2025.01.19 18:37 game0ver227 Need help!
This is one of my anoles. I don’t have a good photo of the second one rn but do they look skinny? I have worms in there in a clear feeder where they can see them (they are live worms) but they don’t seem interested in them lately. Any ideas why? submitted by game0ver227 to Anoles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 kineshans Suggestions on how to make this opening cleaner?
Hi Folks,
Any suggestions on how to clean up this hole in the wall for electrical cords?
submitted by kineshans to homeimprovementideas [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 MillieBlk Story inquiétante d’aujourd’hui de Catherine Fournier?
Quelqu’un sait de quoi il s’agit? Semaine difficile pourquoi et quel est le pire à venir? 🤔 submitted by MillieBlk to causerie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 succesful333 Hesitation
I want to create an OF but it wouldn’t be xxx content. I was wondering would I still be able to attract high value, classy, educated providers ? And would ppl judge me if I want to create a business/reputation ruined etc?
submitted by succesful333 to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 matthewe70 It's back
submitted by matthewe70 to TikTok [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 RyanDavanzo Matting season is so beautiful
submitted by RyanDavanzo to JustCause [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 Electrical_Minimum63 I am looking for remote AI training jobs, I have experience training Apple AI
I have experience in RLHF and RAG
submitted by Electrical_Minimum63 to RemoteJobHunters [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 gentritibishi C300 2014 when is connected to bluetooth and when goes to tiktok is stopping music of tiktok
C300 2014 when is connected to bluetooth and when goes to tiktok is stopping music of tiktok and puting music audio in pause why could I change configuration to do not?
submitted by gentritibishi to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 super0cereal0 Shitting spot located
submitted by super0cereal0 to tacticalgear [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 ChemicalRelative4428 Pov: Jogador médio de Roblox
submitted by ChemicalRelative4428 to BrainrotBrasil [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 caboosesw I had Cursor go well off script yet again changing things I didn't ask it too. So I made it write a ruleset to stop it creeping into other improvements. Lets see how this goes.
submitted by caboosesw to cabooseswdev [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 twopunchboi 21M looking for a friend to game with
Hey to you reading this :) I'd like to find a friend or friends to game with. I play on pc so lets talk more on discord. I play a lot of borderlands, maybe we can play that together, I also have played r6s but don't have the motivation to play it alone anymore. I've wanted to play ghost recon wildlands for a while now so maybe we could play that too. Also taking suggestions that we could play together Shoot me a dm if you're interested
submitted by twopunchboi to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 TheWaywardMoose Cold Weather Starting Issue
I'll start with yes, I am aware that this is an older vehicle. Wages in the rural midwest are very different from more populated areas, and it was kind of a big deal to afford a $4k vehicle for my kid. I'm working with what I've got, which isn't much. Now, onto the issue at hand. We got our oldest a 2001 Taurus with 91k miles on it from an older couples' estate. We got our first bad cold snap and it wouldn't start. I bought a brand new battery with decent CC amps, knowing the battery in it was at least 4 years old, if not more. It still wouldn't start. I was able to jump it and get it started after work that day and took it to the local Ford dealership. 3 days later, a new AC compressure and belt, an oil change (plus a surprise wheel bearing replacement), and over $1,300 later they told me it was ready to go. Temps had climbed a bit by then, and it started and ran fine. Today we're sitting at -8°F and it won't turn over. It's not cranking slowly. It doesn't sound like it has reduced power. No clicking. It simply cranks and cranks without ever turning over. I'm a bit lost on where to go from here. Did the shop pull one over on me? I've already spent half a month's net pay on trying to get this resolved and it's still not starting once it gets cold outside. I don't want to take it back to the dealership and spend another grand or more to still not have it resolved. submitted by TheWaywardMoose to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 c0rp69 advertising $9.99, then $10 minimum when in cart.....
This shit is user unfriendly.....every time this happens I delete the order and go somewhere else to buy a pizza. This needs fixed...busting my balls over ONE CENT so I am forced to buy more from your menu?
submitted by c0rp69 to PapaJohns [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 mattydlite Cancel Amex Gold after a year
I got an offer in the mail for 90k MR if I spend $6k in 6 months. I’m tempted to apply but I know I won’t really use the monthly credits which makes the annual fee pretty steep. What options would I have if I wanted to cancel the gold card after a year? What happens to the MR points I earned?
submitted by mattydlite to amex [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 Excalibanter 28 [M4A] UK Laid back British dude just looking for a good vibe!:)
Morning all, hope you've all had a brilliant holiday period, I'm your local(?) comedic midius here to bless you with the art of self-targeted humour and swarms of puns. On the house!
