Lexie Hughes

2025.01.20 07:40 Leonard_Quirm Lexie Hughes

Lexie Hughes submitted by Leonard_Quirm to MyGallery_Sub [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 gabrieldean1 let my roblox outfits (let him go themed)

let my roblox outfits (let him go themed) rate them out of 1-10 :)
1 - Broken Spawn 2 - Lime Girl 3 - Domin 4 - Fire Ring 5 - Periastron 6 - Barry 7 - Marthyr
yes these are from let him go
submitted by gabrieldean1 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Radien7 League player tries to play valorant

submitted by Radien7 to SelfPromotionYouTube [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Some-Block4977 [EU] Bodywell söker spelare din Region Serien (Longterm)

Tjeena, Bodywell vill ha ett lag i svensk esport! Vi söker seriösa spelare med mål att ta sig längre inom cs2, vore kul att få snacka med dig personligen!
Vi har som mål att denna säsong spela Region Serien men självklart inom framtiden att nå hela vägen till elitserien! Just nu finns det ingen organisation registrerad inom svenska esports förbundet men målet är att inom snart framtid kunna registrera och göra detta projekt till verklighet
Vad får ni ut av att spela för bodywell?

Vad vi förväntar oss av er:
Vi har en sponsor bakom det hela (bodywell.se) som kommer finnas bakom vår rygg hela tiden! Vi är redo att betala för ESEA som grund men kommer att expanderas i framtiden
Vi söker efter spelare med runt 2,4k+ elo (bara ett ungefär), de viktigaste vi kommer kika på är ju såklart hur du är som person, hur du fungerar i lag med annat, vi kommer att försöka bygga ihop ett lag så snart som möjligt för att kunna börja träna så snart som möjligt!
Just nu har vi den del spelare på lån som spelar för oss denna säsong av ESEA men vi är självklart öppna för nya förslag också!
Jag kommer endast att agera som Ägare, såklart hjälpa till om det behövs med olika saker
Lägg till mig på discord endast om ni är intresserade! Discord: skeden6358
Kommer troligtvis inte svara på steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/765611981989997/
submitted by Some-Block4977 to RecruitCS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 ceedeez1 Advice needed

Advice needed Hey everyone,
I recently finished building a home and now it's time to tackle the lawn. I’m a complete beginner, so I’d love some advice from those with experience.
Here’s my plan so far:
Location: Snowy Mountains, NSW, Australia (current temps: 16–35°C). Budget Option: Spread 30T of turf loam ($2100) around the house (50mm below concrete), sow kikuyu seed (~$1500 for seed, fertiliser, and equipment), and follow watering protocols to establish it before winter. Instant Lawn Option: Lay 400sqm of turf (~$7500) for immediate results. I’ve already paid for earthworks to scrape and level the ground. The main decision is whether to go with the cheaper seed option or invest in turf.
Any advice, tips, or personal experiences would be hugely appreciated!
submitted by ceedeez1 to lawncare [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Ok-Illustrator3272 Gentoo on the PS1

Woulud it be theoretically possible to install gentoo on the playstation one? Considering it's now supported by libreboot, would it be able to boot from CD drives just like a normal PC?
Asking for a friend, obviously
submitted by Ok-Illustrator3272 to Gentoo [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 wannabejamebond Wannabe HUMINT dude in regiment.

I’m a high school student, I want to enlist in the army as a 35W and after talking and DMing a bunch of cats on here 35M sounds right up my alley (I Pinky Promise I’m not a Iranian Spy 😉 ). I think I would be great at this job and I have a very good grasp on languages already.
I want to be the best at my job and would like to give RASP a shot but there isn’t too much info out there on RMIB,
I was wondering if anyone had any experience with them and I had a couple questions.

  1. How is the pipeline and what contract would be best, (op 4 and volunteering for RASP at airborne, op40 and how it looks for a Mike, or straight up free balling it and volunteering at AIT).
  2. How is the culture in regiment like for intel, I’ve heard the stories of how it is with the infantry dudes and if that same mentality translates to support.
3.How is life in general in regiment, I know it’s balls to the wall but do they take care or their guys, do they have good leadership, and have good family care?
Any advice is welcome, my main thought process was to at least give it a shot and push myself to my maximum.
Mods plz don’t delete this, I posted it in the threads as well 🙏🏽
submitted by wannabejamebond to army [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Comfortable_Fox3860 Job reposted after 6 months, reapply?

