Recently started smoking bud again..?

2025.01.20 07:50 BiggieBasil_ Recently started smoking bud again..?

I stopped smoking weed nearly 3 years ago. I suffer panic attacks and was advised weed made it worse. Turns out, I still suffer panic attacks and now my chronic pain is at an all time high. I’ve been prescribed medical marijuana and have started smoking again except my tolerance is on the floor and I’m struggling to enjoy a smoke without being out of it for the first hour. I know I need to keep smoking to gain a better tolerance but any other advice for the first hour? Also, before I used to smoke with tobacco but now I’m just smoking pure. I have two times before I’m done. I just wanna enjoy a zoot again
submitted by BiggieBasil_ to Marijuana [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Over-Tea2419 Average WSB trader

Average WSB trader submitted by Over-Tea2419 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Uniperuna Why is it always these four?

Why is it always these four? submitted by Uniperuna to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Palm_Apple Your favorite non-Nets trade targets

This is really just a thought experiment, so hear me out.
Let's say the Cavaliers WILL make a trade by the deadline, but it's not for Cam Johnson.
What are your top Non-Brooklyn big wings that are on a realistically-tradeable contract, and what trade package would you see as realistic?
Role players only, no Brandon Ingram deals.
submitted by Palm_Apple to clevelandcavs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Matt_CanadianTrader WeBull Canada Referral Code to make $100 CAD - 1 Year Anniversary Promotion

WeBull Canada currently has a promotion where you can get $100 CAD when you sign up using the Referral Code link below. Once you sign up, you need to deposit $100 as your initial deposit to receive $100. This is a limited time offer and so don’t miss out on this exclusive offer while it’s still available! A FEW MORE DAYS till this offer expires!
submitted by Matt_CanadianTrader to earnmoneytodayonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 AfterSomeTime Cute Hyderabadi of Shah Rukh Khan Miya in Dushman duniva ke!!

Cute Hyderabadi of Shah Rukh Khan Miya in Dushman duniva ke!! submitted by AfterSomeTime to bollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Rafiq_Hasanov BTC代转通过微2024 Aug薇halchiouvisa代付信支付购买

BTC代转通过微2024 Aug薇halchiouvisa代付信支付购买
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Ok-Professional4617 Coldplay, 26th, Ahmedabad

Coldplay, 26th, Ahmedabad Selling a standing ticket for the show on 26th. If interested please DM. F2F in Bangalore or Ahmedabad
submitted by Ok-Professional4617 to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Rafiq_Hasanov T今年【薇信:halchiou】Bitcoin代付 RX代购代买代充代转

T今年【薇信:halchiou】Bitcoin代付 RX代购代买代充代转
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 axhfan Braun’s new Medicaid rule impacts Black, Hispanic communities

Braun’s new Medicaid rule impacts Black, Hispanic communities submitted by axhfan to Indiana [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Rafiq_Hasanov USDC代2024 Aug薇halchiouBitcoin代付转

USDC代2024 Aug薇halchiouBitcoin代付转
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 Rafiq_Hasanov DASH To 微信支付10年店《薇halchiou》贝宝Paypal代付 兑换商

DASH To 微信支付10年店《薇halchiou》贝宝Paypal代付 兑换商
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:50 SalzigeZuckerwatte Weiter geht's – Wer präsentiert sich selber als gut, ist aber neutral? [Deutsche Reality Stars Charakter-Tabelle]

Weiter geht's – Wer präsentiert sich selber als gut, ist aber neutral? [Deutsche Reality Stars Charakter-Tabelle] submitted by SalzigeZuckerwatte to TrashTVGermany [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 Cute-Dog-3053 [AMAZON US] LEGO Creator Expert NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander 10266 Building Toy Set for Ages 16+ (1087 Pieces)
submitted by Cute-Dog-3053 to LegoBargains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 Case-Bulky Am I (25F) bisexual?

I will list scenarios that have led me to question if I am:

I can identify when I am experiencing chemistry with men, but I’ve never felt it when interacting with a woman before. I am definitely visually/sexually attracted to woman but the idea of dating one doesn’t appeal to me. So in my head I feel like I don’t count as actually being bi. What do you reckon?
submitted by Case-Bulky to bisexual [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 Copau_Game_Dev I am working on a local pvp game set entirely in the dark, how does it looks to you?

submitted by Copau_Game_Dev to gamedevscreens [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 East-to-West986 Don’t want to purchase a package

Assalam Alaikum brothers and sisters, I’m an Arab-American and applied for Hajj through Nusuk. Honestly, I wasn’t planning to go this year, but my parents got a spot through our homeland Arab country. They’re both elderly, and my mom needs constant help with walking, using the bathroom, and showering. I want to go mainly to support her and make her Hajj easier since my dad can’t take care of her alone. She really needs a female with her all the time.
I got verified through Nusuk, but I don’t want to buy a package because I plan to stay with my parents in their room (they already have one) and share their food and transportation. The whole point of me going is to help my mom. I’m thinking of just buying my plane ticket to Saudi and then joining their group. Is that allowed, or do I need to purchase a package to get the visa? To be honest, the packages are really expensive, and I can’t afford one based on last year’s prices, however my mom needs my help. Any advice?
submitted by East-to-West986 to hajj [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 Marvelousjenn Wedding photoshoot

