2025.01.20 07:49 jaymonies What are you wearing today?
Just received the F108WH-1A and love it, altho hated the bezel text so removed it with a pencil eraser đź‘Ś submitted by jaymonies to casio [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Ok-Role9510 Paper Cup Plain Manufacturers at Best Price in India
Whether you’re hosting a large gathering or looking for disposable options for your café, Paper Cup Plain is a versatile choice. These cups can be used for hot or cold beverages, and their neutral design makes them suitable for any occasion. Whether you want to add your own branding or keep it simple, Paper Cup Plain can serve a variety of purposes. Their smooth surface is perfect for customization, making them an excellent option for promotional events, corporate giveaways, or even personal use. With Paper Cup Plain, you get both functionality and flexibility in one eco-friendly package. https://preview.redd.it/2ijjm24gt3ee1.jpg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ae56c8479032826ddd3ecbec7af23472586f1a submitted by Ok-Role9510 to mangafr [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Feisty-Jury-7011 Griffith (by Dais )
submitted by Feisty-Jury-7011 to Berserk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Wrong-Ad7850 quick wfl pic swapped bc i put the items on the wrong side im the one w albino
submitted by Wrong-Ad7850 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 lindoland Geld zurĂĽckfordern oder so stehen lassen (Umzugsfrage)?
Vllt hat der ein oder andere meine Umzugsfrage letztens verfolgt. Es ging um den Umzug einer Freundin mit ihrem Freund zusammen, die beim letzten Umzug keine Verpflegung bereitgestellt hatte und nur ein lapidares, dahingesagtes Danke im Gegenzug hatte.
Der Umzug ist nun erledigt. Wir haben vorher gemeint, dass er morgens arbeiten ist und ich mich um den Hund kümmern muss bzw ihn nicht so lange alleine lassen will und wir dann ab Mittag / Nachmittag helfen können und es ja dann sinnvoll wäre, wenn wir an der neuen Wohnung einfach beim Ausladen hülfen.
Es kam dann zurück, dass sie wohl eh genug Leute seien mit ca. 15 Personen. Sie fragte mich dann - paradoxerweise - ob ich mich nicht um die Verpflegung kümmern könnte und ein paar belegte Brote oder so vorbeibringen könnte.
Ja, kein Ding, kein Problem. Ich meinte dann, ich stelle was zusammen, Aufbackbrezeln, Dips, kleine Schnitzel, Frikadellen, Trauben-Käse-Spieße, Waffeln gebacken, Obst... Also wie so ein kleines Buffet, bei sowas lasse ich mich ja nicht lumpen und für 15 Leute und 1 Tag Umzug fand ich belegte Brote etwas wenig und ich glaube, die meisten freuten sich auch darüber, dass es 'was vernünftiges (Schnitzel, Frikadellen, Aufbackbrezeln...)' gab.
Nun gut, ausgegeben habe ich ca. 40 Euro. Ich muss dazu sagen, ich bin diesen Monat knapp bei Kasse.
Von ihr kam zwar ein Danke, von allen anderen auch, aber gefragt, ob bzw was ich wiederbekomme geldtechnisch, hat sie von sich aus nicht. Sollte ich also fragen / ihr mitteilen, dass ich das Geld gerne wieder hätte oder ist das 'frech', da ja alle ihre Kosten durch bspw. Hin-und-Her- Fahrerei hatten?
Soll ich vllt auch warten, ob es diesmal ein Dankeschön -Grillen / Essen oder eine Einweihungsfeier gibt oder so?
Bin ĂĽberfragt, will nicht frech sein, hab das gerne gemacht, aber wie gesagt - 40 Euro tun diesen Monat schon etwas weh und wenn ich jemanden beauftrage, die Versorgung zu machen, wĂĽrde ich es auch zurĂĽckzahlen und von mir aus fragen.
Was meint ihr dazu?
submitted by lindoland to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 AssanMahariel New(ish) Budgie
My male parakeet, Sap, passed a while back and after a few days I got another so the female, Azul, wouldn't be alone and because her flock calls were breaking my already hurting heart. Cut to after quarantining in the temp cage and introductions and now Zhi (the new(ish) male) is in the main cage with her. They're getting along great but sometimes when I check on them during the night he'll be sleeping on the side of the cage instead of on the swing or perches and during outside cage time where the door is open and they're free to come and go he will bite onto the bars and seems to tug on them or just sit there. Poop seems to get stuck in his feathers when he hangs upside down on the bars tho Azul seems to help him clean but doesn't do it himself. Neither Azul or Sap have/had behaved in this way, so I just wanted to check if this was normal? They have a large cage, have toys, have cuttle, food, water, supervised outside cage time, and I never chase them or push them when they don't want to do something. I might just be fretting too much, but he's a rescue if that affects anything
submitted by AssanMahariel to budgies [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 thislonelysoul85 referral code for new members
submitted by thislonelysoul85 to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Miao_Yin8964 TikTok Refugees Flood into Xiaohongshu, Quickly Beaten by CCP; Violations Lead to Deletions, Bans
submitted by Miao_Yin8964 to Wing_Kong_Exchange [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 DannyTreehouse Here’s My Thought Process for This Year
So we know Legends ZA comes out this year, now I originally thought we should expect it in November due to that usually being the time Pokémon games release
But this is also a Legends game and the last Legends game came out in January not November
But if it was gonna release in January we’d have had trailers and more Info by now
And Amazon says the release date is in August but we know that’s a placeholder date and the last time we saw a placeholder date was during the Indigo disk where it said April 2024
So that was a 4-5 months difference so I’m thinking the game could potentially if not be released in November perhaps April?