Over 6 months ago I applied for a position at a company I had previously worked for many years. I know everyone there, and my experience perfectly matched the job. They offered me a first interview but not a final round interview. The whole process dragged on and on. It took months before I finally saw my status in the job portal change to not selected. Then, just this week I see the job reposted. I know this is an active position they need to hire (one that has now been unfilled for 7 months). And this was basically a job I have had my eye on for many years--and one I really thought I'd get. In fact all my old coworkers were shocked I didn't get offered a final interview. Their final communication with me even said I remained a viable candidate even though they didn't offer me an interview. So now the question is... what happened? Was it a failed search? Why didn't they go back and offer interviews to candidates like me? And should I reapply?
submitted by Comfortable_Fox3860 to recruiting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 thisistheway06 FS - $20

FS - $20 submitted by thisistheway06 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 DuxInfernum New Rider First Bike. Any advice?

I’m looking for a bike to buy and ride this once it warms up here in Colorado. Just completed the MSF course recently so need to go get the endorsement added to my lisence.
I also visited family in Nepal and got tons of practice on my cousin’s Yamaha FZ-S which felt comfortable since I could just flat foot it if it seemed like I was losing control at the beginning.
But I don’t know if I developed some bad behaviors on it. For example, you could go from a full stop and start going in 2nd gear while using the friction zone in the clutch until you hit like 10-11 kmph. I’d also just shift into 2nd early if I had to sustain super slow maneuvering between 0-5 kmph. My cousin said that it helped control low speed better with just your throttle instead of using clutch control and rear brake all the time. Also for decelerating to a full stop since you don’t go very fast in Nepal I usually didn’t get time to blip through gears and just held the clutch in and using both brakes or just used only engine braking to slow down.
I’m 5’10” and 250 lbs. I’m looking for something that I can do trips with and can cruise on the highway if necessary but also easy on the insurance payments. Found out different classes of bikes have lot higher payments do not Ninjas or R3s for me.
I was thinking of MT03, Z400/500, CB300R, CB500f, SCL500, Eliminator, Himalayan 450, some of the 650 Royal Enfields, CF Moto’s NK450, or the Versys 650.
Before the MSF course, I thought of starting off on a MT-07 or a Transalp but afterwards, I thought it’s better to just play it safe.
Any tips or advice would be much appreciated and and gear recommendations too.
submitted by DuxInfernum to SuggestAMotorcycle [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 foodlover9891 Amyra Dastur

Amyra Dastur submitted by foodlover9891 to Actress_and_stuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Unusual-Accident1966 First time on depop

First time on depop Is this a scam ?? Am I talking to a bot? What do you guys think ? Why does she keep repeating herself
submitted by Unusual-Accident1966 to Depop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 itsthenugget Do people actually use OfferUp here?

Looking for an alternative to Facebook Marketplace.
submitted by itsthenugget to Redding [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 No_Communication_810 Can you help me identify this plant asap. My cat has eaten it and might be sick from it.

Can you help me identify this plant asap. My cat has eaten it and might be sick from it. submitted by No_Communication_810 to plants [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 vibes_78 the meaning of life my eyes

The meaning of life is few and far many shall just ignore but many question many wonder many consider shall love be the answer shall fame, money happiness shall that be the answer to all. The meaning of life is not just one thing you shall receive, the meaning is something you shall create. it lies within us you shall make your own meaning not one person shall choose what you decided you,re meaning is what makes you, you.
dont know if its any good but i tent to write poems when im high but im not really into this stuff im just trying to see if there any good
submitted by vibes_78 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Mysterious_School_88 RP, how long can I leave China without losing it?

How long out of the country before I invalidate my 3 year temp residency permit? I have an unexpected situation that necessitates travel and don't want to lose my permit.
submitted by Mysterious_School_88 to Chinavisa [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 ContributionOk4014 Tweakers shouting oddly similar things across different areas of phoenix

Maybe I’ll sound like the tweaker but let me elaborate:
In the past few months I’ve ran into 4 different tweakers talking about some royalty from Yugoslavia. They all said the same names, and were acting almost EXACTLY the same. Highly delusional, talking out of their asses (while talking about the SAME bullshit), yet still coherent enough to act as a normal person.
I’m not so much interested in the bs they were blabbing about, could just be an odd coincidence.
I’m just curious if anyone else has noticed anything similar or knows what they are on. It’s something new that I haven’t been seeing up until about 2-3 months ago.
submitted by ContributionOk4014 to phoenix [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Impressive-Cry-5062 Arbeitsagentur zahlt nicht?

