2025.01.20 08:21 Rahimxchilltrader I GOT ROBBED

I send sent SOLANA to buy PENGU but everything i bought went missing,Jupiter took my solana but didnt give me in pengu in return.Is it possible to get either my solana back or the pengu i planned to buy
submitted by Rahimxchilltrader to jupiterexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Plantain-Feeling Y'all got any heidiously over designed things

Can be characters, equipment, concepts
Just anything that started as a simple idea but grew and grew into an amalgam of insanity or something with so many parts it's confusing how it even works
For me it's gotta be this rifle, designed for Icarus
It was just meant to be a rifle and a halberd combined together
But somehow it ended up with a crossbow and scope, a saw blade for an axe head and so so many moving parts
And what's more I don't even yet have a name for it
submitted by Plantain-Feeling to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 fuckanporn 2nd 180 of my life. With some very special darts.

2nd 180 of my life. With some very special darts. 2nd 180 in 3 and a half hours and my 2nd 180 ever. Using the most expensive darts I own vs the 1st 180 which was with the cheapest darts I own. Chuffed to say the least.
submitted by fuckanporn to Darts [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 JayBmheckle Guy is too caught up

submitted by JayBmheckle to ghgjbhj [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 juliya_k212 Week 2 Reflection - Juliya Key

This week I worked on Quest 2 (Hanoi Hare) and was able to finish the recursion part. I'm still working on getting the cache to work properly, which is a bit of a bummer because I was hoping to pup Quest 2 by today. I also haven't dawged Quest 1 yet, but I think for this quarter I may have to come back to dawg them. In CS2A I had the luxury to pup/dawg all the quests each week, so I never had to go back to clean things up.
I'm also testing more things with practice code as I review the CS2A concepts. For example, I was testing different scenarios with modifying the pointer vs the object--especially when you have multiple pointers all referencing the same object.
I had a good chat on the Thursday meeting this week, although most of the conversation was only tangentially related to this course. Still, it was nice learning more about my classmates!
I helped 2 classmates this week with Quest 1: debugging insert_at_current() and understanding the test error message. My biggest contribution this week was my post/subsequent comments about ->. It was interesting hearing about how other languages use -> in different ways!
submitted by juliya_k212 to cs2b [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 flakyyardbird1215225 Any myntra coupon codes please?

Would really appreciate any codes for accessories
submitted by flakyyardbird1215225 to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Charleshawtree Queens of the Stoneage Eu tour announced.

submitted by Charleshawtree to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Tiny-Toyz-PMR [INOU]/[E.C.H.O] Inevitable Outcome - WH PVP - C5/C5 static

We live in a c5/5
We specialise in wh med/high end engagements
We have active member from 9:00 to 00:00 Eve time.
We are seeking active, like minded pilots to come join the pew. All timezones!!
What we offer:
High end WH pvp
Experienced FC’s (and the opportunity to FC/learn to FC)
Multiple varying corp doctrines
Discord social
Teamspeak Communications
Larger scale pvp ops
Access to WH pve (300m+ per hour to fund pvp)
Ship Replacement Program
PI/Gas/Ore Mining/Industry
What we require:
Capable of flying Armor Command Ship or Armor T3C
Capable of flying Shield Command Ship or Shield T3C
Capable of flying minimum one Logistics Cruiser
Can fly Triglavian Line
Ideally can fly a marauder for making isk.
Cov ops capable.
Working Mic and Teamspeak
a) Join ‘boohoo’ channel in game
b) Join our discord channel at https://discord.gg/UErzpwpmw5
c) Drop ImmortalisMyst, Khan Zung, Ownda or Maverick Parmala a message in game
submitted by Tiny-Toyz-PMR to evejobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Ready-Tangelo1947 Why am I so happy and always grateful?

