2025.01.20 03:59 AmeliaWrited This is probably the coolest shirt I own now.
submitted by AmeliaWrited to crowbro [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Intelligent-Fruit174 Neutral haydurs wrt Becky
Is there a single person in haydur nation or whatever that is neutral wrt Becky?
If you can think of any still making content now please do post with timestamps.
submitted by Intelligent-Fruit174 to becky_snark [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 HackerDragon9999 While you are shitting, you can teleport to any toilet in the world that you have previously shat in
Does not apply to objects not specifically designed to be shat in.
submitted by HackerDragon9999 to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Cute-Dog-3053 [AMAZON US] City Cafe Building Toy Set, Modular Coffee Shop Building Blocks Halloween Xmas Gift for Adult, Boy and Girls 14+, 1347pcs Mini Brick with LED (Not Compatible with Lego)
submitted by Cute-Dog-3053 to LegoBargains [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 the_Medic_91 To the guy who posted riding gear is overrated as ragebait, this is riding gear protection with a fall at 80kph.
Took a tumble die to a reckless scooter rider yesterday. Slid for atleast 30 metres on a concrete road. If I was not wearing a jacket, I would be in a hospital with my arm fractured and wounds that would require skin graft. Instead I am in the hospital, having a slight ankle and neck sprain only, treating other patients in the OR. The jacket got shredded right into the armour which got cracks and had melted away halfway with friction(images 1 and 2). The boots also scrapped the road (image 3) and some pointy object took off the leather (image 4). Wear the best gear you can afford guys. It only takes one day and you will have repaid it's value many times over immediately.
submitted by the_Medic_91 to indianbikes [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 No_Beautiful_1538 Help!!
What’s this and what room does it belong to? submitted by No_Beautiful_1538 to Unpacking [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 Careful-Dot373 this is disgusting behavior…
submitted by Careful-Dot373 to arnoldsisters4 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 Key-Faithlessness734 Onboard an Extraterrestrial Craft: Ten Spectacular Cases
Onboard an Extraterrestrial Craft: Ten Spectacular Cases
by Preston Dennett
People from across the planet have been taken onboard extraterrestrial craft for more than 100 years. Many of the cases have commonalities that corroborate each other down to minute details. But they also have unique high strangeness aspects that have much to teach us. This video presents ten spectacular cases of people who report extensive onboard UFO experiences and face-to-face interactions with a wide variety of ETs. Several of these cases are supported by evidence such as outside witnesses, landing traces, physiological evidence and more. Cases like these are the cutting edge of UFO research and have the potential to answer the many questions surrounding alien contact.
“I STARTED TO CRY” THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF MR GB. One day in the Summer of 1921, an eight-year-old boy was playing along the Canal Nord in Peronne, France when two tall, thin humanoids dressed in metallic jumpsuits rushed forward, grabbed him, and pulled him into a strange craft. Inside he was placed on a flexible couch inside a small room. Mr. GB cried and the ETs released him, but he was miles from where he had been taken.
“THE SOUL LIVES FOREVER” THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF EMILIA. One day in July 1942, Emilia was walking to her home in Niinisalo, Finland when a woman appeared and began to speak with her telepathically. The woman brought Emilia to a flying saucer and invited her onboard. She showed Emilia how to fly the craft and spoke to her of profound spiritual subjects. After being released, she fell ill and had to be hospitalized.
“IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT, I CAN’T SAY I BLAME YOU.” THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF RICARDO MACHADO. Riding his motorcycle near Pajas Blancas, Argentina one morning in April 1957, Ricardo Machado was shocked to see a disc-shaped craft hover above the road ahead of him. Ricardo ditched his motorcycle and hid. A man emerged from the craft, approached Ricardo, and pulled him onboard. Unknown to Ricardo, many people in the area were seeing UFOs.
