Can someone do me a favour?

2025.01.20 07:48 augustv99 Can someone do me a favour?

I want to donate to Bernie Sanders' campaign and buy a shirt from but they don't ship to europe. can someone help me out. if i get scammed, so be it.
submitted by augustv99 to BernieSanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 TheSouthPen I really hope the Switch 2 improves online play

I feel like I'm going crazy because its so rare for people to bring up this topic when making Switch 2 wishlists. Yes, I am excited for improved grapgics, better framerate, and especially the idea of mouse joycons. However, nothing shows the Switch's outdated nature to me more than how pathetic its online in things like Smash Ultimate, New Horizons, or Switch Online roms is. More than anything else, I'd be so disappointed if Intried to play Smash Ultimate (or the new smash) on Switch 2 and the online felt like playing underwater like it does now. If I tried to play Satrfox 64 or Mario Bros 3 on Switch online multiplayer and it was too slow to be fun. If I played Animal Crossing with a friend and could feel the lag...
Weve all know that the Switch 2 should be pretty stronger than the Switch 1, but Im hoping so hard that it also correlates to improved online infrastructure. Isn't this a big priority for you too?
submitted by TheSouthPen to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Legitimate-Stock-679 I don’t think I am ever going to have an actual relationship and I’m fine with that

Last semester was my first semester of college. I immediately became friends with my roommate and some people on my hall. We would go out to parties every weekend, have study sessions together we essentially did everything together. Me and one girl in the group became particularly close. Like me she had never been in a relationship. We ended up spending a lot of time together outside of the group. We would go to the dining hall together, have separate study sessions, we were both pre-med so we would both attend pre-med meetings together, we would also go volunteering together on weekends, I also took a theatre course last semester and she would come with me to some of the performances.
I have never been in a relationship but something about her just seemed perfect. Like me she was high achieving and very goal oriented which I really liked. It was also her personality though of course. Obviously I was scared of asking her out so I never asked her out which I regret. Last semester I guess she got a C in one of her classes and her parents decided to have her withdraw and force her to go to school closer to home so they can monitor her. It kind of sucks because she was the first girl that I have ever felt like this about but I guess I just have to get over it.
Now I am in my second semester. I just feel lonely. I spent a lot of my time with this girl last semester. Now it seems a lot of my time is now spent alone. The friend group I had last semester broke up. I am still friends with my roommate and another girl on my hall but we just aren’t as close anymore. I am trying to make new friends by talking to people in my classes and going to club meetings but so far it has gone nowhere.
Sometimes I do see couples on campus and online and I do feel a little bit of jealousy. I mean who doesn’t want to feel emotionally supported and a sense of belonging. I do feel happy where I am at but I can’t lie being in a relationship does seem kind of nice to be honest but I don’t know how to even start. It seems so natural for other guys my age, but I just can’t do it.
Other times I couldn’t care less about being in a relationship. My dream is to become a dentist and sometimes I believe that once I become a dentist my hopes of finding a relationship will disappear because I’ll have money and I’ll be in a job I genuinely enjoy so who would need a relationship then. However in the end I know that is wrong. It’s natural for humans to seek companionship and I know no matter how much I love my job or how much money I have I will always want to be in a relationship and that’s fine because I am human but I don’t know how to achieve that.
I guess I like to tell myself that I am fine with the fact I’ll never find a relationship to make myself feel better somehow but honestly I don’t feel better even when I tell myself that. I want to have kids one day, I want to have a family one day, and sometimes I believe I will never achieve either. As humans companionship is what makes us happy no one is happy when they are lonely.
I am pretty sure it’s my communication skills that are the worse. I will go to parties and girls will approach me and start talking to me but I don’t know how to keep conversations going or show a girl that I am interested. Also when I do like a girl I am scared of actually telling her how I feel which is probably more a personal thing than anything.
submitted by Legitimate-Stock-679 to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 CapAccomplished8072 Cloak x Dagger "I think I love you" by millawanda

Cloak x Dagger submitted by CapAccomplished8072 to Marvel [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 GiganRex9282 Bro can we like get some new members or smth this sub is practically dead

Bro can we like get some new members or smth this sub is practically dead submitted by GiganRex9282 to pillarchasefornoobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 YesternowWhoWhat slaughter

submitted by YesternowWhoWhat to SchizophreniaArtProj [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Siduch Čo to znamená “LR1”?

Čo to znamená “LR1”? submitted by Siduch to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 EmzWhite CHS - Could I have it?

