Puukko/EDC/Neck with Stabilised Chestnut Burl Handle Aeb-l stainless steel, 60 HRC, 10/2.5/0.3cm. Handle 10cm lenght.

2025.01.20 07:51 SiriusKnives Puukko/EDC/Neck with Stabilised Chestnut Burl Handle Aeb-l stainless steel, 60 HRC, 10/2.5/0.3cm. Handle 10cm lenght.

Puukko/EDC/Neck with Stabilised Chestnut Burl Handle Aeb-l stainless steel, 60 HRC, 10/2.5/0.3cm. Handle 10cm lenght. submitted by SiriusKnives to knifemaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 c-papi Mushroom

submitted by c-papi to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 _alex_tayor TechWear OOTD

TechWear OOTD skirt: TAGLIONI
submitted by _alex_tayor to TechWear [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 iM3rcy Saw 2 great movies in one day

I went and saw the brutalist and one of them days both really good I’m completely different ways the brutalist was all around good. Acting, cinematography, score and script. The first chapter flies by middle of the 2nd chapter felt a little slow really like the idea of adding an intermission. One of them days had no deep plot or anything like that just a fun, short and funny film. Keke and SZA had great chemistry in it.Anyways what did yall see this weekend or plan to see?
submitted by iM3rcy to AMCAListTrue [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Potential-Smell-5533 Why is GeForce now only using 2% of max bandwidth (0mbps) when it says 30 available

submitted by Potential-Smell-5533 to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Star_Struck_02 Magic coins storage

I have only one Bottomless Coin Vault in the camp and no other coin storage. So the storage capacity is supposed to be 50,100 but my capacity is 50,945 !!!
Not complaining. Rather wants to know how it happened? Is there any other way to increase coin storage capacity?
submitted by Star_Struck_02 to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 SrijithSeetharaman No, it hasn't and no, it's not

No, it hasn't and no, it's not submitted by SrijithSeetharaman to agedlikemilk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Capitana_Zelda The ultimate Dragonlance (Power) Metal compilation

Heya! u/CapitanaZelda here, also known as "The Soulforged" because I've been caught in a big loop with that song. Bless Blind Guardian for making such a wonderful piece.
I have been recently introduced to the Dragonlance novels. If you don't know what they are, TLDR: a series of novels based on D&D universe. It's a long saga but there are like 6 books that any fantasy fan should read: the Chronicles Trilogy and the Legends Trilogy. (I'm still reading the first Legends book!)
Why am I talking about Dragonlance in a Power Metal subreddit? Because we are nerds. There has been some bands that have made songs based on this wonderful literature saga. And that's the objective of the post: if you're as nerd as I am, probably you have searched on the internet for songs related to the Dragonlance saga. My objective here is to help you on this! So I'll try to make the ultimate compilation of songs about Dragonlance, which may include other genres songs but most of them are power metal songs.
Paladine - Finding Solace. Paladine themselves are a Dragonlance-based band, so obviously they must be here! I believe this first album has songs that are Legends related.
Paladine - Entering the Abyss. I'll be honest. This album is FULL of spoilers for the grand finale of the last Legends book. I haven't listened to it because I'm avoiding spoilers, but I know it's an enjoyable listening!
Evertale - Of Dragons and Elves. Not known as much as their second album but it is a GREAT album! It's based on the Chronicles books and it's also full of spoilers from the end of the third Chronicles book. It has songs based on clue moments, like the story of Berem, the attack on Tarsis, Sturm's death or the reunion between Caramon and Raistlin at the end of Chronicles. My favourite tracks are Elventwilight, As Tarsis Falls and Brothers in War (Forever Damned).
Achelous - Tower of High Sorcery. Released in 2024, a full album also related to the Dragonlance series. It might include mildly spoilers, but nothing too important! My highlights would be Tower of High Sorcery and The Oath.
Blind Guardian - The Soulforged. If I didn't include this as the first in the song list, wow, I'd deceive myself. A song about Raistlin Majere, it contains mildly spoilers but nothing important if you know who Raistlin is. A wonderful song, a wonderful story, and such a shame BG doesn't play it live.
Nightwish - Wishmaster. This is tricky, and no, it's not about hamsters and dentists nor fish masters. It doesn't exactly talk about Dragonlance but it has multiple references. There are some characters mentioned (Silvara, Alhana Starbreeze), some places (Sla-Mori, The Inn of the Last Home) and even words used by some characters (in particular, Shalafi, which means Master). It's not Dragonlance related as it also includes elements from Tolkien's books.
Pyramaze - Caramon's Poem. A song based on Caramon's perspective about his twin brother Raistlin. Really happy to have Caramon related songs, he is such an interesting character!
Lake of Tears - Raistlin and the Rose. Based on Raistlin and Crysania, this song takes place on Dragonlance Legends. One of the most known Dragonlance songs around!
Reveal - Master of Present and Past. Another Raistlin related song, it includes spoilers for the last Chronicles book. 4k plays on Spotify feels like a crime, pretty good song if you never listened to it!
LORD (previously Dungeon) - The Legend of Huma. A song about Huma, the first hero that used the Dragonlances.
LORD (previously Dungeon) - Netherlife (Black Roses Die). I have a soft spot for Lord Soth songs, and this one's great. Completely recommended!
Dargaard - Rise and Fall. While Dargaard isn't power metal at all, I must include them for using Dragonlance as a big inspiration (the name of the band is based on where Lord Soth's fortress is!). This song's also about Lord Soth.
Dargaard - Takhisis Dance. An instrumental track, to me is one of their best pieces. Such an omninous track for someone like the Dark Goddess Takhisis!
And that's all for now. I've created a playlist with all the songs I could find on Spotify, but I'll try to update as much as possible! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Tzqu7q7Sym2DzyVT3CHkP?si=222eff2abc564949
Also, if you know any other Dragonlance related song (and please, no D&D in general, just Dragonlance), let me know in the comments and I'll update the post!
Thank you for reading :)
submitted by Capitana_Zelda to PowerMetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Opening_Star1714 Facebook Amofit user group