For any curious about my face, it's on my profile! 😁
I'm a pretty bookish person, love my fiction, history, comics, the lot! Im a big show binger in waves (literally consumed all of Arcanes newest season so far jfc it was good). I'd love to have some mates to watch movies/ shows play games with or just chat and chill. Additionally if local we can always meet up Im a sucker for some irl shenanigans.
I'm quite a calm personality I suppose, I don't take grief from people but I'm not an excessively confrontational person. You can always be sure in between the banter I'm checking in to make sure everything's good 😁
Also a blossoming house plant lover - my little bear paw succulents have flowered and it's all very exciting 😂
Anyways - hope to chat and well done for engaging with my rant if you got this far! Have a great day!
submitted by Excalibanter to r4r [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 ExactlySorta Literally left out in the cold
submitted by ExactlySorta to facepalm [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 Q2_V Tasty drinks
submitted by Q2_V to Eevee [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 Prestigious-Alarm-61 Photos show what the presidential inauguration looked like 100 years ago
submitted by Prestigious-Alarm-61 to PresidentialElection [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 Axiata244 Got Bored Tonight, Took My Raider Out for a Spin Pretty Nice!
submitted by Axiata244 to indianbikes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 JeffYes Is there a way I fix this?
Apparently I bought them but I don't own them?? I can't do the quest that needs them either. submitted by JeffYes to IsekaiMemories [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 HugMeSidways Borussia Dortmund have just had one of the craziest UCL runs I think I've ever seen
submitted by HugMeSidways to footballmanagergames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 NoRidingAllowed Almost there!
Almost made it, short a few eggs. But I went from 3 days to 1 day, 22 hrs. I'll take it! submitted by NoRidingAllowed to EggsInc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.19 18:37 ayush_abhani Math and Science Programs for Indian high school students
Hi everyone,
I’m a high school student from India, and I’ve recently applied for PROMYS India. I’m very passionate about math and science and would love to explore more programs or summer schools, whether they are sponsored or non-sponsored.
Could you recommend other opportunities in India or abroad that I can apply for as a high school student? Programs focusing on mathematics, physics, or general STEM are particularly of interest.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
submitted by ayush_abhani to summerprogramresults [link] [comments]
2025.01.19 18:37 KeyAd6676 Karışık sanırım
Sanırım bu yazı çok karışık olacak ama bu konuya nerden nasıl baslayacagimi bilmiyorum. Diğer yandan düşüncelerimi ve hislerimi insanlara anlattigimda dalga konusu olacakmış gibi hissettiğimden çok nadiren birine bunlardan bahsettim. Böyle büyük bir mecrada bunları anlatmak beni gerdiginden dolayı çok iyi anlatamayacağım yine de anlatabildigim kadar anlatmaya calisacagim.Bunu ilk kez yapacağımdan dolayı nasıl anlatabilirim pek bilemedim. Uzun bir süredir ne yapsam tatmin olamıyorum. Ne zaman bir şey yapsam bana faydası olmayacağını düşünüyorum. Daha doğrusu hicbirseyin anlamı yokmuş gibi. Ne yaparsam yapayım sonunda öleceğim ve hiçbir işe yaramayacak. Ama sanki bu aynı zamanda mukemmelliyetcilik gibide. Mesela ben resim çizmeyi çok severdim. Kendi halimde resim çiziyordum ve nasıl olduğu umrumda değildi. Kotu olsa bile başka sayfaya yenisini cizerdim ve o resim güzel olsun diye özellikle ugrasirdim. Yapamadığım birşey olursa da nasıl yapildigina bakardım. Yani büyük tutkum vardı resim çizmeye. En son komisyon almayı falan düşünüyordum. Sonra tiktokda gezinirken 13 yaşında,benden daha güzel resim çizen bir kız gördüm. Ondan sonra tüm hevesim gitti. Yaklaşık 1 aydır falan resim cizmiyorum. Bazenleri çiziyorum ama çok fazla morelimi bozuyor geri bırakıyorum. Ben resim çizmeye 3-4 yaşlarımda başladığımdan dolayı şuan daha güzel cizmem gerekirdi diye düşünüyorum. Buyuzden de herşeye geç kalmış gibi hissediyorum. Dikiş yapmayı,örgü örmeyi de çok severdim. Sonra baktım ne kadar ugrassam yapamiyorum,onları da bıraktım. Böyle deyip aynı zamanda hicbirseyi yapmakta anlam yok demek sanki celisiyormus gibi geldi şimdi düşününcr. Nasıl bir anlam bulacağım hakkında fikrim yok. herşey çok boş geliyor. Aynı zamanda kendimi yetersiz hissediyorum
submitted by KeyAd6676 to Psikoloji [link] [comments]