People with CHS suffer from repeated bouts of vomiting. In between these episodes are times without any symptoms. Healthcare providers often divide these symptoms into 3 stages: the prodromal phase, the hyperemetic phase, and the recovery phase. Prodromal phase. During this phase, the main symptoms are often early morning nausea and belly (abdominal) pain. Some people also develop a fear of vomiting. Most people keep normal eating patterns during this time. Some people use more marijuana because they think it will help stop the nausea. This phase may last for months or years. Hyperemetic phase. Symptoms during this time may include: * Ongoing nausea * Repeated episodes of vomiting * Belly pain * Decreased food intake and weight loss * Symptoms of fluid loss (dehydration) During this phase, vomiting is often intense and overwhelming. Many people take a lot of hot showers during the day. They find that doing so eases their nausea. (That may be because of how the hot temperature affects a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This part of the brain effects both temperature regulation and vomiting.) People often first seek medical care during this phase. The hyperemetic phase may continue until the person completely stops using marijuana. Then the recovery phrase starts. Recovery phase. During this time, symptoms go away. Normal eating is possible again. This phase can last days or months. Symptoms often come back if the person tries marijuana again.
CHS is a diagnosis of exclusion, which basically means that you will have to exhaust every other avenue to ensure nothing else could be wrong, this takes time and alot of money. Time and money that most CHS sufferers just don’t have. The only real way of knowing if it is CHS is to quit, there are progressive stages of CHS, the first is prodromal this phase can last weeks, months or years depending on the individual, then it moves into its more hell on earth stage called the Hyperemisis phase, during this phase you will be praying to any god available for some degree of mercy.
If you are in the early phases of this syndrome there is still hope for you, but only if you stop now!! Everyone’s prodromal and Hyperemisis phases will differentiate symptoms between individuals, some will have only weight loss and loss of appetite as their only symptoms, then all of a sudden they are screaming while vomiting 30 times in a 4 hours period. No two individual cases of CHS symptoms are identical, so my advice would be not to compare symptoms with others and if one doesn’t match the other take it as hope that it may not be CHS.
The best decision you could possibly make for yourself and your future health is to stop all cannabis consumption for at least 90 days and see if symptoms improve or resolve after this time. Please keep in mind that THC stores up in your fat cells and releases back into your bloodstream at intervals in order to finally process it out of your body in the form of waste products (poo and wee 🤣) so the chances are you are going to feel worse before you start to feel better, you need to let your system clear itself from the build up of THC that is in your system, that can only happen in 90 days plus in fact the longer the better.
If your symptoms do resolve after this time you can be confident in the fact that it was CHS and you now know that you can never again partake in any marijuana products ever again, however if you are a risk taker, some people (very few) have been able to moderate their use but in my opinion if we were able to “moderate” our use then we wouldn’t be experiencing the wrath of CHS. Abstinence is really the only cure available right now.
Some people do question if they could be suffering CWS (cannabinoid Withdrawal syndrome) From everything I have read (and I am not a medical professional) CWS is a much rarer syndrome than CHS, so if you are having symptoms that match either of these syndromes occurring then quitting for at least 90 days to see if symptoms start to subside would be my first method of identifying whether you are suffering from CHS and believe me it certainly is suffering, however please be aware that your upon beginning your withdrawals, your symptoms will get worse before they get better. You can reach out for help and support from a medical professionals or addiction specialists for help, there are also subreddit communities such as CHSrecovery and CHSinfo that are both very helpful and informative subreddits to lean on when you are in need of advice and information.
submitted by EmzWhite to weed [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 bratkick Which one will look good on samsung S23 Green?

Which one will look good on samsung S23 Green? submitted by bratkick to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 NinjaEpic9073 Score Range SCDC

I js wanted to know the score range for icdc qualifier. I’m competing in PEN for states and want specific scores of past icdc qualifiers to have a general target :)
submitted by NinjaEpic9073 to DECA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 8i6e Alguien me hace rol de black widow?

submitted by 8i6e to Latino_roleplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Low-Background-3051 Sana

Sana submitted by Low-Background-3051 to kpop_heaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Adoxxbe Workers stop producing at their homes.

In my current playtrough I have a problem with my productions suddenly stopping.
For my bakery I buy flour with my trader and it's stocked in the storage building. (50)
People won't transport any flour after some time making them all wait and not work.
Same goes for my armorer and blacksmith. I produce everything for this in the town, about 60+ iron slabs are in storage but they just stop producing.
If I select another type to make it seems to reset the workers and they'll start again. But this won't work for the bakery since it's only 1 item they produce.
Any solutions or workarounds for this?
submitted by Adoxxbe to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Opening_Foundation66 bro what happened

It had been YEARS since this game was updated and I redownloaded it. THERES SO MANY CHANGES. When did this happen? this is gonna take a while to get used to, I basically had all the old abilities memorized. At least they didn’t change my glorious bad moon rising. Also… it’s mad buggy. Idk if it is for anyone else but a lot of the changed cards don’t work properly sometimes Lastly, does this mean future updates?
submitted by Opening_Foundation66 to PvZHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 0kokuryu0 My brother and Jehovah's witnesses

