
2025.01.19 20:30 SaintPowelly Time

Just binge watched all 3 seasons and really enjoying it, not sure if it’s been mentioned at all, if so I’ve missed it, but do we know how long has passed in the show since the start of season 1 (Jade and Tabitha entering the town) to the end of season 3 (Jade and Tabitha remembering) I know they mentioned that Tabitha was in the real world for 3 days before she returned with Victors Dad but has there been any other reference?
submitted by SaintPowelly to FromSeries [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 GuyDing22 Avoided FF7 my whole life because it was so overhyped... now I regret that

Like the title says I always skipped over it every chance I got. FF8 was my first Final Fantasy and I was still young when that came out so I didn't even get far. FFX was the first one I played and beat and it got me hooked on the series.
I started up FF7 Remake a few days ago between terms at college and it drew me in so well I binged it and beat it in 3 days. Now I'm waiting for Rebirth to come out on Steam in a few days and I've got FF7 OG with a bunch of HD mods installed.
I can't say if it's "the best" one yet because apparently Remake only goes about 7 hours into the OG story? Either way I'm excited to see where the story goes and y'all were right about how this one is amazing.
For those that have played Remake/Rebirth and the OG: Should I wait to finish Rebirth now before diving into the OG? Or should I binge the OG before Rebirth comes out?
submitted by GuyDing22 to FinalFantasyVII [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Fragment_Disk-404 Hunting UFO’s interview.

I fully expect this to be downvoted to zero as part of an attempt to control the narrative.
That said, I thought the interview/show was outstanding. While it didn’t fully meet my expectations, it successfully opened the door to an important conversation.
It’s clear that many of the comments appear to be from psy-op agents or bots trying to discredit the show. Well, it failed—we see straight through it.
Thank you, Ross Coulthart, and all the brave individuals who will come forward. We thank you for your service, and we love you!
Love and peace.
submitted by Fragment_Disk-404 to UFOs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 EnvironmentalPoet163 having trouble with a ender 3 klipper config no v2 but also bl-touch

does anyone have a klipper config for ender3+Bltouch with no errors? (i tried searching and tried other ppls configs but mostly errors)
submitted by EnvironmentalPoet163 to klippers [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Tibbybrokstuffagain A good state to transfer to?

There are constant posts about the bad states but what about good ones? I’m trying to figure out if I should stay put or move on. I’ve spent a lot of time in this game and some money and I’m not really wanting to stop playing.
submitted by Tibbybrokstuffagain to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 RoytjePoytjeGamez Let's talk! What are collabs YOU REALLY want to see in Fortnite?

Let's talk! What are collabs YOU REALLY want to see in Fortnite? submitted by RoytjePoytjeGamez to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 WinCautious3511 King of all Running backs ?

King of all Running backs ? submitted by WinCautious3511 to Oldschool_NFL [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 millatime1234 012903117394 Double Ho-Ho’s taking 10 asap

012903117394 Double Ho-Ho’s taking 10 asap submitted by millatime1234 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 hotdogonthebbq LEGO Nonbinary Enby Flag 🐈🐻‍❄️👾🐈‍⬛ Made using only parts from "LEGO 40516 EVERYONE IS AWESOME" as an alt build MOC

LEGO Nonbinary Enby Flag 🐈🐻‍❄️👾🐈‍⬛ Made using only parts from submitted by hotdogonthebbq to enby [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Regular-Poet-3657 Yordle Up emotes!

Yordle Up emotes! https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1881075514129162542?t=B_cKbN621gTH1GH5GEpRKw&s=19
submitted by Regular-Poet-3657 to GnarMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Major_Tone7394 I’LL NEVER GOT TO CAMP AGAIN!!

submitted by Major_Tone7394 to Youtubeviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 DeltaGirl615 Seeking advice on adding a new kitty with existing pittie

A little back story... we had a cat for years and ended up rescuing a stray AmStaff. They did very well together and although they weren't best buds, they lived in harmony and would occasionally play together.
Two years ago I had to help our kitty to cross the rainbow bridge due to cancer. Since then, it's just been the doggy dog as an only child.
I want to get another cat, or maybe a bonded pair of kittens, but my husband thinks we won't be as lucky with a new cat. He thinks that since the original cat was here first that the dog was more respectful. She also has a very high prey drive being a terrier breed and chases any cats that come into the backyard.
So my question is this... how did you all handle introducing a cat into the family? Any problems you can share? Is it sort of just a case by case basis for success?
submitted by DeltaGirl615 to PittiesAndKitties [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Cherry_8086 Trading these I'm on left. Looking for is on the right.

