Night light for the fishies

2025.01.20 06:51 OkNefariousness8119 Night light for the fishies

Night light for the fishies The tank isn't fully covered since I have hung some plants in the back. It has guppy, tetra, cherry shrimp and snails. I find the fishes to be less jumpy with just a tiny light at night. I have had guppies and mollys jump out of tanks in the past but I haven't experienced it since I added a night light to the room.
submitted by OkNefariousness8119 to Planted_tanks_India [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 dave_dynasty Identify font help

Identify font help This is the set list for Metallica's And Justice For All. If anyone knows the font, I would appreciate it. I've tried using every font ID, but nothing came close.
submitted by dave_dynasty to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Ok_Ice8241 Puff puff

Puff puff submitted by Ok_Ice8241 to StellarCannaCoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 NisanAA I need help with info

I need help with info (2007 zx10) As it reads I need some help with my bike I had layed it down a week ago and now I need help with fixing it I’m not sure what wiring to buy for this area that got ripped up and same with this tube that seems to be broken off and it is leaking fuel from it not sure where it goes any help would be amazing
submitted by NisanAA to zx10r [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 emma_blakely N*des

10 pictures 5 videos 2 call for 50$
submitted by emma_blakely to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 TemporaryPressure984 Relic Salvaging

If I salvage a relic to get the exhibit coins, do the relic tiers I bought with relic coins stay unlocked if I change my mind and unlock it again?
submitted by TemporaryPressure984 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 SunshineLane_ Orson?

Orson? Nobody spoil it but Bree and orson got married a few episodes ago and ngl they kinda cute but im scared everyone was right and he’s crazy and someone is gonna break her heart again! She just lost her husband I want her to be happy😭🤧
submitted by SunshineLane_ to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Swaxeman Hot take: We should bring back Poke-Bodies and Poke-Powers instead of abilities.

Let me start by saying this: I'm not a boomer. The only times I have ever played the pokemon tcg have been long after abilities were a thing, none of this is nostalgia.
So, abilities are the combination of poke-bodies and poke-powers. Poke-bodies were passive abilities (like frosslass's frozen shroud, iron thorns's initialization, revavroom's tuneup, etc). Poke-powers were abilities you activated (zard's infernal reign, bibarel's industrious incisors, radninja's concealed cards, etc).
So, whats the issue?
By consolidating poke-powers into poke-bodies, you have to say "once per turn, you may do xyz". And all that means is that you do xyz. Back when poke-powers were a thing, that was both doing xyz, and using the ability, like using a move.
This lets stuff like Aerodactyl (Majestic Dawn 15) exist, wheras they could not exist today. No card can be printed with "uses an ability". Wheras back then, you could print stuff with "uses a poke-power", because you didnt need to worry about the technicalities of what parts of a passive ability counts as using it.
It's a minor thing, but it has limited card design to a degree that can be noticed, imo.
submitted by Swaxeman to pkmntcg [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Funcreatic Does anyone has Kaushik Mohanty ( career definer) arithmetic content???

Does anybody has Kaushik Mohanty Arithmetic lectures????
submitted by Funcreatic to bankingexam [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Jumpy-Caterpillar415 Elizabeth's grief

Elizabeth's and Grigor's grief for Peter is so tough to get through. I'm never even upset about Peter's actual death, but their grief is what gets me. I can never get through Elizabeth talking to Peter on the ice without tears. "I will sob until my ribs break, and that will be right because I will never take a full un-pained breath again." Beautifully heartbreaking writing
submitted by Jumpy-Caterpillar415 to TheGreatHulu [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Dangerous-Conflict88 Acerby custom [Agent Death]

Acerby custom [Agent Death] I might be the only one to use scythes as hair
submitted by Dangerous-Conflict88 to 30_Minutes_Missions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Bason-Jateman Ana de Armas

Ana de Armas submitted by Bason-Jateman to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Affectionate-Bus927 some random pics

some random pics submitted by Affectionate-Bus927 to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 3rdeye1111 Qatar bonus Velocity deal

Quick question relation to the Qatar 10000 bonus point deal if you fly to Doha (and beyond). Would this include the VA flights operated by Qatar or would it purely be Qatar flights?
submitted by 3rdeye1111 to VelocityFrequentFlyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Sapiophile23 Running out of ideas on finding bio dad's relatives