Maybe Legends games will come up earlier in the year they release
Also there have been rumors by leakers, YouTuber and whatnot that we’re getting a game for the Switch 2 that is slated for a late November early January release which is rumored to be a Unova game
Now I’m not placing my bet on this Unova game being announced as it seems they skipped over
But without any new content to hold us over till a potential November release I’m just not sure how that’ll work
While the raids are fun, once ya defeated enough pokemon and got your insane amount of shinies their not much keeping ya playing
Sorry to ramble my main point is do you think there may be a chance the game will release earlier in the year or do you think a November release is set in stone
submitted by DannyTreehouse to pokemon [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 may_200412 Cut off for invites
When is the cut off for the February invites? Thanks.
submitted by may_200412 to AskCHP [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Visible-Tie9426 Are these ST normal?
The ST line goes a little down, doesn't it have to be same height as PQ? submitted by Visible-Tie9426 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 nate98760 Our new kitten
Pretty easy one. She's a calico submitted by nate98760 to FindTheSniper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 12nb34 You see? The problem is that to really study the Om psychology you need to integrate into their colonies in the wild, to try to spend more time among them. And I spent most of my time here on the Blue Planet trying to minimize my interactions with these creatures
submitted by 12nb34 to The_Way_of_the_DOOMMM [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Low-Background-3051 Karina
submitted by Low-Background-3051 to kpop_heaven [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Matteius Drug Experiences
I want to start by saying where I live the drugs involved are either legal, or decriminalized and moving towards legalization.
I have SDAM, aphantasia, adhd, and severely diminished voluntary recall. All in all I feel more akin to a robot at times then a man. Studying the world around me, knowing it will all be turned into facts and figures that some associative recall might one day pull out for use.
I only recently learned that my dreams have a visual element, because the moment I wake up if I recall them at all it's just data... it tool a very disturbing visual element to actually break through.
With that little preamble into the state of my cognition, let's get into the topic. So I grew up "straight edge"... I really didn't want to touch drugs, even alcohol. It wasn't until my mid twenties that I started drinking (when 19 was legal), and even then it has always been infrequent.
I moved away to countries where most recreational drugs are completely illegal, only to return home a decade later to legalized weed. I decided to give it a shot, and it was pleasurable, but really had no effect on my unusual cognition.
Finally I went to another city and saw a mushroom shop. I'd been interested in hallucinogens for a long time, wondering if they might really work given all my issues... I first tried some off the shelf edibles, and I can say the high was something else... easily becoming a favorite for my wife and I, but the closest I ever got to visual imagery was distorted colours or shifting textures... while it felt great I was disappointed.
Finally a couple nights ago I tried a different strain... and it was overwhelming. Everything unlocked. I was reliving memories (fairly fresh ones only) as if i was there, my eyes were closed yet it was as if they were open in other times... past and present were indistinguishable, and memories vividly recalled as if reliving them.
Has anyone else had experiences of their own?
submitted by Matteius to SDAM [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 snakemonkeyt just a baloon i saw
submitted by snakemonkeyt to HotAirBallooning [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Pickaliciousness Beta Testers hop In! I will give my product for free to first 50 DMers
Just say "dmed" and in return I'll give you lifetime access ^^
What the app does: You can talk to most popular AI models in one app -- Gemini, GPT, Grok, Claude, etc.—and switch to the AI model of your choice quickly while keeping context. You can also compare answers with split chat.
What I need: Not much, just test it out and let me know of bug or improvements.
How much it costs: The access if free forever for DMers. API costs are paid by us right now 🙏
submitted by Pickaliciousness to SaaS [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Maguroluv Mousse appreciation post
All fanart from the GOAT wanfutoshi https://x.com/wanfutoshi?s=21 Piggybacking on all the Mousse love today, I wanted to say I’m so excited to see him in the second season❣️ Criticism of Mousse is welcome but I’d especially love to hear from the ladies, and everyone else who finds men attractive, what you think of this quack-quack? (Also please someone tell me what the last art is an homage to, they look amazing)
submitted by Maguroluv to ranma [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 devera_Instruction19 The BSV blockchain supports smart contracts that automate vote verification and election result release, ensuring votes are counted only if cast by verified voters.
submitted by devera_Instruction19 to BlockchainStartups [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Icy_Benefit_2109 Is it possible to use Whatsapp voice messages as evidence?
I am not talking about audio recordings but voice messages like this.
I know court reads transcripts and not hear the audio but is it straightforward to use it? I saw a video on YT where advocate was saying its tedious process to get audio recordings foresnsically verified but what about these voice messages?
submitted by Icy_Benefit_2109 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Quincy-O-Charles9 Carlos Soler to West Ham: Permanent transfer agreement wanted now
Carlos Soler could join the club permanently.[Source]
submitted by Quincy-O-Charles9 to Hammers [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Lucky-Attention5328 Anybody up for a morning chat? M29
What're your plans for the morning!?
submitted by Lucky-Attention5328 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 07:49 Hot-Barber-5484 if u like psychopathic, calculative yandere and a bit cray cray fl then u will like this one (tw: they are step bro-sis)
submitted by Hot-Barber-5484 to MaleYandere [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Some_Butterscotch622 Am I the only one who thinks Lex Luthor from Young Justice looks a bit like Fluttershy?
submitted by Some_Butterscotch622 to dccomicscirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 07:49 Frequent-Fruit9510 Why is my trackpad working?
I keep accidentally moving my mouse with it when I'm typing, so I turned it off in the bios, but somehow it still works. It doesn't work in windows of course (I dual-boot), but it does in Linux. HOW?????
submitted by Frequent-Fruit9510 to archlinux [link] [comments]