My family used to be Jehovah's witnesses. Whenever they show up at my brother's house, he invites them in and likes to tell them about how messed up their group is.
An important part is a little story he likes to tell from when we were part of all that. TL:DR if you really wanna skip this part, scroll a bit.
There was an old man in our hometown that was very devout, and showed up for every service without fail for many many years. When he got older and couldn't always venture out, he'd call the church and they would put the phone on the podium so he could listen in. They would also hold the phone up to the mic so he could answer questions and be involved. People would also talk to him after service during the socializing after service. So very involved, well known/liked etc.
There was a day at the nursing home, they are served a heart shape cake for Valentine's day. Someone from the paper happens to be there that day and snaps a pic of the old man getting a slice. That pic ends up in the paper with a caption saying the seniors celebrate Valentine's day by eating heart shaped cake. Welp, the elders in the church call the old man in to be excommunicated for celebrating a holiday. Which involves basically grulling gim about how horrible he is for a while, I think it's like an hour or something like that. She is also to be shunned by the entirety of the church, no one is to have anything to do with him. If he wants to be a part of the churhc again he has to show up for every service, sit in the back, leave immediately as swrvice ends for an entire year. All the while not talking to anyone, no one is allowed to acknowledge him either.
///////TL;DR Old man get treated like crap and shunned by everyone for eating cake that is considered celebrating a holiday.
Welp, even his family has nothing to do with him. He is left completely alone at the nursing home. He ends up dying 3 months later.
So, back to my brother's encounter. He is living in the city at this time, we're from a small town btw. There is an old man and young man that knock on on his door. He invites them in and has his usual discussions with them. The young one is very argumentative.
My brother then tells the above story, the old man gets real quiet after. My brother adds that the man in the story likely died of a broken heart from being all alone at the end of his life. All because he ate some cake, someone happened to take a picture, and said he was celebrating something. The young one tries to argue, then gets told to be quiet by the older dude.
Old man says "I was one of the people that excommunicated that man. It is my biggest regret in life." Old man politely excuses himself and the young'un, the latter still tries to argue on the way out though.
submitted by 0kokuryu0 to traumatizeThemBack [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 arise-the-darkness The fullest I’ve ever seen these pickle jars 🙏

My midnight snack is pickles and spicy powder
submitted by arise-the-darkness to Pickles [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 MysteriousDegree1604 Reduced AMH in early 20's

I was diagnosed with pcos by my gynae a year ago. Which was after about 6 months of me actively trying to fall pregnant
Well after a year of more of trying again, while on metformin and taking supplements such as inositol, coQ10, magnesium & folic acid, I made my way to an endocrinologist
He sent me for bloodworks, all the bloods were more or less what's normal for people with pcos
Except for one kinda big thing, my amh levels
My amh is 0.69 ng, which is a reduced response. Usually people with pcos actually have a higher than average reading
His first advice to me was to make my way to a fertility specialist, he said it would be best for me to do a few tests, but then definitely consider freezing eggs for future use
I've been trying to search through different subs to see if there's any posts similar to my case
But I haven't came across any, I think it's pretty unusual to have a reduced reading at 23, and especially if you have pcos
I've got to wait about 15 more days before I can do my other bloodtests and a month before I go back to the endo
But I feel as though I'm loosing my mind a little, I had accepted that I have pcos but I can't seem to come to terms that I now have further fertility issues.
submitted by MysteriousDegree1604 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 waddles1314 How do I patch up this hole in my wall?

How do I patch up this hole in my wall? I think it's sort of a funnel to redirect rainfall in my roof elsewhere but it has made a hole through the plaster wall.
submitted by waddles1314 to howto [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Overall_Action_2574 Is there any clubs I can join still?

Kinda lonely, not really desperate enough to talk to people during lectures but I feel like clubs would be a great way to meet likeminded people who I can vibe with.
Any recommendations guys?
Much love. <3
submitted by Overall_Action_2574 to TorontoMetU [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Confident-Substance Today’s pour after being away…

Today’s pour after being away… submitted by Confident-Substance to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Dapper_Ninja8183 23m just up and bored

submitted by Dapper_Ninja8183 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 earthmediaworld Shattered Swords Fu Hua

Shattered Swords Fu Hua submitted by earthmediaworld to HonkaiImpact [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 MelancholyMarmoset Megane MK3 RS… Not Cup. Yes or No?

In the market for a mk3 Megane RS, but there seem to be a lot of non-Cup models and few Cups. Why is this?
Will I regret getting a non-Cup? Or will it still be a great drive?
submitted by MelancholyMarmoset to Renault [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 Throwaway3082023 Do anyone else's symptoms include getting sick often?

The reason I got diagnosed was that I started to get sick quite often on top of joint/back problems. It's as if in a matter of months I've aged a few decades(I'm late 20s). Last year I've found out I have disc herniations, knee cartilage issue, I've got 4 urinary infections, I had a few colds as well. Almost every month I had to deal with something. I didn't know until september what was going on, because doctors didn't initialy test for thyroid hormones.
submitted by Throwaway3082023 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:48 ResistImpossible5081 25M share your crazy with a stranger!

Hey, you don’t know me and I don’t know, but let’s chat and have a great time. I would love to hear about you and your life, your stories and memories. I’m honest and open, looking for some good times.
So mysterious stranger, who are you? What’s your life like? What’s something you’re passionate about?
Let’s chat, and watch the time pass away! There is so much beauty in life and in the simple things, I’m sure there is lots of beauty in you too!
Have a great day(:
submitted by ResistImpossible5081 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]