Trading these I'm on left. Looking for is on the right. submitted by Cherry_8086 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Smart_Category_9134 URGENT QUERY PLEASE HELP GUYS

so is it the ga that i need to read daily or there is something else and if its kindly give telegram or website link? for sbi po
submitted by Smart_Category_9134 to bankingexam [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 _jess_chaps Is this “normal”

I started my flare up on Tuesday evening. I’ve been a couch lizard since Wednesday and today is Sunday. I just tried to vacuum because I wanted to see if I could do it. Today’s pain is more of a rusty razor blade in my side as opposed to the last 3 days that were absolutely razor sharp.
My BP was 140 which is very high for me and it feels like I’m getting over a flu or something. Is it normal for to be this exhausted!? I don’t want this to mean I’m not healing. I’m just feeling drained and mentally exhausted. Sitting inside for days at a time is not for me.
Does anyone else experience this extreme fatigue during the down slope of a flare up? If so, how long does it last?
I realize I haven’t been eating what I normally do but I’ve been sleeping a lot so I figured that vacuuming wouldn’t be that intense.
Okay rant over, just looking for advice.
submitted by _jess_chaps to Diverticulitis [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 713abk Vertical labret & chapstick causing buildup/agitation?

So I’ve had my vertical labret for 6 years. I also started having a chapstick addiction (literally) a few years ago. At first it didn’t cause any issues (I was using carmex, & changed to blistex then but I slowly switched to organic chapsticks) and I started noticing buildup/irritation in my piercing hole once I moved to Blistex. I’m trying to break my chapstick habit (I mean it when I say addiction) and switched to vitamin e lip oil instead, which helps. But I’m genuinely curious if anyone else has this issue with their vertical labret when they use chapstick consistently? And if so, what do you use instead? 🥲
submitted by 713abk to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 gstrarftt Should I? Quick pls

Should I? Quick pls submitted by gstrarftt to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Duelist42 How Well Does Clint Hold Up in the Current Meta?

How Well Does Clint Hold Up in the Current Meta? Clint is one of my favorite mms to play but nowadays I'm not sure if he really is good. The main picks right now seem to be attack speed mms like Layla, Miya, and Bruno. I know Clint is meant to be the early game nightmare for other mms because of his skills, but I find myself not being able to capitalize on that often enough especially if the enemy team keeps visiting my lane. Sometimes if I get fed early I find it easy to snowball, but if I don't it just feels like I do mediocre damage the whole game, even late. So what do you guys think of him?
submitted by Duelist42 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 DaLouisVuittonDon1 452169121430

452169121430 submitted by DaLouisVuittonDon1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 vkeiumidkhelp woah of course its stars!!

woah of course its stars!! https://preview.redd.it/0hh2mm28g0ee1.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=11c6c7309391168d3e372c14626645fb2e33eb19
submitted by vkeiumidkhelp to everskiestrashhh [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Hihihihihihiloveu Gagging during gomukhasana

Just finished a yoga practice where we did cow face pose. Every time I really, fully settle into this specific pose, I feel like I am on the verge of gagging. I don’t get nauseous per se, but my gag reflexes start going crazy. Then when I release I’m perfectly fine. Why?! Anyone else ever experienced this during a deep pose?
submitted by Hihihihihihiloveu to yoga [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Ok-Swordfish-8916 From Loving to Undermining: How to Spot Insecure People Before They Sabotage Your Confidence

How do you filter out insecure friends early on?
They often come across as super supportive, loving, and even overly complimentary at first, which makes it so hard to spot red flags early. But over time, their behavior shifts. They might start projecting their insecurities, making low jabs, or subtly undermining you. It can be masked as genuine care at first, but later it becomes clear they’re trying to make you doubt yourself or sabotage your confidence.
How do you spot these patterns early on, and is it ever possible to maintain these relationships by setting strong boundaries and communicating properly, or is it better to walk away entirely
submitted by Ok-Swordfish-8916 to emotionalintelligence [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 Legitimate-Many-2524 recs

I live about an hour out of the Columbus OH area and was looking for recommendations for good, mainly or all trad artists. I’ve done some research but figured I’d ask as well! Thanks
submitted by Legitimate-Many-2524 to traditionaltattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 CatAggravating5826 [wts] gear bag clean out

[wts] gear bag clean out I’ve been out of the sport for a few years now but held on to things hoping to get back into it, that didn’t happen so I’m finally selling it off. Shoot me an offer on whatever you want, more pics upon request as well.
submitted by CatAggravating5826 to PaintballBST [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 20:30 unfriendlybuldge Discord?

Does this sub have a discord channel? I think it would be beneficial. It would be nice for everyone posting " what channel is this on"
Just a though, because I'm trying to find a 60fps channel for the NFL games. A lot of questions on the UFC fights last night too.
submitted by unfriendlybuldge to IPTVGroupBuy [link] [comments]