“THERE WAS SOMETHING ABOVE US.” THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF MR. GREENAMYER. One summer day in 1958, three boys were playing outside their homes in Novato, California when a silver, blimp-shaped UFO appeared overhead. Two of the boys appeared to fall asleep and one of the boys was shocked to see strange figures around them. Then one approached him. The witness had vague memories of attacking them. Later under hypnosis, he recalled being taken onboard.
THEY CAME FROM THE STARS. THE ONBOARD ENCOUNTER OF MRS. D.S. While driving to her home in Sedalia, Missouri at 11pm on August 16, 1965, a young lady was shocked to see a strange figure and a weird light in a field. She drove off in fear and arrived home to find herself missing over an hour of time. Later under hypnosis, she recalled being taken onboard a craft where she was examined by ETs.
“I SAW THREE BEINGS.” THE ONBOARD ENCOUNTER OF MRS. G. While hanging up her clothes in her backyard in Ermington, UK one day in October 1965, a woman was shocked to see a glowing blue light hover overhead. Suddenly three figures in jumpsuits appeared, grabbed her, and used a beam of light to lift her into the craft. She found herself in a small room, but quickly passed out. She woke up in her backyard as the craft zipped away.
TAKEN TO ANOTHER PLANET. THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF DIRCEU GOES. One night in June 1967, Dirceu Goes saw a glowing sphere drop from the sky near his home in Sarandi, Brazil. A beam of light came from the craft, carrying two short humanoids who grabbed Dirceu and pulled him onboard. He found himself in a tiny low-ceilinged room and remained there for 6 full hours while the beings took him to what appeared to another world before returning him back to Earth.
THEY LOOKED LIKE INSECTS. THE ONBOARD UFO ENCOUNTER OF WENDEL AND NANCY. While driving outside Salt Lake City, Utah, one night in 1969, a young couple was paced by a glowing craft. They pulled off at a reststop and saw a strange humanoid approaching. Later under hypnosis, both separately recalled being pulled onboard, placed in a weird chair, and examined by short humanoids with blue eyes.
“THE FEELING I HAD WAS ONE OF UNDERSTANDING.” THE ONBOARD EXPERIENCE OF LUKE. While driving near Hillsboro, Kansas one night in November 1971, “Luke” was amazed to see a silver flying saucer hover over a nearby field. He stopped his car and approached. Two short, bald, human-looking ETs wearing robes invited him onboard and gave him a tour of the craft. After being released, Luke began having psychic experiences.
AN INSECTOID PRAYING MANTIS. THE ONBOARD EXPERIENCE OF JUNE. While driving to her home in West Palm Beach, Florida, on the night of August 15, 1997, a woman was puzzled when a strange darkness descended over her vehicle. She arrived home missing 30 minutes. After having other weird encounters, she used hypnosis and recalled that she had been taken onboard a craft and examined by praying mantis type ETs.
Ten cases, each adding to the growing database of similar accounts. One case like this could be easily dismissed, or ten or even a hundred. But there are thousands of cases like these, and some researchers believe it might number in the millions. As hard as they are to believe, there are too many cases to explain away as hoaxes, hallucinations, misperceptions, or mental illness. Humanity is in contact with aliens.
Onboard an Extraterrestrial Craft: Ten Spectacular Cases
submitted by Key-Faithlessness734 to UAPPhenomenon [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Affectionate-Cut6677 No output from the main out jacks.However the amp out jacks is working and I have output in headphones.
The same as above. I own a line 6 pod go. I recently updated it to version 2.01. yesterday evening, while practicing, the output from the main out jacks suddenly etoppedm however, the amp out jacks and the headphone jack is working perfectly.
submitted by Affectionate-Cut6677 to Line6podgo [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 missesyoubetchya What would you do?
We have watched this dog one time and it is a very sweet dog. But I charged $40 a day for boarding and she’s asking me for $15 a day. What would you say/do? submitted by missesyoubetchya to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 Dazzling-Ad4709 Guess The state I’m From
submitted by Dazzling-Ad4709 to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 naddylou When that ‘nip is hitting just right 🍃
I envy the feeling that causes this level of zone-out. submitted by naddylou to orangecats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 strongerthenbefore20 Does anyone here have any experience in motorsport sales they can share?