كنت نلوج برشا في الوجودية و العدمية لين نلقا روحي في وسط العبثية لنا وين الافكار مشات مع افكاري و نلقي روحي نعوم يد وساق مع كل ماهو عبثي مالمسرح العبثي للفلسفة العبثية للرواية العبثية و فهمت كونو الحياة تنجم كي تاخوها بفكرة علاش نعيش و شنيا المعني من الحياة و كي تجاوب علي السؤال كل مرة بالنفي واللي النفي يعتبر جواب منطقي توصل لكونو الحياة ماليها حتي معني ممكن ليها ،حاصيلو موش هذا الموضوع هذي مجرد مقدمة تافهة ما ليها حتي معني الحاصل انو نحب ننتحر و قاعد نحس في كونو اللي رابطني بالحياة انو الوالد و اللي مازال يري في و في ربو غايتو من الحياة ( خاطر عايلتي تتكون من زوز افراد كهو موش خاطر بابا العذراء مريم اما خاطر امي توفات و أحنا ثلاثة بالأساس) و مادام أحنا فقراء و هو صرف فلوس باش قراني أكثر من لي هو قادر عليه لنا وجوبًا وليت انا مطالب باش نرجعلو و توا نسأل في روحي علاش قاعد نكتب في هذا لهنا ممكن باش نلقى العطف مالعباد و العطف غذاء لهشي الجوهر امثالي والا ممكن خاطرني خذيت موقف والا ممكن …… منعرفش . نحب نعدد الأسباب أما باقي فكرة علاش قاعد نكتب لهنا مسيطرة عليا موش مشكل الأسباب: قبل من نقول الأسباب بربي كان شتكتب شوف الانيك منك و احمد ربك راني منحبش لا نشوف لي انيك مني لا لي ازبر مني و زيد عندي مشكلة بحد ذاتها مع ربك اااه اي المشكلة مع ربك وحدة مالاسباب السبب الثاني ممكن خاطر الدهر يتقوحب عليا و معطانيش فرص و الا ممكن عطاني و معرفتش نستغلهم و الا ممكن خاطرني انسان مليء بالعقد النفسية و منجمش نتفاهم و نحب لعباد مع اني ظاهريًا نحاول اني نوصللهم كوني نحبهم و كل مرة نحس في روحي قاعد نستنزف في نفسي مع حثالة و المشكلة كوني نتمني اني نربرب علي دايرين بيا في عوض اني نسلم عليهم (ما نجمش نتعدي من قدام شخص لي ونقلو السلام و نضحكلو لي من داخل مذبيا نمد زبي و نبول عليه) الحاصل كوني بطال و برغم السعي الدؤوب إللي مشيت فيه و الحاجات لي تعلمتهم في الدومان و مالقيتش خدمة خاطرني مسخ و مشوه خلقيا و خلقيًا و لا يجب إني نكون مع النبلا ء. فديت و انا نكتب مانيش شنكمل
submitted by Ready-Tangelo1947 to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Icy-Book2999 Fish food

Fish food From https://www.facebook.com/share/1GxqjMvoSg/
submitted by Icy-Book2999 to LoveTrash [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Comprehensive-Fix881 6 Day Workout Plan

Hi, i am wondering if this is a good Workout Plan. I tried PPL for some Time now and i like, it but want to lean more towards Powerlifting as i am talking more and more to the powerlifters in my Gym and want to participate in a competition this year. I still would like to leave some Exercises in for general Fitness though as i belive that exercises like Pullups or Lunges are important for that and i still like to train explosively. Thank you in Advance for your Advice.
submitted by Comprehensive-Fix881 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 DimbleDirf Upgrading tank lights?

Thinking about upgrading the lights on a couple of my tanks and was looking for recommendations.
First tank is a Aquatop 4 gallon shrimp tank. Currently has a Week Aqua mini 9 pro on it, which is doing the job well enough, but I was considering a chihiros c2 rgb. Would that make a noticeable difference? Or should I just stick with the Week aqua?
Other one is a Fluval spec 16 gallon. Wanting a better light but that one has the light built into the lid. I know the plant 3.0 can be made to fit in it, but I was wandering if I had other options. Found a seller on etsy that makes different lids for it, so I could also try that.
Also both tanks are heavily planted have no co2 injection.
Many thanks.
submitted by DimbleDirf to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 TheOnePlayer1506 Just dropped a dye

Just dropped a dye https://preview.redd.it/t12oz7d0z3ee1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f54e57c1e9759d1059c7bb034e80ae60ec9104b
submitted by TheOnePlayer1506 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Mr_Gibbzz 3.5 Months and Waiting

3.5 Months and Waiting Really tired of this waiting game. All I need is for this to finish processing and I get my CCW. Everything else is completed. Why they chose to do this at the very last step in beyond me. I even received my AZ card before this was finished processing.
submitted by Mr_Gibbzz to CAguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 raizenkempo Is Philippines' DEFTAC the greatest mma team / gym in the world?