Hi all. My apologies if this isn't the right kind of post for this sub.
As the title says, I'm running out of ideas.
Family story: his mom got pregnant out of wedlock at age 20 and had my bio dad in 1953; she decided to go from Wisconsin to Canada to have the baby. He lived somewhere until he was 7 (foster care?), at which time his mom took him back and raised him until he turned 18. He married my mom at age 24, I was born 4 years later. They divorced when I was 4 years old. He was in and out of my life until I was 7, then I didn't see him until I was 14. It was then that I realized there's way more to the story. I'm 40% Scottish and a mix of other very White nationalities, but I have very odd hair (some really coarse black kinky/curly hair in addition to superfine blonde) and I tan really well. He looks 100% Native. Like "super black hair and beautiful dark gold skin" Native. We never talked about it.
My thinking: I'm 99.9% certain he's the product of SA. There is zero knowledge about his father, not even a whisper like an older or married man knocked up grandma. Zilch, nada,. Absolute silence. I'm also basing my thoughts on how grandma lived her life in general... she exhibited classic behaviors of a survivor (I don't want to list them, but I have a degree in psychology and she's nearly textbook).
I'm 44 now and decided I want to know more. So I did the DNA thing last year; I'm sure there's *someone* out there on his side who has done the DNA thing, right? Nada. I'm looking in Canada and Wisconsin. I cannot find a record of him crossing into the US at any point. The marriage license says he was born in Wisconsin, but I can't find his birth certificate anywhere.
If I ever do get any hits, I don't know what I'd do with the information,. I don't know if it's even a good idea to pursue this. He's still alive, but I haven't spoken to him since 1995.
Should I keep looking? Or should I just leave things be? If I do keep looking, how do I find anything? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance. And apologies if this breaks any rules.
submitted by Sapiophile23 to Ancestry [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Plenty-Appointment91 Working with Styling in MUI.

I have been building a React app in which I have used Inline stylings mostly. Now I have gotten the point where I feel like Inline Style approach would not be scalable? How do I switch to styled components or something like that which is scalable because in future, I'll have to implement Dark Mode as well.
submitted by Plenty-Appointment91 to MaterialUI [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 batmaniac77 FC Barcelona Femení Transfer News

FC Barcelona Femení Transfer News submitted by batmaniac77 to FCBFemeni [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Verified_Asshole What happened to the Granny House Upload? Has anyone reuploaded it?

There was this bad game Jay played that was like Granny called "Granny House" I believe. But, Granny spawned in every room in the house and he controlled this black haired busty girl. I use to rewatch it a lot since I found the video quite funny, but now I can't find it. I don't know if I can't recall the title correctly or if he took it down. If the latter is true, has anyone reuploaded it?
submitted by Verified_Asshole to KubzScouts [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 ironf21 Spider-Man balloon

submitted by ironf21 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 bot-bouncer Overview for bitcoinbloggerme

submitted by bot-bouncer to BotBouncer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 stargirl_alaska Mango Red

Guys, does any one know or was able to book Mango Red as a photographer for their wedding? Ive always been a fan but took a while to get engaged and now they don’t seem to be active anymore?
Their last posts 2023 pa. Any reco of a photog team similar to their style? Thanks!
submitted by stargirl_alaska to WeddingsPhilippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Natezone23 Racing fit goes hard

Racing fit goes hard submitted by Natezone23 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 Sim_Check Credito Google rewards

Ciao a tutti. Uso da anni Google opinion rewards Ed ho accumulato un certo credito.
Ad oggi sto costantemente sui 16 o 17€, ma in passato ho anche raggiunto i 25€.
So che sono alla fine due spicci, ma vorrei trovare spunti per usarli al meglio, visto che dopo un anno scadono.
In passato ci ho comprato qualche libro e film, ma non sono abitudinario con questi acquisti (pesco tutto dai torrenti). Le app che uso costantemente so momento non richiedono abbonamento o mi va più che bene il piano free.
Le uniche che mi piacerebbe avere e che per ora non uso sono audible (o altro che merita per podcast e audiolibri) o qualcosa per allenare il mio inglese, ma non ho trovato nulla che accetti il credito Google come forma di pagamento.
Non mi serve inoltre spazio su Google One.
Sono arrivato addirittura a pensare di farmela io un'app per convertire il credito Google in credito da spendere normalmente, credo di non essere l'unico in questa situazione.
submitted by Sim_Check to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 speedr123 20 Jan 2025: New Episodes

20 Jan 2025: New Episodes submitted by speedr123 to AppleFitnessPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 06:51 SourceConsistent6234 VINTAGE TEE - $13.20

VINTAGE TEE - $13.20 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]