2025.01.20 03:59 Dense-Ice4909 Looking for opponents for Maria Robotnik for a tier list (Sonic the Hedgehog)
submitted by Dense-Ice4909 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 Overall_Document4252 💕⛓️💕
submitted by Overall_Document4252 to Queens_Empire [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 shitcum_backup Stinky rule
submitted by shitcum_backup to 19684 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 canwepleasestaycalm Wanna pick y'all's brain
Hey guys
So me and my wife are on the hunt for our first house. We are pre approved to 180k currently. we told our lender to keep us under a 1400 monthly mortgage obviously I know it's just a estimate. They told us we would have no problem being approved for 400k. That's unnecessary. We found a house for 210k hoping to start offering at 180k n see what happens. But we crunched the numbers and just for simulation purposes we ran all our bills and monthly expenses( gas for cars,repair fund, emergency fund savings,random spending literally everything we could think of) with a monthly mortgage of $1700. We still came out with 900 bucks at the end of the month left over. Would you guys consider that good?
submitted by canwepleasestaycalm to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Substantial_Sport327 Bengals fans watching ravens lose on a 2pt conversion
GGs though. May we all unite behind the bills to stop the cheats. submitted by Substantial_Sport327 to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 ReserveDry4280 Conselho sincero, por favor
Tenho 18 anos e acabei de concluir a escola, e a quatro dias, comecei meu primeiro emprego como auxiliar de produção numa fábrica de sacolas escala 6x1, tenho achado muito difícil pois são muitas responsabilidades e embora ainda não esteja fazendo isso, sei que daqui a algum tempo vou ter que trabalhar naquela máquina ENORME sozinha, e é muito puxado e deve se haver muita atenção.
Moro em uma cidade grande e aqui o que não falta é emprego, mas tenho medo de sair dessa fábrica pois todos lá dizem ser uma empresa muito boa, e acabar me arrependendo no futuro. O salário é 2090 e 300 pila vale alimentação.
Ainda não fui contratada na carteira pois ainda não fiz meus exames adminissionais, e tenho medo que daqui uns meses quando a coisa engrossar acabe pedindo demissão e manchando meu currículo. Por favor, alguém me da um conselho do que eu deveria fazer, estou muito angustiada pensando nisso... obs: o turno também é bem ruim, da 16:00 às 00:00 então estou vivendo pelo trabalho esses dias.
submitted by ReserveDry4280 to conversas [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Willing-Ad-1389 How does this happen?
He is in the Citadel, he has the nickname "the dragonless one."
How many of them does this happen to in their games?
submitted by Willing-Ad-1389 to CK2GameOfthrones [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 Negative-Outcome2839 1:1 Trades
submitted by Negative-Outcome2839 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 stankyb3b3 Do you like receiving "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" text?
I (M) would consider my self to be an affectionate guy and attentive. I am a texter as well, so enjoy texting my significant other.
Just wanted opinion from both sides on here.
1) Do girls get tired of hearing "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" texts everyday?
2) I feel like if I have been consistent with it and to stop all of a sudden it would be weird.
Don't get me wrong, every "Good morning" and "Goodnight sweet dreams" I really mean it, but just wasn't sure if it gets tiring to see everyday?
submitted by stankyb3b3 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 03:59 stormy001 Billboards in Kedah - 'This is Tanah Melayu, not negeri orang putih'
submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 SadGaLorean Whose skill is actually overrated?
Which former star of the past do YOU think is overrated? submitted by SadGaLorean to NBATalk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 03:59 ACNHKidCat Biboo & Bae Tortures Calli with Squid Game Song on Repeat
submitted by ACNHKidCat to Hololive [link] [comments] |