Hallo zusammen.
Ich hab gerade ein richtiges Problem. Ich bin w39,habe die letzten 4 Jahre in VZ gearbeitet und wurde kürzlich durch Aufhebungsvertrag arbeitslos. Ich habe 2 Termine mit Absage,aber ohne Krankmeldung durch die Arge verpasst und ich habe eine Sperre von 2 Wochen erhalten.Das sehe ich auch ein,so sind die Regeln.Alerdibgs sitze ich seit Mitte Dezember ohne Geld da und der Bescheid lässt auf sich warten,sowie die Zahlung:( Wenn ich dort anrufen,wird mir keine Auskunft gegeben und ich kann meine Miete nicht bezahlen. Hat jemand Erfahrungen und einen Tipp,was ich tun kann? Ich hab Angst meine Wohnung zu verlieren und denen ist das egal,obwohl ich die Situation erklärt habe und nun meinen Terminen nachkomme
submitted by Impressive-Cry-5062 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Round_Mood_2535 diy patches!

finally got around to using the cricut i was gifted, it was surprisingly easy and quite therapeutic. i made patches for some bands i like and some emily the strange images (yes i know malice mizer isnt goth lol)
submitted by Round_Mood_2535 to goth [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 ExplainOddTaxiEnding What are some must-watch David Lynch short films?

Firstly R.I.P. to David Lynch and God rest his beautiful soul.
I've never watched a Lynch movie yet and I decided I'm going to watch all of them (or atleast the most popular ones).
I was about to watch Blue Velvet today but thought I should watch some of his short films to get into the right mood.
So what short films of his would you say are worth watching before watching his feature lenght films to get into the mood? Or what are his best short films in your opinion?
Thanks for listening and for your answers!
submitted by ExplainOddTaxiEnding to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Top_Humor_6303 Thank you for letting me go

This is not so much of a poem as it is the truth my mind needed to write in the moment. I am compelled to share it because of the clarity I felt while writing it. I ended things with my ex gf yesterday after 7 years because she cheated, but our relationship was toxic and I should have known it is for the best. Still, I have feelings that I can only express through writing. Sorry for the ramble.
Thank you for letting me go. The love I had for you was stifling. Contaminating every crevice of my heart, Making it so that I couldn’t think of anything but loving you. But now that I’m free, I realized how restricting it was. The love I had for you didn’t allow me to grow as a person. It was captivating to a point that I didn’t know what a friend was, what relationships were. The only thing that mattered to me was us. Even if that meant putting my own mental health to the side. Even so, I thank you for letting me go, not because I’m happy our relationship is over, but because I have realized that you have given me freedom to become the man I am suppose to be. So once again, thank you for letting me go so I don’t have to waste away in the memories of us.
submitted by Top_Humor_6303 to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Astonishdreams [AUS] [H] Toy Biz Spider-Man (2002) J.J & MJ, ML Secret Wars Spider-Man [W] PayPal

Selling the following:
Toy Biz Spider-Man 2002 J. Jonah Jameson & Mary Jane Action Figures - $100 AUD
Selling as set only, MJ has been opened. J.J still sealed.
Marvel Legends Secret Wars Spider-Man - $40 AUD
Does come with box and lenticular Shield.
Located in Australia, happy to post worldwide at buyers expense.
PayPal +G&S fees.
Thanks for looking!
submitted by Astonishdreams to toyexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 Significant-Life2823 Need help making a manga (artists)

“Scab’s Fall and Second Chance”
After being framed for the murder of his comrades during a chaotic battle, Scab, an average but determined sorcerer, becomes a fugitive, hunted by his own kingdom. Overwhelmed by guilt for his role in the deaths and the betrayal that followed, he flees into exile, learning to survive in isolation while constantly evading his pursuers.
A year into his desperate journey, Scab stumbles upon a mysterious group of elite soldiers wielding magical blades. Following them, he discovers a hidden kingdom concealed within a mountain—a place of advanced magic and secrets long forgotten. Though captured upon arrival, Scab is unexpectedly welcomed by the kingdom’s wise and benevolent king, Eryndor.
The king, seeing potential in Scab, offers him sanctuary, much to the skepticism of his two sons, Theron and Kael. Scab, weary and seeking a purpose, accepts the king’s offer, stepping into a world of hidden power, political intrigue, and new alliances. However, as he begins to rebuild his life, the shadow of his past looms, threatening to pull him back into the conflict he tried to leave behind.
The story explores themes of survival, redemption, and the search for truth as Scab learns to trust again, masters new magic, and faces the forces that framed him—both within himself and in the outside world.
this is just a summary
submitted by Significant-Life2823 to AnimeSketch [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 M3YT4CH Check Out My Profile To Bu something!

Check Out My Profile To Bu something! If you like hip-hop songs. I have great offers for you :)
submitted by M3YT4CH to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:40 gtyhhgty Dr. martens

I love the look of dr. Martens but my wallet dosent like the price lmao. Is there anywhere i can get boots that look similar to them for cheaper? Like a 100 quid or less preferably. This is just for fashion, im not to worried about like actual uses of boots, as long as they dont fall apart (ive heard dr.'s have shit build quality). Thats pretty much it tbh.
submitted by gtyhhgty to Boots [link] [comments]