submitted by Opening_Star1714 to Amofit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 MR-44891 How do I act like I know what I'm doing in corporate law?

I'm a third year business and law student looking for a career in law. Here's the kicker - I've only done business subjects up until now and by some stroke of luck landed a job as a paralegal.
Now the boss said she'd train me but there's a certain implication when you hear "Third Year Law Student." My writing skills are pretty subpar too. Until this gap in my knowledge has been bridged by her training and of course my own research, what can I do to make it look and sound like I know what I'm doing?
Australia NSW btw.
submitted by MR-44891 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 No-Invite6324 Livekit/webrtc and socket.io

Has anyone worked on livekit and socket.io. i am facing problem with my project
submitted by No-Invite6324 to reactjs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 i_like_cats_lol What is Stampy bad at

View Poll
submitted by i_like_cats_lol to Stampylongnose [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Laddo22 Help me pick my 100,000th scrobble!

Help me pick my 100,000th scrobble! Repost:
I realised that it’ll be unlikely that people will upvote other suggestions. So instead, each suggestion will be numbered 1, 2, 3… and so on, depending on the order they came in.
Then a random number generator will choose the suggestion!
For reference; top 10 artists of the last 12 months have been…
Amon Armath
Dream Theater
Arch Enemy
Sons of Apollo
submitted by Laddo22 to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 MetalLeading9872 Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (…) Render Drop! Renders in The Comments!

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (…) Render Drop! Renders in The Comments! submitted by MetalLeading9872 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Tampenlasche Otto.de Falsches Produkt geliefert - weigert sich Ersatz ohne 2. Zahlung zu senden.

Hi, ich habe ein riesen Problem mit Otto.de, welcher mich per "10€ Neukundengutschein bei 80€ MBW" gelockt hatte mal dort eine 1TB Samsung Evo Plus Micro SD Karte zu bestellen.
Ich habe mir extra bei MS einen 15€ Gutschein durch die rewards Punkte Ausstellen lassen um mehr Geld zu sparen weil ich sehr knapp bei Kasse bin (habe erst ein Legion Go gekauft). Hätte für die 21K Punkte auch ein 20€ Xbox/MS store Gutschein bekommen können. Soviel dazu.
Dann musste ich per Vorkasse zahlen (extra 2-3 Tage warten) was mich bereits ungemein ärgerte weil ich endlich mehr (Game-Pass) spiele installieren wollte!
Tage später wurde dann endlich per Postkasten Einwurf geliefert. Am nächsten morgen Entnahme ich das Päckchen nur um zu meiner Enttäuschung zu sehen das lediglich eine 128GB Karte (Samsung PRO PLUS) gesendet wurde. Ich wurde also um beinnahe 900GB beschissen. Sowas ist mir in 20 Jahren (sehr regelmäßig!) auf Amazon bestellen noch nie passiert;
Nunja dachte ich, kurz den Kundenservice anrufen und Ersatz wird bestimmt schon in 3 Tagen geliefert. Wahrscheinlich darf ich sogar die 128GB Karte als Entschädigung behalten, dachte ich mir, da im Wert von 10€ das ganze ausdrucken, einpacken & zur Post bringen sich ja kaum lohnt!
Angerufen, dann wie besprochen auf email schriftlich gewechselt. Wurde mir zuerst versichert es sei bereits Ersatz auf dem Weg (ich dachte wirklich 2 Tage lang es ist bereits versendet ich brauche nichts weiter machen!) und jetzt heißt es aber ich solle noch ein 2. Mal bezahlen! Diesmal allerdings den gesamten Betrag von ca. 87€, ohne den Abzug von 10€ Neukundenrabatt und meinem 15€ Otto Warengutschein!
Was ich garantiert nicht tuen werde. 1. Bezahle ich nicht doppelt für einen Fehler den Otto gemacht hat, 2. Bestehe ich auf meine beiden Gutscheine ohne welche ich überhaupt nicht auf Otto bestellt hätte.
Und 3. Bin ich sauer soviel Arbeit zu haben obwohl ich persönlich nichts falsch gemacht hatte.
Ich glaube langsam Otto hält mich für einen Betrüger, weil eine Rechnung wurde auch nicht mit geschickt aber ich habe wirklich nichts falsch gemacht und hätte vermutlich das öffnen des Umschlags filmen müssen.
Ich bin sauer. Am Samstag eine Stunde verschwendet weil ich zur Tankstelle ging die aber am Wochenende keine Hermes Päckchen annehmen. Ich warte seit einer Woche darauf neue Spiele herunterladen zu können.
Otto stellt sich als große seriösen online Händler da aber kann weder den richtigen Artikel versenden noch das entstandene Problem einfach und unkompliziert lösen. Ich bin schwer enttäuscht! PS: ich habe Fotos vom Artikel, den E-Mails und meinem Otto Konto aber kann keine hochladen..
submitted by Tampenlasche to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 woogiii cc recovery wcif