Wedding photoshoot submitted by Marvelousjenn to AccidentalComedy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 poweredbyyou Lonely ? At times. Better compared to the past

I know it's difficult to feel alone and like no one is on your side. A few years back I shared situations where I felt lonely even tho I have family and a few friends. I realized I secluded my self. Leading to a few years of depression. Making excuses for not hanging out. Not reaching out to hang out or eating alone instead of with my family at the table.ETC. Its not easy but it helps to say yes to things even if you "know" you won't enjoy it. I started committing to the (few) invites I was given. Enjoying them as much as I could. Knowing that I would probably like being home enjoying me time. Also knowing this would help keep me occupied with something other then staying home and rotting. What also helped me was taking up a hobby from my childhood. I got into building lego sets and making a instagram page to share them. The community also helped me connect with like minded people. Fake it till you make it helped me out of that dark patch. I still get wave of unhappiness/depression/ loneliness. Its normal but don't dwell on it.
Set a goal no matter how small and take baby steps.
I guess the takeaways.

  1. Show up.
  2. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations to grow.
  3. Find a hobby and you'll find a great community
  4. Reach out to your family or friends if youre struggling. Please! We love you even if you don't think we do.
Hope something i shared helps you feel less lonely.
submitted by poweredbyyou to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 CameDownB4iCameUp I dont know why im being unfaithful

Long story short, I just got into a new relationship and this new boyfriend is honestly the nicest, sweetest boyfriend I’ve ever had. Normally I would go for a looks not that my boyfriend is ugly by any means, but he isn’t my usual type necessarily. But he’s amazing and I still find him attractive and Everything. But today while I was at work, this guy came through and he was pretty cute. He ended up swinging back through my work after coming once to ask me if I had a boyfriend and get my number. I don’t know why I did this, but when he asked if I had a boyfriend, I said no. to be honest I just had a moment of wanting to explore a little bit because I don’t know if I was completely ready when I got into this relationship. But as soon as he drove away, I felt sick to my stomach and wondered what the hell am I doing? I don’t know what to do or how to not feel like shit now. I want my boyfriend, he’s sweet, caring funny, amazing amazing… I don’t know why I am being shallow like this in my brain is wandering a little bit, I don’t get why I feel like I even want to explore when I have my boyfriend.
submitted by CameDownB4iCameUp to confessions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 RebeliousStreak DIY - Garage Climbing Wall Advice

DIY Training Board - DIY questions
I would like to build a training board (moon board style) in the garage for those times I can't make it to a wall. I have a bit of space but I have a couple of questions a scions that I would like to get your opinions on...
Space is 10 foot wide by 7.5ft high.
I was thinking of building a 40° wall just for getting a little more out of the space. I do use the 30 and the 40 at a local wall.
I have looked and found various guides but they are all about the wall to be built, not really the suitability of the existing space/building...
1.The garage floor is concrete. The walls are block. The ceiling/joists are the gangnail plate type construction ones with 20" centres (UK)
2.Most designs show a kickboard and fixing the diagonals to the wall, would block be strong enough? Or would I be best going to a footer length of 6x2 screwed onto the floor?
3.The designs I've found say to use 18" centres for the wall frame. But the joists are 20" does this mean the joists may not be strong enough? (The joists are currently all covered with ply to give a 'ceiling' would a header help or do I just need to rethink it all?
submitted by RebeliousStreak to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 dagermohamed2 انا ١٨ سنة وعايز اعرف اخبار الشغل في اب ورك لل web designers

انا ان شاء الله اوله جامعة السنة دي وعايز مصدر دخل اضافي عشان ان شاء الله لو ناوي افتح بيت واتجوز بعد التخرج.
وانا بحب جدا ال web design وشاطر فيه، فا انا لو مش عايز الشغل ياخد مني وقت كبير يعني حاجة كده اعملها بعد المذاكرة مثلا، هل ده ينفع عادي ولا لازم افضي وقت كبير جدا ليها؟ عشان كمان ميقصرش بشكل كبير علي المذاكرة.
فا كنت عايز اعرف upwork منصة كويسة ومناسبة ولا لا؟ واقدم علي كام شغلانة في اليوم مثلا؟،
وعايز كمان نصايح قبل ما ابدا وايه الحاجات الي اخد بالي منها، واتعلم كتابة الطلب ازاي وهكذا...
submitted by dagermohamed2 to EgyptianFreelancers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 MHela What do you think of this?

What do u guys think of these mini gaming PC?? I’m looking for a small compact PC that can do 1080 and 60 fps. Is this good enough??
submitted by MHela to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 chicken-little-legs Pain, sadness, rant…

I can’t stop crying. I have been living in pain (almost) everyday for the past 4.5 years. The amount of gas inside me is intolerable. I’ve recently been doing enemas and it helps in the short term (I feel a little relief for one day or so) but honestly I feel like nothing will help me in the long term.
I did the elemental diet in the summer and a round of antibiotics and I was better for 2 weeks. I am right back to where I started and I just don’t know what to do.
This post doesn’t really have a point other than to rant. If you’re in the same boat I’d love to hear.
submitted by chicken-little-legs to SIBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:49 TheMomentPassed Day 1: All Time Good Player, Loved by Fans. 48 Hours to Vote!

Day 1: All Time Good Player, Loved by Fans. 48 Hours to Vote! submitted by TheMomentPassed to nyjets [link] [comments]