’s approval! We know you spinning Meg, and yes we see how it goes when people try to come to you with your whole chest, you spin, you lie and attack. You’re not open to any genuine conversation or truth.
submitted by InternationalKey527 to theanchoredlifeline [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Win-Equal M29, Dutch guy, I need a new best friend

Im a 29 year old introvert from the Netherlands, im looking for someone who I can really connect with, my hobbies are gaming, watching movies and listening to music, ow yes and im preparing for a walking marathon this year, i would like to meet some of you😁
submitted by Win-Equal to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Enough_Theme_8866 Can you get banned for using MitchCactus? (FH5)

Only a credits boost of 250 mil. Cuz I brought the game for fun fast car racing, not sitting using bad cars for hours.
submitted by Enough_Theme_8866 to gamecheats [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 pufballcat You wake up to discover you're suddenly a celebrity. How do you feel?

submitted by pufballcat to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 JMBPro Reading Old Testament texts

Reading Old Testament texts submitted by JMBPro to YouTube_startups [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Apart_Product_4186 Why are my loaves falling?

Why are my loaves falling? I got an oyster bread machine and I have used it twice now but both have fallen but the bread still tastes good so I’m not sure what’s wrong. First pic is of the first loaf that I used random flour from a container in my pantry, and the second one used Arthur all purpose flower because my grocery store didn’t have the bread flour except in the tiny bags. Red label yeast is the one I used in the first loaf and it was mixed with the water and sat for 10 minutes before going in. Blue label was used in the second loaf and sprinkled on top of the dry ingredients like the instruction said so I could put a couple hour time delay on the bread maker.
submitted by Apart_Product_4186 to BreadMachines [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 New_Horse7744 Friend 352606052005 send gift almost every day

Send gift almost every day 352606052005
submitted by New_Horse7744 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Man Utd suffer 3-1 loss to Brighton as Onana error compounds misery | Al Jazeera

[World] - Man Utd suffer 3-1 loss to Brighton as Onana error compounds misery | Al Jazeera submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 VeterinarianTop4447 Greek/ Roman depictions of ancient Sudanese (the Nubians)

Greek/ Roman depictions of ancient Sudanese (the Nubians) Ornamental cups from the Hellenistic word depicting the people of ancient Sudan known as “Aethiopia” in southern Europe.
submitted by VeterinarianTop4447 to Sudan [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 MsDillPickles Why do you care...

What others think? If I cared what the world or others thought, we wouldn't be together.
submitted by MsDillPickles to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 INHALT_US INHALT Synclav Linndrum Sample library for Akai MPC

Hey everyone. I just released a new sample library for the Akai MPC range. Synclav Linndrum is a recording of my Linndrum straight to a 1986 Synclavier PSMT and the ensuing files exported out into wav format that any modern sampler can read. Intro video below that demos off the MPC X SE playing them back.
submitted by INHALT_US to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 TheeFearlessChicken Who is this Tom MacDonald fella, and what's with all the hubbub, bub?

submitted by TheeFearlessChicken to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 Delivryboy1 Finally joined the family

Finally joined the family I picked up this beauty two weeks ago. It's my first manual, and although it's been a little frustrating to learn, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Overall, it is a very fun car.
submitted by Delivryboy1 to GR86 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 ratacitoarea Little Romanian girl. Painted today by me.

Little Romanian girl. Painted today by me. submitted by ratacitoarea to Paintings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 meloMaestro Calm Piano Collection

submitted by meloMaestro to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 jokingonyou Jam my eyes

submitted by jokingonyou to ToolBand [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 17:40 b3ngvliNYC I automatically thought about Officer Doofy 🚨

I automatically thought about Officer Doofy 🚨 submitted by b3ngvliNYC to FunnyAnimals [link] [comments]