cc recovery wcif i los all my old files but i i’m able to access sims 4 on my laptop top. 🥹 im looking for this jacket cc bc the i had a lot of their cc
submitted by woogiii to TheSims4cc [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 GriddyMaster420 Can you ship 2 different products at once?

I have 2 different orders that arrived at the warehouse but i want to ship them in 1 package so that they both arrive to my house in one package. Is this possible?
Also when is the paypal situaiton going to be resolved because i need more funds into my account to pay off the shipping
submitted by GriddyMaster420 to zenmarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 frankiewalsh44 My first time ordering parts/building a PC. Thoughts about this build I bought. No GPU yet because I'm waiting for the 9070 pricing to decide which GPU to go for.

My first time ordering parts/building a PC. Thoughts about this build I bought. No GPU yet because I'm waiting for the 9070 pricing to decide which GPU to go for. submitted by frankiewalsh44 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 littlepro1233 Packed Rodri while in class

Packed Rodri while in class Almost screamed when I packed him from the toty daily sbc objective. 300 packs in and my first toty this year.
submitted by littlepro1233 to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Cute-Dog-3053 [AMAZON US] LEGO Architecture Paris Model Building Set - Detailed Display Building Blocks for Kids, Boys and Girls, Ages 12+ - Gift for Valentines Day for Travelers - 21044

submitted by Cute-Dog-3053 to LegoBargains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 earthmediaworld Shattered Swords Fu Hua

Shattered Swords Fu Hua submitted by earthmediaworld to honkaiimpact3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 Ok-Ferret-6245 I think I’ve gone too far down

I relapsed and just got out of detox. I wasn’t wanting to go initially bc I knew I’d just be where I am now, but with one last wind of desperation I asked for help. I’m homeless in Portland. I’ve been homeless for 11 years. I just lost my job to go into detox and finding income has become impossible recently.
While in detox, I was trying to get into a shelter and a rehab. Either or at this point. Just fucking something. I was told (as I already knew) that the shelters were full and they couldn’t find me a bed anywhere. I got a spot in a rehab… I thought… but I have to have 30 days to start and get into their housing. They said they text me the information- that was a week ago and I’ve heard nothing and I don’t have the information needed to reach out.
It’s 29 degrees F. Ive already been sick for weeks. The first two nights after I got out, Ive been crashing on my old sponsor’s couch in his studio apartment (very fucking kind of him) but I’m on the street again now with no money left and no one to ask for help.
I reached out to some people in the program that had offered a place before, but have been told they can’t help me right now. I get it. I don’t resent them. And, I think I’m going to die. I just don’t have the ability to keep myself safe anymore. I don’t see a point in staying sober anymore. I’m already living a life in that id rather be dead and will probably die soon anyways- why not go out loaded?
It’s too late.
submitted by Ok-Ferret-6245 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 OkAbbreviations9135 Can I get anyone's help in identifying a Fresno area restaurant

submitted by OkAbbreviations9135 to fresno [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 missfrown Attendance compulsory for marketing mods?

Hello friends from marketing! I'm a PT student, and planning to take some marketing mods during my course of education. Just wanna know if attendance is compulsory for PT marketing mods? I have noted that there's a "participation" segment in our OCAS breakdown and if attendance is considered in the "participation" segment?
submitted by missfrown to Suss [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 07:51 TacticianRyza 25M Canada, Looking To Make Longtime Friends

I like writing, both fanfiction and my own stories. I also like video games, anime, vtubers, watching YouTube and talking about stuff going on in the world.
I'm currently working on a Sebastian Michaelis cosplay for Anime North, and it's going horribly. I also have a 250k+ word Naruto fanfiction I'm still working on.
Some hobbies I wish I had the money and time to get more into are: Airsoft, Skiing, Rock Climbing, and cosplay.
... That mightve been a lot of info, but I wanted people to know everything they may want to know about me before deciding if they're interested in being friends.
I'm not very cool, kind of lame, but I will reply quickly and like to think I can hold a somewhat decent conversation.
I work nightshift, so I'm awake 5pm-10am ET, so if you're up late too, or on the other side of the world, hey! I'll be awake to chat!
Anyway... I'm not sure what else to say now, so um... Feel free to message if you're interested!
submitted by TacticianRyza to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