According to 20 time ADCC world champion and 12 time URCC world champion and DEFTAC founder Alvin Aguilar, that the best team in the world belongs to DEFTAC. And all the champions from well known gym overseas are personally trainee by him. Guys PRIDE champion Fedor Emelianenko, UFC champions George St.Pierre and Demitrious Johnson.
submitted by raizenkempo to MMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 ButterflyFX121 If you think Sx is only about physical attraction YOU ARE NOT AN SX DOM

I can't believe I have to make this post, but here we are. There has been such a surge of posts by those that seem to think that the only thing that actually matters is surface level physical attraction and that sx doms are neurotic about being physically attractive to others.
While it is true that they can be neurotic about physical attraction to others, that's not always true and there's more to it than that. Imagine a thirst that no matter how much you drink, you can't be fulfilled. No matter how much intimacy you have with another person, whether though literal sex or by connecting on a deep level emotionally and mentally, you aren't fulfilled by that. You want more. You want to suck someone in and not only take in their body, but consume the entire hole of their being, like you're a black hole. You're taking in a part of them as one of your organs, there is no you and that person, there is only you now. That's what it's like.
If you still think it's all surface level and you think you're an sx dom YOUR INSTINCT IS MISTYPED. In fact you're probably sx blind if you think this. Now y'all can rage about this here in the comments instead of making 9 billion posts about this.
submitted by ButterflyFX121 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 karelyajja Que haces cuando mi novio me ama mucho y lo demuestra es amoroso pero trato un poco similar a su ex?

submitted by karelyajja to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 silencerofhills Need advice with Evo

When the Evo Rising phenom was available i put this Olise in it and the hunter Evo as well. Now the card is available to get the prolific scorer Evo( those are the stats with prolific scorer ), it sucks that he loses power shot+ and i’m wondering if i should save it for a better card.
submitted by silencerofhills to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Different_Radio_2513 Graffiti update. Cannaught place

Graffiti update. Cannaught place submitted by Different_Radio_2513 to delhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 OlafTretiak What free online things do you know of and feel like everyone should know?

submitted by OlafTretiak to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 jilinjames Watch Bruce Springsteen’s surprise performance at Light Of Day Benefit concert

Watch Bruce Springsteen’s surprise performance at Light Of Day Benefit concert submitted by jilinjames to musicnews24 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 DreamPirates Shruti Marathe Marathi Actress #ShrutiMarathe

Shruti Marathe Marathi Actress #ShrutiMarathe submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 MobileNewsBot Marc Murtra releva a José María Álvarez-Pallete como presidente de Telefónica

submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 mythoughts042023 Ldr for 2 years

I (35f) met my bf (48m) online and we became in a relationship after 6months of talking, and hes my first. The other day i confronted him about meeting me coz i feel like hes not making any plans, but he told me he sees me on his future, but for me to get there we need to prioritize meeting first..but he said he needs time to prepare for this trip because it will be a big trip for him. But when he told me about having no plans yet when he will come visit me and im starting to loose interest now.. coz for me we dont have something to look forward to..when i said that, his reaction was " so u think we dont have something to look forward to because i havent book a flight yet?" And i didnt respond to it.. now i dont know if im waiting for nothing..its almost 2 years and still he doesnt make any plans, hes living in the US and money is not an issue but i think its the work, hes a maintenace manager of a big company so hes working on making the machine works full time. Im thinking if i should end it instead or wait and hold on to his promises about ending up together with him.
submitted by mythoughts042023 to LDR [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 08:21 Kind-Ad-4229 What kind of purse is this

I bought this purse years ago and it was stolen out of my car. I want to find the same one. It was my favorite but i can’t seem to find it anywhere. It was a conceal carry.
submitted by Kind-Ad-4229 to HelpMeFindThis [link] [comments]
